220565 \ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEWK �('����� .• CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO d OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � ►RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DATF WHERSAS� Registered Bill Ao. 1-295� in the amount of �201.64� was issued by �he Departmer�t of Public Works-to Mr. Ra1ph C. North for engineering services rendered pursuar�t to Ordinance No. 12254� concerning the rough grading of certain streets iri the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS� such engineering ser4ices have already been obtained� paid and furnished to the Department of Public Works by said R�,lph C. North; ar�d WHEREAS� tY�e above RegistePed Bill was inadver�ently issued as areduplication of engineering services already pa�d; therefore� be it RESOLVED� By the Council of the City of Sain� Pa�zl� �hat the proper city officers are hereby authorized and direeted to cancel said Registered Bill No. 1-295• � �.0 ,� ° � . Cor nsel N4V 3 1964 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays Dalglish Nov 3 �9�I Holland � ppro e 19— Loss Tn FavOr � Meredith � � Pete rs on J M8'yor Rosen A$ainst Mr. President, Vavoulis �UBLISHfD NOV � 19�� ioa� e-es DUrLICAT[TO r111NTLR . cmr oF sr. PAUL �o�N��� �C���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER�L FORM 1�ESEHTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DATF WHEREAS� Registered Bi11. No. 1-295� in th� amoun� of �201.6�+� was 9.ssued by the Department of Publia Works to Mr. Ralph C. Noxth for engineer�.rig serv�ces rendered pursuant to Ordinance Ido. 122�+� Qoncerning the rough grading of aertain streets in th� City of Snint Paul; and WHFREAS, sueh engineering service� have already been obta�n�cl� paid and furnished to the Depastment of Publia Works by said �ialph C, North; and WHEREAS� the �bove Registered Bill was 3nadverteatl;� issu�d as areduplieation of engineering services alr�ady pa�d; ther�for�� be i� RESOLYED By the Council. of the City of Sa3nt Pa�u1� That �he proper ci�y offic�r� �r� hereby authorized and direeted �o -� canael aaid Register�d Bill No. 1�g5. N4V 3 19� COIJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish 1'Q� e� ��ia°4 Holland Approved 19— Loss Favor Meredith Peterson � MAyOr Rosen A B�St Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on� e-s: