220654 , , r � , _ -- . – � �`� ,..:.� �� ' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK �/ �('�,��� CITY �OF ST. PAI�I " " FOENCIL N� ii LICENSE COA'�lITTEE OFFICE OF_THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM r�ES�re�er November 12� 1964 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVID: That Application H-12l�9l� for the transfer of On Sale �,i.quor �i.cense No. 61�51� expiring January 31� 1965� issued to Capitol �'nterprises� Inc. (Inactive) at Rice Street and Rondo Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to HIO�� Inc. at 161 Rondo Avernze. On sale Liquor Establishment) - HIRANSF'ER (From: Capitol Enterprises, Inc.) Informally anproved by Council . October 27, 196� � N OV 12 1964 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays � Dalglish NoV ''� �4 n l � A proved 19— V Loss Tn Favor . Meredith J Peterson MAyOr A gainst ��— Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED NOV 14 �96g. �o� �z ' � l , - -. — ~� 6 g��q`' g� .F - ------ 1- �-;„ .e�. . -,.. L 2 2 0 6.S�f �:, �3 0�/d s e N f t /'f �/(�2i// � �,_�,�_c � CITY OF ST. PA'�JL`"� � + APPLI�ATION FOR "C�N,� SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE ",,h,�'i��=:,r,,, ' ' __._...._._ .< J �� �i,,�:. • �� �.�e• ,Application No.�` `, . - r NaYrie of;Ap�iiicant_..`'�.;HIOA,_INC. ...._.__.....�..�__..:.._._......_._.._._....� Age ._._ _...—_ ; ,� , ,�� . R - y �' 3736 Lamar Avenue Mem his Tennessee 363-2200 esidence Adcir.e"ss°:__._.�.._._.._._�. .�...___...�_�,�.�..._.�'_......�..._.........._...._...._.._._..� Telephone No...._._......__.__..........__W_._ " . ; `? � � . , - , , . - : - � .. . � •:�:. . - Are you-ta_'"citizen v�the�United Sta,tes 7_._. ""'` r::-...._....__._.__..;_.,.�..__....�......____.__._._.__. �...__._ Have':you�ever•been�,en�aged in o eratin a saloon, cafe, soft drink lt ` p g paxlor, or business .of �similar,�nature? �' �'.�'� � '� �� . .._.- _...--_ ' � '.--._m..�__...�......._........._-- �-•----__.._..__._.........w�. ...._...._..:_._........ " ._:,. :�,, " __.._ ..._. .,�e�.. \`\; _ `°'•' -" ' A� Wheri��and�.where?� __.__.._�._ . ..._ � :! ..._... - =�� _... . - " � ;._ 3 . . . �_ _._.�._,..._..._...._ .;_. ...;_.. _.,_.. ..........; �_ _..._.___.._....:._...._... .._ . . —•�. . . _ . ........_...._..._.._. , � �� • . �-_ �. . .- If corporation, give name aazd general purpose of corporation..._.......H�,OAs_..ZNC�.,r�,_,��,o11v�Q�ang�l��u�'si..c�'� o^��Holid�.xnns-of'America;=Xnc;�"tn�o�.pora,fed*•for=the� p�r�ose�,of,o�perating�motels furn- Y ` i�sFiing ood�a�o�gin . „- , , ,, ,r,�a ; � E �, � ---- •----___ , ;, When incorporated?..__...._4. o.he.�12,.�.�}� ' - , � �� � ,t, -. _...__._....__._.._...._._...._..._.........._........_..__ _.... _...__....._. . a- ,. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club membera?....._.___.._.__...._..._...._..__.....___'._.:._.M._.___ How many membera?_...__._....._....._..._...�..__._....�....._ Names and addresses of president and aecretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager .� � '� ..._.kT,all.,a��..�...=.Sszhns.an,_..Px.�.si�,�n.t.,;�7�3� Lamar Auan�u.e; M�.mzhi�,..�.eaau�.s.�� �� � JJ`� •_1 � ��r?.:Qk�..�,....Carney,_._5�.�.r.�.ary.�.�Z�_��..�nu�,....M�zn�,�,.._Tes�.��s.s.��_.�_...__._.._..____...._.._...__...__..___.-- .� T �� � � _._ ava.d._�ki.as ,_.. en�ral...Ma.n a ci....�xi �.l�l....Rax�.s�s�...s:��� ,....S.t......�.�,ui � ...�x��t��2��.....__..___ �harle�s I� �ol�l��s �ce �r�e�.y���� mar Av . � js'� ' �eAnn. ' Names an addresses o ocl�ho ers: o i a l� � o��erica, efnL�., ���Za�ar venue, Memphis, Tenn. _The stock.of Holida�_tnns is listed on the New York Stock Exchanrge_,_.Midwest Stock Exahange, _ __._......_....._..._.__._�..._..._. -•-•�J;1,�,X.r7.�.�p11.1.s1._�c'�t7.Ja0'►".P-T�aGhingt�n S o _k F.X ban�. an ..�A.Clf��._�S21.S.�.��.��5...�+X�}�Slg.ea an�._ ...._.tkl,�GS?At�.�y.��,S__l.xL eX&Q�G of 14� 500 Gha eh�1.��rs... ..._.__.__... .__ ...____._ Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known..�r�.at...Am�xica,n...I,i.f�...In�u�an.�.�.�.�mg.an� � Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Waxd Lot 3, Blbck 2, Rice ared Rondo West�rn Area Addition, according to the Plat thereof filed of record�in the Office of the Regi�ter of Title With, in and for Rams�y County,, Minnesota- Entrance will be on th� north side of Rondo Avenue; 200 feet from west line" of Rice Street. . . . . . .. ,,. .,,��_, How many feet from an academy, college or university (ffieasured along streets) ? St�Jose_ph.Academy._�,6;,miles. How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ?�..���X.E.X�x�� i.c'a7� L.utlieran -i�,w1�;400;_feet,� How many feet from closest public or paxochial grade or high`school (measut�ed.along streets)�?�_�4,./_lOth'_mil.e Name of closest achooL.._...Cathedral Grade School ' - t '- How axe premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?_....._.Commercial �,M__.__._,�__..___:.:_.._..:.�..�_.....:...:_... � ' Onwhat floor located?.__. Ground__..._. .._._..._._.........�.. ._..._._.._....____........___..___.:.....:.:�_.._......___.....__ Are premises owned by you or leased?_..�,�.���.�...__..If leased give name of owner._..I,tauQ�t�„_�Q..........._...._.....__M_.... If a restaurant give seating capacity?_ ....�€�_.��h�.b�..�..'��1.��.._..___._..____..._..._....._.. .__..._.._..._...__...---_._....._. If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?....._..��See Exhibit._!'A" Give trade name________________HOLIDAY._INN�__.ST,_._PAUL,__�NNESOTA ___________.___ --------------------•--•---•------------------------------------------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: � � ° See� Exhibit "A" (The intormation above mnst be given for hotels and reataurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel?...�...�....__5.��_�xkt3.�zi..�..."A"..._.�..___.....___...._._...._..._..._._..._..._..._._...__._.____..._.._..._._.. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)_�a.srid...JeT..�Chas.e_._....__.............___..._.__....._._. Give names and addresses of three business referencea:...._.Donovan,._Inc.,_1725_.Carol..Avenue� St._Pau1..4, 1,_�Minnesota 2,.._. First National..Bank_of Mem�his.,._Memphis,_,._Tennessee._..._...._._. 3,_ Union_Planters National Bank,.,..Mem„�p,h.is�.Tennessee ,_,_� THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: �>�_, SEE OTHER SIDE "� ���P �� ' . � ':