220692 ,, >> r �����0111GINAL j0 CITY CLERK ' s° CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO- �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COU I RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY Nvvemoer 10, 19 64 COMMISSIONE �-' DATF RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Canmiittee therefor and herebq awards contract for furnishing all lab�r� materials, equiptnent and services necessary for or reasonably incidental to the wrecking only of dwellings� garages, sheds and removaZ of steps, walka, fences� clothes poles� miscellaneous concrete and debris located at 721 and 739 Euc13d Street, 720-722, 730 and 742 Surrey Avenue;� and 473 N!endota Street� St.Paul� Minn. to A. KAMISH COAdPANY 3n accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #1.OZ4 of said A„ Kamish Company, City to pay contractor $4200,00, such bid being the lower and said A„ Ka�ish Companq being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporat3on Co�nsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper Porm of contract therefor r and the proger City officials hereby are authoriaed to execute said contract on behalf of the Citq of St. Paul. Formal Bid �1014 N OV 1'71964 COLJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas �� Nays ��� � lncA 7�7°f Holland Ap ove 19— Loss �Tn FaVOI' � Meredith Peterson V q��� �YOr �_ A gaiIIBt ...a�Q.. �.-�:..::_:...:�w.` �M.Y:;;,-�� 21 i964 •�..... .i:�::�• �U8LISHED N OV Mr.Vice President�(Rose� 'ion� e-sa DUrLICATi TO rRINT6R ���}���j . � CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�UNCIL NO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESEHTED �Y COMMISSIONE� DATF N���—Y' ��. �� � R�OLVSD, That th� Co�mcil her�b�r approws the awr�rd oi tl� Contract Co�ittN th�r�tor and hereb� awuds contract !or �urnishi� ali l�bar, �stsriaiis� •quipwnt a�ad s�rvices arcersar� for or reason�bly ic�oidental to the wrecki.n� oal� o� dwsllin�s� �ragss, shsd� �nd r��ova+l of steps� �elk�, fenoes� cioth�• pal�s� �c�ilr�naous concret� �nd d�bri• locat�d at 7Z1 a�nd ?3� �clid $troeti 720-72�: 730 snd 742 Surrey � Avenus: And �73 liendota Street, St.I�ul, Yinn. tfl A. BAl�R8H COItPN�iY 1n a�ccarci�nc� �ith Cit� apeQifications th�roiar h�reto att�chad �nd tha For�l Hid #�1014 0� said A�, Ra��ish Coepeny� Cit� to pe�� contractor =4200.00s •uch bid bein� tl� larer and sa3d A, Y�i�h Co�pa�y baing e r�a�one�bls and r�liebi� bidd�r and tb� Corparraftioa Counsel bm aind hersby i� diiwat�d to draiw up th� prapmr fors o! coutr�ct th�eretor r�nd the propor City ottioial� h�reby er� al�thori�d to ��acuts s�id contraot on bshelt o! ths City o� 6t� Pr�u1. Forwl Bid At1014 N 01� 171964 COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays p�OV � � �� ��_ n� Holland Appro�� 19— Loss Favor Meredith Peterson � �yOr �►gain8t ��� �.{..�.,r.::.�.{},�..',::••::;•:F39e�ee�i::eteEe�e.�:,:,j•::o:�� IW�C i�.�iCC�6�j���Sttl I1Ti8:S6 �V1r._V�ce President (Rosen) 1oa� �s I