220773 i ' � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ��� � [� ,3 . � ' �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ° - ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � T C N L RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED dY COMMISSIONE pATF BE SOL , Tha accordance with Ordinance No. 12387, Cou�.cil File No. � 2106 , approved January 18, 1963, the annual sewer main.tenauce charges to be made in 196l� against the follo�ring co�nercia,l, industrial, and residentia.l properties other than single and t�ro-faa�3ly dwellings, �rhich are located in the City of White Beax Lake and �rhich axe connected �o the Saint Paul Se�aer System, be and hereby axe determined to be the a.mounts set opposite the location of the - connections as followss A,DIfft.ESS US� � AMOIINT 810-].!.} First St. Multiple dwelling � 8.00 909 First St. ' Shop & dnplex 8.00 61� Second 5t. 0£fice & residence 8.00 701 Second S`E. Theatre ' 13.52 808 Second St. Mortuary 8.Q0 221-25 Cook & ; 502 Third St. Multiple dwelling 8.00 513 Third St. Beauty Shop & apaxtments 9.28- i - - - - - - 518 Third St. Club 9.2$ , �.' ; 521 Third St. Office 12.6�. 522 Third St. �C 212-7.la. Bannirig Ave. Office, store & apartments 11.56 , 602 Th3rd St. gaxage 23.12 607 Third St. Store & apaxtments 19.20 609-11 Th3xd St. Store & of�ices 18.2l� 610 7.'his�d St. Office & residence $.QO COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— ' Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland - � Loss /` Tn FBVOr Meredith �. Peterson � � -{� ' Qg81I1St Rosen :.� Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on� e-ds �_' . ;, � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEWK ' . � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �� , 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO f ' _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY ' COMMISSIONEQ DATE � Page 2. � ADDRESS IISE AMOUN'P � 613 Third St. Store $ 8.00 , 616 Third St. Cafe 8.00 618 Third St. Store 8.00 � 620 Third St. Store & apartmsnt 12.21� 62l� & 626 Third St. Store & apaxtment 11.0�. 698-702 2'hird St. Stores & offices 13.68 70l� Third St. Tavern & apaxtment 8.00 708-20 Third St. Store & offices ` 37.68 , 1107 Third St. Mortuary 2�..00 " �1222 �hird St,.�`- Apartment � 10.36 � 1�.12 Fourth St. �- Shop & residence _ 8.00 _ ' S0l�-08 Fourth St. Locker Plant & stores 31.92 � 505 Fourth St. Store 8l�.80 512 Fonrth St. Shop 11.92 , 520-2�. Fourth St. Stores 19.1�. 601-05 Fourth St. Store, office & apartments 20.00 � 602 Fourth St. Store & apaxtments 8.00 � 60? Fourth St. Store 8.00 611 Fourth St. store � 9.20 COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn FAVOx' Meredith Peters on �ByOr A gainst �, , Rosen ' Mr. President, Vavoulis ` t � ions e-sa � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' �1��/ G �� ' . � -CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONEQ DATF Page 3. �DDRESS IISE AMOUNT ' 612 Fourth St. Store & apaxtments 12.04 1 ; 6]_!a. Fourth St. Medical Clinie � 13.92 { 615 Fourth St. Store & off3.ce 26.3l� 617-21 Foarth St. Store, Theater & tavern 31�•56 � I623 Fourth St. Serv3.ce Station 28.00 801 Foarth St. & �.01-03 Division St. Tavern, apartments, & beauty shop 11.20 . 803 Fourth St. ftestaurant 8.00 I 806 Four�. St. Store 8.00 ( , 810 Fowcth St. S�ore & residence 8.00 1016 Fourth St. Office 78.32 1109 Foarth St. Store 12.00 1907 Fourth St. ~ Stndio & residence ~ 10.80 � 1029 �Fifth St. Garage 8.00 . 513 Sixth St. * Multiple dFrelling � 8.00 i 702 Sixth St. Garage & Service Station 25•1;l�. 515 Seventh St. Shop & residence 8.00 615 Fig�th St. Stores 21.88 1699 Nin�th St. Office & factory 567.20 1708 Nin¢th St. Office & Residence 8.00 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approve� 19— Loss 'Tn Favor Meredith Peterson MByOr Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lont �a . ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK �'y��' /� "� ' ' . ��; CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ' 6 ; � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO , � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED EY ' COMMISSIONEQ DATF Page �.. " ADIfftESS IISE AMOUNT 212 Tenth St. Shop & duplex � � 8.00 � 1�8 Bald Eagle Ave. Service Station 8.00 ! 111 Bald Eagle �ve. Store _ 13.60 322 Bald Ea.gle Ave. Gaxage & store 15.0�. � �.Ol Bald Ea.gle A,ve. Office & Service Station 13.8�. 215 Banning Ave. Store & garage ]1�.76 ' 312 Banning Ave. Store & apaxtment 8.00 ; 1a.18 Bann3ng Ave. Office & lumber yaxd 3b.32 - � ..~ � � 503 Banning Av�. Beauty Shop & residence 9.60 1 1330 Birch I�a,ke �ve. Shop & residence 8.00 �.05-09 Bloora Ave. Offices & shop 20.00 • 200=220 Clark Ave. - � � $ank - - -•. _._- -• - -- - --- - ' � T10.�.0 � � �: c i 215 C1ark Ave. Garage 2�..96 219 Clark l�ve. Gaxage 12.96 223 Claxk Ave. Service Station 9.12 I , , 1976 E. County Road E Office & residence 10.80 ' 2000-08 E. Coanty Road E & 3575-79 White Bear Ave. Stores 136.72 2007 E. County Road E & . 3615 �sThite Beax Ave. Stores 50.88 � COITNCILIv�N Adopted by the Council " 19— � Yeas Nays 1 Dalglish , Holland Approved 19— iLoss Tn FaVOT Meredith Peterson �ByOr A gainst Rosen IMr. President, Vavoulis ioat aas � ��0���3 ., ORIGINAL TO CiTY CL6WK ° . . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED dY COMMISSIONEQ DAT� Page 5. ADDRESS IISE AMOUNT i 2�023-20I�7 E. County Roa.d E Stores $120.6�. 2070 E. County Road E Drive-�n. 23.20 � 2055 E. County Road E & Serv3.ce st,a�ion & � 3615 Yan. Dyke Off ice 21.28 � � 2086 E. County Road E Office & residence 12.36 , . i � � 22�.0 E. Coanty Roa.d E Boaxding home 8.00 2�.88 E. County Roa.d E Drive-In 8.00 1904 �. County Road F Shop & Residence 8.00 2050 Connty Road F Apartments 37.92 2226 County Road F Office & residence 10.80 2�.90 County Road F Service Station � 13.'jb ' 216 D3.vision Ave. Off3.ce & Warehouse ].la..96 I �218 Division Office & Warehon.se 8.00 � 220 Division Store 8.00 I 320 Division Office & Shop 11.20 2085-95 Dot�e Drive Apax�ments 308.96 110�. Elm St. Shop 9•60 3351� Glen Oa.k l�ve. Office & Residence 11.28 2325 Golf View Court Office & Residence 9.08 3721 Hig�i].and Ave. Apaxtments 61�.00 COLINCILI�N Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approvec� 19— Loss Tn FAVOr Meredith Peterson �AyOr A g81II8t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lons e-as i {' ��� �' � ' ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK ; ` . CITY OF ST. PAUL F�EHC�� NO � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY , COMMISSIONER DATF Page 6. ADDRESS IISE AMOIINT I 3725 Highland g�e. Apartments �6l�.00 3731 Highla.nd Ave. Apaxtmern�s 6�..00 3735 Hig�land Ave. Apartments 6?�.00 ; I�Fry. #61 & Ceda.r �ve. Restaurant & Bowling Alley� 113.28 Hwy. #61 & 100 Mote1 66.6�. 3959 Highway 61 S�ore �, 19.8�. �.0}�.1 H3.ghway 61 Factory " 37•92 , 705 Johnso� Ave. Multiple dwelling 8.80 , 5 Lake 1�ve. Service Station 32.00 � 11�. Lake �ve., S. Office 8.00 � � 198-210 La.ke Ave.,S. Apaxtments 15.28 _ - • _ 1 3Q0 S.,La.ke Ave.A Club 12.00 � 301 ?�a.ke Ave.,S. Service Station . 8.00 1 ` 323 La.ke Ave.,S. Boa.t Works 28.�.�l.�. 501-b1 I,ake 1�ve.,S. Shopp3ng Center 379•20 e ve 7].9 Lak A . s. & � 108 Eigb.th St. Shop & Residence 8.20 103 Zinco]n Ave. Servi.ce Station 12.56 115 Lincoin gve. Shop & residence $.pp 121 I,in.coln �ve. Mortuary & residence $.pp COLINCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss . Tn Favor Meredith Peterson M�yOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lons e-as � r" � • ` � ��a��� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONEQ DAT� Page 7. t ADT�ESS IISE 9MOUNT l�09 Lincoln A,ve. Apartments � 8.00 Linden & E. County Road F Service Station 18.96 3900 A, Lin.den St. Apaxtments 5l�.16 3900 B Linden St. Apartments � 59.60 39�0 C Lin.den St. Apaxtmen.t s 51.1.�la. 39� D L3.nden St. gpartments 51.12 � � 913 Long A,ve. Warehouse & residence 8.00 718 Morehead Apartments � 22.16 , 1�8 Shadp Lane Service Station 17=:12 _ 406 Sharon Lane Of£ice & residence 1.0.88 , 57..1� Sharon Lar;e Office & residence 9.84 1 710 Stewaxt Ave. - Apaxtments , 32.56 � 815 � Stewart Ave. Ha11 23.6�. 1102 Stewart �ve. Shop & residence 8.00 1 1209 Ste�wart Ave. Store & gaxage 15.76 � 13� Stickley Blvd. Service Station 8.8$ 206-10 Stickle�r Blvd. Cafe & Service Station 22.l�8 215 Stickley Blvd. Store g;pp ! !�1lG Stickley Blvd. Service S�ation & Apaxtments 1.2.�.0 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays � Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss rn Favor Meredith Peterson A � � MaYor Rosen g��gt i Mr. President, Vavoulis � r ions e-ea ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEflK �' Jtl Y��� , � � f CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� d u , O F F I C E O F T H E C I T Y C L E R K F��E NO ; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONEQ DA� 1 P$g@ 8• ADI7RESS IISE AMOUNT _� � 801� Stickley Blvd. Store & apartment � 8.00 I 900 Stickley B1vd. Motel & Restaurant 109•1a.l�. , 302 Washington gve. Service Station 11.$$ i 308-10 Washington l�ve. Offices $.$p i 312-].?.� Washington Ave. Stores & apartments 10.24 � 316 Washington �ve. Off3ces 17.76 1 318-20 Washington gve. Store & Offices 9.72 '- 322 Washington 1�ve. Store & apaxtment $.Op 32?� Washington Ave. Stores 8.56 326 Washington �ve. Store 1l�..60 328 Washington �ve. Store , $,pp 1 - �� - , 330-32 WashingGon & ; b24-30 Fourth St. S�ores & off3ces 36,32 � l�12 Washington A,ve. Office 8.00 ' 1�11� Washington A�ve. Cafe, Bowling Alley & Tavern 30.88 1�18 Washington Ave. I,uiaber Yard 63.12 , 1300 Webber Shop & residence 8.00 1510 Webber Nursing Home 11�,,72 3607 Whi�e Bear Ave. Stores 21.52 COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays ' Dalglish Holland Approved 19— ' Loss Tn FavOr Meredith Peterson , MAyOr ' - A gainst � Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis ioat e.sa l � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHWK j� } _ " , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. �o ��, � ' , ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED RY COMMISSIONEQ DATF � page 9. ADL�tESS USE AMOUNT i i 3629 White Bear Ave. Office � 9.60 � �.0l�2 White Beax A,ve. Shop & Residence 10.�.0 , }�0l�7 Whi�Ge Bear l�ve. Studio & Residence 8.00 , , �070-7�. White Bear A;ve. Stores & apar-Gment 23.81� 1�120 White Beax Ave. Office dc Residence 12.20 i ila.175 Wh3.te Beax A,ve. Nnrsery & Residence 17.OI� � 1�235 White Beax A,ve. Shop & Res�.dence $.�.$ � 1820 Wh3.te Bear Court Office 12.08 � 1 i - - --- - - _ , I � i �, NOV2 � 19� COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_. I Yeas Nays _ 1�Ji�'-_-� { Dalglish � � �011 s) O '�� A� r•oved y ��� ' Holland I �PP 19— � Loss � Tn Favor � . Meredith � Pete rs on O I MByOr A gainst ' Rosen ' _ Mr. President, Vavoulis , PII6LISHED NOV 28 196�4 � loM A-64 ; � w