06-535Council File #�� Green Sheet # ;j � �� (p�/� OF Presented by RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 WHEREAS, adverse action was initiated against the Ta�cicab Driver license renewal application submitted by Andrew R. Newman (License ID#20020000671) for the City of Saint Paul, by Notice of Intent to Deny License Renewal Application dated Mazch 28, 2006, alleging a convicrion for misdemeanor Obstruction of Legal Process within the last tluee years in violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code §37616 (e) (4); and WFIEREAS, the licensee has not contested the allegations; and WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended approval of the license renewal application with the following conditions: 1. Licensee agrees to remain drug and alcohol free and law abiding during the duration of licensure with the city of Saint Paul. 2. Licensee agrees to surrender the Taxicab Driver License to LIEP immediately if arrested for an offense involving the use of alcohol or drugs, whether or not it involves the operation of a taxicab, for the duration of licensure. 3. Licensee agrees to provide proof of completion of a program of treahnent for alcoholism/chemical dependency by December 7, 2006. 4. Licensee understands that non-adherence to these conditions will be considered grounds for revocation; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Tasicab Driver license application submitted by Andrew R. Newman is hereby approved with the conditions listed above. This Resolution, and the action taken above aze based upon the facts contained in the Mazch 28, 2006, Notice of Intent to Deny License Renewal Application sent to the licensee and the arguments made at the Public Heazing on June 7, 2006. Requested by Department of: �' I I by �/. Approvedpy,A4�y6\ Date Form roved b Ci Attorney By: Form A rov by ayor r ub issio to Council By: ' ' _ I Adopted by Council: Date ]�,�„�.c_ � a�l.( � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ��o'u��� �p — License/inspection/Environ Prot Contact Person & Phone: Rachel Gunderson on Date Initiat 03-MAY-06 y by (Date): Number �h 6b Fo� I Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3030642 Deoartment Serrt To Person 0 icensellnsnection/EnvironPro 2 ' Attorne 3 a or's Office Ma or/Assistant 4 ouncil 5 i Clerk (S Clerk Totai # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of the attached resolution to take adverse acrion against the Ta�cicab Driver renewal application submitted by Andrew R. Newman (License ID#20020000671) for the City of Saint Paul. (R): � Personal Planning Commission CB Committee Civil Service Commission 4uestions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city empbyee? Yes No E�cplain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Licensee was convicted of misdemeanor Obstruction of Legal Process on May 26, 2005 in violation of St. Paul Legislative Code Secrion 376.16 (e) (4). After notification, licensee requested a public hearing. AdvantapeslfApproved: Approval of license with condirions. DisadvantageslfApproved: None Disadvantages If Not AaProved: Total Amount of Transaction: Fundinp Source: CwtlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. a �1`�-� Financiai Information: (Explain) o�FicE oF � crrY nrro�Y ✓o� cho�, c:ya�ro„�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CiviZDivirion ChristopherB.Co7emmr,Mayor 400CityHa11 Telephone:651266 ----------------�----'--�--------�--�--�-- est e oggBFvd Facsimile:651298-5619 Saint Paul, M"nutesota 55702 rrr May 4, 2006 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Andrew R. Newman c/o Diana Peters 300 North Ruth Street #3 St. Paul, MN 55119 �: Taxicab Driver license renewal applica6on submitted by Andrew R. Newman for the City of Saint Paui LicenseID #20020000671 Deaz Mr. Newman: Please take nofice that this matter has been set on the Public Aearing Agenda for the City Council meeting scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 7, 2006, in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolufion and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter concerning your misdemeanor conviction on May 26, 2005 for Obshuction of I.egal Process in violation of Saint Paul I,egislative Code §376.16 (e) (4). This matter has been placed on the public hearing agenda portion of the City Council meeting, during which public discussion is allowed. The recommendation of the licensing office is approval of your license with condirions. If there is anv other information you would like City Council to review prior to the public hearinQ I will need to receive it no later than Monday May 29 2006 If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � Ya el Gunderso Assistant City Attrnney cc: hristine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP �Mary Erickson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall AA-ADA-EEO Employer UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Andrew R. Newman 0�'� Ad dress: c/o Diana Pet ers�3001�Iorth R�th_�trePt �3 _ --- --------- -- -- --- St. Paul, MN 55119 Council Date: Violation: Date of conviction: Wednesday, June, 7, 2006 @ 5:30 p.m. Conviction for Obstruction of the Legal Process within the last three years in violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code §37616 (e) (4). May 26, 2005 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Approval of license application with conditions Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Copy of license information from ECLIP5 screen 3. Copy of Tagicab Driver license application dated 2/7/06 with State of Minnesota driver's license 4. Copy of Police report from the City of Bayport dated 3/29/05 5. Copy of Notice of Violation with Af�davit of Service dated 3/28/06 6. Copy of letter from licensee requesting a public hearing dated 4/5/06 '7. Copy of §37616 of the 5aint Paul Legislative Code � � 0� -�3s �o� .-� ►:. � E...<.. : .,� -.- -� � . . . r i � ( i ' ( �l'S3� �. s o. r i•ei �1 :� � I ? I �, t ! 3 - + i' : i:lS.`Li f'*����� � � �,-.�. - - �.:,�. _. , ..: , ,., - �� . . ��e�; � "' �� IL.�w ti[ " _ � : _ _ _ � ti - � �`it (F. • �: • - :� ' " ' • s^s"�Ts �• s Ail. ��i�_ -s�a- a. ycE- _, ��� �_. � 6� -s 3� - -- - .t� - - r' � �.;e �, �. - q:.- - �.r - � i - - " - .. �.. - - - - -• � � �- I � Phofo ( 4�?F'�& �T � N 9 €rf 2 _: �� c � ��� �����,� � I �� ��'�s � la l � o� 7 , ,------ SAINT PAiJ1 � AAAA TAXICAB DRIVER Renewal LICENSE APPLICATION TFIIS APPLICATION IS SUBIECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK CITY QF SAINT PAUL ORce of License, inspations and Environmental Protection � 7505c PacSUen,Soim 300 Sa�Pv+4Mumvou 55102 (65l) 266-9090 Fu IbSp 266.912i . Neb: waw.ficp.ia C � xaf � Licenseel Name and Home Address: Street (#, hame, IvSail To Address (if different than home S' � � ��� � G �Q S Ticle , U ciry state �� l� � Zip+4 Street (#, Name, Type Dircetion) Ciry State Zip+ Home Phone: �3 �' ate of Birth.G / � / 6�place of Birth: , Ul ( c� � / Driver's License #• � � � ��� � r �Expiration Date: / ' � l ` � Are you a citizen of the United States?� If you are not a US citizen, you must procide proof of work authorization from the US Immigration and Naturalization Service. Name and Address of cab company you will be driving for� � l ADiY FALSIFICATION OF ANSNERS GIVEN OR 14tATERIAL SUB�IITTED WILL RESULT IN DEMAL OF THIS APPLICATION � I hereby state that I have answered all of the preceding questions, and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my Imowledge and belief. I hereby authorize the Saint Paul Police Department to use the information I have provided to check ciiminal histories, arrest records, and warrant information; and for the Police Department to provide these records to [he �fFice of_� : License, Inspections, and Environniental Protecfion to deternune my eligibility for a taxicab driver license. I understand the information contained in the criminal background imestigation is confidential, except that it may be conveyed to other Iaw enforecment or licensing agencies. I also hereby state that I h ve read understand the rules and regu(ations set foRh in Chapter 376.16 (Tazicab Dri�g��License of the Saint Paul Legisl ' e d. � s� � _ �. � � ��� 6 , ���"� Q v� ��1 igna (REQUIRED for al( app(ications) Date ��� Preferred methods of communication from this office (please rank in order of preference -"1" is most preferred): _ Phone Number with area code:( 1 Extension (Circle the type ofphone numberyou have listed abov�: BuSirieSS Home Cell Fds Pagei ` Phone Number with a�ea code:! 1 Estension (Circlethetypeofphonenumberyouhavelistedabove): Busine5s Home .Cell Far Pagei Street (#, Nazne, Type, Ditection) Intemet: E-Mail Address ,r n '�� � Y�fe✓�„ .. a^ � � � /d5 �� � � �'�9 City State Zip+4 � 'LK�' j / �f� Q � r t n -! ( , �; • �_ � v� ��s 3S Uate of Birth O7 �� Ses Ey¢8 M HZL '� Hei9ht Wetght��c 6-0 200 �+: ISSUED'I'I-YOOS� .� ,_ . � - ,�`,-. � MRR-08-2006 WED 07�01 PM . � 294 3rd S! N � Bayport MN 56003 Phona:851-275-9400 Fmc 651 275-4411 �� FAX H0, P, 01 � � /� � U� �� �� � • • TIX Julie Kreus St Paul City Attomey's Ot�ice F1ia.rc plficer Dana Fortier F� 651-298-5819 Da�Eee Ma�h 8, 2006 Plwna: 65�-2eS8T18 Pa�Nwe 7+cover R« ReportforAndrewNewman GCs ❑ Urgent X Fa R�vlaw ❑ Piease Com�nent Pleaae Repty •Camenentc t7 Ptease Reoycta In the second report, 5pg refers to Olficer Jackson of tk�e gayppR pagce pepartmes�t, I( yflu have eny quesUons or need further ir�fortnatfon, ptease feel free to Gaii. '*Confide�(ieldy Notice: The docume�Ks cvnlained w,7hin this fex are cronfidential andlega�N f+'M�d infwmafion. 73re inlaimation fs 1�andad only �br !he use oP the irRended recipierrt you are hereby notified that any adfon in teBance on the aortfe�#s ofiftis tfl�learpied Inlame(tau� ezce�lts �ect delhrery f0 thB i/1f8/1dCd �G7p1817f �liCd a6ovB !s Sb1dJy prp/Hbil6d. If y0u (18YA l8021v8d it11S fAX in 8Iro1', �� n�Y Ure Baypwt Po6ce Depar(meM at 65a-2759400 fo anange for the refwn of ihe documenls. MRR-BS-2066 19�26 96i' P.01 MRR WED 07:01 PM � , CJGIIIPRBP DATE 3/OBJ06 TIME 18:58:32 �� FAX N0, � BAYPORT POLICE IIEPARTMENT INITIAL COMPLAIDTT REEORT 105500397 P, 02 ��-�3� DATE/TIME REPORT�D: 3129145 22:43:21 , �TSD�ti� - ----�1T-El�I2�E--SPAtf�'=— 3729705 22:44:33 ENTERED BY: SMSCHER LOCATIOiT OF IHCSDENT: 463 STH AV N 2 BAYPORT, MN 55003 INCIDENT RECETVED BY: 911 EMERGENCY 6FFICERS ASSIGt�IED: 100 WCSO 506 &ASTMAN 509 JACKSON NAMES ASSOCTATED ROBERT BRIICE HUNTER WISH THIS INCZDEDTT: 3003 WALTER ST MAPLEWOOD, MN 551U9 PHONE:(H) 482-1931 (W) SEX:M DOB: 2/01/19A6 ASSOCIATION:COMPLAINAi1T FEL THREATS, GM LEGAL PROCESS W/ FORCE, VERY INTOXICATED - VODKA NO DRIIGS ANDREGP NEWMAN NOT VIOLENT NEEDS TO BE TAKEN TO DETOX COMP CEI,L: 612 369 Z767 ANDREW ROBERT NEWMAN 46'3 5TH AV N 2 BAYPORT, MN 55003 PHONE:(H) 651/33$-89�5 SEX:M DOB: 1/19/1960 ASSOCIATTON:SUSPECT FEL THREATS X2,GM OBSTRIICT LEGA,L DOMESTIC/DK MALE (w? GRID: MSSD-DOME5TIC PROCESS W/ FORCE, MISD-DOMESTIC DIANNA MARIE PETERS 463 STH AV N 2 BAYPORT, MN ST�003 PHONE: (H} �y�� SEX=F DOB: 1/27/1958 ASSOCIATTON:VICTIM CRAIG OTT 1294 18TH ST HASTINGS, MN 55033 PHONE:(H) SEX:M DOB: ASSOCIATTON:WITNESS DETOX EMT/STAFF MEMBEA ADDRESS IS DAKOTA CO DETOX CENTER DAKOTA COUNTY DETOX 1294 18TH ST E HASTItJG5, MN 55033 PHONE:(x) SEX: DOB: ASSOCIATION:OTHER ��) (W� 651/437-4209 MAR-0B-20a6 19�26 96� P.02 MAR-OB-2006 WED 07:01 PM FAX N0, P, 03 CJGIIIPRBp DATE 3/08/06 TIME 18:58:32 � BAYPORT POLTCE DEPARTMENT � D� 's 35 INZTIAT, COMPLATNT REPORT 105500397 DATE/TIME ItBpORTED: 3/29/OS 22;43:21 �TC�p -- DI�`TE�"T"Z� �,`=A'"- -�-�-1Z�9�T��4:33 ENTERED BY: 5MSCHER OFFICER COHHENTS: EASTMAN/506 RESPONDEII TO 463 5TH AV N POR A INTOXICATED MALE THAT WISHES TO GO TO DETOX. UPON ARRIVING REC£IVED INFORMATION FROM I,IVE-IN GZRLFRZEND, DIANNA PETERS DOB 01275@ WHO WAS CONC$RNED FOR HER BOYFRIEND,ANDREW NEWMAN DOB 011460 AND WAS REQIIESTING HE GO TO DETOX. PETERS STATED A DOMESTIC OCCURRED THE PREVIOUS EVENING (SEE DICTATION). FRIEND OF NEWMAN'S ONE ROBERT HUNTER DOB 090957 AL,SO CONCERNED, ATTEMPTED TO SPEAK WITH N£WMAN. PETERS ESCORTED IIS INTO THE APARTMENT SO THAT 509 AND I COUI,D �SPEAK WITH NEWMAN'_ NEWMAN BECAME COMBATIVE AND FORC$ WAS USED TO APPLY HANDCUEFS. NEWMAN WAS TRANSPORTED TO JATL, JAIL REFOSED ENTRY DIIE TO INTOXICATIOld. PBT RE6ISTERED .296_ WE TIiEN TAANSPORTED TO HASTINGS DETOX CENTER. WHILE ENROUTE NEWMAN MADE THREATS TO KILL 509 AND I. ARRIVEA AT HASTSNG DFiTOX AND I2ECEIVED AbDITI0NA2, INFORMATZON FROM EMT AT DETOX ON S�ME PREVIOOS TERROSTIC THREATS MADE gy NEWMAN IN REGARD TO USING A BOMB TO BLOW UP A BIIILDING. (SEE DICTATION) 4IEWMAN I,EFT WITH DETOX STAFF_ CLEAF2. LOGAN/503 REMOVED BAR CODE ITEM 502369 FROM LOCKER E-I AND PLACED INTO pROPERTY ROOM EVIDENCE LOCXER 82D_ CT.ASSIFIED p,5= TERR THRE1iT5-TH12T CRM tJIpL-NO WEAP-UNK RELAT TERR THREATS-THRT CRM VIOL-NO WEAP-UNK RELAT CRIM AGNST ADMN JUST-GM-OBST LE6AL PROCE55 DOM ASLT-MS^INFLICT BODILY HARM-HANDS-ADLT-AC TRANSPORTS PROPERTY: ITEH# BARCODE DESCRIPTION 1 5Q2369 SQUAD VXDBO TAFE 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 S03 S03 503 3/30/OS 3/30/OS 313Q1�5 3/30/O5 3/3�/05 3/30/OS 3I30/OS 3/30/05 3/30/OS 3/30/OS 3/30/OS 3/30(OS 3/30/OS 3/30lOS 3/30/OS 3/30j05 3/30lOS 3J30J05 3/30/05 4/O1/DS 4/O1/OS 4/O1/05 A9B00 A9B00 X20B0 AL352 9049 MAR-08-2006 19�27 9gi p,g3 MAR-08-2006 WED 07�02 PM _ .,..,�.,..>, � � Tnitiai ICRNnmber_ 105500397 A�°iS'' BayPo�t 1'olice Deparlment I���d: �"3l29/20052Z43:21 nF�inzb � ) j . py'jp q*; j(T ----- --- --- __.____ _-�ryilrl.l\J111i21JVlV�1f5Q> D�+TE/TIl4fE OCCURRN�3: 032905 bATE/TIIv1E REppRT MADE: 033045 - 0833 HRS FAX N0. � P, 04 Page 1 of 5 ����� On 032905 at approximately 2245 hows, I Officer J. Jackson was on patrol for tfi�e City of Bayport. I was in mazked squad 2304 and I was fietd uaining Officcr Easunan. Vira were requested by W ashington County Dispatch to respond to 463 Sth Avenue North, apartment #2, for a parry requesting to be brought to Detox. We azrived a short rime later and met with two parties on the front steps. The male idemified himself as ROBBRT ERUCE FILJNTER, ppg 020146. The female idemified herself as DTANNA MARIE PBTERS DOB 012I58. They stated that ANllREW ROBERT NEWMAri, DOB QI1960, was estremely intoxicated and that he kad just baen reteased fiom Detox and had been drinldng since then, They informed us th$t they had been hying to convince him to go to Detox. T inform� them that by policy I could not Detox him from his residence uniess it was voluntary, They stated that NEWMAN was going back and forth in whether he wanted to go to Derox. They requested that we speak with him in hopes of getting him to agree tc� going to Detox. PET�RS also wettt on to �plain to OtTicer Eastman that on the previous night, I�WMAN hag assau]ted her, stating that he was going to kill har. She stated that she hari not reported o�t of fear of getting tum inta uouble. She then stated that she wanEed to file the report now. PETERS is 2�EWMA2�Ps tive in girlfriend, see Officer Pasunan�s reprnt for details. I�[3N,CER stated that he is a friend of NEWMAt�'s. He stated t6at NEWMAN Was very intoxicated and he was concemed for his welt being. PETERS and HLTNTER escorted us inio the aparnnent where we spoke with NELVMAN. N�`WMAI•i was obviously intoxic,ated.lTis dothes were in disarray and the zipper on his pants was down. It appeared as though he had not bathed_ Iie smelled strongly of alcoholic beveryges. His speech was extremely slurred and slow. His speech at times was incoherent. fTis eyes were bloodshot and watery. At flmes it appeared that he was having difficuity keeping his eyes open, I obsetved several tattoos on his azms. One of the tattoos contained the initials FTW, which I later learned stands for fuck the world and is associated with biker gang5. E�Tis mood changed many times throughout my contact with him. There was a I.75 liter bottle of vodka that was three-quartezs empty, pETEgS later informed aee that the bottle of vodka was fuil earlier today and that NEWMAN �ad consumed aii of the vodka, r�EWMAN went back aad forth, saying that he would go to Detox, ant1 then changed his mind. At one point he even put his shoes on. fihen NEWMA2d�s mood changed and cal�led PETF.RS a cunt I had PETERS exit the aPamnent as NEWMAN seemed to be acting tough and putfing on a show when PETERS was presen� PETERS stated that NEWMAN used to be a drug addict astd lus drug of ohoice was heroin. FNN'L'�R sat on the cAUCh and spoke cvith NEWMAT7, H(TN'TER was using a calm, soft voice, and was trying to taik TfEyVMAN into going to Detox, NEVVMAi•t r�ot extremety agitated. He stated that he wouid not go without a fight. He then stated that he was going to chazge Of&cer Eastman. He went on to state that he was going to hit HUNTF1t and t]ien assauit ma. F�rs threats seemed real and he was started to puffiris chest out. F�is large muscle masses appeared to lse twitching. It appeared to me as though he was prepazin� to fight with us. He then stood up with a clenched fist. http:ficrmdom IficrliCr.nsf/PrintViewlOEB8ADC43857AF' 10862 56PD400504A01?OpenDoc... 3/8/2006 MRR-08-2006 19�27 96� P.04 MAR-08-2006 WED 07�02 PM � FRX N0, P, 05 � - Page 2 of 5 D�'.5 3S Fearing for the sa€ety of a11 parties present, T advised riEWMAN that he was uader azrest. T took out mq X26 Taser and activated the laser aiming device aad poir�fed the weapon at NEWMAN. I advised NEWMAN that I would deliver a shock to his person if he did not catm down and cooperate. My radio was not cleazly able to tcansmit to�s atch. '' s respon m - emergeacy s�is fo assist us. FIe continued to be agitated. Off'icer Eastrnan and T gave Irim loud verbal comma.nds to not figist with us. I advised F�iJI3'TF.R to st�p back so that he was not in the path of the taser. Iv�WMAN stood up and I advised him to tum around and bring his hands behind lus bacl:. T ther� removed the carisidge of the XZb �ser and appiied pressure to his back with the taser in a drive stnn technique. At no rime did T activate the taser. I made con#act to his hack with tha taser as a precautionary tacric in case he �ied to assault us wlvle he was being handcuffed Officer Eastinan then handcuffed NBWMAN. I then secured the taser. I started completing a pat search of NEWMAN, checldng him for weapons. I cou(d feet }ris muscles tightea up and he begsai to thrash and try and pull away &om me. Officer Eas�yn and I then guided NEWMAN into a nearbq wall, resiraining him briefly. NEWNQAN then began to fight our efforts to restrain him. He started to push of£ the wall and thrash around � cer Eastrnan had a hold of his right arm and T used a modified arm bar and I�WMAN was brought to the floor. ARer restraining NEWMAN to the floor, he calme�i down and was then secured in the rear af my squad. T then was able to get a preliminazy breath test sample from NEWMAN. He registered a.296. Officer Eastman collected the necessary information fcom HUNT�:R and PETETiS_ PETERS was later mail� a domesric violeace pamph4et. We then transported N]EWNLAN to the Washington County 7ail. While on the way to the jail, T advised NEWMAN that he was bein� charged with Gross Misderneanor Obsuucting T.egal Process. At one point during the short drive to the jaiI, NEWMAN had fallen across the seat and was not abte to sit baak up. Cancerned far possible po�i6onal asphyatiation and NEWMAN's yelling, I advised Eastman to stop the squad so that T couid get NEWMAN into an uprighi position. I opened the squad door and assisted NEWMr1N to a sitting position. NEWMAN then t�ied to pusfi his way out of the squad. I pushed sgainsc his chest lighdy and advised him to put lus feet back into the squad so I could shut the door. We then continued to the jaiI. A the jail, N�WMAN was escorted inm the jail and was walking under his own power. Officer Eastman and I each had a huld of one nf his arms to guide him into the jail. Once in the intake azea af the jail, ✓staff began the property inventory. I advised the jail staff of his charges and the PBT result_ A short fime later T was advised rhat 7ai1 Sergeant Arcand was refusing the inmate due to Ius intoxication. At no time was Sgt Arcand present with the inmate. The jai! inst�ucte:d me to tra�sport the imnate to a Detox center. Officer Fzstmaa and I then trapspor�ed NEyVI�� to Dakota County Detox Center. While at the way to Detwc, NEWIvIAN stated that he vvas going to kill me. At this point, Of�cer Eastrnan activated the squad video caznera to reeord NE'UVI:'biAN's threats. NEWMAN comimied to be very talkative. Tie called me a cock sucker several times arAd then requested I give him some cigarettes. �Tis moods co�nued to change. After receiving the first threat against my life I advised NEVIiMAN not to thzeaten me. At 10605 on the squad video tape, NEW1vL4N was recorded making a second threat to my life. He stated, "Come on mother fucker, Pll kill pou.". We aaived at T�etox and turned him over ta the Detox stsff. Staff inember Ott informed OPFicer Bastman that when NEWMAN was in Detox a couple of days ago, P�TEWMAN had stated that he was going to get explosives, a truck, and blow up a building containing "niggers". We advised Ott that he should report the incident to the Tiastings Police Depactment since the oi#'ense occurred in their city. Ott did provide a copy of the internal Detox report that he had made about the conversation with NEWMAN and was placed in the case file. http:/Icimdom 1 /icrfict,nsf/FrintView/OEB8AI�C43851AF1 Q86256�'D400504A01?OpenDoe... 3/8/2006 MAR-08-2006 19�28 96i P.05 MAR-08-2006 WED 07�03 PM _ c ..,.,., j ,,..., , � _ FAX N0, l P. O6 Page 3 oY 5 . f�'S 3s NEWMAN has tattoos that may affiliate him with a biker gang, He threatened to kill his live in girlfriend and then followed that threat up with assaulEinB hec He threatened violence and then fought with police officecs. He also has made �ts to blow up a building for possible race related issues. FIe threatened to lall me more than once. For these reasons I am taldng tus flu�e.t to my safety seriously. A use of force form was filied out. Chief Gannavva�± willb_e notig�d-laterxhis�a�n��a-f,f-T;,.-„� nr r�,-�.. A hold will be pIaced an 13EWMAN forthe'Washington County Sheriffs Office. NEWMAN will be °1�rSed via formal complaiat by the Covnty Attorney's pffice for the following char�es, fiEI.ONY T'ERROI2ISTIC THREATS for the threats made against �e, count two, FELONY TER1tORISTIC THItEATS for the threaYs for the threats m ade against FET�RS, GROSS MISDEM�ANOR OBSTRY]CTING T.EGAL PROCESS WT!'FT FO12CE, and MISDEMEANOlt DOMESTIC ASSAULT. Please forward this to the County Attomey's Of6ce to dr�ft a fomaal complaint and order for detention. See Officer Eastman�s report for further details. Upon completion of the report being typed, please fax a copq io the Hastings Palice Depar�ent as well. Booked into evidence bar code #502364 was the squad video tape. Washington County Jail will be informed that there is a hold on NEV�TMAN. IACKSON/db 03300510921 oc: County Attomey w/Elect Qt�'ender Tracker (ANDI2EI�V ROBERT NEWMAN, DOB 011960) cc: Hastings P.p, fax 651-437-1206 cc: 7oint Terrorism Task�orce fax 612-376-3249 cc� Tubman Family Alliaace fax * +*�srsrsr»�*f*ss**� , rssrsa.�►�sr►�♦ SUPPLEMENTqI, BAypp�tT P.p. CASE #105504391 OFFICETt EAgTMAN #506 DATElTTME REpORT MAbE: 033005 - 0914 HRS On 032905 at approximately 2245, I Officer East�nan #5�!5 and Officer 7ackson �509, responded to 463 Sth Avenue North for an intoxicated adult mate that was requesting to go to Detox. W'e anived and met vt+ith two friands of the suspect who were trying to Convin�e the suspect to ga to Detox. One friend, being a live in gidfriend, ID'd as DIANNA MARTE pETERS, DOB 012758, and the other friend was identified as ROBERT KBNNETH F�]NTER, Y}OB 09Q457. The suspect is identified as qr7pTt�'W ROBERT NEWMAN, DOB 011960. NEWMAN was released from Detox on 032805 at approacimately 1830 hours. PETERS told me that on 032905 at approximatelq 0330 hours, Yhat NEWMAN had assaulted her by cholang her arouad the neck and tiveatened to Idll her. NEWMrLN thea threatened to poke her eyes out with his keys. I checked PBTERS for any visual injuries and none were noted. PETER3 said she then left the apartment and wallced down to the Oasis Gas Station and cailed for a taxi. PETERS stated that she did not notify any authoriries and she said she realizes now that she should have. PETERS then escorted 509 and I into their apartmen� her and the suspeer,'s apaztment and we made cantact with the suspect, Mr, NEq�112r1N. NBWNIAN was sitriag was sitting on his couch and we iden6f ed ourselves as 8ayport Police. T noticed that NEWMA.N�s hair, clothing, and general apgearance was extremely messy and the zipper on his pants were down, A 1.75 liter of vodka was sitting on the f�oor next to the couch, vrith more than three- foutYhs of the contents gone. F asked NEVYMAIQ what he 5sd bexn drinking and he pointed to the bottle_ As he spoke, I smelled a strong odor of an intoxicating beverage on isis breath. http;J/crmdam l/icr�cr.nsf/Print�ew/OEB8ADC43857AF1086256FD400504.A01?OpenDoc... 3/8/2006 MAR-08-2006 19�28 96i P.a6 MAR-08-2006 WED 07�03 PM - -- .._�.,., „ .� � FAX N0, ( P. 07 Page 4 of 5 b.� -s`35 I asked NEWMAN if Iie tvished to go to Detax and if he would allow us w drive him. NEWMAN appeared to be having a hard time seeing and asked who was in the room. Nh'WI+dAN's speech was very slu�red which made it hard ta understand him at times. NEWMAN was told PBTERS, HTJNTER, Oi�icer Jackson and I were in room. I�ELVMAN seem�dlahecome mere-agitated-kaowingthat --- ----- -�'��3t3� fiis g'r�iea�was in the room. PETfiRS then Ieft the immediate room and was out of �1EWMAN's sight. i�TEWMAN then began to ca}1 her names, referring to her as a cunt, and teld HTJNTER to take him to a safe place. HUNTER initiatly was able to calm NEWMAN and told NEWMAN that we were going to help lum by tab�ng him to Detox and 13EWMAN beg,aa to put his shoes on. NEWMAN then took his shoes off and began to yeil and swear at HUNTEft. I direoted him ta c�lm dowa and he then focused his attention to 509 and I and stated that he wasn't goiag to go down without a fight and that he wauted to flght us. NEWMAN then tlsreatened to charge at me and that he was ready to fight. NEWMAN then stated fie was goin� to hit HiTN'TER and used words to the effect that he was going to assault Officer Jackson. HCINTER was requested w leave the area snd NEWMAIvT, �o had been sitting on the couch, then stood up with a ctenched fist. Officer 7ackson then pointad the taser at NEWMAN and directed him to face away from us. NEVVMAI� did not comply and appeared more agitated. 509 requested additional squads and i finished the radio traffic request'vig a squad 4a azrive with lights and sirens. T reached for NEWMAN's right wrist and turned him azound and began to place handcuffs on D�IMAN NEtiTi'MAN tried to pull away but we were abie to place the handcuffs on him. NEWMAN was pat searched and cut£s were applied. We checked forfighmess and double locked them. 509 and I then began to escort NEWMAPI tn the squad and he attEmpted to pull away from us and tried using his arms and upper bodq momentum to push offthe wall and escape our grasp. Officer Jackson and I resuained him aga.inst the wall and gave lrim directives to stop resisting. 'We then attempted to escort AfEWMAN to the squad when he began to thrash back and forth resisting our escort. I then swept his right leg and we restrsined him on the floor. NEWMAN was asked to ralm dowa and he did so. W e then escorted NEWMr1N to the squad and he was p(aced in the back se:st. Off:cer Jackson administered the PBT on NEWMAN whi�ch resuIted at a.296. I advised dispatch that we were enroute to the jail with one adult male in custody and we arrived at jail at approacimately 2330. NEWMAN was then escorted into the jail and jail was ad�rised that NEWMAN was being charged with GROSS MTSDEMEANORII,LEGAL QBSTRUCTION OF TfJSTICE WITHFORCE. 3xi1 smff requested NEWMANs PBT results and then ad�vised us that they would not take him in the jail and that we shoutd take him to Detox. 'We then escorted NEWMA7,V back to the squad and requested dispatch to call Tiastings Detox Centes and advised them that we were enroute. While enrouYe to Detox at 0106.05 on the vid� squad tape, NEWMAN began to swear at 509 and I and he requested nvmerous times for us not to take him to ]�et�ax and then threatened us, staiing, wme on mother Puckers, Pll Idll you. We azrived at Detox at approa�imatelq 0017. Upon arriving at Detox I spoke with Detox staff Craig Ou, DOB 061656. Ott told me t6at on 032705. when NEWMAN was being admitted to their Detnx Ceatar, NEWMAN made the following statements to Irim. NE'WMAN stated that he was a member of the Christian Identity Group and that he and the group were initiating a plan to detonate a truck bomb outside a building full of niggers. NEWMAN totd �tt that he has beea acquiring ammnnia nitrate and that he had aimost obtained the aznount he needed. N�'W2��TArZ went an to say that he would get iwenty mirnrt�es on CNN. T obtained a copy of the notes that Ott had documented on the above threats. Ott was encoura�ed to eall Hastings P.D. and inform them of this information, Tt should be noted that NEWMAI•T has a tattoo on his right wrist thai reads FTW, which is believed to be �liated with a biker gang abbreviatian standing for, fuck tke wodd. http://ccmdom llicrfi cr.nsf/Prim� ew/4EB8ADC43857AF 1686256FD400504A01?OpenDoc... 3/S/2006 MqR-68-2006 19�29 96i P.67 MRR WED 07�04 PM - u __ ,.�.. � . . (� NEWMAN also has prior resisting arrest charges. � P, 08 Page 5 of 5 D� 5 35 http://ctmdomlficrlia.nsf!?rintV ewl0$B8ADC43857AF I086256�ll4005d4A01 ?OpenDoc... 3/8i2006 FAX N0. MqR-08-2606 19�29 96i P.08 c^ � o�ic�� .�F z� cizy ArroxrtEY .7ohn J. Choi, City6norney SwINT PAUL . � , � � � AAAA March 28, 2006 CivilDivirion 400 CiryHaII Telephone: 657 266-87I0 ___ ---------�S�est�zHo��tud� --- ��ru'ni�657298-5679 -�-- Saint Pau� M"nnzesota SSIO2 � NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION Andrew R. Newman c!o Diana Peters 300 North Ruth Street #3 St. Paul, MN 55119 RE: Taxicab Driver license renewal application submitted by Andrew R. Newman for the City of Sa3nt Paul License ID # 20020000671 Dear Mr. Newman: The Office of License Inspection�s and Environmental Protection has recom�Pnded denial of the Taxicab Briver license renewal application submitted by Andtew R. Newman for the City of Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendafion is as follows: On R�Iay 26, 2005 you were convicted and sentenced for Misdemeanor Obstruction of Legal Process, Arrest or Firefighting stemming from an incident in Bayport, MN on March 29, 2005. During that incident, you threatened to charge at the police officer and told him you were ready to fight. You also threatened to assault another police officer. Pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(4) a persou is meligible for a taaicab driver's license if fhey have a misdemeanor conviction within the past three years involving the use or threat of use of force. At this fime you have three options on how to proceed: 1. You may withdraw your license renewal application. If this is your choice, you should send the lefter direcfly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, 8 Fourth Street East, Suite 200, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55101-1002. Tfie lettex should be directed to Reid Soley no later than Friday, April 7, 2006. Any request for a refund of the license application fee must also be made in writing to the Office of LIEP. AA.-ADA-EEO Employer Andrew R. Newman � Mazch 28, 2006 Page 2 2. �_ f� � �� If you wish to haue a public hearing before the Saint Paul Cify Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement arlmitting the facts and requesting a public heaiiug. We will need to receive your letter by Fl-iday, Apri17, 2006. The matter will then be _____ ___ __ -� befor�tke�ity Conncil �or a pub�c �earing to determine whether to deny your license renewal application You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. If you dispute the above facts, or wish to present evidence that the conviction is not related to your license as a cabdriver, or that you have been rehabilitated pursuant to Minn. Stat. §364.01 et seq, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrafive Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examiue the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will uitimately decide the case. If this is your choice, please advise me by letter no later than Friday, Apri17, 2006. If you have not contacted me by that date, I will assume that you do not contest the denial of your license renewal application. If you have any questions, feel free to call me ox haue your attomey call me at (651) 266-8710. Sincerely, ����� Rachel Gunderso Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Bozek, Deputy Director of LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Employer STATE OF MINNESOTA) � � / ) ss. AI�fiIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY II.S. MAII� ��O �tj3,�'� COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ---- ----- ---- J�,���2�fTS��eingfirstduiysworn, cYeposes and says ffiaforilGlarcfi 28, 2006, she served the attached NOTICE OF IN'TENT TO DENY LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION by placing a true and conect copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Andrew R. Newman c/o Diana Peters 300 North Ruth Street #3 St. Paul, MN 55119 (wluch is the last known address of said person) deposituig the same, with postage pxepaid, in the United States mail at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28�' day of March, 2006 ��,� l� ji.�� r . � � . . 1 7 ie •aus RITA M. 80SSARD NDTARY PUBLIC • MINPESOTA MY COMWllSS10N +� EXPIRESJAN.31,2010 - - �� _ { _ _ _ - ---- -- r- �--- , 0 � �� �� � � D � ��� ;' S rGJO � �� � � ������� �� � � y �� C` � C l�L L t2-� `e �t!1 � t� � � � � � ^_ _ __ o __ ' �__ ��._ v� �� `�-- 'l �L I� � ' ��� c �� ( � at� f��e�� ��ii!� fQ '� f • � ° � -� � �, ` � c�. s �� u c > � C_ a � C.,✓ f ��� � � c��_ �� � d C� � � Q \ � � � � fo�r tirrt� / �� ���� >AQ _ 6� ' �-h �. o .Co vi � � �` �� � �e � � � C�crt� et�. �t�`�� �d � ��{�� ��✓'1 �--- � , Chapter 376. Taa�icabs* Sea 376.16. Taxiwb driver's Rcense, Page 1 of 1 ��O -5�� (a) License required. Effective March 15, 1991, no person shali drive a taxicab, nor shall any owner or lessee of a taxicab ailow any other person to drive a taxicab, within the City of Saint PaW unless that person has firsE obtained and displayed a taxicab driver's license under the provisions of this Code. (b) Drivers from other cities. Any driver licensed to operate a taxicab in another city may carry passengers from that ciry to any place within the City of Saint Paul and may freely enter and travei upon the str_eeks_fQC__ __. _— ._. -- snac-purpose��c^-.ax�asr,�-stiarr not� ve�ueemecrnecessary ror tne taxlcab anver to obtain a Saint Paul license, but the driver shali not be permitted to accept or offer any passenger for hire in the City of Saint Paul, or othenvise operate a taxicab within the city without first obtaining a license under the provisions of this Code. Whiie within the city, the taxicab driver shall be required to observe all of the applicable regulations and conditions of this section and shall fiave in possession and display to any person upon demand the license certificate for the taxicab. (c) License application. Every applicant for a taxicab driver's license shall file an application with the license divisian. The application shall be made on a form provided by said division, containing such information as the license inspector may require, including, but not limited to, a complete employment history, to verify that the terms and conditions of this chapYer have been met. The app{ication sha1V be signed and sworn to by the applicant. Prior to the issuance of the license, every licensee shall be photographed. The chief of police or his representative shatl investigate each applicant and shall forward the results of the application to the ficense inspector. Any false statement on the application shall be grounds for denial, refusal to renew or revocation of a license. (d) License fee. The fee required for a Iicense shall be established by ordinance as specified in section 310.09 (b) of the Legislative Code. (e) P�erequisites to license. Eligibility to be (icensed to operate a taxicab shal! be as fotlows: (1) Possess a valid Minnesota driver's Iicense; (2) Be at least eighteen (iS) years old; (3) Be a citizen of the United SWtes, or an alien admitted for permanent residence, or who has othenvise obtained work authorization from the U.S. Immigretion and Naturalization Service; (4) Shail have no felony convictions in the last five (5) years; shall have no nontra�c gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictions in the last three (3) years involving the use or threat of use of force, possession or sale of a controlled substance, prostitution or indecent conduct. The license inspector may grant, pursuant to staCe statute, an exception to the above provisions upon evidence that the offense is not related to the occupation of taxicab driver; http://www.stpaul.gov/code/1c376.hisnl 5/2/2006 �ITY OF SAINT PAUL 'andy C. Kelly, Mayar September 4, 2003 Andrew Newman City Wide Cab Company 340 Atwater Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 suBJECT: Letter of Recognition Dear Mr. Newman: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AbtD SAFETY SERVICES Douglas A. Holton, Fire Chief �� —�� 100 East Eleventh Sueet Telephane: 651-224-781I Saint Paul, MN 55101 Facsimile: 65I-228-6255 The Departrnent of Fire and Safery Services awards a Letter of Recognition acknowledging exeeptional service and performance. Your actions on the aftemoon of August 16, 2003, are worthy of such recognition: You placed a 9-1-1 call to report a strong odor of naturai gas at 740 Stewart where you were just dropping off a fare. You believed your passenger was somewhat incapacitated at the time and had the presence of mind to remove three lighters from his possession. 5aint Paul Fire Engine Company 10 responded and found rivo stove bumets in the "on" position with no flame in the man's apartment. Squad 2 also responded and found high readings of natural gas in the apartment. Andrew, your actions ihat day were commendable and had a significant positive impact on the outcome of this incident. By acting quickly and sensibly, you may welt have'prevented a tragedy to the occupants of this building. Peoples lives could have been lost and property damage could have been extensive. We are grateful for your responsible efforts. At the recommendation of Fire Captain David Ross, I am proud to award you this Letter of Recogaition for your exceptional conduct. You are a credit to the City Wide Cab Company and the City of Saint Paul. ' Sincerely, � � .���� Dougl A. Holton Fire hief clm cc: Mayor Kelly Assistant Fire Chief Bataglia Depury Fire Chief Morrison Council Members Assistant Fire Chief Carter Fire Captain Ross Ciry Wide Cab Company Owners: Pat 7ones & Kathy Wendali ,4.4-ADA-HEO Employer