06-499Counci� File # O6 — �
Greensheet# 3030
Presented By
WHEREAS, Ilya Konkov (Zoning File #06-047-485) has appealed a Planning
Adniinistrator decision to deny a lot split (Zoning File #OS-202-383) under the provisions of
§61.701(c) and (d) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the property located at 811 White Beaz
Ave N, Parcel Identification Nuxnber (PII� 272922440022, legally described as KLTHL'S 2ND
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on March 16, 2006,
held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heazd pursuant
to said application in accordance with the requirements of §64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code; and
WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Plamiing Commission, based on the evidence presented to its
Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the
following findings of fact:
Zoning Code §61.701(d) requires that an appeal of a decision of the planning
administrator sha11 specify the grounds of the appeal. The application for appeal received
on Fabruary 24, 2006, from Mr. Konkov specifies the grounds for appeal.
§69304 lists seven required conditions for approval of lots splits, including (6), that the
division does not result in the creation of a nonconforming structure or use. Because the
proposed lot split would result in the creation of nonconforming setbacks, Mr. Konkov
applied to the Boazd of Zoning Appeals for a vaziance from setback requirements. The
BZA denied the setback vaziance on Ianuary 3, 2006 (Zoning File #OS-216-890). The
City Council denied an appeal by Mr. Konkov of the BZA decision, and upheld the BZA
decision on February 1, 2006.
3. §69.406 (a) lists seven findings that "shall be made prior to the approval of a subdivision
of a lot split" including (1) all the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are
complied with; (2) the proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and
potential surrounding land uses; (3) the area surrounding the subdivision can be planned
and developed in coordinarion and compatibility with the proposed subdivision; [and] (4)
the subdivision is in conformance with the comprehensive plan." It states that all of the
seven findings must be made, which cannot be done. The lot split does not comply with
setback requirements in the Legislative Code for which a variance was denied by the
Board of Zoning Appeals and by the City Council. In addition, the White Bear Avenue
Small Area Plan, an element of the comprehensive plan, calls for widening of White Bear
Avenue to create left turn lanes at East Seventh Street, a project that will take 20 feet
from the east side of the lot at 811 White Bear Avenue. Therefore, the proposed lot splits
is not in conformance with the comprehensive plan, and would be detrimental to the
creation of left turn lanes to improve traffic safety on White Bear Avenue.
1 WHEREAS, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.206, Ilya Konkov, duly filed with
2 the City Clerk an appeal (Zoning File #06-063-535) from the determination made by the
3 Plamiing Commission, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose
4 of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and
6 WHEREAS, Acting pursuant to Sections 64.206 through 64.208, and upon notice to
7 affected parties a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on May 3, 2006, where
8 all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd; and
WT3EREAS, The Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the
applicarion, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and
of the Plamiing Commission, does hereby
RESOLVE, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby affirm the decision of
the Planning Commission in this matter, based on the following fmdings of the Council:
be it
The Council finds that there was no error in fact, finding or procedure by the
Commission in this matter and, accordingly, the Council adopts the findings of the
Commission as its own; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the appeal of Ilya Konkov be and is hereby denied; and,
FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Ilya
Konkov, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission.
Requested by Departrnent of:
AdoptedbyCouncil Date
��07� o1f/o�
AdopSon Certifted by Council Secretary
BY� �.SiY>>
Approved by B4tayo . ate
B v {./ �_
Focm pr edbyCiTy ttom
BY �i
Folm Approved�Mayor for Submission [o Council
sy � O 1�t ��
� Green Sheet Green
Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
o� —�I �. �
DepartmetHloffice/counc{I: Date initiated:
I ca ��tyA��� ,a�Y� Green Sheet NO: 3030707
i CoMact Person & Phone:
" DeoartrneM SentTOPerson InitiaVDate I
� Rache! GufMerson 0 'tv Attoroev � �
� 266-8710 p��y 1 i Attorne De artme¢tDirector I
Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Date): Number 2 �tv Attornev f
Fof �
Roufing 3 avor's Office Mavor/Assistant
Order 4 ouucil
5 " Clerk Ci Clerk
Total # of Signature Pages _ iCfip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Memorializing City Council's May 3, 200b motion to deny the appeal of Ilya Konkov and affirm the decision of the Planning
Commission to deny a lot split for the property located at 811 White Beaz Avenue North.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this personlflm� ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personlfrtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No I
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
MAY 1 1 200fi
The Council is required pursuant to the City Charter t� have its actions reduced to a writing either in the form of a resolution or
ordinance dependent upon the nature of the matter before it. The decision of the Council in this matter required a written resolution in
order to comply with the Charter. Approving the attached resolution fulfills the CounciPs duty under the Charter.
Disadvanta�tes If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Failure to approve the resolution violates the City's Charter requirement.
Total Amount of CostlRevenue Budgeted: �� Ci�r
Transactiom �
Fundinp Source: Activitv Number: q
Financial information: M'�� � r" �°°'
/, � '
Tony SchertIer, Interim Director
Christopher B. CoTeman, Mayor
April 10, 2006
Ms. Mary Erickson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hali
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Ms. Erickson:
25 W. Four[h Street
Saint P¢ul, MN 55102
Telephane: 65l-266-6700
Facsimile: 651-2Z8-3120
I would like to confirm that a pubiic hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday,
May 3, 2006, for the following zoning case.
Zoning File Number: 06-063-535
File Name:
Ilya Konkov
811 White Bear Ave N, NW corner at Ross
Appeal of a Planning Commission decision (File # 06-047-485)
uphoiding the Planning Administrator's denial ofi a lot spiit
Previous Action:
Zoning Committee Recommendation: denial, 7- 0
Planning Commission Recommendation: denied, unanimous
I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Bostrom's office. My understanding is that this
public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the April 22, 2006, City Council meeting
and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please cali me at
651-266-6579 if you have any questions. �
Allan Torstenso ���
City Planner
File #: 06-063-535
ApplicanUAppellant: Ilya Konkov
Paul Dubruiel
Wendy Lane
Carol Martineau
1he Saint Paul City Crnmcil wi71 _eqnduct a
public :fieaiing on Wednesday, Mag_ 3,-
200fi'at �5 30 p.m. in" the City, Cotutcll.
Chambei"s. Tlih�d Floor City Hall: 15 West
Ke7logg Boulevard, 5t. Paui,. MN, to com-
sider the appeal df �Ilya Konkov to a deci-
sion of the Planning G�`�omn�issiou-uphbT�-
ing the Pfanningqdmuiistrator's 3eirial,of
a lot split at 811 Wtrite Bear Avenue Norfli�
(nortttwest comer at Ross,llvenue)...(Zon-�
ing k ile Y.06-Q63-5351 _. _ �.. -_ ; ' . .,
-, � Dated: Apzil.21, 2006 �. . . ..
� Fv7ARY ERICKSON ' .. .. � .
; -_. _ �
- " - . �(APa7 13) �- ' - -
_ —==.ST. PAUL LEdAL bEDGER ='--='e
22113626 � ' -
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
� /
Zony Scher[le�, Infe>im Disector
Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor
April 25, 2006
Ms. Mary Erickson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
� �
25 Wesl Fourlh Street TeZephone: 65I-266-6986
SaintPaul,MN55702 Frscsimile:65l-228-3220
Re: Zoning File #: 06-063-535
Appellant: Ilya Konkov
Address: 811 White Bear Ave N, NW corner at Ross
Purpose: Appeal of a Planning Commission decision (Zoning File # 06-047-485)
upholding the Planning Administrator's denial of a lot split (Zoning File #
Citv Council Hearinq: Mav 3. 2006, 530 p.m., City Council Chambers
� Staff Recommendation: denial
District CounciL none
Zoning Committee Recommendation: denial, vote: 7- 0- 0
Support: 0 people spoke, 0 letters were received
Opposition: 0 people spoke, 0 letters were received
Planning Commission Decision: denial, vote: unanimous
Deadline for Action:
Staff Assigned:
extended to June 28, 2006
Allan Torstenson, 651-266-6579
Attachments: Planning Commission resolution #06-27
Planning Commission minutes, 3/24l06
Zoning Committee minutes, 3/16/06
Staff Report packet
cc: Zoning File #: 06-063-535
Appellant: Ilya Konkov
City Council Members
District Council: 2
Wendy Lane
Larry Soderholm
Allan Torstenson
Peter Warner
Departmen[ ofPlanning and Economic Devetopmext
Zoxing Sectian
I400 City Hall Axnex
25 West Fourth Street
Satnt Paul, MN SSIO2-I634_
(65I) 266-6589
Name ��.VA � / l�� ` P�1KC1 1 /
APPLICANT Addres� �N �; }� �E
Cit �
y,_ ,� v�� �Ftu� St. ��Zip ��E� Daytime Pho
Zoning File
Address I
TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made fior an peal to the:
❑ Board of Zoning Appeals City Council
Under fhe provision of Chapter 61,
ion made by the
ite of decision)
20 � . File Number:
� Planning Commission
of fhe Zoning Code, to appeal a
GROUNDS FOI2 APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or
refusal made 6y an admin+stsative officiat, or an error in fact, procedure or finding
made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission.
There is One small house on Twa Lots.
I am not changing the e�sting house, why is there a problefn with it? Flease .
consider the placements of the surrounding houses.
Thaze is z�o project for the widening of White Bear Ave, no reason for denial, even
if there was, tivho owns fhe propert-�?
(a4fach additional sheet if necessary�
. ,�`� O
; � �j
, `
App{icanYs Signatur U a{e 03 l 31 �� City Agen
K:\forsrts]appforzppeafwpd - ti/8/04
DG- �3���.35�
,city of saint paul
i planning commission resolution
fiie number 06-27
date March 24, 2006
WHEREAS, Ilya Konkov, Zoning File # 06-047-485, has appealed a Planning Administratordecision fo deny
a lof split (Zoning File # 05-202-383) under the provisions of §61.701(c) and (dJ of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code, for property located at 811 White Bear Ave. N, Parcel Idenfification Number (PIN) 272922440022,
legally described as KUHL'S 2ND ADQiTION TO ST. PAUL LOTS 29 & LOT 30 SLK 1; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of.the Planning Commission, on March 16, 2006, held a public hearing at
which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance
with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee
at the public hearing as substantially refiected in the minutes, made the #�Ilowing findings of fact:
1. Zoning Code §61.701(d) requires that an appeal of a decision of the planning administrator shall specify
the grounds of the appeal. The application for appeal received on February 24, 2006, from Mr. Konkov
specifies the grounds for the appeal.
2. §69.304 lists seven required conditions for approval of lot splits, including (6), that the division does not
result in the creation of a nonconforming structure or use. Because the proposed lot split would result in
the creation of nonconforming setbacks, Mr. Konkov applied to fhe Board of Zoning Appeals for a
variance from setback requirements. The BZA denied the setbackvariance on January 3, 2006 (Zoning
� File # 05-216-890). The City Council denied an appeal by Mr. Konkov of the BZA decision, and upheld
the BZA decision, on February 1, 2006.
3. §69.406(a) lists seven findings that "shall be made prior to the approval of a subdivision or a lot spiit,"
including "(1) all the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with; (2) the proposed
subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses; (3) the area
surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility wifh the
proposed subdivision; [and] (4) the subdivision is in conformance with the comprehensive plan." It states
that all of the seven findings must be made, which cannot be done. The lot split does not comply with
setback requirements in the Legislative Code for which a variance was denied by the Board of Zoning
Appeals and by the City Council. In addition, the White BearAvenue Small Area Plan, an element of the
comprehensive plan, calls for widening of White Bear Avenue to creafe Ieft tum lanes at East Seventh
Street, a project ttiat wili take 20 feet from the east side of the lot at 811 W hite Bear Avenue. Therefore,
the proposed lot splif is not in conformance with the comprehensive plan, and would be detrimental to fhe
creation of left turn lanes to improve traffic safety on White Bear Avenue.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, underthe authority of
the City's Legisiative Code, that the appeai of a Pianning Administrator decision to deny a lot split at 811
White BearAve. N is herebyclenied.
moved by Nlorton
seconded by
• in fiavor Unanimouslv denied
� l� ����
� FILE NAME: Ilya Konkov FILE # 06-047-485
APPLICANT: ifya Konkov HEARING DATE: March 16, 2006
LOCATION: 811 White Bear Ave N, NW comer at Ross
LOT 30 BLK 1
ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §61. 701 (c)(d), §69.304, §69.406(a)
STAFF REPORT DATE: March 7, 2006 BY: Aflan Torstenson
DATE RECEIVED: February 24, 2006 60-DAY DEADLINE FOR ACTION: April 29, 2006
A. PURPOSE: Appeal of a Planning Administrator decision to deny a lot split (zoning file #05-202-
B. PARCEL SIZE: 80 ft. (Ross frontage) x 118 ft. (White Bear frontage) = 9440 sq. ft.
C. EXISTING LAND USE: Single-family house
D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: There are commercial land uses across White Bear Avenue and
single-family dwellings on al� other sides.
E. ZONING CODE CIT/aTION: §61.701(c) states that decisions on matters delegated to the planning
administrator are subject to appeal to the planning commission, and §61.701(d) regulates appeals
of planning administrator decisions. §69.304 lists seven required conditions for approval of lot
splits. §69.406(a) lists seven findings that "shall be made prior to the approval of a subdivision or a
lot split."
On January 3, 2006, the Board of Zoning Appeafs denied a setback variance necessary for the
proposed lot split (Zoning File #OS-216-890). A copy of the Board of Zoning Appeals resolution
denying the variance is attached.
On February 1, 2006, the City Council denied an appeal by Mr. Konkov of the BZA decision
(Zoning File #06-005-445). A copy of the City Council resolution denying the appeal and upholding
the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals is attached.
On February 16, 2006, the Planning Administrator denied the lot split (Zoning File #05-202-382).
The planning administrator's letter denying the lot split is attached. .
G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATiON: The District 2 Council had not made a
recommendation at the time this staff report was prepared.
1. Zoning Code §61.701(d) requires that an appeal of a decision of the planning administrator
shall specify the grou�ds of the appeal. The application for appeal received on February 24,
2006, from Mr. Konkov, which is attached to this report, specifies the grounds for the appeal.
Zoning File # 06-047-485
Zoning Commiftee Staff Report
Page 2
2. §69.304 lists seven required conditions for approval of lot splits, including (6), that the division
does not result in the creation of a nonconforming structure or use. Because the proposed lot
split would result in the creation of nonconforming setbacks, Mr. Konkov appiied to the Board of
Zoning Appeals for a variance from setback requirements. The BZA denied the setback
variance on January 3, 2006 (Zoning Fite #05-216-890). The City Council denied an appeal by
Mr. Konkov of the BZA decision, and upheid the BZA decision, on February 1, 2006.
3. §69.406(a) lists seven findings that °shall be made prior to the approval of a subdivision or a lot
split," inciuding "(1) all the appiicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with; (2)
fhe proposed subdivision wifi nof be defrimental to the present and potential surrounding land
uses; (3) the area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination
and compatibility with the proposed subdivision; [and] (4) the subdivision is in conformance with
the comprehensive plan:' it states thatall of the seven findings must be made, which cannot be
done. The !ot split does not complywith setback requirements in fhe Legislative Code for which
a variance was denied by the Board of Zoning Appeals and by the City Council. In addition, the
White Bear Avenue Smali Area Plan, an element of the comprehensive pian, calis for widening
of White Bear Avenue to create left tum lanes at East Seventh Street, a project that will take 20
feet from the east side of the lot at 811 White Bear Avenue. Therefore, the proposed lot spiit is
not in conformance with the comprehensive pian, and would be detrimentat to the creation of
left tum lanes to improve traffic safety on White Bear Avenue.
I. STAFF RECOMMENDATlON: Based on the above findings, staff recommends denial of the
appeal of aplanning administrator decision to deny the proposed lot split at 811 White Bear �
Deparrment ofP[anning and EconomicDevelopment
Zoning Section
I400 City HallAnn�
25 Wesf Faurth Street
SaintPaul, MN SSIO2-1634
(65I) 266-6589
Zoning File
TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the:
� Board of Zoning Appeals ❑ City Council Planning Commission
Under the provision of Chapter 61, Section �_Paragraph of the Zoning Code, to appeal a
(date of decision)
��� ,�h,;� 5 ���h ..s-�-�.�� -
20, a�. FiteNumber._ � vS ��`�.���
Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or
refusal made by an adminisfrafive officiaf, or an error in fact, procedure or finding
made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission.
There are two Lots on the property and ane small house.
The existing dwelling sits on the border of tha two Lots, incorrectly, when it
should be on one lot.
There are plenty of honses that kave very similar con�igurafion, in direction of
Lots and house placement.
It is very improper far a city official to ask to change the e�sting dwelling, in
order to redefine to the correct lot configuration.
(atYach additiona! sheet if necessary)
K:\fnrniclannfnanne.al wnd 11/8l06
City Agent W'
Tony Schertler, lnterim Dirutor
v w�.,�
Chris[opher B. Colemars, Mnyor
February 16, 2006
Mr. Ilya Konkov
811 White Beaz Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106
RE: 811 White Bear Avenue Lot Split
Zoning file #OS-202382
Dear Mr. Konkov:
25Wes�FounhStreet Telephane:651-266-6700
Saint Pnul, MN 55102 Facsimiie: 651-?28-3220
Your application for lot split review for 811 White Bear Avenue is hereby denied because it
would result in the creation of nonconformittg setbacks. Your application for variance of setback
requirements was denied by the Boazd of Zoning Appeals (BZA) on January 3, 2006 (Zoning File
#OS-216890), and your appeal of the BZA decision was denied by the City Council on February,
1 2006 (Zoning File #06-Q05445).
Any interested party may appeal this decision by the Planning Administrator to the Planning
Commission within 10 days of the date of this letter.
If you have questions, please call me at (651) 266-6583.
Paul Dubruiel, on behalf of the Planning Administrator
cc: 7ohn Hardwick, LIEP
District 2 Community Council
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CovncilFile#��� t *?_U
GreenSheet# 3Qr�4 b'i J
�"k`k�tRED TO
z Whereas, Ilya Ronkov made applicafion to the Boazd of Zoxun� Appeals (Fi1e #OS-
z 216890) for a variance from the strict applicarion of the provisions of the �aint Paul Zoning
3 Code for property JocaEed at 811 White Bear Avenue North, legally described as KLTI�[.'S ZND
s Whereas, The purpose of the application was to vary the standazds of the Zoning Code
� pertainina to the minimum requixed rear yard setback in order to split the parcel and constzuct a
s new single-family dweliing on the resuIting vacant lot and an attached gazage on the west side of
9 fhe existing house in Yhe R4 Zoning Districi; and
Whereas, a 25 foot reaz setback is required for the existing house and a setback of 4 feet
is proposed from the west property tzne for a variance af 21 feef; and
14 Wheraas, The Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on 7anuary 3, 2006,
� s after having provided notice to affected property owners, and the Eoazd, hy its Resolntion #OS-
s 216890 adopted January 3, 2006, decided to dany the variance application based on the £ollowing
i7 findings and conclusions:
rg I: The property in guestion cannot be put to a reasonable use u7ider the strict
2 Q provzsions of the Code.
2 2 The pazcel was origznally platted as two 40-foot wide lots. The existing house is
2 3 located on the soufhem end ofthe site, probably to provide street access to the
24 house since most of the properry is elevated so high abave White Bear Avenue
2 5 North. The applicant would iike to split the property and build a new house far
26 himsalf and his sister. His parents would coniinue Yo live in the existing house.
2 '� This is a reasonable attd pemutted use of the proper[y. The proposed new Iots as
2 8 currently laid out by the applicant would meet the 2ot size arzd width requirements
29 aud it only the pIacement af the existing house on fhe site that creafes the need for
3o a variance.
2. The plaght of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to ihis property, and
these circn�rstances were not created by the land owner.
The elevation and contours of the property as well as the placement of the e7cisfing
hoase on the site are citcumstances that prevent reasonable use of the property
under the strict provisions of the Code. These cireumstances were not created by
the current property owner.
i 3. 77ae proposed variance is not in keeping with the spirit and intent of the Code, and
s is not consisienf with the health, safery, comfort, morals and weljare of the `
s znhabitanu of the City of Saint Paul. �+ `
s The Wlute Beaz Avenue Small Area Pian calls for widening White Bear Avenue
s at East Seventh Street in arder to create tum lanes at the intersection. According
� to Public Works staff, 20 feet will be taken &om the properly on tke west side of
s White Bear Avenue all fhe way from East Seventh Sireet south to Ross Avenue.
s This will pzobably result in the loss of ihe existing house an #his properiy since it
zo is Iocated only 21-feet from the e�sfing street right-of-way. However, if the
i1 eaisting house must be removed, the remaining 60 by l l7-foot pazcel would be
i2 similar in size to the otherparcels on the block and large enough to build a new
is home. Ttus is an unfortunate cirevmstance but it is necessary in order to improve
�� traffic and gedestrian safety at this busy interseciion. Subdividing the property at
is this time wouId be in keeping with the sgirit and inient o£ tfie Code.
i� 4. The proposed variance will impair an adequate supply of Zigkt and air to adjacent
is property, and aZter the essentictl characfer of the surrounding area and may
is unreasonabTy diminish estdbtished propei�y values within the surrourzding area.
a� The loss of 2Q feet from fhis parce] would make the property too smatt to
z2 accom modate a second house without several large variances. The resulring small
z3 lots would not be in keeping with the siae of the otfier pazcels in the
z4 neighborhood This in turn coufd have an adverse impact on the sunounding
zs properiy values.
27 5. The variance, ifgrttnted, would not permit any use that is notpermitted under the
2s pravisions of the Code for the property in the district where 11ie affected Zand is
zs Zocated, nos wauld it aiter or ckange the zoning disfrict cicrss�cation of the
3o property.
35 6.
The requested variance, if granted, wouid not change or alter the zoning
classi&cafion ofthe property,
The request for variance is not based primariZy on a desire to increase the value
or income potential of the p¢rcel of Zand.
as Wfiereas, pursuant to the pmvisions of Section 64.2Q5, Ilya Konkov, duly filed with the
a9 Ciry Clerk an appeal {File #06-005445) from the determination made by the Board of Zaning
go Appeals, requestiug thaf a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering
4i the actions takenbythe said Boazd; and
s3 Wliereas, Acting pursuant to SecTions 64205 through b4.208, and upon notice to affected
44 parties a pubfic hearing was duly conducted by the City Councit on February I, 2006, where all
s s interested parties were given an opportunity to be fieazd; and
4z Whereas, The Council, having heazd the statements made, and ha�ing considered the
4s variance application, the report of sYaff, the record, minutes and resolution of tfie Board of
4a Zoning Appeais, does hereby
� ������
1 Resolve, Tha# the Counci[ of the City of Saint Paul does hereby uphold the decision of the
2 Boazd of Zoning Appeals in this maiter, base.a on the findings of fhe Board of Zoning Appeals
3 and the following addifional findings of fhe Council: 1Y _�g�
� LZ9
5 I. The City Council finds no eaor in fact, findin� ar procedure wifih respect to the
6 Boazd of Zoning Appeals' decision to deny the rear yard setback variance of 21
� feet
9 2. The City CouncIl finds that ilze 21 foot variance from the rear yard setback also
io changes tfie curreat the west side yud into a westem rear yard. The variance also
1 Y changes the lot now facing south oa Ross Avenue with au east side yard bordering
12 4Vhite Beaz Avenue to a lot facinb east on White Beaz Avenue with a northem
13 side yazd borderi�c, an alley. Thaf would create an addirional residential lot facing
�¢ comaiercial property on White Bear Avenue. This proposai, as submirted to the
15 City Council, is not in keeping with the spirit and infent of the code.
\ J
3. The City Council finds that the variance of 21 feet with only 4 feet remainzng as a
rear seYback is lazge and noT in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code.
Further Reso2ved, Tkat the appeal of Ilya Konkov be and is hexeby denied; and, Ue it
Finally Resotved, That ttce City Clerk shatl mait a copy of fhis resoiution to IIya Konkov,
Che Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission and Boazd of Zoning Appeals.
Requested by Department oP;
�-'opted by Council: Date �
Adqption Certified by Council
xpproved b a r: Date Z`"`"1'�
� Forn� Approved by Ci Attorney
�v.�� B i
Apprw d; by M o for issi to Council
�I'I`�' C}F �AIl�'T PAUL
�ONT1dTG FTL�+ l�Tf.TN3�E�Z: O�S-216�9t3
DAT�: 3`aa��ary 3, ZOa6
VJI-�?REAS, I[ya Konkov has applied fox a, variauca fram the strict application of the provisions
of 5 ection 62.23 i of the Saint Paui LegisiaEive Code pertainiag to the i�tinimtim requi_red rear
yard setback in order fo split tt�e paxcel and canstruct a new singte-fawily dwelling on the
resultiug vacant lot and an attached garage on tke west side of the exzsting house in the R4
Zoni.ng District af 8I I Wlute Bear Avenue No�h; and
"� EItEAS, the Saiut Paul Boatd of Zo�ing Appeals conducYed a pubfic hearin; oa
Jaa�azy 3, 200b pursuaut to said appficafion in accordance with the requirements of
Section 64.203 of the I.egislative Code; and
tiVE�E1tEAS, the Saint Paul }3oard of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the
public hearing, as substanfiaily reflected ia tke minutes, made tbe following fitidings of fact:
The property in question cannot be put to a reasonabte use under the strict provisions
of the Code.
Tkis parcel was origiva2ly ptatted as fwo 40-£oot wide lo#s. The e�sfing house is located on
the southem end o£ the site, pzobably to provide street access to tha house sinee most of the
proparty is elevaYed so high above White $ear Avenue North, The applicaut would like to
split the property and btrild a new house for tumself and bis sister. Hzs parents woutd
continue to tive in ttte exis(ing house. This is a reasonahte and permitfed use of the property,
Tlae proposed new lots as eturentiy laid out bq the applicant would meet the 2ot size and
width zequiremenfs aud it is only the ptacement o£ the existing house on the site that creates
the need for a varzance.
l. The plight of the land owner is due to ciYCUmstances unique Lo this property, and these
cir were not created by She land o�.vner.
The elevarion and contours o#'the property as Well as fhe p2acement of the er,isting house on
the site aze circumstances thaf preveriY the reasonable use o£ the property tmder the strict
grovisions of Yhe Code. Tfiese cireuznstances were not created by tha curreut pmperty
3. The proposed variance is rwt in keeping with the spirzt and inten# of the Code,"and is not
consistent with the heaZth, sa, fety, comfort, rt�orals and welfare of the inhabitants of tha �ity
ofSY: Paut.
Page 1 of 3
1 r
s � a •
The 4Vhz#e $ear Avenue Smat1 Area Plan catls foF widening.White Bear Avenue at East
Seventh Street in ozde�r to cz�ate tum lanes at the inte�ection. According to Public Works
staf� 20 feet wt�l be taken froitt the properry on the west side of W6ite Bear'Avenue aII the
way from: F.ast Seventh Street sauth to Ross Aveuue; T�is wi11 probablyresult in the Ioss af
the e�.sting house on this property since it is Iocated only 21-feet from the existing stteet
zight-of-way. I3owever, if the exisfing house must be reraoved, fhhe rema'cuing 60 by I17-
foof pazcelivouid be similaz iu szze to the otherpazcels ion tfie block and Iazge enough to
build a new kome. This is au emforhzuate circlunsfance but st is necessary in ordez to
improve traf&c and pedestrian safety a# this bnsy inferseeiion. Subdividing the pzaperiy at
ihis time wovld aot be inkeep3ng with tTie spirit and intent of the Code.
4. Theproposed variance tivitf irizp¢ir cr�z adequate supply oftfght and aix to ad,jacent proper ty,
and atfer the essentittl chaPaeter of ihe surrourtding area and may unreasonably ditnixish
established propeYty values within the surrounding area.
The 2oss of20 feet from tbis pazcel wotild ina.ke tTze propertytoo smalt to accomm.odate a
secand house without several lazge vauances. The resniting smatl lots woutd not be in
keeping with the size of the otl�er parcels im the neighborhood. This in tum cauid have an
adverse imgact on the suaounding property vatnes.
5. The varuuzc� zf gr¢nted, ivould not pernzit any use that is not permi#ed under the provisions
of ihe Code for the propsKy in tke disfrict w�ers the a,�'ected tand rs locater� xar would zt
a7ter or change the zoxing district ctass�tion of the propeKy.
The requested variauce, i£granted, would not change ar alter the zouing classification o£the
6. The requestfor variance is naf based primarily on a desire to increase the value or fncome
.. patential ofthe pareel o, fland -
N��V, TTIEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, by #he Saiut Paul Board af 7,onin8 ApPeals thaE the
request to waive #he provisions of Sec#toa 66.231 to a12ow a rear yazd setbackof 2I feet, iu order
to split #Ius paccel and consfrnct anew single=famly dwe3ling ott the resutting vacaat 3ot attd au
attached garage ou fhe west side o£the ex[sting house onproperty 16cafed at $ii White Seat
Avenue Nortb; and legaily descn`bed as KnbPs 2nfl Addition To St. Paut I,ots 29 & I.ot 30 Blk 1;
iu accordaace wi� the application for variance and the site plan on filewith the Zoning
Administrator. _ .
Page 2 0£3
�� •
f�- ) 88
�'ite # €35 - 21689Q
l���D �Y: c���
SECI?l�?]C+I? BY: �o
AGAIl4��T: o
MA'�.EA: 7anuary 4, 2046
T� �I�: No decisiott o£ the zoning or planniug adn�iuistxafor, planning conimission,
board of zoning�appeais or city counc4I approving a site ptan, permit,
vaxiance, or other znning appx4rat sha]I be yatid for a period idng6r ftcan
Lwo (2) yeaxs, nnless a huilding pernniY is obtaiaed w7f2ciA sech periad and the
erectiou or a2tera#on af a huitding is proceeding uzidel-the tex�ns of Yhe
deciszott, or the use is established witliin such period by actizal operatioxi
puxsuant ttf tLe applicable cundiiions and reg�yiremeuts of fhe appravai,
nniess the zontng or gianuisg administratox grants an extensiou not to eaceed
one (1) pear.
�P��� Decisions of the Board of Zaning Appexts are �nal snhject to appeat to the
City Conncil within 10 days by asxyone affected by the deciszou. Bniidiag
permifs shall not be issued after an appeal has heen filed. 7f pertuits ]tsva
beea issved before an app@aI has been f�lati, fhen fke germi#s are snspended
and construction shall cease unfil the CSfy Council has nuade a fmal
defermination of t�e appeal.
CERT3I+'�CATTON: I, ihe uudersigned Sacretary to tite Baaxd of Zoninb Appeais fox fhe City of
' Saint l'aat,lVIinuesota, do hereby cerfify that I hawe compaxed Ehe foregoing
copy with the ariginal recoxd in my office; and T�nd the same to be a frae and
correct capy of said ortginal and of the whole thereof, as based on apprnved
miunfes of the Safint paui Boazd of Zoaing Appeals meeflug hetd on
January 3, 20U6 and on xecord in the Offzcg of I.fcense Inspection and
Environmenfai �'rofeciian, 8 Fourth St E, Saint PanI, Minnesota.
� ��
DeHHie Crippen
Secretaxy to the Board
Page 3 of 3
♦ • %�
tuLt►! 1t _ • �i ;, �t, t _ � : a � � ► • • �►
crz� cocrrFen, c�r�a�xs, sso c� �z,
PRE5E23T`: Mmes. Maddox, $ogen, and Morton; Messis. Courmey, Faricy, Gailes, and Wilson of
the Board of Zoning Appeals; NLs. Rachel Gnnderson City Attorney; Mr_ �lazdwicic aud
.Ms_ Crippen of ihe Office of X.icense, Iuspec8ons, and Environmental Protectiau_
ABSE33T Nona
The meeting was cIiaired by 7oyce NSaddox, Chas.
llpa Konkov f#05 216890) S11 White Bear Avenne North: A rear yard setback
variance ixt order to sgiit this pazcel aad construct a new singte famiTy dweLtutg on the resulting vacant
lot and aa attached garage on the existu� house. A 2S foot rear setbac& is required far tha exis�ing
house and a setback of 4 feet is pmposed &om tfie wesE pioperry line for a variance of 21 feet.
Mr. Hacdwick showed slides of the site and teviewed ihe staff report with a recommenda�on foz
1Vo cozrespora3ence was received opposing the variance request.
No correspondenee was received from District 2 zegarding the variance request.
The apglicant ti.YA gC?NKQV , 81i Wfute Beat Avenue North, was present. Mr. Konkov stated
they have the property and had pvrchased it in order to buiId on it. He only found out ahaut the
project fo widen Ehe street when spea}dng to kis aeigh8ors ahout the lot sp&t aud house buiiding projeck
He spoke to tke Distact 2 far the Ciry Planuing they sa%d they did not have anythmg 1�7te that and were
ia ti�e decisioa making process for that pmJec# and it was not certain fhat project wnuld go rIuough. He
reQuested that the Boazd appzove his plan to apfit the lot and br.u'td a new siagle-famity hame on the tot.
Vladimit Sivriver, &480 Wayzah $IvcY. stated fie is #he sun�eyor for this paoject. Mr. Sivriver stated
he is asking the Board for saQpart of rhe iot sg&t because he F�as 6eea worki¢g nn a Iot of Iot spiits this
year, but this one meefs aIl of the City requirements to grant the splik The fuvue project to widen t?te
street in his opinion azry fature groject in ihe next Tve ta ten years should not affect t&is groject.
Tnere was no opposition present at the hearing.
Ms. 14laddox �equesied ihat Mr. I3ardwick offez sosne fiuther iuput about the p3ans of the City if he
&naws. Mr. Hazdwick stated that tfie smaSF azea plan was adagted in 200L It caIIs faz widening the
toad and providing iuxning Ianes at ali the busy ia#etsections, Maryiaztd Avenue, Seventh Siceet, and
Minuehaha Avenue he believes, so it is goiag eo be done.' White Bear Avenue is a state aid hi�way or
counry aid road. �e City Las to apply through the Couuty in order tn do these grojects. Right now
there is the widening of Maryland Aveuue and White �eaz Avenue is on ilie Councit Agenda. 7n that
case they bought the enzire pazcel ou the southwest corner of lviaryiand Avenue. According to Mike
C3ausen the Tiaffic Eugineer, this project wi4 be done in the next year or taro probably_ It is aot a
qaesiion of whet6sr it vritl-be dane it is a guesEion of when they can get the funding in Line through the
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There are TWO Lots, and ONE small house.
House sits on the border of the two lots.
i � `. .,.
\ �
1027 White Bear Ave — The house was built so recently that
it doesn't even show up on the map.
1023 White Bear Ave
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807 White Bear Ave — there is no front or rear
Yard, just one side yard, and 2 feet away from
the border.
801 White $ear Ave
There are plenty of houses with "nonconforming setbacks"
791 White Bear Ave
'773 4Vhite Bear Ave
780 White Bear Ave
768 White Bear Ave
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908 White $ear Ave
900 White Bear Ave
877 White Bear Ave
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Sec. 66,232. Density and dimensiooa! standards table.
Table 66.231, residential district dimensionai standards, sets forth density and dimensional standards that are specific to
residentfai districts. These standards are fn addition to Yhe provisions of chapter 63, regulations of general applicabiliiy.
Tabie 66.231. Residential District Dimensionai Standards
Zoning District
RL one-family large lot
Ri one-family
R2 one-famify
R3 one-family
R4 one-family
RTl two-farhily
R72 townhouse
RMi multiple-family
RM2 multiple-family
RM3 multiple-family
Lot Size
Minimum (per unit)
Area (sq. ft.)(b) Width (feet)
21,780(d) 80
9,600(e) 80
7,20Q 60
6,000 50
S,OOD 40
3,000(� 25
2,500(c),(fj 20
2,OOD (c),(� n/a
2,5o0(c),(� n/a
800(c) n/a
Height Maximum Yard Setbacks
Minimum (feet)
Stories Feet
3 30
3 30
3 30
3 30
3 30
3 40
3 40
3 40
5 50
Front Side
30(g),(h) 10(h)
30(g),(h) 10(h)
25�9).Ch) $Ch)
25{g),(h) 6(h)
25(9).(h) 4(h)
25(g),(h) 9(h)
25(9).�h) 4Ch),��)
25(9),(h) 1/2 hei9ht�B)�C�) ZS�h),(i)
25(g),(h) 1/2 height(h),(i) 25(h),(i)
no max. no max. (g),(h),{j) (h),(i),(j) (h),(i),(j)
n/a - not applicable
Notes to table 66.231, resitlentiai district dimensional standards:
(a) R4 one-Family district dimensional standards shali appiy when one-family dwellings are erected in less restrictive resitlentlal
districts. RTi two-famtty district dimensionat standards shali apply when two-famiiy dwefiings are erected in less restrictive
residentiai tlistricts. RM2 multiple-family districc dimensional standards shall appiy when muitiple-family residential dwetlings
five (5) stories or less in height are constructed in an RM3 multiple-family district.
(b) In calculating the area of a lot that adjoins a dedicated pubiic alley, for the purpose of applying lot area and density
requirements, one-half the width of such attey adjoining the lot shatl be mnsidered as part of the lot.
(c) In calculating the area of a lot for the purpose of appiyin9 the minimum lot area per unit requirement, the lot area figure
may tre irtcreased try three hundred {3D0) square feet for each parking space (up [o twa (2) parking spaces per unit) within a
multiple-family structure or otherwise completely underground. Parking spaces within an above-ground parking structure,
except for Yhe Yop level, may also be ased for this !ot area bonus. The maximum number of units poss+b)e on a lot using Yhis loi
area 6onus can be calculated using the fnrmula X= L v(A--600), where X= maximum units allowed, L= Iot area in square
feet, and A= required lot area per u�it in square feet. A site P�an showing pariting layout and dimensions shall be required
when applying for this lot area 6onus. No multiple-family dwelling shail be built, nor shatl any existing structure be converted to
a multiple-family dweliin9, on a lo[ that is Iess than nine thousand ( 9,000) square feet in area.
(d) A larger lot may be required depending on how much square footage is actually needed to properly site and instail an
individual sewage treatment system.
(e) Where over half of the lot has slopes of twelve (12) percent or greater, the minimum lot size shall be fifteen thousand
(15,000) square feet. When determining Iot size, the slope shall be that in existence prior to any grading or filling. Aiterations
shali not be allowed that wiil lower the slope from twelve (12) percent or greater to less than twelve (12j percent prior to the
creation of new lots.
(� If townhouses are developed on parcels where oNy the land immediately beneath each dwellin9 unit mnstitutes an
individually described lot and ali other land required for yards, other open space, parking, and other necessary land as required
by this mde constiWtes "common" properties, jointiy owned by the owners of the described lots beneath each dwelling unit, the
minimum size lot per unit shail be applied to the entire parcel.
(g) Where at least fifty (50) percent of the front footage of any biock is built up with prtncipal structures, the minimum front
yard setback for new structures shall be the average setback of the e�cisting structures, or the normal setback requirement in
the district plus haif the amount the average setback is greaEer than the normat setback requirement, whichever is less.
Existing strudures set back twenty (20) percent more or less than the average shail be discounted from the formula.
(h} for permitted and conditionat principal uses ailowed in residentiat districts otfier than residentiat uses, the front yard shall
be equai to the front yard required for residential use and the side and rear yards shall be equal to one-half the height of the
buitdirtg but in no instance less thaa the minimum requirements of the district in which said use is located.
(i) Side yards are required only for dwelling units on the ends of townhouse structures. When two (2) or more one-family, two-
family, or townhouse structures are construct�ed on a single parcel, there shall be a distance of at least twelve (12) feet
between principal buildings. Whe� two (2) or more multifamily buildings are constructed on a single parcel, there shali be a
distance of at least eighYeen (18) feet between principal buildings.
(j) Minimum front, side and rear setbacks shall be fifty (SO) feet or one-haif the building height, whichever is less.
Sec. 66.232. Maximum lot coverage.
In residential districts, principai structures shali not cover more than thirry-flve (35) percent of any zoning lot.
Sec. 66.233. Minimum buifding width.
in residential districts, the building width on any side of one-family and two-family dwellings shail be at least twenty-two (22)
t�et, not tncluding entryways or other appurtenances that do not run the fvtl length of the building.