D001507Na. !J(11 �; U� Date� - uept. Aocounting (Civic Center) � , � - Enginear (HGA) - Contractar . Project Manager (CPMI) � - CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF `Tf� MAYOR ADMINISTRA'PIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4.01-44 ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Exnansion CP-4 Buildind Construction lmawn as Contract L-_City ProjectNo.0151 t7 MA. Mortenson, is composed of the following: Change Order for Equitable Compensation Settlement ReFated Requests Item 2 as described in $436,278.OQ attached sheet dated 2 March 1948. Tertns and conditions of "Settlement Agreement and Release" dafed 1122/98 apply to this change ordec Revisions for twenry-rivo miscellanews items including recovery plan work, acceleration, and changes at Stair 13. This was approved by Saint Paul Civic Center Authority in Resotution #3161 on 25 Febmary 1995. Reason: Changes due to fietd conditions and related to Settlement Agreement previously enacted. Tota1 �136,278.00 ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing addirions made in accordance with the specificarions in the sum of $ 436.218.OQ , said amount to ba added to the lump sum considera5on named in the contract, known as contract L- and which smount is to be fmanced fram: 430-9030Q-0898-Q0000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. '� �O 19 �'� M.A. Mortenson C� � i9_ xU ����=`' i � nan on in ' g Committee � . �. 3' 9 �9� otgc af� Cen� � � i/ � �j���'� 14 �ect -�j `"'��1998 '�r, Oept, of uman Rights � to the Mayor ` OE NTrOFFiCEfCAUMCI � `` v2 � '.^t COMpCt ERSON & PHONE ' BE ON COU�� E �DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _ { i�.R.f�_��M1PFYI_� __ PLAMNINC COMMIS${ON < _ Cie COMMR7EE � . _ STAFF _ . __DISTRII;TCWRT __. SUPPOATS WH1CH COUNCiI OBJEGTroE? PAOBLEM, �� � � ��I'{� ��� � � ���� OE�S 0� �3���n� a����°�� °, c P1AR 2 31998 �i r� c�.��� FtECEIYEt� MAR 1 ; lggg �Aro��s a���� APPRQVED 1T OF TRANSACTION 5 `✓ Y, � � COST7REVENOE BUOGE7ED (GRCLE ONE} YES NO ��I tCE i� ' �.xd / �� �l��/r `�1 !��Y NUMBER P �-�.30 �a3o�- d 8'9�' �ao� � � fATiON: (E AIN) � GREEN SHEET Q DEPAATMENT O1RE � CINAiTQRNEY FOR OBU�ETO�BECTOR N° 51565 � 1 �0�7 /iTT COUNCtt _ CITY C1.ERK FIN, & MGi SEAVIGES INITIAUDATE � (CUP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE} % -� , �y� ��� ��� f F � PERSONAL SERViCE CDNTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: N�IL SERVICE �� MISSI �� Has tMS Qerspn7firm ever worked untler a contract tor this Eepartmentt �,^ YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a dry empbyee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skifl not normalry possessed by ary curtent city empfq�ee? VES NO Ezplain eti yes enswers on sepereta sheet entl sttaeb Lo green aNeet ,.,.rMl ; i" �- CHANGE URDER ROUTING TRANSMITTAL Attached please 4nd 7 copies of Change Order CP4.01-49 for signatures/routing. �i�� Per the Partnering Session, the Change Orders are to be routed as listed below. As you receive it from the firm Iisted above your name, piease review, sign and SEND IT DIREGTLY TO THE FIRM listed below your name. When you send it to the firm listed balow your name, piease do the foilowing: 2. 3. 4. , Verify aii 7 copies are signed. SEND ALL COPIES TO THE NEXT FiRM. Initial and dafe this transmittal under the column "Date Received" and "Initiai". Fili in the daYe you forward to the next firm under the column "Date SenY'. Send a COPY of the transmittal to CPMI THE SAME DAY you forward the change order. 3225-404.9 A132251CPlilco-lot 5. Cail CPMI at 298-54D9 if you have any questions. • GONTRACTOR Saint Paui Givic Center Expansion Project Saint Pau(, Minnesota M.A_ Mortenson PQ BoX 79 0 Minneapo(is, MN 55440 Originai Contracf Amaunt: PO # 015117 PO # CO No. ca_o�-a� C4.01-Q2 C4.01-03 C4.01-Q4 C4.01-05 C4.D1-06 C4.01-07 G4.Q1-08 CA,01-09 C4.01-10 C4.01-11 C4.01-12 C4.01-13 C4.01-14 C4.01-15 C4.01-16 C4.01-17 C4.01-18 C4.01-19 C4.01-20 C4A1-21 C4A1-22 C4.01-23 G4.01-24 C4A1-25 �4.01-28 ;4.Q1-27 '.4.Q1-28 4.01-29 1.01-30 01-31 01-32 �1-33 )1-34 �1-35 1-36 t-37 -38 �39 40 Ded�ct (4,535.50) (4,422.00) (9,016.00) (23,313.00) $33,973,000.00 385,700.00 Add 34,475.00 151,969.00 29,684.00 10,193.00 24,598.0� 86,61Q.00 29,410.d0 8,927.00 4,482.00 22,000.00 15,460.00 50,OQO.QQ 3,253.OQ 24,705.00 29,1&8.00 40,8$9.D0 8,883.00 19,081.QQ 5,531.00 8,734.00 4,718.00 21,389.Q0 14,593.OQ 18,700.QQ 1Q,723.00 982,948.00 354, 744.56 28,97Q.00 37,566.00 13,097.OQ 23,813.00 187,332.00 8,219.00 14,459.00 3,124.00 20,398.00 DA7E ISSUED: '�^-' CONTRACT Nd.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: March 1998 CP-4.01 Buitding Construction Muitiscope 1$ January 1996 � _„�� � : Saint Paui Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRAGTOR M.A. Mortenson PO Box 710 Minneapolis, MN 5544� Originai Contract Amount: PO # 015117 $33,973,000.00 PO # 385,700.00 CO No. C4.01-41 C4.01-42 C4A1-43 C4.01-44 C4.01-45 C4.01-46 C4.01-47 C4.D1-48 C4.01-49 Deducf (5,629.OQ) 1 Subtotal (46.915.50) Totai $3,238,885.06 �.. 3,925.00 14,535.OQ 22,467.00 10,600.00 1,2Q0,000.00 29,085.00 16,645.00 436,278.OQ $3.285.&00.56 DATE ISSUED: CONTRAGT NO.: CONTRP,CT TITLE: CQNTRACT DATE: " ' 2 March 1998 CP-4.Q9 Buiiding Construcfion MuiGscope 18 January 1996 Net Amount of ConUact inciuding this Change Qrder: $37 597 585.06 ,. , ,�GSAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER t " SETTLEMENT RELATED REQUESTS ITEM 2 � 2.1 Recovery Plan Request - PCO #78 2.2 AccelerationlOther Requesfs Arena Lobby Acceleration PCO #28 Stored Maferiais FO #F4.71 Ceco Acceleration FO #F4.72-inci, in PCO #7& Acceterate Siab PCO #42 Ceco Acceleration FO #F4.75 Additionai Scheduling Costs PCO #45 Overtime - Sowles FO #F4.81 Overtime - Sowies FO #F4.82-incl. in PCO #78 Overtime - Sowtes FO #F4.84 Overtime - Levei 4 FO #F4.88 Curtainwall Overtime FO #F4.79 Winfer Utilities PCO #99 Use of Skyway PCQ #73 PCO #47-Change Paint Manufacturers PC� #75-Weather Deiays FO #4.21 - Lower Footing PCO #21-Wiikins Roof Access for Envirobate RFP #4.23A-Wilki�s Waii 7 Totai STAIR 13 Stair 13- Phase 1 PCO #17 RFP 4.55-Relocate/Delete Stair 13 Walls RFP 4.70-CP-1 Shotcrete @ Stair 13 TOTAL ALL ABOVE FINAL SETTLEMENT AMOUNT MA MoRenson Request 197,279 I- � ��vsa Fxpansion Coordinating Committee Recommsndation 197,279 30,825 15,452 D 940 2,415 19,619 2,481 0 1,155 4,824 877 18,457 142,195 3,310 0 1,559 2,845 -28.060 416,173 1Q8,782 -1,737 71.061 118,1 Q6 534,279 436,278 30,825 15,452 0 940 2,415 9,�00 2,481 0 1,155 4,824 877 7,770 100,638 0 Q 1,559 2,845 -28 060 ' 350,OOQ 82,660 -3,000 6 86,278 436,278 436,278 Page 2