220752Original to City Cleric ORDINANCEa2 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY Milton Rosen ORDINANCE NO.— l M An Ordinance appropriating and setting aside for the year 1964, Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($900,000.00) from the City Share of Local Improvement Fund, Code 0920 -701, to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, for the purpose of reim- bursing said fund for part of the expenditures on improvements on file in the City Comptroller's Office. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECTION 1 That there is hereby appropriated and set aside for the year 1964 from the City Share of Local Improvement Rand, Code 0920 -701, and transferred to the Perma- nent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000, the sum of Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($900,000.00) to reimburse said Fund for part of the expenditures on improvements-On file in the City Comptroller's Office. SECTION 2 This ordinance is hereby declared -to be an-emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. ow - DEG 81964 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Dalglish 6 Holland Lass Tn li'BVUr Meredith O C3 Aroaajnst �y Peterson t 7eoe.°t;(.Vayoirlis�}e ii DEC N�0 Mr.� esidt n Y s Z _ Approved: Attest: r,• ti. �f F City Clerk �(f / �t�ng a r 1 M 8-82 Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED' DEC 12 19RA A DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. /1 191 Milton Rosen t b PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance sppr0pr1 timg and setting aWAe for the year 19644 dine Hwodred Thou wd Dollars 0900 #000 +00) frost the Ct�r Sba" of Lcaei Inproveaent Punch Code 092()r7M f to the Aar lt. Ielprovemeat Revolving Amdp for the purpose of rein- bussing said t'tffid for part of the eaepend.t an ate on file in this City Coaptroilertes 0ffUek Th a is an oergonW ordingtoe rendered for the Presorntion of the a pubs. peaaej, health and 8afetjr,. the 06=0 11 of the 'City of S$Ant Pte. Deese Ordaint Sir; 10K I That there ie h"br appropriated and set eeide for the year, 396+ frm the CitY Share of IOW1 Resent Atnd *, Code 0920+ -701t and transferred to the Peres- nent BWoy®s®nt R&wo3.ving" i,,,. We 6000, the om of Nye Hundred Thouftnd Dora ( .1,000.00) to rel anbaiw said Fund for pert of the 6Xpe4.1tmres On ieiprove®snt s on file in the , Cit. Cosptroner t o Office, SHOTIOW 2 TbU Ordinance ce is herebr declared to be an ean%enoy ordinance rendered neoeuaaty for the preservation of` the pub],ia peaoei, health and safety;. saaTioa Thin Ordinance shah take effect and be in fored upon its passagf a<pproviel and DOI lza"ft., DEC 8 1964 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Conn I Dalglish 1/p Holland Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Against -- ED 818 - President Vavqulis)'„ • D � ............. �.....a Approved: Mr. Vice President (Rosen) Attest: City Clerk 'M &62 Form approved Corporation Counsel By Mayor I st— a 2nd I ('222 Laid over to / 3rd and app — Adopted Yea �alglish Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish olland M Holland t Loss 020 752 Loss Meredith Meredith Peterson \ "V Peterson V Rosen ,Rvserr— Mr. President Vavoulis3 �►vf "_" its "tLRJul!!J e yjce kresident �(Rosenl