217039 " � �' , � , �. .# L�'.i.'a ORIGINAL TO CITY CL�RX Y �'n' E' CITY OF ST. PAUL courrci� ��_ ��-��� PILE NO. �� OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK y " � � COUNCIL R O UTION—GENERAL FORM. COMM SSIONE � March 11, 1964 DATE F� 1 �� " R�SOlU�Ds That to correct an inadvertent error therein, t - that Council �ile 216785, approved February 27, 1964 be corrected by�'changing Range 23 1J. to Range 22 W., wherever it appears � , therein. ,. i' � t: �` ,� �� fi �` � t, , #� �� t= �, {: { �._ - - -- - - - Councll FYie No. 217039 — By Mll}An Rosen— Resolved, That to correct an inad- , �� vertent error ttierein, tliat Councll File , �{ 216785, approved February 27, 1964,be I corrected by changing Range 23 W. to � Range 22 W., wherever it appears � therein. • Adopted by the Councll March 12, �� 1964. i, Approved March 12, 1964. � (March 14, 1984) 4 '_ _. — —____—�.+.�..�a_ it e 1 t 1• I � i� 1 ` �j �l MAR 1� ��� � � COUNCILMEN�f Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglieh ;; h1AR 1 � ��6� . Holland �i proved 19_ Loas ; Mortinson �� r . In Favor , Peterson i- v . . Mayor ' A gainst ftosen � � Mr. President, Vavo'ulis I� lODi 8-82 a , It l: DUrLICATE TO rRINTEF{' • ! ' • • ��L��y� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER Ki�LOI� RO�OI� �I�C� ��y �� DATF — 1���0�.W�Dt That to cer�+RC� � i nadvsr�e�� �rro� tla�rsi n� th�t �auncll fi�a 21 b�85, appnovsd �'sbru�ry 27►,� �96b be corr�t�d by �kta�ging Ra�l�ya x3 W. to Rat�y• �2 W., Mi�erhrar it apps�u'� tixr�i�t Council Flle No. 216785=By Severin� A. Mortinson, by request— • Wher�as, A written proposal for the I making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement� on a strip of land 30 ft. in width for� the purpose oE constructing and main-� taining a public sewer on, under,across� and through the S.E. ?4 of the N.W, i� of Section 2, Township 2g N„ Rynge 23 W., the centerline of said easement� being described as follows: Commencing at a point that is the northwest coraer of Lot 1, . Block 3, Mi�e Battle Creek Addi- • tion No. 3• tkience northwQ,sterly on a deHec on angle oi 24°30' to ' the left as easured fram the west line of said Lot 1, produced north- erly a distance of approximately ' 219.0 ft. to the existing sewer ease- ' ment, - i having been presented to the Councll � of the City of Saint Paul therefore, ' be it ' Resolved, That the Commissioner ot� Publlc Works be and is hereby ordered� and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability o4 the making of said improvement. I and estirri ted �ost of said rimproyet� !ment, and the total cost thereof. � 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch� i of said improvement. j 4. Ta state whether or not said im-: ,provement is asked for on the petition� of three or more owners. � 5. To report upon �all'of the fore-I going matters to the Commissioner of, Finance. � I i9A�}dopted by�the Councll February 27,� Approved February 27, 1964. � (February 29, 1964) . ��� , t.\ +�^' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ' _ J � Holland Approved 19— Loss ti Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iors s-sa