216914 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �� ��d"'�J�� + � ,. �� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� °'''�' _ ,,, OFFI�� OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. r OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY M81 Ch 3 l�� COMMISSIONE DATE � — �SOLPFD, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Ca�nnittee therefor and hereby a�ards contract for furnishing a11 labor, materials, . { equ�pment and services necessary for or reasonab7y 3.ncidental to the surfacing o�' the concrete block handball wall at Valley Playground, Jackson 5treet and Valley Street, Saint Pau1, Minnesota to ISADORE GOLDETSIQC & SON CO�tSTRUCTION in accord.ance �3.th City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Info*�Ai B3a �6503 of said Isa,dore Goldets}.� & Son Construction �or the contract price of $1+94.00, such bid bei.ng the lawer and said Isadore Gold.ets�r & Son Con.struction being a reasona,ble an.d reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up �the praper form of contra.ct therefor, and the proper City of�icials hereby axe au�thorized to execute said contra.ct on behal� of the City Councll Flle No. 216914—By Frank L. of Saint Pau1. L°S�- Resolved, That the�Councll hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards� In�ormal B�d �#6503. •��ntract for furnishing all,labor, �•�� ^ ;ia7,+, eq�lipment and services n���- , . i°v �r or reasonalrly i 1ci��rnL�Si �f.Ci'�F. •��' C�� �.i tr•.t�':9 ;C ��.it.• .'�'-i,? �a.. • �. ,fr.»:i •-�m� ��ba �.^.�`11.L"7CJ .:litt19V1i t(1:3T9\' �,.� _ e�� / � 6 � � '_- - - / / ��' ����D� ___y: I t , �, �tAR 5196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �AR 5 ��i �-��— / pproved 19— �s� � In Favor � Mortinson Peterson �.- Mayor gainst �--�age$ '- Mr. President, Vavoulis iors s-ez DUrLICATE TO rRINTER ������`x , , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ . _ OF��C� OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� �' �(�, COMMISSIONEa DATF ��� .I�u�o+r�'i '� �i0UY1Pr1..�. ���, �'�Bl'QY�$ �1lh �i&�. O�' �1@ �i�l,�'i2�.`'�'i ri0[F�.�'i�'id@ ther���rr and hareby .�,ra?� �on�raCt �or �urn3a�.ng a71 3abor, ��x�.�is, �i�.Pt�'� .�.d $et�J.ees n�caagexy �'or dr �ar�b�,y inc�dantai��. tv 'the gurP�ol.ng cx� th� �x�e#e block 31and1�.L'l. �ra5.1 s�t �'a,13,ey P1a,ygrouad� 3acke� '��t • an,c� ��.L1�3r S��t, �.at �a,iz7., �kLnm�a4�a to ��fl4� q�`�Y � �!( �O�i�E�TIf� 3.n, a�cord�ncQ w3th �9.ty �c��t�a.'tiva$ 'th�refor hexe�Go �ttaeh�d �n�. � �n�Qr�]. �.d �503 of .�sa�.d Tse�lo�s 4olci,e�1� � So�i. Cc?�tru,G�ivn far 't,�e c��tr�et prtc� of �9�.00, �icb. bic� be3.ng the ].o�w�r ancl �a3.d Isadore� t�c�lde'ta�r t� S�[ �or�struc�io� 'E�eing a raaac�able &nd r�lie�b�e bi8�der, and �tl�e C.o�ora�#,�.an Cow�sel be a�d �+ereby is dix�ec�d �a draw e� � �ro�er �or�. o� co�,tract ther�far, �.nd the px�r Cit,y o�1.ci� her+�by � �u�hori�ecR 'Y� .e�cu'� eafd ccrn'�rs.at an 'i�ha1� of' �tha aity Cx� SaS.i�.`t Pe.ul. �n�ea�. S3,d �6503• ��AR 5196� COUNCILM�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays ����t � ���� Dalglish �}}��_ � Approved 19— �sg � In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor �te$e$ gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iorz s-sz