216978 ORIGINAL TO CITY GL:ERK � ,� �,,�; CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. ������ "" ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE '�- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �;e �le No. 216978 — gy Milton COFIM S�nNE ��5�^` �� e�ereas, Additions which might �e to be necessary in the Improve- , �.} described as the Grading arc;. ` " �� P°$KWAX DRIVE t��• / ...�,�54., i_' YI':+{_.s _� ''k ^_ , ��, __, w .. , Whereas, Addit ons which might prove to be necessary in the Impronement described as the Grading and Paving of PARK'WAY DRIVE from Fayne Avenue to Trunk Highway No. 61, Comp- troller's Contract L-6579, McCr�e &�Companq, Contractor, ha.ve been provided for in the Specifications, and • Whereas, It has `been found necessary to make the following Additions: ADDITIONS: Ext�nd existing 12 f t. culvert at junction of Pa�kway Drive and T.H. 61, • including re-setting culvert apron and cleaning out drainage ditch Lump Sum $117.46 . Remove and replace pavement near T.H. 61 for installation of a catch basin for improved drainage Lump Sum 181.29 • Crushed rock for driveway at 1203 Farkway Drive to conform to new grade. ' � 5.7 Cu. Yd. @ $7.29 41.55 . This amount to be financed f rom Connty-Aid Project 63-141 $340.30 • Reconstruct concrete steps at 690, 696, 704, and 708 Parkway Drive to ronform to new sidewalk grade Lump Sum 88.31 � RecQnstruct deteriorated manholes 6.79 Lin. Ft. � $20.00 135.80 • Extra cement for high early strength concrete for certa3n driveways and ,intersections €or traff ic movement 3927 lbs. @ $ U.02 78.54• This amount to be financed from Municipal State-Aid Funds $302.65 • Total additions this agreement $642.95 . and • Whereas, The total addition is $642.95, now therefore be it _ ����.,,,�.,.�.� , "-___., . - Resolved, That� the -City of �St. Paul through its Citq Council approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the Specif ications in the sum of $642.95, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Con- tract L-6579, and which amount is to be €inanced from County-Aid and Municipal State-Aid Funds, divided as follows: County-Aid - $340.30, Municipal State-Aid - $302:65. The Comahissioner of Fublic Works has agreed with the above named Contractor that the sum of $642.95 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. {////N/A( COUNCILMEN .� � Adopted by the Counci�l��R 1� �9� 19— V 'r rr. Yeas ,� Nays . Dalglish� .. ���R � 0 '��6� �' Holland Approved 19— Loss e n Favor Mortinson : !\ ��r Peterson - v a r A gainst '�' R,osen ' Mr. President, Vavoulis ,.s iort s-s2 . , " � , l f� � i � . DU►LICAT6 TO PRINTER � . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ���� + ' � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COWTMI55 ONER Hil�o� Roaen DATE _ i�srsas. Addition� �a�at� ■i.ght p�s �o be ae�ess�ry in �bs �wprow�ent d��a�cibsd u th� QradiA� �d �avi�ag of P�RIC�IAY �I�� fraa Bayna Aven�� to ?�nk �i�h�ae�p Xo. 61, �� t�roll�r�• Ga��raaC L-b5'�9. 3�ct�r�e 6 t�ep�ny, Contractos�, hava b�e� provided far i.n t�ts Spsei�iaa�io��, �►nd i�lb���a4, �t ha� bs►en �atind ne�e�s�ry �o �k.� Ch�t �ol�.e�wing �dditiar►s a A�lITIfaM�: �ct�nd �xx�mting I2 ft. a:iiv�rt �t �tanc�tiion o� �a�kway $�ivs and ?,.�� 61, � inc�ludiag r�-�mtting et�ivert apx�c,n and cl�ning aut draina�� diCch �.uap Bua �11�.�►6 �tdiov� �.�nd r�ilace pave$sttt nsax �.�6. 61 for- im�te�llatioa af s ca�e#i � � bas�n £�vr i�rovad dra#.na�e � - . � � Lua� � . 18i,29 �rei�had rock �or drivs�ty �.e l2d3 $wrk�e.y �r3.v� to con�o� �a issW gxade. . 5.'9 4n. Yd. f� �7.2� 41;�,� This �a�ount to �e f i.rru�nced f ra� �ount�►-�l,d �'xo�sat 6$}�,4i �340,�Q � �econstruet �or�cret� �►t�� �e 69U, 696� 744, end 708 Fark�y �ivo , to eongo� to r�w oide�lk grade x.u� Sua 88.31 � Recons�ruct dstea�ioreiCed �nholes '� 6.�9 Lin. ��. � ��b.00 � � 135.80 �ctra ce�nt for high e��c7.� etrength aoacze�te fo� cerC�i� drin�WSys a�d intsrsect�one for tra�f3� move�ent 392�' lbs. � $ O..b2 �7S�SG . �h�a amount to be tinaneed frau Munieips�2. Steete-Aid �unds # 02.6 • '�o�nX•additions t��.a a�z��sme�t � .�642.95 antl Whezeu, Tha �ote�l addi:�fot� is �fi42.��, no� th4r�gore b� it „ „ , , . l��solvsd, Tlut th� �itg+ of �t. Paul tY�raugb its �3ty Council approvss th� lox�goi�g �dditioAS �ad� in acc�ord�paa.Wi.th th� �psciftcati.pn� �in the atiw a� �6�i2.95, s�id a�wA� � bs �ddad to th� luap aeu� con�id�ration �na�ed in �be con��acC, knnsan as �o�tsollsr�s C�a�w traat T�-6579, and which ea�un� ie to be £inanc�d froe► �unty-Aid �d I�unicipl�! St�ttt-Aid �t�dr�, di�id�d as f91�a+�i �'°►au�ty�Ai.d ,-, $340.30, t+#t��icipe�l S��a•Aid � �90�.65� , , Tka �ia�iisaioner �f Y.'ublic Worke hao agreed �ri�h eh� �bot►e iae�r+sd Contraa�v� tha� e1� sa�e oi �642.95 i• ths co�re�t a�o�nt �o be a�dded t� t�s�s a�bsarre aoatzac�. . ' , , , . , � . . , , � �, � "r� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' 1 i ; Dalglish ' „�,,,;,a e:. - •�� Holland , Approved . , 19_ Loss � . In Favor Mortinson Peterson �y , Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis ions s-ez •