D001504C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR •proved Copies to: ADMINISTRATNE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Financial Services - Accounting 'D M' F/�,< i - Requesting Dept No: w `M1 Date:� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Office of Citizen Service to amend the 1997 Budget of tl�e General Fund, the Director of ffie Offlce of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget as follows: DEPARTMENT & DNISION: FllND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: CURRENT BUDGET APPROVED AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET Citizen Service Information and Complaint GL - 001 -00251-0111 FuN-Time Permanent GL - 001 -00251-0439 Fringe Benefits GL - 007 -00251-0362 Duplicating Supplies � Marketing and Gommunication GL - 001 -00252-0111 Full-Time Permanent GL - 001 -00252-0439 Fringe Benefits GL - 001 -00252-0245 Publications & Advertising 204,468 67,726 2,200 47,154 30,011 9,000 360,559 0 360,559 (7,349) 197,119 (2,280) � 65,446 (431) 1,769 7,349 54,503 2,280 32,291 431 9,437 ��VI , ��� pared by: Aotivity Manager Date Approved y: Director of Financial Services Date pf,� �B.�i�� IS- �u,�-- .� y� R�quested by: Department Director ' ate 'v�� ucr�errroeflcr✓eomvca nn�wmnho � l 5� � zenserviceoftice 03/06/98 GREENSHEET NO. 3384 fACfPER$ON&PHpTIE �1 DEPARIT¢lltpQtECiUR � GIIYCOUNN, ;helle VanHeel 266-8502 „� � cmwrrowutv � cm�n.ms �BEONCOUNCQ,AGAIDABY(DA'IEJ � �2 FINANCIAI,SVCD➢tECTOR �6 FINANCIALSVGATIG. � MAYOR(ORASSLSTANq a TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ___ (CLIP ALL LOCA7TONS FOR SIGNATURE) of Administrative Order amending the 1997 Budget of the Citizen Service Office. nw�a•e(n)o�t�a(x) I PERSONALSERVICECONIRAGISMIISTANSNERTHE PLANNINGC01.9.95SION CNLLSERVICECOAA95SION 1.H25thispe�SDn(SimCVe[wwlcedwdC�BCOMTnctfoithisdCpazffiC➢Y! CBCOMNQLIEE _ YE$ NO 2. Has this pexwn/fum everbeen aciry empfoyce? o�sm�crcouar _ YFS NO sueeoRnwt¢cacouNC¢,oe�crtYEe 3. Does this pe[sonlfi[m posuss a 1dl! �[ no[mallY Po%`zssed by anY p¢centcity emPloyee? YES NO (Eaplain all yes aoswers on aepacate s§cef and attsch to green s6cet) RI[ITAlING PR�ELEM.ISSl1E, OPPOAIVSVRY (Who. Wha, `NSrn. Whece. Why): During the 1997 close out, the Marketing and Communicarions activity reflected a negative variance. This internal transfer of budget authority will cover this vaziance. ffAPPROVED. will be within the administrative level of control. OFNOTAPPROVEP. will show deficit spending TMALAryiO11N'I'OFTMN$ACT[ON_ 1006 cosr�vF�oesunceren�cuca,som� � no �csomece General Fund ncuvrrrmmmen 00251, 00252 Fuv.wcw.u�onmwnox �i.nm� d IA/