217030 , ,{'��,7//�� ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK~ , ��.. ���G�.,Y�,J I �.,. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� , �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM aincil Flle No. 217030—By Robert F.� ( � - �eterson— ' j PRESENIgD BY I� u,�qreas, Bernard Mersch, an em' COMdA155iONE �, DATE����, c., the Department of Pub. �,'f'?`_.+v of Police, of.the r'ty,- ^6,,,: - •�1';'ed p; ,-�•_-.r,�y,r .:c��:.'v_-: i, , _ �'I�J ?.��� x:se Z�� t:.t� Z{Y'%.��S,�dfuoa� �' +n �,^.hjq •a� ni-„99'trG ti}1t; • F • ,-.a9r .. , ���SIl� , . t #- WHEREAS, Bernard Mersch, an employee of the ' Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Police , of the City of Saint Paul, was injured on January 3, 1961 in a third party accident while engaged in the performance of his duties for the Department of Public Safety; and � The City has incurred medical expenses in the total amount of $85 .50 therefor; and � 4VHEREAS, The employee , by reason of said injury was disabled £rom work for �our days , being paid the amount o� $105.60 as sick leave therefor; and 6VHEREAS, a settlement has been negotiated by the parties whereby the City will receive its subrogation claim in fu11 in the amount o� $191. 10 for medical expense and wages paid said employee because o£ said injury, theref ore, be it � , � RESOLVED, The proper City officers are hereby � authorized to accept said settlement of $1.91. 10 from � a Farmers Insurance Group, insurer of Lillian A. Richter, �° the third party involved in said accident, bein reim- ' o bursement for medical expense in the amount of �85 .50 , �a. o to be credited t o 6�d or kmen' s C om pensation Fund, and Q � salary in the amount o� $105 .60, paid on behalf of . N said employee to be credited to Fund Police 0139R, � and the proper City otficers are further authorized to � execute any necessary releases on behalf of the City. #; -- .., . ` i �' �f MAR 111964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas ' Nays Dalglish ;� f�AR 111964 Iiolland �� roved 19— Loss �, n Favor � Mortinson � Peterson�� Mayor �' gainst ' Rosen �- Mr. President, Vavoulis lODi 8-82 ' i DUrLICATE TO rRINTER � \^ , __ CITI' OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. ��-M��.P�s� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED�Y COMMtfSIONER pATF WHEREAS, Bern�rd Mersch, an e�►ployee vf the Department of Public Safety, Buresu of Police, of �Che City of Saint Paul� was injured on January 3� 1961. in a third party accident while engaged in the performance of his duties for the Departm�nt of Public Safety; and The City has incurred medieal expenses in� the tot�1 amount of $85.50 therefor; and WHBREAS, The emgloy�e� by reason of said injury was disabled from work for four days, being p�.id �he amount of $I05.60 as sick 1ea`ve therefor; and WHEREAS� a settlement has been negotiated by the parties whereby the City will receive its subrogation claim in fu11 in the amount of �191. 10 for medical expense and wages pai,d said employee because of said injury, therefoxe, be 3.t RESOLV�D, The proper City afficers are hereby authorized �o accept �aid settlement of �191. 10 from Farmers Insurance Group, insurer of Lillian A. �tichter, the third party involved in sa3d accident, bein teim- bursament for medical expsnse in the amount of �85.5Q, to be credited to Work�aenrs Compensation Fund� and salary in the amount of �105.60, paid on behalf of •- sa�d employee to be credi�ed to Fund Pali.�e 0139R, and the proper City of£icers are further autho�ized to �xecute any necessary releases on behalf of the City. NfAR 11196Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��'��R � � 1g64 Holland Approved 19— LOgg In Favor Mortinson Peterson (� Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10:11 8-82