220609 — , f ,-�� ��l.l'�U' !�RIGINAL TO CITY CLE11K � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM tRESENTED dY COMMISSIONEe NiTT,TnT�T Rt1�E�T u�*� November ,�,, � /�� / WHEF�AS, in the �'matt er of the grading and paving of PROSPERITY AVENUE from Johnson Parkway to Maryland Avenue, Comptrollert s Contract L-6571, AvoleB Contractin Company, the specified date of completion is September, 15, 19�3, am.d WAEREAS, the Contractor has progecuted the work diligently, but due to delays to permit work of the IItility Companies to be done in advance of the paving, there remained only sufficient time to complete all of the work, except the seal coating operations, which the specifications provide shall not be done after september 15th, and together with additional work authorized for a completed project, it was not possible to complete the contract before its expiration dat e, there fore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and �Lhey are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending the time of completion to JULY 1, 1961�, provided however, that this re solution shall have no force or effect vnless the sureties on the contractort s bond consent thereto in writing and file such consent with the City Comptroller, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection cost s on this pro ject will be char�ed to the contractor for such ext ended per iod. � . � Np��6 � COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � � Dalglish �ov � ; (� Holland /�rove�l 19— �� Loss Favor C ` � Meredith � Peterson G ` MAyor � A$81II3t Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBLI$yED NOV 14 i��� ion� e� � � �����9 OCJ►LICAT[TO MINTSR ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO- OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTtON-GENERAL FORM � oM�u o e� �,�T -o..c��. p�� I�Toveasber �i�,4h� . WHEI�EAS,, in the ma��er of tha grad�n� and paving of PROSP�RIT'.� AVENUE �rom John�on Parkway �o Yarylaad Avenue, Comptroller�e �vntrae� T,-65?1y Avole� Con�rac�in Company� �he �p�eified d�.te of aompletion i� September,� 15, 19�3, a1d W$EF�A�, the Contr�atar he�a proaeouted the work diligently, but due to delayr� to permit work of t�Yi� Util3ty Com�an3es to be done in �dvanae of t}�e ps�ving, there rems�ined only �ufficient tim�e to aomplet� all 01' the wo�k, eacept the seel coating operation�, ah3ah the apeaif'3.ca�ions pron3,de shall not be done after Septembor l5�hy and together uith addition�l �rork authorized for a cor�pletecl pro�ea�, it waa not poseible to Qomplete the aon�rac� before 3ta� expiration dat e, th�e fore,� be it RESaLVED� th�� the, p�oper aity offic�r� be �.nd th�y are her�by �uthor4.�ed and direafi.ed �o eaecute en �.mendment to aeid contract e�tending the time of Qompletion to JIILY l� 1961�., provided ho�aevers that th�e re aolution �►h�7.1 have no �'orce or ef�`�c� unleas the auretie� on the contractorfia bqnd aoneent thereto in wr3t3ng and Yile suah oon�ent *3tY�. the City Co�ptroller, and be it FIIRTHER R�SOT�VED, th�.� the �ity of sa3.n� Paul hereby xaive� alZ alaim far 13quidated dama.ges �nd thst no engineering and 3.nspec�3.on. aoat a on thi� pro�eat will be aha.rgecl to the eon�ractor t'or �ucih eatended period. NOV 6 Tg� COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �OV''s �9� Dalglish Holland APPro�� 19— Loss Tn Favor , Meredith ' Peterson /,� ,�gt �yOr _5G_A Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iox s�a �