216945 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK R. SY � ���, � '� ' � � - � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCii��"'� � - : -, � ' ; ' FILE NO. _ • � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY • CO M M I 551 O N E ��� DATF — AESOLVED, that Kraus-Anderson of St. Paul Co. be permitted to install and operate a new gasoline filling station on property described as Zots 6 and 7, Block 7, Fiobert� and gandall's 6 ddition to Saint Paul, located at the southeast corner of Eleventh and 13obert Streets in Sai�t Paul, in accordance with fin�al plans dated March 4, 196�, � the �.nstallati.on to be under the 'direction and to the satisfaction of the Commi�sioner of Public Safety and the Commi.ssioner of Parks and Aecreation and Public Buildings, subject to due compliance with all applicable municipal ordinances, State statutes, and rules and regu- . lat3.ons of public authorities having cognizance. Whenever the Council may determine that said station cons�itutes a traffic or fire hazard, this permit may be revoked. Co�File No. 216945—By Frank L. .� g Loss— Resolved, That I{raus-Anderson of �St. Paul Co. be permitted to install and operate a new ga,soline fllling sta- tion on property described as Lots 6 and 7, Block 7 Roberts and Randall's �Addition to Sa�nt P�ul, located at the southeast corner of Eleventh• and Robert Streets ia Saint Paul, in ac- cordance with flnal plans dated Mazch 4, 1984, the installatioa to be under the direction anc� to the satisfaction of the Commissioner oP Public Safety and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Bulldings, subiect to due �compliance with all applicable munici- Ppal ordinances, State statutes, and �rules and regulations of public author- ities having cognizance. Whenever the ��x ' Council may determine that said sta- � �is � 1P_ROVEl3 �tion constitutes a trafHc or flre hazard, �.�� � � _ F this permit may be revoked. � j j {1964.�P�d by the Councll March 6, t }• ��p ratiop Couns� � Approved�M�cchh 4,119649 MAR ' 6 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �AR 61��9� Holland Ap oved 19— �� - �gg '� n Favor � Mortinson . Peterson �_ Mayor � A gainst R.osen Mr. President, Vavoulis ionz s-s2 • ,O F� I C E O F � I T Y �C L E R K MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL • , City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall end Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota ���a��•— . � ' °�`' � March 5, 1964 . ,� � �'�� �+ � � �,q aR 5 1964 Mr. Donald L. I�ais �uNSEL Corporation Counsel �QRppRAT10N � Building , Dear Sir: . The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the - attached application of Kraus-Anderson of St. paul;;Co. for permit to install and operate a new filling station on property at the sautheast corner of Eleventh and Robert Sts.� on Lots 6 and 7, Block 7� Robert & Ran�dall's Addition� in accordance srith final plans dated March �+, 196�+. Very t yours, - �� City Clerk "• '3 `3 � . �. �.1� . i � � ' 11111N11�� •�• r��• iii •.• ���• �. t ��� ��. �� I I ••• • ' . :: � ��t�e.. i� � � u i;' p�► .��� \ � � ► ��� � /� `•' , l 1! ,� �. �� � � �� ,i � Ic � CITY OF SAINT PAUL — MINNESOTA 8� .......................... ......................... •:.Y:::::•::::::::::.�:.�: '�:..�.�:•:.�':.:.:�:.�.:•. " l. � � '�.�1.:•:.�..� ....:.:.�.':: • ♦ ' '..:.:�.'.� :;::;�;::;:����::�:�:�:�:R P O F Z O N I N G, C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L .:::.�:.:.... .. ..... ... ""����"'•:�XIRfI.lilQ1:F:]SI-131-153 1�1!CITY HALL AND COUIT HOUSE SAIHT�AUL],MINN�SOTA t March 2, 1964 Mr.Harold J. Riordan City Clerk . Building � Dear Sir; This is in the matter of the application of Kraus-Anderson of St.P.aul, Minnesota, for a permit to install and operate a new filling station ori property located at the southeast corner of Eleventh and Robert Str�ts which is described as Lots 6 and 7, Block 7, Robert & RandallTs Addition, and is zoned light industry. The subject property has a frontage of 110.68 feet on the south side of Eleventh Street and 141.3 feet on the east side of Robert Street, resulting in an area of approximately 16,746 square feet. The P1ann- ing Board staff, and the Traffic Engineer have revi.ewed the proposal and recommend approval. The Minnesota State Highway Department has also indicated approval of the proposal. The Board of Zoning considered this matter at its regular meeting on February 6, 1964 and, inasmuch as the plans meet the standards and in consideration of the above-outlined determinations, recommended approval of the proposal in accordance with final plans dated March 4, 1964. Sincerely, B. R. Teig,�A.I.P. Recording Secretary Approved � ����✓ / BRT:FGI e er, Bo,a�d of Zonin'g�- Encl. Z. F. 5400 CC: Mr.Janes � . ( / � � " " - < .` . . " .<:�~ � , � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Coun House 55102 224-4612 �� ' ' �... February 21, 196l� •" City Clerk 386 City�Ha11 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 File 16317, Page 1 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of the application of Kraus-Anderson of St. Paul Co. for permit to install and operate a new filling station on the following described property: Lots 6 and 7, Block 7, �tobert �ad Randalls Addition. The property is located on the southeast corner of llth and Rober�t Streets. �i pub�.ic hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 a.m. on March 5, 1961�. ' JAMTa'� J. DALGLISH Corrunissioner of Finance �c! � � ' .� . " , . - _ � _ . ; . �oj . _f� �`�, � • City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � � -'' APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT � (Please print or type) , TO TAE $iONORABLE �AYOR AND CITY COUNiCIL ' y6 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to install and operate a new �tandard Oilcross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : 3 Isla,nds 6 P�ps No. of tanks and capacity: 3 Tanks, 6,000 Gal. Capa.�xty each � �PARKING LOT for (customera) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking Lot To be used in connection with: o ��S��o�: (indicate type sucb as Drive-ia Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: � " *Location : �east Corner of Intersection at llth F� Robert Streets Legal Description : Lots 6 and 7 Block 7 Addition Applicant's Name : Kra,us-A.nderson of St. Paul Co. Home or Office Address: 190 Ramsey Street Phone Number : 224--5768 � �BY THE APPL CANT, %'/ 1 24-•64 Willi � Jr. (date Addreas : 190 Ramsey Street Phone No.: 224.-.5768 When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk_, Room 386, City Hall and Court Aouse, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Maia St. and First.St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. r - q � \ ; ,./' � , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL �I � ! �S ' Cspital o! Minneaota �e a�t�er�t a c�blic �a et ' p � Tenth and Minneaota Btreets, 1 POLICE ROBERT F.PETERSON,Commiesioner �ALTg FIRg PROTECl'ION THOMAS H.SHANLEY,JR.,Deputy Commiesioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROBERT W.DilNNING,License Inepector Febrnary 5, 19� Mrs. 9gnes H. O�Connell City Clerk City Hall and Court Houae St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Madam: Herewith ia a report from Asat. Fire Marshall Dan Aorrgran� of the Fire Prevention Bnreau, covering the ingpeation of the gasoline filling station on the northeast corner of Eleventh and Robert Streets. Yours truly, � � � Commfssioner of Public Safety . •,, �� ;. . . � . 1 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' � � " ^ • ` Ca,pital of Minneaota �e a�t�e�t a c�blic �a et ' � !� BUREAU OF Ten(h a�nd 1CinnesOta Streot9, 1 DIVISION OF FIRE PROTECTION ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner FIRE PREVENTION Frank E. Oberg, Fire Chief � , Deputy Commissioner Howard J. Scannell, Chief Thomas H. Shanley, Jr. Febru.a.ry 4�, 1964- � . Honora�le Robert F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sirt In regard to the application of the Standard Oil Go. for permission to install and operate a new gasoline filling station on the Northeast corner of intersection at Eleventh and Robert Streets. We have invest3gated the foregoing and report tha.t thsy wish to install 3 isla.nds, 6 pumps a.nd 3 ta,nks of 6000 gallons ' capacity each. � This installation will be installed in accordance with the ra.les and regulations of the National Boaxd of Fire IInder� trriters and the St. Paul Fire Prevention Code, we therefore re- commend permission be granted. - Respectfully yours, ��jy�� i��� Dan Norrgran DNSde Asstt. Fire Marshal � � ' • �O . .. . . City of Saint Paul, Minnesota - , • APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT ' , (Please print or type) TO THE HiONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY aOUNCIL 96 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota , , • . Application is hereby made to ' � (cross one out) • . , . , install and operate a new Standard Oil � FILLING 'STATION No.; of islands ,and pumps 3 �BllLt�� C Pi�p� ' . � ,, , „ No. of tanks and capacity; 3 T8t1�C�y� 6��0 �. C�f�� ��p$ . � . , , I • . , . . , , . . � � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) ,(public u&e) (other) • . . . , � , (indicate type) , , Capacity of parking lot ' ' ' � � To be used 'in connection with: • �� � ' . ' � MISCELLANEOUS: � � . . (indicate type such as Drive-in Ref reshment Stand, Used Car , Lot,.Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.). Capacity of parking area: *Location : �oir�act �arndr oP 3n�e�c�.o� �� l�.t� €r� ;Rc�er� �tr�t�� Legal Description : Lot� �i +�1d ? Block '7 Addition AppllCant's NaIDe : ��-�AL't�i�l�t '�P ,��.,, �p� �y. Home or Office Address: �9�1 R!�l�j�` L��T��L . � Phone Number : 2Z�S�1�8 . • �$lBY TAE AP ICANT, . �`%/i1i���O�f���r`� �• �wii19'�7�!' • • / , � �C�St@ Address : l9Q ��T �'�EtL r " , Phone No.: �"3�'5�68, When completed: file three copies of this application form and tbree prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Aoom 386, City Hall and�Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between Firat and Second St.