217034 � �; 1 �- .� � �, - �� � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK-� , � + : pUBLISHED � / ,� �� . I 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. �'��' ., '�r � � CE OF THE CITY CLERK ��' �icil File No. 217034--By James js� - � �� % CIL RESOWTION—GENERAL FORM l,�glish—Frank L. Loss-- ,. •i��esolved, By the Council of the ('�" � r �,�,jafnt Paul that reference heret1rV PRESENTED BY �I ,� �-.•to that certairi Resq'nt • COMMISSIONE DATF �rlt-�A:�", F,'��s;7�-'1 '�•• 'i�,-�.��-�—, � � ' 9':_- 9 �nc'-..M ,.is+ � T 3., 1�'�.�}_.� ' RESOLVED� by the Council of the City of Saint Paul thatireference hereby is made to that certain Resolution No. 64-2��26-2 � adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul� Minnesota� authorizing the filing of an 1� Amendatory Application for Loan and Grant for Project UR Minn. 1-1� of s�aid Authority and said authorized and now proposed Amendatory Applicatinn for an increase in the Project Capital Grant in Pro= f ject UR Minn. 1-l� as amended� from One Million Two Hundred Eighty- � six �Thausand One Hundred and Seventy-nine (�1�286�179.00) Do]7ars to the maximum amount of One Million Three Hundred Ninetp-three Thousand Five Hun.dred and Seventy-seven (�1,393,577•00) Do7]ars being the maximum amount available under Title I of the Housing Act�, ..�._ _ �of 1949, as amended� prior to August 2 � 1954� a copy of said p `� Resolution and a copy of said now proposed Amendatory Application �Q� �_ �� - - - - - . � being herewith filed and hereby incorporated herein with the same o �� � intent� pur.pose and effect as if said documents were fully set forth O �� •- herein; that said Council hereby concurs in the recitals of said � �� � Resolutio n No. 64-2/26-2 and hereby approves the same and said I � , , ar : �"'�- �+ pr,posed Amendatory Application thereby authorized for said Loan andl Grant for said Project IIR Minn. 1-l. R �2 �964 �� MA COUNCILMEN , Adopted by the Council 19— :� Yeas �i_ Nays Dalglish�� MAR 121��4 Holland�,-� pproved 19— l i� _ . �ss In Favor 1 Mortmson Peteraon �, � Mayor A gainst Rosen �! - ! Mr. President, Vavoulis � iort s-sz I � . � {; , �. 9, DUrLICH1TE TO rRINTCR � ' ' � � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. '� ~,������ � . ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF R�SOLVE�� by �he Coun�il of �he City of Saint Paul �ha� ref'erenc� hsreby is made to that certain Resal�t�.on No. 64-2/26-2,� adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority ot the City of Saint Pa�l� Minnesota� suthorizing the filing of ar� Amendatory Applic�tion for Loan and Grant for Pro�ect IIR Minn. 1-li of said Author3.ty and said a�.thorized and now proposed Amendatvey Appl�eatinn for an increase in the Pro�ect Capital Qrant in Pro= �ect IIR Minn. 1-l� as amended� from One Z�I�llion Two Hundred Eighty- six Thnusand One Hundred and Seventy-nine (�1�286�1?9.00) Dollars to t�.� maximum amount of One Million Three Hundred Nine�y-three Thou��nd F'3ve Hundred srid Seventy-seven (�1,393,577•��) Do]hrs being the maximum amount available under Title Z of the Housing � Act o�' 1949, as amended� pr�.or to August 2� 19y'�+i a copy of said Resplution and a copy of said now proposed Amendatory Applieation being herewith fil�d a.nd hereby incorporated he�ein with the same intent� pr�rpose and effect as if said documents were fu11y set forth herein; that said Coun.cil hereby concurs in the reci�als of said Resolution No. 6�-2/26-2 and hereby approves the same an.d said proposed Amendatory AppliQ�tion thereby authorized �or said Loan and �rant for saicl Pro3ect IIR Minn. 1-1. _ . ��. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish - '�^�°" Holland Approved 19— Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor A gainst R,osen Mr. President, Vavoulis lOri 8-82 i ;� ,�M � y . . ' o � "'�" � - � ; HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY �j �o cvcip�.V`y, y� , , OF TNE CITY Of SAINT PAUL + G . _ �� � , 55 EAST FIFTH STREET � 9.�� � March 3, 1964 SAINT PAUL 1, MINN. � o''o� 4� � ��� � '0 br�� M�pt��� I '�-.., ���,�.� CApital 7-7523 /� �w 4 � V � r- ! i HAROLD J. MORIARTY { Chairman B. WARNER SHIPPEE I� CARL CUMMINS, JR. Executive Director PATRICK J. TOWLE I' �: JOHN W. GREENMAN �, EUGENE R. LAMBERT IG �' . Hon�orable Mayor and City Council c/o City Clerk Room 356, City Hall and Courthouse Saint Paul, Minnesota l� Gentlemen: i � There is herewith submitted an Application for Amendatory Loan and Capital Grant Contract covering the Eastern Redevelopment Area. The application reflects adjustment in nori-cash grant-in-aid items and requests an increase from the last approved Contract in the Federal capital gra.nt from $1,286,179 toi$1,393,577 or $107,398. !! . . . . . . . The Authority requests your consideration and approval of the Application. Five certified copies will be required for submission to the Housing and Home Finance Agency. . I� �; ' Respectfully submitted, I: i; B. Warner Shippee Executive Director Enc. i � � � � _ �� ;�,�� �� �� ,. ';•"`� ,1 � ,�, ,�I',��I� �,����ii,l�' 'c;��`'-� �'�tk�•�� +� -ti;�,;��+;�:r l , 1 1 1i�• � �'v:,...'�,Y.:. ,n:.,�.� 1 1. ,�''I''I*"� 1�y� � � �•� �,;��� 1l"1� ,111�� b'�'4.��,Y• � 1l i 1,�' ,y"I 11 1��1 li l'��:::`:*,.. }� _. �. �. ,.�.�,1 'fL p ;�[ �� 11111 v� .. ��� ���. 11.� 11'I��,��� „+�.�a11��ll � r �--- '--- - . — �. — __ . � i',' }_:.1 =� �,... _711 i� �l �.—�— -,. '.�. -- � 11F� 11 � 11��;��S111��11 ; .}s. . " A� �' Q p n' (,�—a -L�� _y+� E� o � "' I 'l'1 l� � )' '�Ij_�,.,� �t t i�+t � 17'� .�, j .v.`- ' ` ,-°` '� . �: _ - �.. - . �� , ��� � ��..I• ;� t• '�l.���Rs� 1, � .. .! . , .• � . 1 • • . � �l• 1 � y , ' • ' . � � - , � , � • • lr �� , n.t • • t� .. . . �1 - � z80LDTI0X � 0. 6A•�/Zi•2 �' . , ' a ; . ;.• � � �� - �� • , RL�SOLVTI01� 0� TgE g0II6� NtD RBDEVHLOP• �� - H� /WT�Ti? OB T1�E CIZT Ol SJlI1�! ZAOL� _ � � �S�A AVTRORIZIt�i �E tII.I� 0? /1� , r A?�AATOR? APPLICAZZQII rOt L0�1 AMD a�llM � 101� pA0J8Q OR MIHI1. 1•1 , . � , , .� � ' f� WHSREAS, the gauals� ad Aedw�lopsaont Anthorit� ot th� Cit� oi Saia� - - � �anl, 1litmuota has h►tsr�c! itito a Co�atr�cC vith tLa Un�t�d 8lst�• ot A�:iaa� � . Cantrut, lfo. L6-1 dat�d Harrh Z� 1953, !or �ro jtct �e�arar� Lo�n ia th� aso�t . , • oE Two Hillion Ei�ht �imdred S�v�at�•fiw Thoumand Hight Bimdred 1itt�-oa� , � - - . (�2,8�5,�31.00) Dollars aad lroj�at Capital drant in tbs aicu�at o! Ona Milliaa � - y� ' Ligt�t 8undrrd 8lst�-#iv+� Thawaad Slaca� Himds�d Ssv�aC�•si�c (�1�865,37i.00) ' : , , �.� Dollars�!or tha m�d�rt�lcit� o! th� Pro jact dtsc�r�bM! !a ��i,d Cantrut s aid • , , • � .;:, .� • " �' �E NqBREAS, tha lloueing �ad R�drv�lopm�t Aathorit� ot th� Cit� o! SaiaR �� � '� " � pa�l, Miana�ota� n�d tb� IInited Stat�• o! �mnriaa, oa llw�e4brr 6. 1962 wtar�d � _ . into a lourth AaQnduto� Contract amending Loaa aad Capital"Crant Contraae U.a. - . . .. .' . �iem. Lb-1 vh�reia ths_ �ro,�ace ?�mporarq authorisatia� �►a• li�c�d at T�a �illion _ . : � • livs 8uadsad �i�t� Thw��emd 8our �sdr�d 8lstysis ($2�SS0,466.00) Dollars aad � '' . ' ths lso��ct Capital ffrank wthorisation �aa rrviied to Ona Hillioa Z�o E�mdr�d -: ;,; ., . "-_ : ��, � • Eisht�•sis Thou�asd On� flundr�d Srv�t�-nina (�1,286.179.00) Dollasaf aod . , - ,r . ��;`-� � ' 1� WHSRBAS� it h�tr b�e� dst�r�in�d that a �uzth�r r�vi�ian i� th� tro��at ' _ . � `�. ' Capital �Grant �uathoYi�a�io� ir ascs�sar� to an ��►�of Oas Million T'hss• 1lydsM � � ' ' `�` °' tia�t�•thra� ?basrand liv� �mdrad S�v�nt�-s�ven ($1,�93.577.00) Dollars io. � ��. •_ -`�: .`�'' � osdur tLat th� tsoaaat � ba proparl� and sncc��sfttlly carried ont j aad ;, _ .. ,j _ . , . . - - ' � liH8R3A=, Co �aaompli�h sucb a r�viaialn it ia nsca�sas�r to fil� a : . _ � � . AY►plicatios tor lla�daear� Lom aad Grmt tor P�to�ac! Uk �1im�.1•1. '. - � - . �� : �,''' r.- �� llafl ?8ERB1^DRS s� 1Z �ESOLVBD b the Ccm�issioaar� ot th� �sisf �nd � � n .�� . ��� ' �•.: it�rn►slopMnt Antborit��of tlu Cit� o! Saiat Paul, Mi�muota. t6�t an Applicatiaa � •- `� ' �. tar llaai�dator� Loaa and arm�t aa b�h,al! ot ths Avthorit�r b• �il� �oY t� �i11o�rl� - -'� rjT . , `1 . ., , ' p, , '`� * ' •K+, ' �� i i, • • . -' - . j} . � ♦'�J ' - ,-a' r.�„ . ' - 4,� 't-. �'4 . ' . . , � : �t.�• ' ' .i j ..+. �� �.'-:; :''- �.' ' . � �° '.��' �or an incrusa ia th� ho j�ect Capital Qraat in Yro�act �• . .�`. . ', ' � . °;:,: ���t=.�� �.'-} � µ�,�':' � . �� ��1'� UR bia�. 1•1 aa a�nd�d lro� Ons Pzillioa•Tvn Hundrsd Si�ht7• - . -. �f� °� =� � � � •i: Thou�and Oaa S��adrtd aad Ssveatr•nina (¢1,286,179.00) : ,�-� �� -{ � �, Dollars to ths ma�cimw amo�mt of On� Milliaa4 ?hrs� 8mdrad. . t_�t�- . �� }� � �: Hin�tythr�a Thausand tivs �mdr�d �mrd Sev�aty-aav� � <�': ` �` =� � � (�1,393�577.04) Dollara b�iny� chi n�aiaam� anount availabls ' � - {° t=;.� -�`�.,` and�r ?itl� I �ot t�� Bauiu� Aat ot 1949. ar �ad�d prior . . ~�« ; ';.r•.`�:;•,. t t0 AIKWt Z� xA��• � ' , . ��, . � .�; ,�- �; s$ tr �� asso�.v�n teae cha alareaaid nppiicacian ir barabY aPP�� � ` ' ead th� �Eyacntiv� Diraator ia h�r� wthozi R S d to a�acut• e h� saa a n d i i 'd ir�a t�d - , ` - . - to fil� jisid Appiiaatiat !or Aasndator� 1.oa aad Cr�nt �b th� 8owia� aad Sa�a '..�• :- .'�. tinana� ;l1s�a�r sMd to psovid� raeh additioaal infoz�stia�, to 'irtnisL aa�h to��t� as � b� r�qnitM or �hal! o! th� Arehorit� ad to �t �� tb� a�thoris�d. . ..� �•°.• , . . - carrypo�at �! tf� �owi�M� rM_�d�lo�p■��t �rtlro�it� o�; !h� City ot �aitt twl. , ; ��� s �y " . ,�i - � • _ µ . ,. , ?-� _ �.F�rY.���t:,:�•y�i . . ,f: '�..,� . 'f� � ��'.t.: • .�k 't. ' 1 ' , ' 1; � :;- ' � ' , � . . °s ;:.y'��j:e�' `�' ' 4 '- ,��_ 4 . - �,�.�' - ;�,..�i't"�• _ ,} .: . , r.,y.'n • . �.i.,,. ,• •,�� '- ' , � + � -, �L � `i�,.�;+�'`Ca; ,�' �� '.4:4� � r' a }�j � �%��, • Y � 4r . . � �' ,' ' . i'J . ,F' ' "t.r +t ;4'_ ` •., lls f ., �s , ,,Y.�r��1 �`� �i ��..^ �, - '.~- ,. �" '. f� ; 9 ���t��•,,'.,_•• .Y, + � � � r ,. ,.r:•' � �[� -i.. _ ... ".'^� ae- 1p' iJ•`t" �.r� •.5.:�.�`v i"=i . -.t 1� �r,`•' . ' " `� -� ``..',�' .. :,',*,, . ., �k• ,�:;> +�' :t: .', . . � �!+ � �A1�, .s �5..�.J': �..`_�... �1.�'`�' . ' . "�•'�: �:,!''' � t„' �'f' ,�J.SyvF.� . " � , •�i ,"S+ y, w•s }„ _ . ,. • ��' ; . •�' . . .�' y3:� "` z .1.�'' .;a�: �: t.t���Y, S:'y'. _� . . � 7 , ,� , 1 a, '"a.?i�� ,• �� `i - , , - s:, 're .".f� ti:•.. �` , . ' ;: . � . � ,i� i„ � _ . . ,L :� ., !� `'k . . � �A • " . � r. :F'• ' ' . t +^t! � . . 1 , H. CATEGORY OF PROJECT ELIGIBILITY , � . . :` , D�ter Roman numeral �designation as checked on For� H-8120, Summary of Project Data: If pro�ect is under ;"disaster area" provisions oi Section 111 oi Title I, check here: - �� • I. APPLICATION ;� I The Applicant hereby applies to the United States of America for the iinancial assistance indicated in Block F above, under the provisions of Title I as identiiied in Block G above, to aid in financing the pro�ect described in this application�� • � � ' I: � , ' _ _ , J. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION The documentatioa submitted in support oi this application shall be considered part of this application. +F + , K. ESTIMATED QOMPLETION� DATE OF PROJECT EXECUTION STAGE: ��� � � . 19-� 1 , , , , l�, (Complete the following estinated tiwe schedule of e�ajor steps in executing the project) ` �i ' STARTING DATE COMPLET(ON DATE ' �� PROJECT ACTIVITY (yonth and Year) (Nonth and Year) - - �t 1. Land acquisitiona z••�•S3 � �•�•35 2. Relocation oi site occup ants • � �6•34 � 9•57 . ., . 3. Demolltion and site clearance 9�r� • ���g 4. Site preparation, including installation ' oi pro�ect �mprovements �•� �"�� 5. Disposition oi land in pro�ect azea �� ��4 8. Rehabilitation or conservation, to meet � project completion requirements ' � L. PROJECT AREA BOUNDARIES 2 , The pro�ect area herein described is the identical area covered by the Urban Renewal or Redevelopment Plan as approved by the governing body oi the Local �ublic Agency on �� � , 19� . (Descri6e 6oundaries of project as set forth in such Plan and attach to this application) M. EXECUTION . - IN WIZNF�S F�iERIDF, the Applicant has caused this application to be executed in its name, and ita seal to be hereunto iixed and�`attested, this ��b day of ����� �� � , 19�� ' s ' Cs�'L� � � �► �vi� �u�c�a��ri - r. Corporate NaRe of Appii ant ' ' � _ , . _i. � '�.- Si , - , .� , � � '. ' �. BY �' y } R � _ r � , • �,� Si6nature _ , - . - +, . . « �Z� �Y�� ,,'- _ , �, . . _ �i Titie • • ,, i � .7Jp'De»i ��� , ' , � . , Address ,� . �., � � ' • �; - " - 9�AItdT P�., 13i�laTESQTI� — " _ Ciiy and State� ' 1 For an Application ior Barly Land Acqnisitioa Loan, enter estimated eifective date oi the Contract for Loan and Grant , fUr pro�ect execution activities. Complete Liaes 1, 2, and 3, and leave Lines 4, b, and 6 blaak. 2 For arL Application for Early Land Acquisition Loan, delete t6e phrase "covered by the Qrban Renewal or Redevelopment Plan as•�pproved" and inaert "described in the &eaolntion adopted". FHLBB-W��hinglon, D. C. t; age l ,�f�6 �� Form approved N-6200 � . � , C �� Eudget Bnreau No. 63-R908.2 (1�61) � �' ' �� � PROJECT LOCALITY ' HOUSING AND ROME FINANCE AGENCY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � ' URBAN RENEWAL AI�IINISTRATI01� pROJECT NAME ' i� PROJECT1�COST ESTIMATE AND FiNANCING PLAN EASTERN REDEVELOPMENT AREA 4 PROJECT NUMBER INSTRUCTIONS: Su6�it �ori6inai and a seeond si6ned copy in Binder No. 1, and copies in Binders No. j2, 3, 4, nnd 5. . U.R. MINN. �.-�. SUBMISSION (Check and�'oRpLete the deaeription •hieh appliea) , , , C� ' ACCONPANIES 'FINAL PROJECT REPORT REYISES PROJECT CO3T ESTINATE AND FINANCINO �LAN r }i �}(� SUSNITTEO er LPA ON �R� 15 , 19�2� . - DATEp �� , 19 � ACCEPTED BY HHFA ON OGTORER ZL� , 19�_ , � �� SECTION A. ESTIMATE OF ARO.33 AND NET PROJECT CO3T3 • • � �� TO BE COMPLETED BY LPA T�NBBY.FHHFA� � INITIAL , i ` C� ESTIMATE , � . • ' NO E I• I TEM LA EST ^ REVISED ESTIMATE _ �• � �X� ACCEPTED ESTIMATE ACCEPTED : - ESTIMATE BY HHFA � � r . : i . � , (�) (b) (c) ITEM 1 OF GROSS PROJE7GT Q�Sf: . A-1 TOTAL PROJEGT EXPENDITUAES (jro■ Fora H-6220, line 20) a �,755,643 : 2�755,643 : I'IFM 2 OF CROSS PAOJECf ODST (Non-Cash Local Grante-in-Aid) : • A-2 Caeh value of land�,donatioae (fro■ Supportins Schedule 1) 27,635 Z�F�Q�2 ' 1, • A-3 Demolition cmd removal Aork (fro■ Supportins Seheduie 2) ' {{ ' .� R-4 Project or eite improvemente (fro■ Snpportins Sehedute 3) , �, ' 123,439 168,165 , �! A-5 Public or eupporting facilitiee (fro■ Supportin6 Sehedule a� • 315,219 387,725 �� � �• A-6 Other non-cash local grante-in-aid (specify type and 6reakdo�n of «��.ar� on cttached sh«e� , 50,416 50,416 -' ' IE A-7 TOTAL NON-CASH LOCAL QiANTS-IN-AID (su■ oJ lines 2 thronah 6) �' �516,709 S , 630,3�$ a • , d �� A-8 GflOSS PAOJECf COST�(ITF7'1 1 plue I1EM 2) (Iine 1 plus �) s 3,272,352 S 3,385,951 S PROCEEDS FROM PROJECf LAND: � A-9 Sale price of project land to be eold S 1�343�083 = 1,295,586 � ' � A-10 Capital value imputed to project land to be leaaed � '� � C , �' < A-11 Capital value of pioJect land to be retained by LPA _ • � _ I! ' • If ` � A-12 TO'I'AL PIiOCEIDS FR('M PI�JECf LAND (au■ o f t t��s s, io, and i!) s 1,343,083 S 1,295,586 S � A-13 NEI' PFDJECT COST (�(ine 8 ■inus i�� s 1,929,269 a 2,090,365� s . • � SHARING OF NET PROJECT COSf: � � � A-I4 Net Project Cost of thie project (frow line 13) � 1,929,269� S 2,090,365 a A-15 Net Project Coet of other projects (if �y1' pooled with • ', ', - this project Ii • � A-16 Aggregate Net Pro)ect Coete for this and other proJecte J � � ' (tE �y) �n the pool (l�ne �4 Plus 15) 1�929�269 2�090�365 . . A-17 Minim� loeal grante-in-aid required Eor thfe and other " • ' ~� projecte (if any) in. the pool (1/3 or 1/4, ai appropriate, ' fjLfj�09O � 6,96,78$ , o f I ine 16) f' - r� A-18 (Lesa) Total loeal, grant�-in-aid to be providsd for other projecte (if any) ia the pool • � , A-19 (Eqaal:) Minimuo local grant�-ia-aid required for thi■ s 643��9� S 696,788 s ' proJect (fine 17 ■{nns 18) • '- � • �. . '----- -'-!;'^ -- —:--. �:i ,. " ' - - '. .> ' . .' : r .+i+`d.l • �r ','' T�T � .. j ' _ ,`' - y , +?'- i ' • . �� _ � .. _ . ' , � 4 . . . • ' , .. ' . ; , . � . , • ' �� H-6200 • PaQe 2 of�6 . (6-61) �_ , . �� , - � $ECT�ION A. ESTIMATE OF (iR0$$ AND NET PROJECT CO3T$ (Continued) ' { TO BE COMPLETED BY LPA TO BE FILIED ' �t � 1 N BY HH FA � � r� INITIAL � ' L ESTIMATE i LINE i� ITEM �R REVISED ESTIMATE N0. � LATEST ESTIMATE ACCEPTED ` ��{� ACCEPTED BY HHFA ESTIMATE 1� ' (a) (b) (o) SHAAING OF NEC PAOJECf CDST:. (Continued � • LOCAL GHANTS-IN-AID, THIS PROJEGT: - ' • A-20 Non-cceh local grants-ia-aid (frow line 7) s 516�7�9 s 630,30$ � E A-21 cQ�, 10�� 9r�t�;ia-�a , 126,381 66,480 , � ' * A-22 TCITAI. LOCAL GAANTS-IN-AID POH THIS PEi�JECT (line ?0 pina 2!) 1 (RU�t 6e not leaa� ehan line 19) E 643,090 s 696,788 �' a . i� . , _ A-23' PFDJECf CAPITAL GFi1►Nf (Line ia .�.n�: sz� s 1 286 179 , 1 393 577 � �, , > > s r � S . � A-24 AELACATION GRANT (�fro• For■ N-6220, Iine 21) � S S S ' ' 1! . ;F � A-25 T�I'AL FIDEAAL CJ�ITAL GAANf (Iine 23 p[a,t 24) • � 1,286,179 �1,393,577 � �' SECTIOH B. iISOURCE3 OF FUNDS FOR PROJECT EXPENDITURE3 AND RELOCATION PAYMENTS % �' - �i . ! ' � ESTIMA7E SUBMITTED (�cane 6lank) LINE �6 ' IT EM BY LPA ESTIMATE ACCEPTED � N0. BY HHFA 1; r.� c b, ' B-1 Total caah requirements for p roj�ct �xpenditure� and Aelocatioa ' a Paymente (line A-I;plue A-24) ; S - Canh local grante-in-aid: f� ACTUAL OR ANTICIPATED SOURCE OF CASH DATE OF RECEIPT - �i ' ' i $-2 �t s E • �- i 1 -' B_3 �� ^ . B_4 �� B-5 Aeal eetate tax cl+dits (Jro■ For■ H-6220, Line 7b) , B-6 Total caeh local I�rante-in-aid (,au■ o� Iines 2 throush 5) S b ' 14 � ,' ' i ' B-7 Total fuads to be!cpplied to projec4 expenditure■ �d Aelocation Payment■ from ehort-tezm borrowings other than tho�s on line B-9 bslow �� . �e • 1 � S � B-8 Subtotal (line 6 plus 7) , �� , B-9 PROJECT T�IPOAARY�LOAN TI�lOIJGH DIADCP OR PAIVATE FINANCING m . QNL�ER LAAN AND GAANf O�ITRAGT (Iine 1 ainnr d) Y S . �; - �� -- ---•- ° . - -----+`------�----�—�. . : � , ; ,; . . , . � ,. ' i- ; . , , ' ' .�,+ ,r; . r� : � r� . •- . ' � • i . . • , . . . . �i . �_ _ • . - _, . . - . . � .,. . . . , , , � r � H-6200 f Page.3 0..� b � _ (6-61) �1 � � SECTION C. FINAHCIHG PLAN, FOR CURRENT AND NEXT FISCAL YEARS " -� � �F (Commencing July I and Ending June 30) If project executiia �ork will not �tart bsfor� th� end of tlie next fiscal y�ar or if a Contract for Loan cmd ' , Crant has beea execute�� chedc here �� and lewe the rsst of Section C bl�k. i If proJect execution work will �tart during the cvrrent or n�xt fiecal year �d a Contract for Lo�m �d Grant has not beea •xecuted, eatef eetimated etarting date her�: - and complst� S�ction C. �, � FROM STARTIN� DURING DI�TE TO END NEXT FISCAL LINE OF CURREHT YEAR ENDING � N0. I T EM , FI SCAL YEAR, . JUHE 3�, 19 �_ �UNE 3�, 19 • • . � ' (�) ( b) , �• � C-a naount of ProJect Capital Gr�t Payxents that probably will be earned ; 25$,994 s None 1 . fi • . i C-2 Amount of Relocation Grant Paymeats that probably will be earaed , ' , • al � . �( Tentati ve 3chedul e of Short-Te'rm Borror+i nya • � �i FEDERAL NOM—FEDERAL NOM—FEDERAL ' � TOTAL TEMPORARY LOANS WITH LOANS WITHOUT • , LINE �.T�M . LOANS FEDERAL FEDERAL N0. GUARANTEE � GUARANTEE • �� � (�) ' (b) (o) (-a) � 1; C-3 Amount to be bor m wed during current . . fiscal year �! r None s , S S , C-4 Amount to be repdid duriag cvrrent •' . ' fiscal year �( , None • � - . •- G 5 Amount outetanding at end of current • � • fiaccl year (Iine 3 ■inus 4) None , , C-6 Amount ta be borrowed during next f16�a1 y�r i� None - C-7 Amount to be repaid during aext ' � � e Eiecal year �. NOne . C-8 Amount outatanding at end of next , ' fiecal year (line 5 plus 6 ■inua y) None • - Acceptance of the 'estimates submitted �s hereby recluested. , - f� ' `, . �� , ; . � February 18, 1964 .- _ Date • Si6natare of Authori:ed 0 fi r ' _ � �( .,' . HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORI�Y • � �F HF. .TT O �SAINT PAIIL} MINNESOTA EXECIITIVE DIREGTOR � _ ' Loec[ Pu6lie Aaeney ' Title , • li • • � i � . , �1 HHFA ACCEPTANCE , . a ' The estimates are `ccepted as indicated in the appropriate Columns. � . ' : € . , , . , • ' • ' ,, . � ° ' I D°��' Re6iona! Direetor oJ Ur6an Rane�al, Resion r � � i •. " , � ' . i; , . . . . . . , _ �� . - � - �- - - � .� __�..- . _ �.�._ ._-� . -� � : _ , .:• +. . . , �.. � �.�. , .. , .�. ,•,�. . . , • .• , - # " . . . .. � • . , •;.: :, , , . :L � .� . , , - � � . , . �• _ , - , • • . .._ . , . _ .: ; �I� , H-6200 'p4ge 4 df 6 l� . (6-61) '" `� ' t' SUPPORTI110 SCHEDULES . 3CHEDULE 1.-LAND DONATIONS (Land Pare�ls or L�nd Int�r��t�) � . �; � • ; ESTIMATED (�eave 6fank) • � IDENTIFICATION NAME OF DONOR CASH VALUE ESTIMATED CASH SUBMITTED yALUE ACCEPTED �� . BY LPA BY HHFA i I� � ;. (a) ' (b) (o) (d) �, i E ' � ' : . TAX FORFEITED LANDS STATE OF MINNESOTA 24,002 ' + � . �� . : �i , . ` . � � ' ! 4 �- I r . CASH VAI.UE OF LAND DONATIONS (Bnter on line A-Y) ' S 24���2 S ' . SCHEDUL� 2. DEMOLITIOM AND RQIOVAL MORK—NON-CASH LOCAL (iRANT3-IN-AID ' � ` (Inelndel'rork •htek hai 6etn or rtll 6e providedj IDENTIFICATION OF DEMOLITION NAME OF ESTIMATED (Leave 6lank� - ' OR� REMOVAL WORK JOBS � PROVIDING ENTITY NET COgT ESTIMATED NET COS . , SUBMITTED BY lPA ACCEPTED BY HHFA . �. (a) (b) � • to) (a) . �� , s s . �� . I • ; � . � . _ i � • � ' . � F r . . � '.d it � . . �k . TOTAL DEMOLITION AND�REMOVAL WOAK TO BE CHARGED TO ITEM 2 OF S � • GAO SS PROJECT COST (Enter on line A-3) . . �- - SCHEDULE 3• PROJECT OR 31TE IMPROYEMENTS—NON-CASH LOCAL. GRANT3-IH-AID • ' �i ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY LPA �(Leave 6lank) . � j NAME OF CHARGE TO PROJECT 1 ESTIMATE ACCEPTED ;.. IDENTIFICATION PROVIDING ENTITY 7oTAl CO57 BY HHFA a I' � ((e)MX (d)) � AMOUNT �a) �D) �o) �A) �e) �f) �6) JACKSON STREET I� CITY OF ST.PAUL S ; 71,221 = � ' BROADWAY RII,LBF SEWER CITY OF ST.PAUL � 11,374 , � TURN—OFF LANE ]f CtTY OF ST.PAUL 9,338 _ , � �.= WATER MAIN WORK ;� CITY OF ST.PAUL 4,930 , � , � 13TH STREET SEWER�� CITY OF ST. PA � RELOCATION �' � RAMSEY COUNTY 71,302 � �; i ., � . � . . . � �� . . . � �' , 1 If a apecial asseasment�aQainat project-acqnired laud ie in�ol�ed, appl� the percent of direct benefit to the project � irom t6e improxement to it� total coat and anbtract irom that' amount tLe total amonnt oi the apecial aaaeasment agaia'st t6e project-acquired land. , , - ' � �: . � . � , -----•-�--�----=--?---..- . _ , - . — . Y •1.• �Y� .. .. � ' . ;. . ; . 1 r `•,L' . � . a-- • ' ' � � , •'. . r, 1 'e ' ' " \_' v � . . . . , ` . ' .�. i�'•�"�^ , ' • ' Page '6,c�i�b H-6200 �_ t (6-61) `� • ' ' .�' SUPPORTINti SCHEDULES (Continued) ' � � SCHE�ULE 9.�PROJECT OR SITE IMPROVEMENTS—NON–CASH LOCAL 6RANTS–iN–AID (Continued) '! ESTiMATE SUBMITTEO BY LPA • � (Lease 6lank) IDENTIFICATIO�E N�E OF CHARGE TO PROJEC7 1 ESTIMBYEHNFAEPTED , PROVIDING ENTITY • �� TOTAL COST , AMOUNT # � ((e) X (d)) � AMOUNT ' (a) I� (bI • ( a) (d1 • (�) (!) (�) - ' S S i . ] • 4 � ' , • f � � �ti ' � � � I . . � , � � � � � � � . , f i ' , � � . � ' . t � . f ' ' i . i � '1�OTAL PF�IJF�T OA SITE IMPROVFMENTS TO BE CHAi1GED TO � T S 168 165 S - ITEa'1 2 OF GAOSS PAOJE�I'' �Sf (Bnter on line A-4) � • 'SCHEDULE �. PUBLIC OR SUPPOt�TINIi FACILITIE3 ' � • �+ ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY LPA (Leave 6lenk) � �� NAME OF CHARGE 70 PROdECT 1 ESTIMBYEHHFAEPTED t '� IDENTIFICATION� pgpVI01NG ENTITY TO7AL CO57 - �! � (( )MX (d)) � AMOUNT ; , (i) #! (b) �o) �d) (s 1 (f) " (6) , � � • PARK HOUSING AND s � S ; � i . REDEVELOPMENT SEE ATTACH– , � .a , AUTHORITY MENT 76,905 • �; ' , . . CAPITOL APPROACHI{ STATE OF ,- SEE LEtTER > . �f MINNESOTA ON FILE 307,563 f BROADWAY RELIEF �BEWER CITY OF ST.PAUL 3,257 . � • �4 , . � � , • �� �� , . �_ . ,� , . . +, , i � • ; ._� . , � . � �, �. i . , . ' �E ;, , .�•, - �, l TUfAL SZJPPORTING FACILITIES TO BE CHARG � 1�D PAOJEGT (Enter on li�ne A-5) s 387,725 ` S ............................................ ......... 1 IL a special assesament,againat proje�t—acqnired'land ia invol�ed, appl� the'percent oi direct benefit to the project ` ' from the improvement or facilit� to its total eoat and anbtract from that emonnt the total amonnt oi the epecial ; aabeasment against the project—acqaired land. , � _. ir FHLBB-WuAln�lon, D.C. , 1�' / � � • , t� __�._�- •^�I:•' '. t , 4 _ , ' . � µ. _�..�' . r. '.w � `;.ti]• .•.' '.� `j, .. ` . l� _ ti. � _ � . � �.�. - �• • .. .,. � � • '�a.., .. , . • " . . ' . 1 ,�� � , ,� �, - �.'4� � � . u h� � � o �' ""' � - � HOUSING AHD REDEVELOPMEHT AUTHORITY p ��«o. �. �� �-�� R y�� ` Of THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 3 � � � . � � - _ 7 �; March 3, 1964 55 EAST FIFTH STREET ,9 ' ' " l� f: SAINT PAUL 1, MINN. '� �'or �' � }' ' '��My� M�i►� �. i, ' CApital 7-7523 O v L � � . , . �� ' HAROLD J. MORIARTY .� � Chairman � ' B. WARNER SHIPPEE j� � CARL CUAAMINS, JR. � Exxuttve Dfrxtor �_ �i ' ` PATRICK J. TOWLE ;j � JOHN W. GREENMAN y �, EUGENE R. LAMBERT ,�-, j . , � i �� ' i� , " ; Honorable Mayor and City Council ` c/o City Clerk , , Room 356, City Aall and Courthouse .�� Saint� Paul, Minnesota . - � � a� �' I; ;s Gentlemen: • E� �E There is herewith submitted an Application for �' Amendatory Loan and Capital Grant Contract covering th� Eastern • Redevelopment Area. The application reflects ,�c},justment in , non-cash grant-in-aid items and requests an �ncrease from the � last �appraved Contract in the Federal capital grant from $1,286,179 ' to $1,393,577 or $107,398. � � ii . , . �` . 1,. ' �� The Authority requests your consideration and approval "' . 3: ., <...- .�•_�....�. _ :�. � , of the Application. F�.ve certified copies will be required for ° � , ; submission to the Housing and Home Finance Agency. ;, � _ : � j. �t • "=�� 4 ^ ��� +" � Respectfully submitted, � " � � � . . _ , ; � , ,: • . . , • , .�•� ,� ; � � � � . - ' B. Warner Shippee � .. �' �� Executive Director '" Enc. �. � ; , e � , _ ' ,. „� .;� � . ' , . - c , .:;' , , t • . . - �. • �: � � , � j� �F • ' i. ' � , ' � 1 dCl �� I � ' ' . ' � - ' • ' �S', �i 4:' � + . • . ' ,�; !� � • t ' � �'` . ;i ' , ,'� ' � t �� .. �:. {' . , ;s { � ' •- '�, i . � I� -: �i 1,� 1,11��f� t! f'� ' ?' 1,� 11y�'�1� ;1 �1, ��' �'��.rl aS���yl 11 I'S'L�, ���11,��1 ..�t.�I �.ti '.�.1'� r'1 1 ll�.l l�:.. ' �1`1 1����i.,� �i���'•� ,,,, v {;, ,, ^ � ��'t �� �i ����•� N':.1.4� '�,v''` • , t, ��h „Ni'1'w ,� �»�„� �°. :.*.� • ?� ' ; �. � s� n �;, : ��i ����• y�� ���7 ��i�li �1� �.- , � �.� \. '�1 � � m •� �� ��'Y � i?��� ��E"f1•���i•i Q ,. i - - -- ..�N:�'�, -_.,.. �1 "� „i ��;.11•�1li��i � .r� �.. :,� �� .t ti�� aR L�� 1 : 1 1 1 } Y. - .F .�f � � Z�- �e•`: ..�: C • '` , ' ' ' ` �p '�' ,. - ,_.