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Resolution Approving Assessment
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon File No.�.S.�$� __—_- - -
and Fix 11IT1@ of Hearin 011 the Award ��SOLUTION AppROVING ASSESS-
' .t7; � /r
In the matter of ��g.rs .*�7., ._ -'
. . ^"'f ll;9il��C�+i:����. f'.j j;IL'g t�i ' '
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. Opening and extending WAPASH AVEN[TE FROI�AGE RQAD from Eustis Street to Emerald �
Stree� by,condemning and takiiig the following deacribed lots and pe.rcels�of_land, ',
���.� . all ,in the City of St. Paul�. and all�accord-ing-to-the•pla.t thereof now on file. ._.
`"a.rid-of-+record in_the�,office,_of::the Regiater oP Deeds� in. a.nd�for-Ramsey_County: =- '
l. A11 that part of the fo]lowing described tract:
Block A, Winston's Addition to St. Pa.ul, Minnesota, which lies southeasterly
of a ].�ne run p�rallel with and 15 feet northwesterly of the following described
Reference Line 1 a.nd northwesterl.y of a 7.3.n.e run para11e1 with attd distant 15 �e��
southeasterly of said fol].owing Reference Line 1:
� Reference Line 1 - Beginning at a point on the west property line of said
Block A distant 167.33 feet south of the northwest corner thereof; thence run
northeaster],y at an angle of 82°l�+' with the west line of said Block A for 10�+.83
feet; thence de�lect to the left on an 18° curve (delta angle 56°Ol'30") for '
;�. 3u•25 feet, there terminating. _ ._ _ .. , � __, . .
Together with a triangular parcel ad�joining and northwesterly of the above
' described strip and southeast�.erly of the following descri'bed line: Beginning at
a point located at the intersection of the northwesterly boundary of the abov�e �
described strip and the north ].ine of said Block A; thence run westerly 25 feet i
on the north boundary of said Block A; thence run souther].y to the intersection i
of the aforementioned 30 Poot strip. �
Excepting from the above� all that part lying southeasterly of a line run !
pa,rallel with and 9 feet southeasterly of the following described line. Begin- '
- � ning at a point on the weat line oP said Block A distant 167.33 feet sauth of the
northwest corner thereof; thence run northeaste�ly at an angle of 82°1�+' with
�he west line of said Block A for 200 feet and there terminatin�r
containing 0.27 acres more or lesa.
2. All that �rt of the Yollowing described tract: .
Lot or Block B, Winston's Addition to St. Pa.ul, M3.nnesota, except the west i
�+50 feet thereof which lies northwesterly of a line run para].Lel a.nd distant 9
feet southeasterl,y and southeaster],y of a line run parallel and 15 feet north-
wester]�y of the following described Reference Line, which is a continua,tion of ,
. Reference Line 1 referred to, describing tract A in Item 1 above. �
Beginning at a. point on the west 13.ne of said Block A diatant 167.33 feet ��
south of the northwest corner thereof; thence run southwesterly at a.n angle �f+
82°l�+' with the west line of sa,id Block A �or 400 feet� and there terminating,
containing 0.22 acres more or less
3. All that pa,rt of the following described tract: �
_ • The West �+50 feet of Lot or.Block B, Winston's Addition to St. Paul, _ y �
Minnesota which lies: -- - - . - - _ �
. a. Northerly ef a line run parallel with a,nd 9 feet southerly of the I
" following Reference Line which �.ncludes and is a continua,tion of line
• referred to describing tract in Block B in It.em 2 above. i
Reference Line - Beginning at a point on the west Line of sa,id Block A ;
distant 167.33 feet south of the northwest corner thereof; thence run south� ,
westerly at an. angle of 82°1�+' with the west'line of said Block A for
� 593•�+9 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 12°OOt curve (delta. angle
18°32') for 154.4�+ feet; thence deflect to the right on a curve having a
radius of 99.01 feet (delta. angle 78°15'�5") for 135.22 feet and there
terminating. �
• b.,, Northerly of � lin� beginnin� on the west line of said Block B
:r and run parallel with and 270 feet south of the north line of Block B
eas;t to the interaection. with the above des�ribed Ref�rence Line; i
- Excepting tY�at part of said tract lying northerly of a line beginning
�+50 feet eaet of the west line of Block B and run parallel and 15 feet northerly
oP the foregbing described Reference Line and ending �+5 feet east of the weat� •
•• line of sa.id''Block B, and that part of said tract lying east of a line run � �
parallel and_,distant 4$ feet east of the west line of Block B tieginning on the �
.� _ north ].i.ne of Block B a,nd run south to the intersection of the;i�rnnediately fore- j,
- going described 7.3:rie���:�eet��nprther],y of the foregoing described Reference Line,
�.` conta.ining 0.51 acres more er less; ;
, � Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction. purposes '
' in those pa,rts of Block A and Block B, Winston's Additia� to St. Faul, Minnesota,,
° described as follows: ,
• A strip of land �+0 ft. 3n width lying northwesterly of the parcel as con- '
� demned in Block A and a strip of la.nd 1+U ft. in width lying northwesterly and I
'd"<• 4 easterly af t1ie, parcel as condemtied in Lot B �
� ; ,