220619 ORIGINAL TO CIT7 GLHRK �����9 - �- �- CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' , �_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SSDONE! •F ANK L. LQSS DATF Resolved, that an extra in the amount of $541.50 be author- ized iunder Contract G-3152 between the City of Saint Paul and Lovering Construction Company, said contract for General, Elec- trical And Mechanical Construction of the Eivic Education Builciing, Saint Paul, said extra for 19 electrical outlet recep- tacles at $28.50 each (price quoted in bid form) , this work having been requested by the Gommissioner of Libraries, Auditori- um And Civic Buildings and agreement made with the contractor and a memorandum having been filed with the Comptroller and countersigned by him. ,=�No 7Yi � � .7n� �`.� _ Approved ~ Jos3g9�n J�. Ndi�e��aeil Cnfy ���rit�oll�t� . ; � City Comptro.� , ,�.. ���,�„�gle-r ���� 10 � COIJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays q Dalglish ��� i� 19� Holland pproved 19— Loss � Favor �' �L, ' i�� Meredith Pete rs on (/ �ByOr Rosen A Sainst Mr. President, Vavoulis QUBLISHED NOV 14 1964 ions e-sa DUrLICAT[TO rRINT[R �j/1�j���� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR.M ►RESENTED �Y FRAIVK L. LOSS . COMMISSIONE� DA� Resolved, that an extra in the amount of $541.50 be �uthor« i�ed �inder Contract G-3152 be�weer� the �ity o€ �aint Pau1 and Lovering Constru�tion Company, sa�.d con�ract f4r General, �1ec- trical And Mechanica�. �onstruction of the E�v3.c �duca��.on Buildi::g, 5aint �au1, sa3d extra for 19 eiectrical outlet recep- tacles at �2�.50 each (price quoted in bid form), this work hav3.ng been sequested by the Commiss3.oner of �.ibrar3es, Audi.tori- um And Civ3c Buildings and agreetnent made with the contractor and a memor�ndum having been filed with the comptroller and co�ntersigned by him. Approved �����;r, J. lv�,c�t���i :"ri� ���y�y�Yroiler e3.ty Comptzo]. e� . j �:o���,�-�ir�r , � aov �o � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays p Dalglish ' �OV � � 'J� Holland Approve� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson MAyOY $81I1St Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lons e-� � I . ��` , � CITY OF SAINT PAU r� _. _ Capital of Minnesota �"r���� � ir�'�"� ' �, . � �. /�� �, � � � �� t _, T-,.�----�--�'�- - " ��^ = F � � � U DINGS� � '., %� � _j �1 ��,�..,t_��'Lr •- '� �'�,f''3F � "�j�Y.t}�7 � � �,,��4 �'„ _ � ' � `". — --�-� '�rJ �:I}:�'s�dll ..- � �1 +�?�' _ � . - '7 .� 1 � � � �r — ' ���I ��ti S � . 1���" �: :.4- - - �r' _,F� �'_��.s �i ;: f',�rt,�I. �' ' y I " 'K' VI.L .f ri'v .� �, +r.�7�� �,f .�.�.rt`r,�. ��,+, y ,3�N y:.� �•�P' a y 3�a, `,�.t�� 1 ,� ` ' =�;'il�i ,1 i f�j J�*�ID��'�- .� ��?i �.�� � ' — BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, Cify Archi+ect 445 Ci+y Hall, 55102 224-4612, Ext. 361 October 28, 1964 Hon. Frank L. Loss ' Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings SUBJECT: Civic Education Building Job B 972 Dear Sir: Contract G 3152 was awarded to Lovering Construction Company for General, Mechanical And Electrical Construction of the Civic Education Building. During the course of the work it was found desirable to install 19 additional electrical outlet receptacles, for which the con- tractor quoted a unit .price in his bid of $28.50 each, making a total extra of $541.50. J It is recommended that a resolution be submitted to the Council authorizing this extra to the contract. Y u truly, ' ichar . c narr Asst. City Architect RAS. .A CC: Mr. Jos. J. Mitchell Comsr. Peterson Mr. Blue ,-r—.