217075 , PuB�s�D��.,,,2�i�:,�� 21'����'�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �-`'�' CITY OF ST. PAUL , couNCi� � ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ;_n Fne rro. zi�o�5 — B9 Muto„ PRESENTEp BY ��n �sen�Pllb1.].0 r� MgTC�l,�?�eas, By Authortty of th@ Lat�' COMMISSfONti" DATF ,zesota for the year 1959,�Char [ r 1,3. F. 217 and ratiAed by C. .; �i`�xoved May.T 1959, #h: �,;ti'-- _ =ti.::' '.-t� --.a•J ;�,a ,q{�..1'la.' 1.. .. .. ' � r,t'agbt ,:n.r �II.�,�FI �tu.+n^ WHER.F�S� by Authority of the Laws of Minneaota for the year 1959� Cha.pter , 300� H. F. 217 and ratified by C. F. 192216, approved May 2� 1959, the City of Saint Paul may pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction� when such costs exceed the benefits to the property owner� WHEREAS� i,t has been determined that the followi.ng described parcels of property be relieved of the follow�ng amaunts: Descrintion Amoun.t � No. two-thirds of following:-West 17� of Lot 12 and egcept West 3,6t� Lot 11� Block " ' 10, Robertson and Van E"tten�s �Addition � 4�.43 West one-half of Lot 22� Block 2� Ma.goffin and Breckenridges Ad.dition 30•g9 To'tal. � 71,32 WI�RF.AS� the total aznount of asaessable costs the city may pay is �71.32, now therefore be it� ` RESOLVFD� that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he�is hereby author3zed to ay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund� Code 6000� the amount of �'71.32, a por�i.on of the assessable costs of 5idewalk Construction , ' under the 19b�-�Sid.ewalk Contract 62-M-252� Levy No. l� District Ido. l� Ir61�31� said Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to be reinbursed from the Cityts Shaxe of Loca1 Improvement Aid F�ind� 0920-701� (1964). ° . , • , . . ✓ ,. � r , � . �� - �A�13 1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays '�, Dalglish �,, �JiAR 1319fi4 . Holland .- proved 19— - Loss � � n Favor � Mortinson , Peterson s Mayor ' gainst Rosen • Mr. President, Vavoulis ionz s-sz ��l, �.: DUrLICATE TO rRINTER ���/ �� �� • ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�.� ° _ � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��n ���„�,�'b� ��►,� �►Q�� �„� COMMISSP'ONER' DATE _ S�� '� At�.t�a�.'�:'� O�` 't�a L�.iA'� t?� l�i,��0'�. f'Qr t�ihB ��c' �.��� � �00� �• �`. �.7 an�7. z�.�3�'�.�dt t�► G. ,��. 1�.16� �.I�'ed M�►' 2, 19�9r the ��.� at� S�int �x�. �4 p�* a � o�' �s e.�e���s�b�.� oaet� o€ ��dew��t C�,ne��iat�� s�n �u�oh ��t,� +eocaes� � ber�.��ts +� �e pacopei�t� �rn�k �,� �.� I� ba� 8ste�,� t,�.t � �'411a�g d��cri� �e:�.� e� PI'oP�''�� tsa re�.�.�d i�' '�e �4�.bwt3n� ��t }�,��',��o,,;t'�'..�:�� �.'� Na� '�wa�t,Y�d$ .t�" fbZlow�.rig� W�at 3,'�� q� Lot �.2 a� eat�ep� Wegt. ��� �t �.�.� ��.o� 10�. ��b��on �. �e� �tt�,eoa�� �dc�iti� � �.� Wea�, ca�h�f` � I�ot 2?y H�.E�t 2, Me�a� st?d B�c�ce�es Ad,d�.'t� ��,. 3b�1. � ll.� W�� � to�3. emount t�' a��eed�' c3o�ts th� ai��� }�` i.s �.32i . � fi,i�r�o� be �.�, Ft�34�V�?t �t tY� C�B�� +�f � W� t� � ��_� b��+ �at�i#� to �r f'ro� t� �t�n�'� ��n� R��sYrr,�ag 1�,. t�� �OOt�, � �v+an'� �' ��� �. R��`'��. a�` �s a���e�l� ,oia�� c�` S�e�a3��C �o�at�3� tmd.e� t,Y� �,9�'Sid�ra,].1� (�� 6�2-,�,�2�2, � l�a'+ �.► Di�t�rs� �a. 3 L-61�3�.� �. Pe�en� �pro��a'� Re!��il�tin� � to b�e a:�i abw�sed f'rda � G�t�`�� �ha�e t�f" LoQa�. I�rov�n� l�.d �nd;f �20w741�, ���i4�. �131964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays t�r ' i� ���� Dalglish �"'�"` Holland . Approved 19— Losa n Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor Rosen --6�—�gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis lODi 8-82