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��a��� co,����8 rro...........__.......__ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublioimprovement bythe City of 8aint Paul,viz.: ----_ -_.--�,- , - ---- ----- ; �--. - -. — �� - „� - - •...�..*.,.i.�r-�'',�'i�Y...'`k'.. ..r... t ��. r•{..�.w.�...�.......lf '-s.n.......�:j.w�=*..j.a........, ..._ .�i......:........ ' _ • ` ' �w...Y..�...1�rw.. � � « ",.,•• ,�9�F�'�L-i_��. '`., , �-�7 eYr:'1 i..v.`V��{�" t 4 ........, - Open�, widen and extend ARLINGTON AVENUE� from_Sylvan Street to�Jackson„Stregt, b.y,,,_,,. condemning�'and�'takirig�the��following �d'escribed��parcels of lands. ..................................._.............. .... . ......,.. .. .. � .. All that �portion of Block H, Soo Line Plat Number 2, lying southerly of a straight line comme�ncfing••at�^a•'po inC"on"the"Wes'C'�TYrie"bf"'�aid"B lock" H;°`1:2 6"f ee t'no'rtli�of°'the"sou thwes t corner�of�sai�Block H, .ex�te�ding thence in,an� easterly„direction�to,,,�,,point on�tfhe east line of said Lot H, 2.85 feet northwesterly of the southeast corner ,o�fr �sa'i:d�`Block H. ...,....�..._..<...................._................,,r�••:'..:Kfy�.lt�L�i:."1.c- .... All those portions of Lots 8 thru 16, inclusive, all in Block 12, Gurney Park�;�'��'.ying southerly of a straight line commencing at a point on the east line of Block B, Soo Line..,,P_lat,Nnmbe�,�6�.�,8---fee.t�nor.t�tiwes.ter•ly of�-t�e�southeas-t�cor-ner-�o�-saidyBlock-B; --- , extending thence in an easterly direction to a point on the east line of Lot 8, 8.37 j feet north of the southeast corne��'of�.sai���o:t��8.��E,�. All those�p�or��ionsy.of�I,'St"s"�8'w�1i��17;n`iitc°lus°'iv�;��a,�l�''i'B��ock.°-'�13;*���"rt�ey Park,. lying �' southerly of a straight line commencing at a point on the west line of Lot 17, 9.,1'9 • feet north of the southwest corner of said Lot 17, extending thence in an easterly direct3on to-sa�;�point�t on,r_the; eia's",t;�:lifie� cjf€Lo�f"'- 8;-C1:2�83��feet�tnorth°'of�ftie:�'souCtieas£� �� cQrner-`of;�said! L°_ot;'8;� t�:�i �tr3���,�g r�3�����a�d p��.�#,t� #�� �t�:t��: ' K.Y_.. A�l�,l► of;rthose�€portions��,of;,'�Lq,t,s i'2=:_t�ir`u.?11�;;�inclu�;i:ae��a1�1:�in��B�lock:.�1/+; Gu'rney�Par�;==1y-ing southerl:y�Yof,��a�s�,ra�ight„line, commen:cing�at�a�goint+Co'nithe`.,.west=.Tine`=�of=��Lot'� 1�1=; 13:66-�fe`et nor,th,�ofu`the,��,sxouthwest��cox�riex�;�Qf;;said:�L:o,t�11,_,-'extending- tlieric�"�in� an� e`astefly�'d'irection� ' to,��,a� pofnt�.on�t�e;eas�,�lirie;;,of;L,Qt;t2.:;,�LZ�::3�1 f;eet`nor.thl'.of;3tlie tis:oti-t�Yieast'`�'or'ner��of� said�,iy , Lot 2.. - }". . � �43 41�.+�'.�i� �ViieFS.'w�' �� �'i.��t�.� [� �LZ1►L�'.iFGi�� �i��l��,�p�{r,.A: ;3nS r s r�� 4r' �� �'`� � � � �� - . J. .�t.. #�'.�'>�`�. s.Y. �, �:.r i� '}.r n :�-.r �����A;lso�by; condemni�ng;and{�ta_king�;a�:;easement�:�.f:oz; s,tre.e.t pu'rpose�ori��$iid..:ac'ross ��.T 1 � thosee�ortions ;of�B.locks. E',r,A,_n�d tB;-�;i_T 1_:�Soo I7'ine:lPl:a� Numb_er,2_S arid:vacated�rG"u"rne��S,tr'eet wr�4.I {rJ�rM .. ,..-_� y,r ..� .A Y�!. t. ! 9• ! . � all�tas��de�scri�bed�be;low: �Comg►encing;�at��the .south,w.es_ti; co.rrier: of�Blo'c1�iE;��thericet.2�85�+feet nor,thwesterly,,on�the.;�es�t.�lin�,��ofyTsaid �Bl;ock�$; �t�ence easterly on a straight line to a 'r(�'srsM Ia�i/}.�M. �. point on the east line of B.lock B, 6.18 feet northwesterly of the southeast corner of said �B�_1 ock�B,_;thenc�-�sou�,thee�sterly ;to� the��southeast�'corne`r,��f.;.said Biock: B:,:':then'ce�=w. 'i Lki �.�(��.d � we`s.teL 1�'i'x°�t�h� ;Poi.�tt�;of �b�e�inning::u���, �� i� �d��e� �� k�^.� ����. ��;�- �t� �C#� ��p :`,� i ��4s4� '��if�� �ii�r tti`u �;4.}�ZL�i3f+`o�t'i. R'..'��^'^�,�C a�'a+�; �.�1'�� L+''.�lt �,'�� �,:+�b`.�-7'..i��:� .W.��"'.3�+� �!1 �1 �C�'-�.�".i� ��,�A1���condumnTingMand itaki�ng�anAwease�ent5^inY�thei��and�tLn;ecess�a,ry ,�for:;is:lop:es;.'_cu.ts and f�i1�Ls�and;�e�porarqy �construction easements, all including the right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof occas�;oned by construction work both within and�beyond,.o�r_ o�tet�s ide�of� the�,,�tre.e�t;�Lboundary��,1 ines,F for�'�the�grading��and�.paving��of;�.RLINGTON A�,V�E�IJE�fr�om Ri�c�Street}to�Jacksony�S�treet��;;�as =el��l;as;co�de�fng�,?an_d t�acq'uiring�. the��riglit.:� wh�i�h�shala�-be�-�in�theT;natu,re;ofyan-easement,±�;,to �es•tablish 4the;tgrade rand°��toF;aLter'�the:'exist- ing gr�d.e�{in�sa�daAr,�lington,�Avenue-; :which,conde�nna_tion�anfd a'.cqui�s.i�tio,ntrshaLl.;includ'ea�tfie tak�ng'of all right, claim, or interest of abutting property owners in any grade hereto- I fore existing in said Arlington Avenue; and providing therefore and authorizing the establishmen� of�gradez and�;change:,of�exis�ing;gr�de Lin�ta,ccord°an;ce;wwi:th tDrawiagt'No.�939, pap�ing d�awe.rj�l2.,xdate.d;;November;�l9;;g�1��64,�on�f-i`le�in=�the:;Depar_tament�,of�=PutiY.ic:::Wor,ks:;"�� I� � and� further,:�providingRthereforeg�ndr aut�or,izing;Mwhex;e,_appr.opri'ate, �a�ard'st;to :�ompensate � abu�ting�owners�-for;;allxtaking.;or�damagi�ng�o� ;priva,te�prop.er,ty;resul_ting,:to,�"subject �'� : p,�r�opewties��and;incorporatin,g{all _s,ucli.compen�at3on�:to:;.whi:ch �:an abut,ting�owner:.may:lie:or b�comep�,entitled,,;��.f�any,;�;�into�a�singl,e awar;d;;with�r�s.pect'��to�each#parcel::of-atiu.tting . s ro ert � y,��«. ' `� ' ' � P�.:.Pa.r�>}.�i`;i' �G ��,: �+��'�=� G.. '�.:;�,� .,..?, , ; � � i �.-�.ri,�i-r-rr — _ . . . . .`�.�n-r�-- �✓�� _ � . ,-Alao con�e$niag �nd' taking yan.�aa�ia�• in. t�i� ��land;nace���ry�'foi slop�ee,!cutq:and x�:� ` R , fill�s, and t��pora r y constreiction,�.s�staents, a�ll incltadin g �he` r,i�h"t of 'tar�oval.'of latsretl ,�� , -,; ; support �roa+ eub ject land o�e;reae,indar. .thei�e,o� oceai�fined,by conati`uctiori-work both wit�in , and be�yond �or �tilisid�'.o£� ths street bouadarq_�,ins�� f.or tha gxnd�.ng �and. paving of AjtL�INGTOR �' 1� � AV�ND$ froa xice $ta1��t „ta Jaickaon _St�aet; as, �well,as condeaaai'�g and aequ�ri'ag �tia. rigtit ; - ' which' shn11 be• iri-.zha�n�tt�re,of,an �ea�e�en�':to •st�blieh til�e�grade and��o alt¢r_th� �sxist-: • �. �iAg �grade it� said Arliagton'lvenue, wl�ich-cb�deunmtion `nnd acQuisitioa.�phall, inalude 'tbe - ,� � . �ta.king og-al l right;''�;laia,,or�interest. o� �e�utting propeitq owners in as�r' grade;liereto- . _ _ =fere existi�g in se�id Ai•�.ington, Avenue; and,�p"_roviding �t�erefor�. �nd authvrizitig'tha . - � : ' , , eatablistursnt of. grnde. and chein,gi�;:of�eexisting grade in, eccordanea; With, DraMing bTu. 939, +. � •, paving draw�r 3�12, ,dated .Nove�ber 19;�1964; on.file._ in��he ,Departa�nt�af Public poiks,; � . , � � �and; .furtber, pro�iding therefor� arid'authorizing,.wti�rs apgacopsiate, eward� to ca�peasate�' , � ' 'abtittiiAg� owr��ra �;o,r al�l .taking or daaagin�,.o� privnt� �xop�rty rsgultiag.to_sub.�ect ' . , -' progsrties ,�nd incozpQrirtin��,all such ,cos�p�nsatian to wtiich an �abutting owner �a.y b� �or - . , . hqcoRa en€itlec�, .if aaq�, -into a sin�l�, award Fiith resgeat-.to �ach parcel of ab,ytting - " - propertq, _ -.� ,- - - � - � . '�- ' �• . :: � . - • • - - _, .• _ . �� 'L-� . _ . � -. . . - � . . .__ . .. _ - -- :