06-52RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: COUNCIL FILE #: � 52 GREEN SHEET #: 3028802 11 Committee Date: I WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation has undertaken the construction and renovation of the 2 Jimmy Lee / Oxford Pool facility and its related site work unprovements; and 3 4 WHEREAS, Independent School District #625 (ISD 625) has a desire to participate in this project to the extent 5 necessary to achieve the conshuction of two gymnasiums, for primary use by ISD 625, which aze attached to and a� 6 integral part of the Jimmy Lee / Oxford Pool facility; and 8 WHEREAS, ISD 625 has agreed to conuibute an amount not to exceed $1,772,000 from its capital bonds for the 9 design, construction, and furnishings of the aforementioned two g}mmasiums; and 10 11 WHEREAS, a copy of the development agreement between the City and ISD 625 is attached hereto as E�ibit "B' ; and ]2 13 WHEREAS, with ISD 625's conuibution and upon completion as designed, highlights of this project will include: a new 14 ]obby area, multi-purpose and arts-and-crafts rooms, four gymnasiums, and a re-designed aquatics area (including a zero 15 depth leisure pool, a water slide plunge pool, a family locker room, and a handicap accessible eight ]ane pool); and 16 17 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the 18 Mayor, and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $1,772,000 is available for 19 appropriation in the 2005 Capital Improvement Budget, and said 2005 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by 20 Council, is hereby fwther amended as follows: 21 CURRENT AMENDED 22 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 23 COS - Parks Capita] Projects 24 3H036 - Jimmy Lee / Oxford Pool 25 6927 - Other Agency Shaze of Costs 26 27 SPENDING PLAN: 28 COS - Parks Capital Projects 29 3H036 - Jimmy Lee / Oxford Pool 0 1,772,000 1,772,000 0 1,772,000 1,772,000 30 0892 - Architect Fees - Building 0 195,�OQ 195,00� 31 0894 - Construction - General I,000,000 1,577,000 2,577,000 32 1,000,000 1,772,000 2,772,000 33 3A FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor and proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute agreements which 35 may be necessary to implement this project. G IFMIq7lWrkalResoluhons, AOs, Green SheefslResoluhonsWimmy Lee ISD 625 Funding Resolufion xls Page. 1 of 2 COUNCIL FILE #: � � �� GREEN SHEET #: 3028802 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: ReFerred to: Adopted by Cowcil: Date: �L3z1���` Lrl�6 Adoption Certified by Counci] Secretary BY� ,���i/�sd. Approved r: Date: � ( By: Committee Date: Requested by: Division of Pazks and Recreation � _/ _ � / r� � Approval Recommended by Financ' I Services Director: By ^ // � f �i Form Approved by Ciry Attorney R.,. ;>.�'��.�. _ � i�� � 1'he st. Pavl Lott3 •�98 C:apital Improvemens Budget ( C�o�mmittee received thss request on dafe)?��-�a, a��S ,_andrecommendg � � ��� G:IFN11Q71WvkalResolutions, AOs, Green SheetslResoWtionsl✓immy Lee ISD 625 Funding Resoluhon xls Page� 2 of 2 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �t�- 52 PR — rsrtcsaoaRecreation I tSNOV-05 Confact Person & Phone: -' Jason Wi�ica 26G6417 Assign Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number For Routing Order ContractType: AR-RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSACTION Total # of Signature Pages J_ (Clip All Lowtions for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3028802 0 arla and Recreati 1 ar andR r ti ' ector ��� 2 'nancial Services ifice Financial rvi �_ 3 " A me 4 a or's 1Ti a or/Assistant 5 0 ' Ci Cooncil 6 lerk lerk Appmval of attached resolution authorizing the proper City officials to enter in to an agreement to accept a contribution from ISD 625 for use towards the Jimmy Lee / Oxford Poo( improvemert project, and setting up the appropriate spending and financing plan. Recommendations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission � CIB Commitfee CiHI Service Commission �_ 57� PersonalService Contracts MustMswerthe Following Questions: 1. Has this personlfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this depaAment? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, Whay When, Where, Why): Advanpqes If Approved: ���+E� Y �D Two additional gymnasiums will be incorporated into the project. ��C � 2 2005 Disadvantages if Approved: None. � � ,�, � A ''`. _ J= ,. Disadvantages M Not Approved: ISD 625's contribution will be lost. Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: $1,772,000 Contribution Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Activ'dy Number: 3H036 Financiai information: Cuirent adopted construc[ion budget is comprised of CIB funds and includes: (Explain) C043H034: $250,000 COS-3H036: $I,OOQ000 November 15, 2005 9:15 AM Page 1 1 �E� 2 � 2005 '�t8�.,,,;3 p^�oar^€� ('.�i":� P �EC 2 3 2�65 Exhibit "B" JIMMY LEE RECREATION CENTER GYMNASNM FUNDING AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT pto-5'Z- This Agreement, entered into this day of , 2005, between the Cily of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation (City) and Independent School District #625, a public corporation (District). WHEREAS, the City owns certain land on which the Jimmy Lee Recreation Center and Oxford Pool are currently located and intends to remodel and expand the facilities at that location; and WHEREAS, the District is in need of additional gyuuiasium space for use by Central High School; and WHEREAS, parties acknowledge that the cooperation of the parties in providing said gymnasiums will maximize the benefits to the citizens of Saint Paul by providing increased educational and recreational facilities at reduced expenditures by both parties; Now, therefore, based upon the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, parties agree as follows: 1. Scope of A�reement: The City intends to initiate construction and remodeling of the complex known as the Jimmy Lee Recreation Center/Oxford Pool (hereinafter Project) at a site bounded by Lexington Parkway, Mazshall Avenue, Oxford Street and Concordia Avenue, as further detailed in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Construction of the Project is expected to begin by spring of 2006 with completion estimated by fall of 2007. Parties agree that these dates are tazgets and are subject to change as the Project develops. The Distxict wishes to participate in the construction and remodeling to the extent necessary to achieve the construction of two gymnasiums for primary use by the District. To this end, the District has committed an amount not to exceed $1,772,000.00 from its capital bonds for the design, construction and fumishing of two gymnasiums within the Project. Conshuction costs shall be determined by a separate add alternate bid for the project. Design and engineering shall be calculated as 9.5% of construction costs of the two gymnasiums and project administration shall be calculated.as 1.5% thereof. 2. Prouertv Ownership: All land is currently owned by the City of Saint Paul or will be transferred to the City by the date of the start of the Project. Parties understand that the underlying properry may not be sold or transferred to the District under Section 13 of the Saint Paul City Charter, and agree that the expenditure of the funds for construction will not transfer title to the underlying properry or any portion of the stnxcture, but will entitle the District to enter into a long-term Use Agreement which wiil be the subject of a separate Agreement. 1 JIMMY LEE RECREATION CENTER GYMNASNM FUNDING AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT (Continued) 3. Project Fundina: The City of 5aint Paul has made a capital commitment of $14,500,000 for the Project, which will pay for the City portion of the Project. Parties envision a Project in which the gyimiasiums are attached to and an integral part of the recreations center. Exact design specifications and scope of the Project will be determined once the design phase has been completed, but it is understood that no part of the District funding is to be used for any part of the Project other than the design, construction and fiunishing of the gymnasiums and ancillary areas serving the gymnasiums such as the storage azeas and restrooms. 4. Project Management: The Project will at all times be a Ciry Project, and the City shall be the contracting entity for all work associated with the Project. Solicitation and award of bids associated with the Project shall be in compliance with the City bidding requirements, and the costs of bidding, desi� and construction of the gymnasiums shall be apportioned out and charged to the District's contribution. District agrees to execnte any agreements, documents or authorizations necessary to allow the City to perform as the contracting entity for the DistricYs portion of the Project (Gymnasiums). A Design Advisory Committee will determine the scope of the Project and any necessary changes or reductions. A member of the District's Plant Planning and Maintenance Department shall be a participating representative on the Design Advisory Committee and shall consult on all matters related to the school gymnasiums and ancillary areas. The District will be given progress reports on the construction, will be advised of any changes to the work that may affect the layout, function, cost or schedule of the Gymnasiums, will be allowed to review site progress, and may make requests of the City with respect to the Gymnasiums but will not direct or control the design or constnxction, or the actions of the contractors. 5. Failure to Perform: If either Party fails to perform its obligations in a timely manner as detailed in Paragraph 6 with respect to the commencement of the Project, the other Pariy may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice by March 30, 2006. If written notice is given by the District, they will be responsible for all applicable costs, fees and administration expenses that aze associated with the District's two gymnasiums up to March 30, 2006. iVotice shal] be delivered in person or by first class mail to the following addresses: City: Manager of Recreation Services 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4`" St. Saint Paul, MN 55102 District: Saint Paul Public Schools Executive Director of Operations 360 Colborne Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 2 JIMMY LEE RECREATION CENTER GYMNASNM FUNDING AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT (Continued) IN WIT'NESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands the date first written above. APPROVED AS TO FORM THIS day of , 20 Assistant City Attorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Mayor City Clerk Director of Financial Services Director of Parks and Recreation INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 625 SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS APPROVED AS TO FORM THIS day of 20_ By Chairperson, Board of Education Clerk, Board of Education Jeffrey Lalla, General Counsel INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 625 � �� � �� 1 %///%///�°_ O%////� 'i �///////, ;; � ;,,,,,,,� =� � ��aiiiii� �� iiiaai% �, �; %//////// j �� � � //////////� �� J �� � r . � � ............. . �: � � �' : ' � ��- � �—�;. � . } H �i � � l .� ��� a w � o � � ............. anuanbr ��eqs�ew _ � f H G � W LL J J m O � ✓ , i � f I I: � ' I'� � �i I +� � � - ----- - -fJ ��._- L d L d V � O O '� a d� �� d � � � Q H J N m A � � £ � d � � k u N W � C Z �. ��\� \\ e�paoouo� _. _ � . _ _ __� _ __ _�, ' i �