216949 � ORIGINAL TO CITY C�RK ��;� COUNCIL ����� .. - - = CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK c� -- - COUNCIL RES UTION—GENERAL FORM , , PRESENTED BY �' COMMISSIONER DATF Nerch 6! 1964 RESOLVED� That the Council herebq approves the award of the Purchasing Comc►ittee therefor and herebq aaards contract Por furnishing three 30" dia, rubber-aested Buttertly Valves to the Water Department� McCarron Pumping Station� 1900 Bice Street - to B I F DIVISION of the NEW YORK AIR BRASE CO�ANY in accordance with City specifications therefor and the Formal Bid �f9643 of ssid B I F Division of the New York Air Brake Company for the � contract price of $6�666.00� such bid being the loaest neeting City speciticationa and said bidder being a reasonable snd reliable one and the Corporation Counsel be and herebq is authorized to draw tip the proper form of contract theretor and the proper Citq officials are hereby directed to eaoecate eaid contract on behalf of the Citq of Saint Panl• ---- -�" coun�ii Fue No. 216949—By Bernard T. Holland— Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Fornsl Bid #f9643 , Committee therefor and hereby awards �► contract for furnishing three 30" dia. - rubber-seated Butterfly Valves to the Water Department, McCarron Pumping . Station, 1900 Rice Street—to B I F. 'DNISION of the NEW YORK AIR BRAI{E COMPANY in accordance with , - ' CLty speciflcations therefor and the ' . � Formal Bid No. 9643 of said B I F ' Division of the New York Air Brake � Company for the contract price of � -- . -- - - - �-- -- . < $6,666.00, such bid being the lowest meeting City speciRcations and said bidder being a reasonable and reliable . one and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is authorized to draw up the proper form of contract therePor and the proper City of&cials are here- . by directed to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. , Formal Bid No. 9843. Adopted by the Council March 8, � 1964. , Approved Mazch 6, 1964. , (March 7, 1964) �IAR 6 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci] 19 Yeas Nays veCourcy 11flAR 619� � Holland Ap , ed 19 Mortinson ' Peterson Favor Rosen � Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, �illon 6M 7-69 �8 DUPLICATE TO PP'NTER � �aJ�� :� �l ' - " CITY OF ST. PAUL courvci� �. - FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ •� - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS ONER DATF Y�lCh 6� 1g� �ESdL�Dr �'hat t� Coq�cil her�by approtr�r tl� awrd o! t�� PurcLaii� eo�ittM tlkretor asd �r�b� �rds a�nt�ract i�r iur�ishi� thr� 30" dia, r�bbrr-s�a�t�d Butt�rii� Valw� t� t� �a�r D�part�eat„ YoCarrtrt� Pt�pi� $tatio�� 1�00 Ric� Str�at - to B i �' DIVISION o! t�� I�M Y�W= AI1t �A� COYPANY 3n macorciaxac� �ith City speciticatic�s th�r�tor uad th� Pbrwl Bid �&!S of said B I !' Dierision o! th� N�r Yosk Air Brala Co�pa�y !or ths cr�rstract prics �f �6,666.00? �itch bid b�itu t� lo�st �tin� Cit� sp�cilication� aad aaid biddar t»i� a r�a�o�sabi� and r�liabl� ose a�d t� Coeporatios Ce�u�s�i b� asd I�robr is a�thoria�d to dra�w up t� proper !o� at aoa�ract t1�r�tor aad tbs proptr City o!licials �rs h�reb� dirfcted to s�acat� uid co�tract ¢a t»�lt o� th� Cily o! Sai�t Pa�tl. 1�'orsal Bid #�D643. ' ,,,,. � -.n l: 1��:� , � .,,_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19 Yeas Nays � - � . .. �.a V �— ' DeCourcy �-"" Holland Approved �� 19 Mortinson Peterson Favor � _.�-'^" Mayor Rosen -�- Winkel A gainat Mr. President, Dillon e� �-sa �s �