06-53COUNCIL FILE #: ��� GREEN SHEET #: 3029210 RESOLUTION Presented By: Referred to: SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee Date: �� 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has sponsored a Softball on Ice for some 20 + yeazs and is planning such an event 2 for February 4 and February 5, 2006 at McCarron's Lake, located in the City of Roseville, Ramsey County; and 4 WHEREAS, the Ramsey Counry Sheriffs Office has jurisdiction over the county's lakes and waters, and has granted 5 permission for the use of McCarron's Lake for such an event with the stipulation that the City of Saint Paul hold 6 harmless Ramsey County; and 8 WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department has jurisdiction over the McCatton's Park 9 and adjacent parking lot, and is willing to permit the use of these areas on the condition that the City of Saint Pau] 10 indemnify and hold hattnless its agents and ofticers; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the City of Roseville is supportive of this event on the condition that the City of Saint Paul indemnify and 13 hold harmless its agents and officers; and 14 15 WHEREAS, the Saint Pau] City Council finds that the Winter Carnival Softball on Ice Tournament has legitimate 16 public purpose by drawing participants to Saint Paul and offering family entertainment to the citizens of Saint Paul; and 17 18 WHEREAS, the expenditure of pub]ic funds, which includes the promise of indemnification and defense, for such a 19 purpose will facilitate and enable the event to talce place; now, therefore, be it 20 21 RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul on behalf of the City of Saint Paul hereby agees to 22 defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Roseville and Ramsey County from any and all damages it may 23 be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions or judgments arising out of the use of McCarron's Lake for 24 the 2006 Softball on Ice Tournament which are attributable to the negligent act or omission by the City of Saint Paul, its 25 employees, agents or contractors, and be it 26 27 28 29 30 31 1. Any occurrences or events which aze not part of the Softball on Ice event and which do not occur or take place at McCarron's Lake during the course of the event. 32 2. Injuries or damages which arise from hidden traps or conditions existing on the grounds surrounding 33 McCarron's Lake of which Ramsey County or the City of Roseville had actual constr�ctive notice. 34 35 3. Injuries which arise out of crimina] actions, assaults, batteries or other acts of violence committed by 36 any person or persons. 37 38 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that nothing in the foregoing provisions shall be construed as a waiver of the 39 municipal tort liabiliTy limits set forth in Minnesota Statute S466A1 et seq; and be it 40 41 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute agreements which may be 42 may be necessary to implement this program. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing defense and indemnification does not cover: G:IFNIIQ71Wii1calReso/utions, AOs, Green SheetslReso/utionslSOftball on /ce - Ramsey Co Roseville Reso/ution.xl5 Page: l of 2 COUNCIL FILE #: Q " � GREEN SHEET #: Presented By: Referred to: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee Date: Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation � , .� By:����3.�.�.�:..o Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� �/�1� �ili%�Sd Approved b a Date: t( 7 (? (p Ey: G:IFMIQ71WirkalResolufions, AOs, G2en SheetslReso/utionslSORbaII on Ice - Ramsey Co. Rosev�lle Resolution.xls Page: 2 of 2 Adopted by Council: Date: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheef Green Sheet Green Sheet � .' � I Departmec�tlofficefcouncil: ' Datelni6ated: ��� , � PR P���a���a� ��oE�S � Green Sheet NO: 3029210 Contact�Person & Phone: Bob Smifh - _ 558-2253 Be on Council f�qenda by Total # of Signature Pages � Assign Numbe� For RouSng Order ueoartmenc sent f o rersoo inftfaUflate 0 arks and Recreafion � I 1 arksandRecreation � DeoarlmentDireMOr ���� 2 'riAttornev � � 3 avor's O�ce I blavor/AssisYaut 4 ouncil + 5 i CI rk Ci Clerk (Clip All Locatlons for Signature) Action Requested: , Approve zesolurion holding Ramsey County and the City of Roseville ham�less, including an indemnification clause for St. Paul's use of McCarron's I,ake in conjunction with the 2006 Winter Caznival Softball on Ice Tonrnawent idations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contrads 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaily possessed 6y any current city employee? � Yes No Expiain all yes answers on separate Sheet and attach to green sheet �� Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � � The City of St. Paul provides a variety of recreational activities including special events. The Winter Camival Softball on Ice Tournament is a popular annual event for recreafional softball players. The event is planned for Saturday, Feb 4 and Sunday, Feb 5, 2006, if the Ciry holds RTmsey County and the Ciry of RosevIlle harmless related to the use of their facilifies for this event. Advantapes If Approved: i We have the opportunixy to work coopeiatively with this local business, Ramsey County and the City of Roseville to bring this populaz �' ` � event back to its original location. Disadvantaqes If Approved: None Disadvantages {f Not Approved: . � Loss of revenue to help support the St. Paul Winter Caznival Junior Royalry program and/or future youth athletic programxning. � . Total Amoun4 of Transaction: Funding Source: FegS - I Financiallnformation: . � (Explain) Activitv Number: 33146 �3�`.'�' �,�u�??r.,s, ��r;3�� L:LS'Z?J Casf/Revenue Budgeted: � �,: �� - � .. ._. � : i , , � � � � � � , ��. �" � �� � � ROIITING O ER. r; A � ` ;, , r, ' ��� ��� 'i � ,� Betow ere cosectroabugs for,'the six mostfrequent types of documeats � carrLRACES <�mes autfi«,xa bvageee�s�y , eourreb xESO�.€Friox �amena b,�gets/ac�t gr�s} � � � � � � � �� 1:� en' � , O!?tsideAg � 1 Iae�artmenYD�ec,tor � �� �� � Z DepartmentAiiector 2 OffceofF�n�cialr5ec�ncesI?irector � 3 C{y'Attnmey ,'" � ,,. �� �3 Ci[yAf�nep �, � � � '�'� ` � � 4 I�4�or/tkss�sm�nY,'�(for conlracts ova $25_000) � �4 lvfayorA�seanf � � ' � �� i , � i �.� � 5 �FI���R�gfitc'(£orwn�acts'ove.r$,50�,000) , ", , 5 Ct�Cd' � � ,� b.',Offiee pf Fmsnciat Seruioes'- Accopatu� 6 Qfiiek ofE�anciaF Seraices - ticcouqting', , See � ' �.', ADMQ3fSTRA1TVE ORDERS (BudgetRevision) ' COUI3CIL'RESOLi}TFON (all otfiers sad Oiilm�nces)' . „ �. < � I. L�etixntyM�agerorDepaztmenTAccoinif�t 2 73eg�azt�ent,Drr �� � � � 3 � '�'�xl Servi�s➢sector " � � �3 ��J �t � � � ''4. Cluk " 4 'C' IComicil , �Y , mencial Seivices f�cco � � 5., O�ce ofE - unLnB � AD�S�RATiVE ORDERS (�Il others}, EXE��E O�EIR � 1 De�a�entDi'rector� � t DepartmenYR?�'�,ectoi ' "� � � � r, �, �� i i 2 c� z. c� � , � ���� � � � _ �!�' . , .�,,. w � � s officeofF'msn�istseroicesI7,re�to�- 3 Mag,orf�s�anc i 4. 'c� ;.�:�eieac � � ,, , � a �v�� , � � � � � �� , � �s � �. � � � � �, � ,� � � � � � � � , � �� ���� �o ��� � � �� � � � � �� �� � �� TAL'I+�UMBEROFSYGI�TATCTREPAGES ' „ , ' � , � ` ' :'tfie # ofPagcs �, �es'are�c4t�i'ed �ct F$@enu�P or fla" each oE'tf�ese ea: „ � Iu�cate�- on wluch sz � ��gr pag , ACIIONREQLTFSTID � „ a Descn'I�e whaf:Uxe' fa 1a ecf/r' ' seekc i�sfiinert€ieccLno�o �otderorocderof ez efieveris � �� �� � � �� , , PFOI� e4!?� .racc°mP .. , i, . 8�.. . � � F � o i E�, ��� i, u. ' m�'aPProP�afe;for'ific3ssue.'Do�fwriiecompletesent'ences"gegd . „ RECO�ATIONS Complete if the issue m c}uestionhas been' p'resented befoce a� boi�, pubfic orPrroaEe � � � . , PERS'OIS SERVECE CdNTRACTS: � : Tlus infotmahoa'will be used'ta dwtei�r� the city's liabiIiiyfo� workers compensahonelaiws t�aces andproper civ$ � � se{vice��ngrutes., � " � ` FNITIATIL�G PROBLEM, LS$UE, OPPORTUNITY fain 'o the'siEUeironorconiIifi nsffiat'created.a'needfor ur'. roector est �P, Y� P J , � , � , � , „ „ � � �n � � , �, � ��� I ��� � ' � ,�,� ,� � ' V i AD ANTAGESSE�ROVID Fndxcate whether Uiis xs simpiy sa �nuat buciget psocedise reqmreil Ug lawlcLaz�r or wfiehh�r cfiece � specific vrays m w}riclitfie C�ty bf SaintF�il,,�,its eitizens will beuefit'&ot �¢t2vs pibJecYrachon � ��' � „, � ; ,, ' � � � � � � ' � L�TSLtD�At3TAGE�S'IF'APPS�QV�➢ i � � , � i � � I �i � ' � � � , � � 1.6' � �hatnegafiveeffecfsormal�"�5�,���P�F� ��°��&�'�Prol�e4�Produ�ce�fat�s,pgssed � �,, � , de �o2se fax' ; �� , � , ,,,,,, Ce-&.�raffia Iays,� miaeases��asses�ents)a Tau�o�� whe�?�Eot�iwlo�7 ,,, � �i �, � � ��' � � � ��, I?ISAIaVANTAGES IE ISOT,APP&OVED ,� � , Whst�71 be fUe�gahve consequences i�ffiepionnsed ach� �s not appioved2 i Inabsi�fp to seYvice� � Co�mne � high'traffc noise„accidentrate� I.ossafi�veape? , ,, r ' _ � , r�raricraL n�ae� , '��'; i � ,���, � Altho� tr�m "ffitlor ahon�����u �a' on! vst $�e i�oim vide here.to ssae, are.' �n ou �siver , � � � � �,�„ TiBhpo 3ro Pro ` Y addressm� 8enecat�}` mus6 .�,.��� ,� � fwoqaesttons Howmuch�sitgomgto'cost7 Whqrsgouig'to � ,, , : _ �' �� i �,�� ,, � � � � �� � � � � �� ,'� .� �- � � �� � � � � ��� � �f,� � r� ''' , � I i � I � . � I �.i � i � I! �� � ��i � � " f �I� � � � i f 1� �/ `t �i VI i i II III� �4�i�( i o�'J�� ����� '�i �Ikrr�f W,:�� NN ��+�,� rA ilhi n l�� i. 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