06-522Council File # � �J a� Green Sheet #3D3D,�� j RESOLUTION � � CITYQF SAt�1T PAUL, MiNNESOTA Presented by � ( - -- `" ��� ��WHERSAS, the Departrnent of Public Works has finalized the cost estimate for Suburban — White Bear to Ruth tighting project, and 2 3 WI3BREAS, ttus project was originaiiy adopted by Council on CF 04-1174, and 4 5 4VF3EREAS, additlonal Star Grant funds have been secured, but there is a need for more MSA to Snance the work that needs to be done, and 6 � 7 WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Deparhnent of Public Works to Vansfer MSA funds from the 2005 MSA Confingency into this project, so $ 9 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long 10 Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $139,697.05 is available for appropriation in the 2005 Capital Tmprovement Budget, as 11 heretofore adop[ed and amended by [his Council, be hereby further amended in [he Improvement Budget, in the foLlowing particulazs: 12 13 14 1 S Cursent Amended 16 Budget Change Budget 17' 18 19 20 F�nivcnv� rLnrr 21 SuburbanAve:WhiteBeaz-Ruih 22 COS-2A025 23 24 MSA 180,000.00 78,747.05 258,747.05 25 Assessments 76,000.00 76,000.00 26 Staz Grant 75 000.00 60 950.00 135.950.00 27 331,000.00 139,697.05 47Q697.05 Z8 SPE+NDINGPLAN 29 Suburban Ave: White Beaz-Ruth 30 cos-zao2s 31 32 Construcrion 331000.00 139.697.05 470.697.05 34 33t ,00�.00 139,697.05 470,647.05 35 36 37 FINANCING FLAN 38 MSA Contingency-OS 39 cos-zTOes 40 41 MSA 477.05734 -78J47.05 398 310.29 43 _ 477,05734 -78,747.05 398,310.29 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 a6 - s�- 57 SPENDING PLAN 5g MSAContingency-OS 59 COS-2T065 60 fil Construcpon ---��-----'—�---.. `.---'--------- � 63 Y'he St. Fanl boag. ga�e �%a�� ��?�''�'"���� s�uzi�,et Commi}}� :e�,�r� �� �€��est csa� �l8 D6 � .,�?�,� s�^.�s^��� <�a��i . ` ��d�� ���o 1'.3�F.SiF.�1 Harris 477,05734 � -78,947.05 Requested by: Depazhnent of Public Works PTK/'ab 4/26/06 By: Thune Adapted by Council: Adoprion ' d By: Approved b o . By: Date Date � , .�.., �. � .,. .�_ _ •� i �lU / - - . �. �.� � . � � � . �� . � � � � i � i � �'-w— p FS 7�� 2� c f� � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 0� pW �blic Wolks Contict Person 8 PMne: Paul Kur� hlust Be Contract Type: AR-RESOLUTION W/$ TR.4NSAC710N o� m�aea: ��� � ' Number FOr Routing OMer Total # of SignaNre Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) MAY 2 6 Approve attached Resolution amending the spending and fmancing plans of the Suburban-White Bear to Ru �p�� ; � GE transferring MSa from the 2005 MSA Contingency pmject and adding Star Grant financing. Planning Commission CfB Cwnmittee CiHI Senice Commissiun Personal Serviee Contracts Must Mswerthe Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm e�erwaked under a contract Tor this department? Yes No 2. Has tNs persoNfirtn e�er 6een a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortna�ly possessed by any cument city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on s6pardte sheet and atfach to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunily(Who, Whaf, When, Where, WhyJ: The Department of Public Works has finalized the cost estimate for the Suburban-VJhi[e Bear to Ruth ]ighting project. Additional3tar Grant funds have been secured but there is a need for more MSA to finance the work that needs to be done. The Department of Public Works is proposing to transfer MSA funds from the 2005 MSA Contingency into this project. AdvaMageslfApproved: There will be sufficient funds to fmance the work needul on the Subwban-White Beaz to Ruth lighting project. Disadvantages IfApproved: MSA from the MSA Contingency project will not be available for use on other MSA eligible capital projects. ����� DisadvantagesBNotApproved: p�AV 2 (� 1��ti There will not be sufficient budget to proceed with the Suburban-White Beaz to Ruth lighting project. ���i � � * � `.. Total Amount of TransaeHon: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) $139,697.05 MSA & Star Grant Green Sheet NO: 3030551 Deoartment 2 - man' Servi 3 �� A�.� - - - , �- 2y-� (o 5 ' Counaii 6 Clerk e RECEiVED p � � _ � _:<N,_ MAY30� � CosURevenue Budgeted: Y �-.--_- -- ._._ __ _ _ _, _ Activitv Number. Cp�2p025 & CO�r2T065 Aprii 27, 2006 4:07 PM Page 1