220789 ..._.. � _ '" _'_ . . �����eJ 0111GINAL TO CITY CLHRK � . =�'" CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED QY COMMISSIONE pA� ��V'ED�� upon�pertinent appeal, under the Zoning %/" Code� by � as owner of the subject premises situate in the City of Saint Paul� described as the west 60 feet of Lot 3, Block 10, Beaupre 8c Kellys Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey Co. � Minnesota, located on the nor�theast corner of Burr and Jessa.mine Streets� that the provisions of said " Zoning Code hereby are determined and varied in their application� as and to the extent necessary therefor� and -the bu.ilding setback line applicable to said premises in respect • of the east line of Jessamine Street hereby is established . as a line drawn across said premises, parallel thereto a.nd . twenty feet (20) distant from said east line of Jessamine Street. ` � � � � ` � rc� � �� � lAsst, Corporation Counsel NOV 24 1� . COLTNCILA�N � Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays ' Dalglish App�����2 4 77D� 19— Holland � Loss Tn Favor ' Meredith � � Peterson � • `- - �ByOr Rosen A Sainst Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED NOV 2 8196� �o� �� n i:...•j:.:t:ti•:ti•:i;� +, . •i�y;i:��t.. � . .ttitiY::.::':'.:�. ... ::::/::.'.. ... .:. . �:;:::;:><...<�:�:�:;�:R D O F Z O N I N G, C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L � � , � _ °°° ����•:#kt�Nsi.ait:ssi-sss.sss W13 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUS[ SAINT�AUL 4,MINN�60TA .::::. .......:: , � � - ' - - , � November 10, 1964 � Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr. . City Clerk - ' � Building ' Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the •appeal of John Wegwerth to establish a 20 foot building line setback from Jessamine Street for property ' , located at the northeast corner of Burr and Jessamine.Streets de- � scribed as the west 60 feet of Lot 3, Block 1�, Beaupre & Kelly�'s � Additionl��h�e property is zoned t`B" residence. • ��'1 ii _ - A single-family residence has been moved onto the site, and through . an error, the foundation was constructed at a setback of 20 feet . rather than the required 26 foot setback. It is necessary to secure Council approval for the requested 20 foot setback before proceeding with the location of the house. � The Board of Zoning considered this matter at its regular meeting _ on October 8, 1964. The staff reported that there is one house in the block to the east which has a setback of 3� feet from the Jessa- mine street line, and because of the topography of the site, the requested setback;appears reasonable and in keeping with�the purpose � and intent of the setback provision of the Code. Therefore, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the appeal to establish . a 20 foot building line setback from Jessamine Street for the above � described property. � _ ` a ' - - Sincerely, ' - B. R. Teig, A.I.P. - . � -� , Recording Secretary , . � - BRT:FGI ` : _ � a , . . -� - Encl. � ' � Approved _ Z, F. 5637 .� Member, Boa of Zoning � CC: Mr.Janes ' ' • ' � � � � . L ~ r 4• - - ` _ . . . �r ^ - � O � ��� .t \ � • � �r � � .,.. _,� �. . � � �2� � .z . � �, o . ,� _ � °6� , � Sept. 18� 1961� • � City Counail: • I �rronld lil� to request a 20T bui.lding line set back for my house at lt91 E. Jessamins. The house on the corner of Bradley & Jessamins which is on the sat�e street 38 3' 6n set back. As I have a very large�fill in rear and I am lea�r� ing a 11 ft. easement for a a3oining lot� as there is no alley. Would appreciate a ans�eer as soon as possible. Thank y�ou. ?�. � John Weg�nai�th John WegRerth , . 18l� No. Clevieland Avenue � St.Pav].� Minnesota, � 55Yot� ���� � W � � � � ' U � � SEP 3 0 9964 � �1TY PLAt�i�iiv� tsu�tcu s��x ���� M���� �v , .� ,�-1 „ , . . '�. J / CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 224-4612 �� • October 30, 196l� � Citp °Clerk \ File 1662�., Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Cliambers of the �ity Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on November 12� 196�t on the application of John 4Jegworth for appeal to establish a 20=foot building line setback from Jessamine Avenue on �Ghe following desc�+ibed property: west 60 feet Lot 3�. Block 10� Beaupre and Kelly's Addition. The property is located on the northeast corner of Burr and Jessamine Streets. For f�irther informa.tion call at Room 1315� Court House or phone 22l�-1�612, �tension 251. � JAMFS J. DALGLIS�d Commissioner of Finance