06-533Council File # �j�� Resolution # Green Sheet # 3 D ,30 � Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY SA1 T PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date WHEREAS, Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code was enacted to regulate the subject of 2 3 4 5 6 7 noise in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, §293.11 provides for the granting of variances from the sound level limitations contained in §293.09, upon a finding by the City Council that full compliance with Chapter 293 would constitute an unreasonable hardship on the applicant, other persons or on the community; and g WHEREAS, Hot Summer Jazz Festival, represented by Steve Heckler, President, who has been g designated as the responsible person on the application, has applied for a variance to allow live music at 10 Mears Park, at the intersection of 5�` Street and Wacouta; and 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 WHEREAS, applicant is seeking a variance for the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for June 16, 2006; and from 12:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for June 1�, 2006; and WHEREAS, if applicant is not granted a variance it will not be able to present the live music; and WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has reviewed the application and has made recommendations regarding conditions for the variance; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants a variance to Hot Summer Jazz Festival, subject to the following conditions: 1) The variance shall be for the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for June 16, 2006; and from 12:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for June 17, 2006; 2) All electronically powered equipment used in conjunction with the event shall not exceed 85 dBa, as measured fifty (50) feet from the noise source 3) All electronically powered equipment, PA systems, loudspeakers ar similar devices shall be turned off no later than 9:30 p.m. on June 16, 2006; and 9:30 p.m. on June 17, 2006 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Gseen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � o�-� 33 Departrnentlofficeicouncii: Date Inftiated: LP — License/In,spectionBnvironProt 10-MAY-06 Green Sheet NO: 3030704 ConWct Person 8 Phone: Deoartrnent Sent To Person Initiai/Date Mark Kaisersatt � I 0 icense/fosoec6odEnviron Pro -_ �. Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): i Number 2 ; p� 07JUN-06 I For -� RouHng 3 a or'sOffice � Ma or/Assistant (J�� �`N� Order 4 iCo nc"I � � '1 5 ' Clerk Ci Clerk J J`� � Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for Signature) Approval of a xesolution granting Hot Sununer Jazz Festival, xepresented by Steve Heckler, an exemp6on from the sound level lunitations in Chapter 293.09, in order to present live music, with limitations, from 6:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. for June 16, 2006; and from 12:00 P.M. to 930 P.M. for June 17, 2006. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has ihis person/firm ever worked under a contrad for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skifl not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Chapter 29311 provides for the granting of variances from the sound level limitations contained in Chapter 203.09. Advantapes IfApproved: Hot Sun�imer Jazz Festival may present live music. RECEIVED MaY 17 zoos Disadvantapes If Approved: Neighbors within eazshot of Mears Pazk will be subjected to music. DisadvanWges If Not Approved: Hot Summer Jazz Festival may not present live music. Transaction: Funding Source: Financial {nformation: (Explain) Activity Number. MAYOR'S OF�ICE �`� �41.�9l:fi �a¢aR�?P � i I,I� CosURevenue Budgeted: . .��aai�if2 _L�`/� oh-533 OFPICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PAOTECI'ION laneen E. Rosas, Dirutor CITY OF SAINT PAUI��,�,y 1� 1 � 1 � � COMM&RCEBUILDING Randy C. KeQy. Mayor ��?O�� 8 Faurth St E. Svtie 200 � A� SaintPau( Minnesom 551 01-1 011 H Telephone: 651-166-9090 Factim i/e: 651-266-9724 Web- www.cistpaulmn.vs/&ep Application Sound Level Variance City e Saint Paul Noise Ordinance Chapter' �3 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code � i. `v,kau;zaiiou or person ace'iciug vaiiauce. i; /C!i 2. Address: �� �� ��6 � �� 3. Responsibleperson: �� � � � 4. Title or position: 7 Ki� 5. Telephone: (6 121 c7,�.7'3 )0 � 6. Briefly descnbe the noise source and eyuigment skerw�, � 7. Address or legal description of noise 8. Noise source time of ���-R) ll�ri� Slo > � `�} 1J � ���� / ��u� c� l / � }° . � �7 �,n —• �'� � .r N vl �'�'' � �1�� �` Cr-3�1�M 9. Briefly descnbe the steps that will be taken to minimize the noise 10. Briefly state reason for seeking 11. Dates during wbich the variance is requested: ��� ��' � ��� ���� i Signature of responsible person Date �dC s>�,�T PAVL A� Date: 05/10/2006 LfEP RECEIPT (�-.53.3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office o( License, InspecGOns and Emimnmental Pmtecfion 8 Fourth Street East. Sui[e 200 Sainl Paul, MinneSOta %101-0024 (651126G-9090 FSC (65t}266-9t24 www.ci.stpaulmn.uyliep Received From: HOT SUMMER JAZZ INC — —�-�� 6545 1'19TH PLACE N CHAMPLIN MN 55316 � J - Description: Invoice DeWils 466893 Noise Variance TOTAL AMOUNT PAID: Paid By: Invoice Amount $150.00 Amount Paid $150.00 $150.00 Page t of 1