217073 ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK q� r� `" �� �S � - CITY OF ST. P��1��L� COUNCIL ��- ��"�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ , COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ��le No. 217073—By Severin A. �^son— ^��:5. The Commissioner of Li- PRESENTED BY �uditoYium and Civic Build- COMMISSIONER DATF ��Ch 9, }.+.•eFyrted in accordance wi,` �. i�i -hie Clt� (;Itart�� }.t.}: ')�l'2.,.E.1''r�e"m,�.,.�i. :»:..;k Hif . •wn�.��a c:a1ta36Lre::a.I; - .,...-r- WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Civic Buildings has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the e�.stence of an emergency during the , period from February 2ad through February 29, 1g64 which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of Libraries,�uditorium and Civic . Buildings, Bureau of Auditorium, fpr�more than eight hours per da}r or forty hours per � week in. doin.g the following work: Supervise work during various activ�ties, operate ventilating system, PBX switchboard durin.g events held in the building. and WHEREA,S, This emergency aroae by reason of the following facts and circumstances: IVo other tra.i.ned help available for work during carnival events, ice show, road show, operas, hockey and basketball tournament, pro hockey games an.d other events held 3.n the building, this time i.n.cludes Saturdays, Stmd�ps and holidays. TH�EFORE BE IT R��;'pED, that the pa�aper City Officers are hereby authorized to p�y the employees who performed such work i.n accordance with the provisions of the Council�s salary Orflinance No. 6446. _ _� . _ C;�� �� MAR 13 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �qR 13 196� � Holland Approved 19— Loss n Favor � Mortinson Peterson ayor � gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ionz s-sz