220716 r
� �
- I�RSOI�VID� That this Council, being duly advised in the pr�mises,
finds that by reason af unforeseen a.nd excessive claims which have accrued
as charges against the same, the City funds appropriated therefor and
credited to the Unemployment Compensatian Fund, 0902r+400i are inadequate
to properly prot�ct the public interests and thera has b�en. created a.nd now
e�ists a sudden �n.d unfQreseen Emergency on such accoun.t; that to meet said
emergency it has bacome and is necessary that, pursuant to 3ection 206 of
the City Charter, the City borrow temporaxilyf not to exceed the sum of
$42,000,00., to be �redited to said IInemployment Compensation Fund, 0902-�400;
that thE Mayor and the Comptroll�r bs and hereby ase authorized and directed,
for th� purpose aforesaidi to borrowi in tlie City�s behalf, not to �xceed
the sum of $42,000.00, and to �xQCUte an,d deliver to the party or parties
makin.g such loany the promissary note of the Citp of 3aint Paul in. the sam,e
principal sum, pay-abla to such party or parties bearing interest not to ex-
ceed fiv� per cent per annum and payab�.e within one year after the date of
such 1oa.n� the said sum to be credited as aforesaid to said �Jn�mploymen.t
Compensation Fundi 0902�-400, sub,ject therein to disbursement for the purpose
of said �ergency and the particular purposQ of said Fund. .-
� .
. �-
� � � � � Y � � �
a `��
.,r L�i
,� . aRP.�oUNS�� 1964
- NOV 19
COiJNCILIVIEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays �
Dalglish � N�V �'9 �9�
Holland �f Approve� 19—
Loss 1 Tn F'SVOP �
Meredith � �
Pete rs on
� } Mayor
A galII3t � . �
Rosen . -'
� f
Mr. President, Vavoulis , • p�gLISHED NOV 2� ��4
ions aas _ ,
DUrUCAT[TO►111NT[R . ��� �I ��„�
�" CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�uHCa N� v
RE3�,VED, That this Counc�.l, be�ag, duly ac�vised in the premises,
fi�ds that by �eason of unfo�eseen and e.�ccese�.ve claims c��hich have accrued
as charges against t1�o same, the Citq fnnde appropxiated there�o� and
c�edited to the Unemp].aymenit CompeneaCion Fund, 0902�4U0, axe inadaquate
to �roper],y proeec� the public tnterests and Chere has bean �reated and now
exiyts a sudden a�d e�nforea�an e'morgeacy on such account; that tio meet said
emergency it ha5 become and is n�cessary that, pu�suant to Section 20b o£
tha City Charter, the City boxroca tem�oraxily, no� to exceed th� eum o£
$42,000.40, Co bQ credited to 3a�d U�employmen� Co�ensation Fi�nii, 0902�400;
thaC rhe Mayor and the Comptroller be and horeby ar� author3zed and d�,rected,
for the purpose aforesaid, to bozrow, in the City'a behalf, not to exceed
thQ sum of $42,OOO.flO, +�nd �o ex��ut� and deliver to the party or pazties
making such loan, the promiasory note of the Gity of Saint Pa�l in the 8eme
pr3.ncipal �um, payable to such party ot parties beartn� �.nterest noC to ex-
ceed five per cent per annwn gnd payab].e wi�hin one year after the date o£
auch �:aan, the said �um to be cred3ted as aforesai;d to said IInemploymen�
Conpensation Fund, 0902-400, sub�ect therein �o d3sbursement Eor t�ie purpo�e
o� o�id emetcgency and the pax�icular purpo�e of said Fund.
N OV 19 1964
COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish - NOV 19 1964
Holland Approved 19—
Loss Tn FSVOr .
Meredith �
Peterson �y�r
Rosen Aga�t
Mr. President, Vavoulis
iona eas
ti - - •-•
. �
A '.
November 13, 1964
Honorable Mayor and
' Members of the Ci�y Council:
The total Cost to the City of Saint Paul for unemployment
compensation for the first six months of 1964, including the Water
Departmentc but excluding the Hoard of �ducat,ion, is $91,498.18.
2'he corresponding figure for the first six months ot 1963 is
$95, 324.53. Included in the current figure is $13,730.82 ior 42
claims of individuals who worked in more than one City department
during �the period. This large number o£ joint claims, coupled
with the fact that 208 of the 387 amounts included in our tabula-
tion are 100% City obligation, would indicate tnat personnel are
making a serious effor� to keep employees engaged wi�hin various
departments. It should be borne ir� n�ind that, although our �tabu-
lation shows only 14 joint account claims, the billing we received
h�d 42 auch listings. In order �o arrive at a proper cost break-
down, the remaining 28 have been pro-rat�ed to the departmen�s in-
vo lved.
Tncluded in this total cla�im of $91, 496.18 are the claims
to be billed to the Water Department in the amount o� $1, 979. 11.
Also included in this total is ari amount of $1,7+32.22 for Civil
Defense. As 1964 is the first year Civil Deiense has received
the full $.20 per capita provided by statute outside our lirni-
tation and as Unemployment Compensa��ion is also financed outside
our lin�itations, I have requested an opinion from �he Corporati.on
Counsel as to whose responsibility these claims are.
The funds appropriated �to meet Unemgloyment Compensation
claims in 1,964 are not su�ficient to meet this obligation as we
have already paid one claim from these funds. The exact amount
will depend on the ruling of �he Corp�ration Counsel on Civil ne-
tense. Again woxking with •the Corporation Counsel I have had a
resolution prepared authorizing �he emergency borrowing of an
amount not to exceed $42,000.00 to finance the de�'icit. Onl.y
� the exact amount needed wil.l :!�� bo�r.o�.��c�.,
y � r �
Paye 2
This bil�ing received in my office is available iF anyone
migh� wish to study and review these costs as they pertain to .
their department. My staff is always willing �to assist you in
any way we can. Please �eel free to contact them at your con-
� Yours truly,
� G���Nli�e 11
City Comptroller
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