220741 � • A s{ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERIC R ('���' /�� .�' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL ND �.� � G � FFICE OF THE CiTY CLERK <' CO� IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �IESENTED RY � COMMISSIONE p�� November 6, 1964 R�OLVED� That the Purchasing Agent be and he is bereby authorized, with the consent of the Nlaqor and the Comptroller� ta issue purchase order to BORCHERT-INGERSOLL, INC. for labor and parts to repair steering clutch assembly ��#429 at a cost of $1053�96 , withaut competitive b3ds, pursuat�t to Section 291 of the Charter of the City of St„ Paul as an emergency existed where failure to act promptly would work hardship - to the best interests of the City* Code 1210-225. i�� r APPROVED - M: APPRO : �c ! ? �ISTANT CO RATION COtJNSEL bAYOR J`ca��r. �. FJs��c`s���ii � . � �� _ '�:�.y Ccr�ay��r okier, . CO OLLER�'r �Tt �i.t �.'�LYq��n�:Ya:'--- �!+ CHASING AGENT„ T NOV 19 �� COIJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland prove �� 19— Loss • 'Favor Meredith I Petetson V �yOr Rosen A gainst , Mr. President, Vavoulis �. �96'�l' - EUBLtSHED NQ� � iont a�a " DUrLIGT[TO rRINT[R � � �� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couKCa {C��� . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM OEMMISS�ONE� DATF ��;" S: �� RFBOLVED� 7l�t th� Purehasi� A�ent be a�nd h� i�br�by authoris.�d« witt� the cons�nt o! ths l�yor �nd t2� Coap�roller� to issu� purchaa� ord�r to BOItCE�AT--II�(3�SOLL� II�iC• !or labor aind pnrts to rmpeir •t�erin� clu�toh a�sw�bly �429 at �e ccrt oi ;1053,96 withoat co�p�titive bid�� puriu��t to 8mction 291 oi tho Chart�r oi the Cit� ot St. Paul as an �serg�r}cy szist�d �her� lsilur� �o e�ct pro�ptly woW.d rark herdship ta the best in�rs�ts oi ths City� Cod� 1210-^.ZS. APPSOV� A8 TO P'OttYs APPx r ABSIBTANT CO�I�ORATION COUNS� �qy� COIdP'I'RdLLBR .. �� _ � CAASINa AG�. COUNCILIuIEN Adopted by the Counc��V �9 ;� 19— Yeas Nays � �lglis� N OV 19 �°� � Holland pprov� 19— Loss Tn Favor � Meredith Pete rs on MByOr �Ag8inst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions a-�s