220710 �,��-��v
Co� unc11 Flle No. 220710—By Miltoa
� Rosen—
I Resolved„ That upon the petition oi
I FIarry I. Shapiro and John B, PfaS,I
;the section of public street hereinafter�
�described, be and the same hereby is;
vacated and discontinued as a public
Istreet, viz.:
� That part of Capitol Heights lying
� north of the north line of that
� part of Capitol Heights vacated
August 26, 1963;
i subject racpressly to the following con-
ditions and reservations:
� 1. All the conditions, reservations
and provisioas contained in Chapter 228
�of the St. Paul Legislative Code en-
�acted December 18, 1957, as amended,
regulating the procedure and prescrib-
I ing the conditions for the vacation of
�public grounds,streets,alleys and high-
ways in the City of Saint Paul.
2. That no change in the grade or
surfacing of the vacated section of
�street be mad,e without the express,
permission of the Water Department j
and the Department oP Publlc Works. �
3. That street closures, drainage�
facllities, and a turnaround satisfactory
to the Department of Publlc Works bel
tionells d at the eacpense of the peti-�
4. That no permanent buildings bei
erected within ten feet of the existing�
sewer, water, and gas mains, and that
a specific easement be retained to pro-�
tect the installaUons of the Northern i
States Power Company and the North-�
western Bell Telephone Company.
5. The bond provlded for in said�
Chapter 228, to be filed by said peti-�
tioners, is hereby fixed at the sum ofl
$10,000. , �
6. Said petitioners shall pay to the
City of Saint Paul the sum oP$2,000 as'
compensation for said vacation, to-�
gether with the costs of this vacation'
7. That the proper City officers are
hereby authorized and directed to ex-�
ecute such Quitclaim Deeds as neces-
sary to accomplish the purposes oi this
petition for vacation of a public street.�
Adopted by the Councll November 18,j
1984. �
Approved November 18, 1984.
(November 21, 1964�