06-525�bs¢_�v� � 23 Council File #�� a - J Z.� Green Sheet # 3030920 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Presented by WHEREAS, in Januazy 2005 the City Council adopted a resolution that requested the Administration, tluough the Office of Technology, to work with Council Reseazch to develop (1) an inventory of existing City telecommunicarions infrastructure, and (2) a proposal for a study of the options for pursuing the creation of a wueless infrastructure with the capacity to serve the entire city; and WxEitEAS, on April 1, 2005, the Saint Paul City Council received from the City's Office of Technology the "Saint Paul Wireless Technology Study, " which provided a wireless technology overview, municipal activity, potential roles for the City of Saint Paul, and options and d'uection; and WHE1tEns, as a result of the April 1 Study, the City of Saint Paul solicited in the Fall of 2005 Request for Proposals to conduct a Broadband Technology Needs Assessment and Economic Development Impact Study (BITS), wherein Springsted, Inc. was retained to examine the broadband technology needs in four key azeas: residenYs disparity issues (Digital Divide), economic development, education and City of Saint Paul operations; and WxElt�as, Springsted's 110-page BTTS Study was presented to the Saint Paul City Council on May 24, 2006, and among the numerous findings: 1) identified three technological options for the City to consider based on the current broadband infrastructure available to the City, 2) provided three ownership options for the City to consider; 3) recommended that a broadband strategy advisory committee be formed; and WHEREAS, the Office of Technology and Communications, based on the findings of the BITS Study report, additionally recommended on May 24, 2006 that the City form the broadband strategy advisory committee and that staff will develop a Request for Information (RFn for short term wireless services and long term broadband options; NoW, 1'xE1zEFO� BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Saint Paul of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota as follows: The Office of Technology and Communications will develop for public solicitation by August 15, 2006, a 28 Request for Information that will solicit recommendations on ownership and technology strategies to provide 29 broadband access city-wide including addressing digital divide issues, economic development and City of Saint Paul 30 operations. 31 32 2. The Saint Paul City Council will hereby appoint a legislative advisory committee, as per Section 3.01.8 of 33 the Ciry Charter, and to be charged with the duties to 1) create criteria on which to judge the RFI submittals, 2) 34 evaluate the RFI submittals on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and to make recommendations for the City to 35 consider, 3) examine, in conjunction with the RFI process, broadband ownership options including municipal 36 ownership and a private/public partnership and to recommend to the City which option to select. 37 �� 5a5 38 3. The Broadband Strategy Advisory Committee will be comprised of, at a minimum, representatives from 39 Saint Paul's higher educational institutions, the Saint Paul School District #625, the Saint Paul business 40 community(s), affiliated govemment institutions, City Council, Mayor's Office, "digital divide," and the community 41 at large, and will be comprised of apprmcimately 18 members who are: 42 43 Darin Broton 44 Steven Buettner 45 Andrea Casselton 46 Milda Hedblom 47 Lee Helgen 48 Chris Hertel 49 Jon Kerr 50 Janice LaFloe 51 Sam Levy 52 Mazgazet I,ovejoy 53 Mary Mahoney 54 Mike McCollor 55 Trudy Moloney 56 Mike O'Connor 57 Terri Thao 58 Becca Vargo-Daggett 59 Lowell Vogen 60 Tom Welna 61 62 4. The Broadband Strategy Advisory Committee will be formed on or about June 15, 2006, and will exist for 63 no more than one year, but in this time, the City of Saint Paul will establish a long-term broadband advisory 64 commission that will continue to examine, review and recommend broadband policies to the City of Saint Paul. 65 66 5. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the city council and approval by mayor, per 67 city charter Sec. 6.07. b�-5�5 Benanav Bostrom ✓ Thmme Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� / / ///�cs /�1i%llsOh _ Approved b Date � 'r �� ��i�.G!� E'�-°` By: {'L{ Requested by Office of Technology: By: Form Approved by City Attomey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �:j D� ��.� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Departmentloffice/wuncil: Date Initiated: ,� -T��o�a�.���t� 31-MAY-06 Green Sheet NO: 3030920 Contact Person 8 Phone: Mike Reardon 266-887 Must Be on Councl /�qenda by (Date): 07JUN-06 ContractType: RE-RESOLUTION -' uepamnen� �en[ � o rerson 0 echnol and Mao ement S P551gn 1 ech ol and Ma emen[ De a ent ' to Number Z � Attome� Far Routing 3 a r•s ce Ma or/ ' but Order 4 omcil 5 ' Clerk � Clerk Total # of SignaWre Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for Signature) Establish the Broadband Strategy Advisory Committee, as a legislative advisory committee per City Code Section 3.01.8, to provide recommendaUOns on ownership and technology strategies to provide broadband access ciry-wide. � idations: Appm�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Cidl Service Commission Personal Service Contracts MustMswer the Following Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirm e�er worked under a coMrect for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any cur2nt ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheetand attach W green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): As per staff recommendation at the may 24, 2006 CouncIl meeting, it was agreed that a resolution would be on the Commcil's June agenda, to create the formation of a broadband strategy advisory committee to focus on key broadband issues and the issuing of a Request for Information regazding broadband ownership models. AdvanWges IfApproved: The City will be able to move fonvazd with communiry input and expertise on how to deal with both short and long term issues and activities and will be able to solicit information on how to address Saint Paul's broadband needs as determined. DisadvanWges If Approved: None Disadvantages If NotApproved: The work that the City has undeRaken over the past I 1/2 years in dealing with Broadband issues in Saint Paul, including the recommendatinos in Springsted's BITS Study, may come to a halt. _ � owi wnvun[ or $O Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Infom�ation: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activib Number. ,J� o �?oos June 1, 2006 12:32 AM Page 1 � Council �le # Q� "�yy�,�j Green Sheet # 3030920 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA l'��; �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WHEREAS, in Januaz}�`Z( Technology, to work wit�Y (2) a proposal for a study city; and � the City Council adopted a resolurion that requested the Administrarion, through the Office of uncil Reseazch to develop (1) an inventory of existing Ciry telecommunicarions infrastructure, and �e options for pursuing the creation of a wireless infrastructure with the capacity to serve the entire WHEttEAS, on April 1, 2005, the int Paul City Council received from the City's Office of Technology the "Saint Paul Wireless Technology Study, " hich provided a wireless technology overview, municipal acrivity, potenrial roles for the City of Saint Paul, and options and due�crion; and 10 WHetzEns, as a result of the April 1 Study;�t�he City of Saint Paul solicited in the Fall of 2005 Request for Proposals 11 to conduct a Broadband Technology Needs tk�ssessment and Economic Development Impact Study (BITS), wherein 12 Springsted, Inc. was retained to examine the braadband technology needs in four key areas: residenYs disparity 13 issues (Digital Divide), economic development, education and City of Saint Paul operations; and 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREaS, Springsted's 110-page BITS Study was presented to the Saint Paul City Council on May 24, 2006, and among the numerous findings: 1) identified three technological options for the City to consider based on the current broadband infrastructure available to the City, 2) providec�t�ree ownership options for the City to consider; 3) recommended that a broadband strategy advisory committee be formed; and ', WHEREAS, the Office of Technology and Communicarions, base� �on the findings of the BTTS Study report, additionally recommended on May 24, 2006 that the City form the broadband strategy advisory committee and that staff will develop a Request for Information (RFn for short term wireless services and long term broadband options; Now, 'rHEREFOitE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the C9ty Council of Saint Paul of �e City of Saint Paul, Minnesota as follows: �'_, 1. The Office of Technology and Communications will develop for public solicitation by August 15, 2006, a 28 Request for Informarion that will solicit recommendations on ownership and technology strategies to provide 29 broadband access city-wide including addressing digital divide issues, economic development and City of Saint Paul 30 operations. 31 32 2. The Saint Paul City Council will hereby appoint a legislarive advisory committee, as per Section 3.01.8 of 33 the City Charter, and to be charged with the duries to 1) create criteria on which to judge the RFI submiltals, 2) 34 evaluate the RFI submittals on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and to make recommendations for tt 35 consider, 3) examine, in conjuncrion with the RFI process, broadband ownership oprions including 36 ownership and a private/public partnership and to recommend to the City which option to select. 37 � ��5 38 3. �� The Broadband Strategy Advisory Committee will be comprised of, at a minimum, representarives from 39 Saint P�ul's higher educarional institurions, the Saint Paul School District #625, the Saint Paul business 40 communit5�(s), affiliated govemment institurions, City Council, Mayor's Office, "digital divide," and the community � 41 at large, and will be comprised of appro�mately 12 members � 42 �, 43 4. The Broadbaiid Strategy Advisory Committee will be formed on or about June 15, 2006, and will exist for 44 no more than one year, ��ut in this rime, the City of Saint Paul will establish a long-term broadband advisory 45 commission that will conrinue to examine, review and recommend broadband policies to the City of Saint Paul. 46 �'�. 47 5. This Resolurion shall be eff�crive immediately upon passage by the city council and approval by mayor, per 48 city charter Sec. 6.07. � Benanav Bostrom Harris Requested by Office of Technology: By: � Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B Approved by Mayor: Date B ,. Form Approved by City Attom�ey� , �Y� r,�/fLi b�P. //0_.l� ! 1'� to Council , l \� .,\ �