220607 ' 1 ��d��V� 1 ORI�WAL TO CITY CL6RK � -� '-� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION-GENERAL FORM co�iss�orYie p�� October 30, 19�+ RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Cou�nittee therefor and hereby aFraxds contract for furnishing all la,bor, materials and services � necessary for and reasona,bly incidenta,l to the purcha.se and removal of dwelling including removal of garage, miscell.aneous concrete, walks, handrails and debris located at 733 Eucli.d Street, described as Lot 22, Block 1, Wilder and Dodge's Subdivision of Block �+8 of Lyman Da.yton's Addition, Saa.nt Pau1, Minnesota �to MARY A. I�STER in accordance with City specif ications therefor hereto attached and the Forma,l Bid #1001 of said Mary A. Kester, Bidder to pay City of Saint Paul $358.00, such bid be3.ng the only bid and said Ma,ry A. Kester being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up .the proper form of contract therefor, and the pro�er City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Sa:i.nt Paul. Formal Bid #1001. , " - ,.� _ NOV 6 1964 COUNCILI�N ' Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � r� Dalglish NOV 6 19� �� Holland Approv d 19_ "�"� Loss � Favor P l� Meredith � t �� Peterson O Mayor � Rosen ASainst � Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBLISHED N�V � ���� iont e-� DUrLIGT6 TO MINT[R ��'d���� � ~ ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM n«r,rEC�r October 30, 1g64 COMMISSIONEe DATF R3�S07�iTED, '.L�at the COUnc3l h�re'fly �.pproves the �aiard O� the Contraet Evmti�tte� there�or �nd hereby �rar�.g Cq�ltr�,ct �o� �tzrnishing aL1 Zat�or, a�e.ter�els and servicea t n+e��sa�,x•y for and �ee,soua,bl,y �nc�cl�a.taa. to tb.e purCha�s� aad. r�cval o� c'�relling includtng remrav�l. of gaxage, miscelle�#eov,a ecncre�� Ka,]ks� h�adr�i].e and debria ].xa�tec7. �t ?33 �c].id �treet, c�e�cribed a�s Idt 22, SZack �, Wil,�er �,nd 1k,�ge's Subdi,vf.gion oP 81ock �+8 of I�oe� D�ytan's A�itia�., Sa3nt Pau1, Minnesote, tq MAA�C A. A�'T'ffit �.a �ccoxdan.c� x3.th C�ty spec�.ficatipns theref'car hereto a�-�ched end the l�orm�1. Sid �3A01 of' se�.d Maxy A. lCe�ter, $tdder to pay City oP Se3ut Pnul $358.00, �wch b�,d baing tt�.e anIy bid end a�id Me,zy A, Kester be3.n� a rees�abl�e a�nd re].i�ble bi�� and tY�e Corpore.tian Co�nsel be and �ereby is d3z�ecsted to dt�r u� the px�vper form of' contr�ct ther�efor, end �the pro�er C�ty ofPici�a hareby s�x+� �,u.thorizeid �,o �eecute se3d �aa.tz�act on beY�1f' of the City �` Sc�nt Paul, ' �'ormal. Bid �1001. N4v s �9sa COUNCILIVIEN Adopted by the Council - 19— Yeas Nays ��q Dalglish • N�V � 1�i� Holland Approv� 19_ Loss Favor Meredith i Peterson �y�r �Ag8in8t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis io� e-e: