216902 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK • '������ . - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � � � h ` u + OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. ' _ ; A-� C�OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF — RESOLVED� that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul� in the Council Cha.mber of the ., Court House and City Hall� in said City� as provided in Section 1.07� paragraph 2 � Saint Paul Legislative Code� at ten o' clock - A.M, on March 27� 1964, upon the advisability a.nd necessity of the repair� replacement� remodeling� or wrecking and removal of the one-story fra.me single family dwelling on Lot 24� Block 2 � Stone 8e Mortons 2nd Addition to the Ci-ty of St. Paul� Ramsey Co. , ` Minnesota� according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the, Register of Deeds of Ra.msey County� Minnesota� also known as � "1350 DeSoto Street� because said structure is reported to be � dangerous and unsafe to life, limb an.d_ adjoining property. �Council Flle Na. 21690�By Frank L� Loss— Resolved, That a public hearing be� held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in the Council,� Chamber of the Court FIouse and City Hall, in said City, as provided in Sec- , tion 1.07, paragraph 2, Saint Paul Legislative Code, at ten o'clock A1VI.� ,1��� `� on March 27 1984,upon the advisablllty Ov J e� and necessi�y of the repair, replace-) �j� �y- g ment, remodeling, or wrecking and' �[� ��i G��� familyaldwelling onStLot 4, Blo kg2,� ����` � ti�pA Stone & Mortons�2nd Addition to the kQ Qp(a City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minne- sota, according to the plat thereof re- corded in the ofAce of the Register of 5g'C• Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also known as 1350 DeSoto Street, because said structure is reported to , be dangerous and, unsafe to life, limb and adjoining property. Adopted by the Council March 4, A {��� 1984. . , ��� 4 � Approved March 4, 1964. (March 7, 1964) t COUNCILMEN T� �^ Adopted" y the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish �p,� 419� Holland roved 19— LOg� Tn Favor Peterson � ���g�� Mayor . A gainst � ~ " r. Presiden , n � i�TS &82 . �� .��C� DUPCIGAR'E TO rRINTER ...7�:.,-� , , � _ - ^ . - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. _ ' r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSI ONER_., DATE �tESOLVED! that s public hearing be held by and before tY�.e . d Council ot' the City of S�int Paul� in the Council Cham.ber of the Court House an.d Citp Hall� in said City� as provided in Section 1.0�� paragraph 2 Saint Paul I,egislat3ve Code� at ten o' clock 1 A.M. on rch 27� 1964� upon the advisability and necessity of the repair� replacement� remodelingi or wreeki�g and removal of the one story fra.me single fsmily dwelling on Lot 24� �loc� 2� Stone & Mortons 2nd Addition to the City of St. Paul� Ramsey Co. � Minnesota� according to the plat thereof recarded in the office o� the Register o� Deeds of Ramsey County� Minnesota� also kno�n as 1350 DeSoto Street� beca�se ��id structure is reported to be , � dangerous end unsafe to life� limb and ad�oining property. . -�'! „�, - �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � -``��' Holland � Approved ° � �J 19— �gs � In Favor Mortinson . Peterson D Mayor Against .Ru3�$1 . esi en , avou is iorz s-ss .