220568 ORIGIHAL TO CITY CL6RK �����U - CITY OF ST. PAUL F�EHC�� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tRESENTED RY ` COMMISSIONE � DA� i RESOLVED� upon t�e pertinent appeal� under the Zoning Code� bp George L. Ostrand� owt�er of the sub�ect real estate� situate in the City of Saint Paul, loca�ed along the west side of Westminster Street between York� and Sims Avenues� more partieularlp described-�s�he north 97 feet of the south 147 feet of Lot 3 Block 5� Edmund Riee's Fourth .Addition� partially zoned in '°B" l�esidence District and partially zoned in Light Tndustrial District� under said Zoning Gode� that the provisions of said Zoning Code her�by are de.termined and varied� in their application to said real-estate� as a.nd to �he extent necessary therefor� and that a special permi� hereby is granted for the extension of the "B" Residence District use presently permitted on a portion of said hereinabov� describ�d real estate; RESOLVED FURTHER� That said George T,. Ostra.nd be permitted to install and operate a 15-car off-street parking facility in con�unction with a proposed 15-nnit apartment developmen� on said hereinabove described real estate� in accorda.nce � with the Plot Plan therefor� dated October 19, 1964; sub�ect to the condition that said appellant-applica.nt� and his stzceessors a.nd assigns� otherwise� shall make d�.e compliance wi�h all applicable provisions of, munieipal ordinanees� state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizanee. � _ROVED s�. r �ss�. orporation Counsel - NOV 3 1964 COiJNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �O� 3 ��� Dalglish Holland rove�l 19— Loss Favor �� Meredith \ Peterson �J Mayor Rosen A$aiII3t PUBL1SHfD No� � 1��� Mr. President, Vavoulis ', ion� e-aa