06-523Council File #�� Green Sheet#�:ja3G5'7jo � RESOLUTION OF S,QINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ,� WHEREAS, the Deparnncm of Public Wmks has final'rzed the cost estimaze for the Londin LanelBurlington Rd paving project, and WHEREAS, this project was originally adopted by Council on CF OS-1163, known as Log # SU-0100894, and WHEREAS, the pavuig of Burlington Road is to be financed with Street Improvement Bonds and assessments, and WHEREAS, the bonds were originally budgeted in the 2006 Residentia] Street Vitality Program , la�own as Log #SU-6600816, and need to be transfetted to the Londin Lane/Burlington Rd. activity in the Capital Project Fund, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendarion of the Mayor and advice of [he Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $988,000 is available for appropriafion in the 2006 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby further aznended in the Improvement Budget, in the following particulazs: CutteM Budget FINANCING PLAN Londin Lane/Burlington Rd C06-2A012 MSA Assessments Street Improv Bonds SPENDING PLAN Londin LaneBudington Rd co6-2noi2 Construction FINANCING PLAN Residential Sh�eet Vitality C06-2T560 Sfreet Improv. Bonds 1,464,000.00 iaa,000.00 0.00 1,605,000.00 1.608.000.00 1,608,000.00 7.387.967.54 7,387,967.54 Change 138,060.00 850.000.00 958,000.00 988.000.00 958,000.00 -s5o 000.00 -850,000.00 Amended Budge[ 1,464,000.00 2sz,000.00 850 000.00 2,596,000.00 2.596.000.00 2,596,000.00 6.537,967.54 6,537,967.54 06 -S d� 57 SPENDING PLAN 58 Residenrial Street Vitatity 59 C06-2T560 60 fil Construcrion 7387.967.54 -488.000.00 6.53796754 . — ----� . —�_�.-.-��"----'----�– 7,387,96Z54 � i -988,000.00 6,537,967.54 63 ?'he S�. Paul Leng •$ange Capital I�sprovea�ex�p Bradget Committee received this rec�uest o� :datzl �� S d b ...._ and xeco:nrnpn�N �ga2cis ��� ___.. By. (^n T Approved by � Requested : e artmevt of Public Works PTK/'ab 4/28/06 Sy: Form Ap e y City Attome � By: Form Approv by ayoz fo Submiss' to uncil By: J `� G�P � QFS. 1�r2ECTa� Adopted by Council: Date _( 01 `5 (�lJl �-:»�; � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � . �-5�3 PW ��blicworks Contact Person & Phone: Pauf Kur� Must Be on ContraetType: AR-RESOLUTION W/$ iRANSACTION 28APR-O6 � ' � y �, s — ._' Number For Routing Order Total # of SignaWre Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3030576 5 n' 6 rk Cti Q MAY 2 6 Approve attached Resolukion amending the spending and financing plans of the Londin LaneiBudington Road paving project by transfening Street Improvement Bonds from the 2006 Residential Street Vitality project and adding assessment financing. tdati«rs: Approte (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Canmittee Gdl Service Commission 1. Has this personRirm e�er �wrked under a corrttact fur this departmerrt? Yes No 2. Has this persoNWnn e�er been a city empbyee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a ski�l not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Expfain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green she¢t Inidating Problem, lssues, Opporlunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why�: The Deparhnent of Public Warks has finalized the cost estimate for the Londin Lane/Burlington Road paving project. The paving of Burlington Road is to be financed with Street Improvement Bonds and assessments. The Street Improvement bonds were originally budgeted in the 2006 Residential Street Vitality program and need to be transferred to the Loadin I.aue/Bwlington Road activiry in the Capital Projects fund. Advantages If Approved: There wi11 ba sufficient funds to fmance the work needed on the Londin I.ane/Burlington Road paving project. Disadvanpges If Approved: None. Disadvantapes IFNOtAporoved: There will not be sufficient budget to proceed with the L.ondin Lane/Burlington Road paving project. TotalAmpuntnf $�� Transaction: Fundins source: Street Improv. Bonds & Financia� information: Assessments (Expiain) MAY 2 4 2t1Ub •°s > �;. � A : MAY30�� CosURevenue BudgeMd: Y ActiviH Numher. Cpg_Zq012 & C06-2T560 April 28, 2006 92:56 PM Page 1