220559 ORIOINAL TO CiTY CLEIiK �' d��`� �! * CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�_ a ���' - �FFICE O E CITY CLERK F r COU -'CIL RESO TI N G E� FORM � �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE ' DA� � / 1 � i AS, the Office of the Corporation Counsel has � certified in writing that it is in doubt as to who is entitled to the award of damages, in the amount of �12,000.00, for the � taking of property described as follows: ' t Lot 3, Block l, Wilder and Dodge' s Subdivision i of Bk �8 of Lyman Dayton's Addition, in the , City of Saint Paul, County of fiamsey, State � of Minnesota, according to the plat thereof ! on file and of record in the office of the � Aegister of Deeds in and for said County and � State; ' ' , said award having been confirmed by the Council File No. 219691, � approved August 19, 196�; now, therefore, be it FiESOLVED, That a warrant be drawn for said sum of � �12,000.00 payable to E. J. Fitzgerald, Clerk of District Court, - � Second Judicial District, Fiamsey County, Minnesota, for the � party or parties entitled thereto. ' � � .... . � i I , t i � i I } � ; FOR OVE C`��O a/ �'��, ; , r Asst. Cor �.� �'�� �� ' % ; porat� Counsel - J � NOV 3 1964 ; COiJNCILMEN ' opted by the Council 19_ j j Yeas Nays . Dalglish ��V � 19� Holland Ap O e� 19— � Los s � ; Tn Favor Meredith 1} ` '• Peterson �/ MAyor 1 Rosen + AS��gt PUBLISHED NOV 7 1964 . Mr. President, Vavoulis . lont e-es i 1 DUrLICAT[TO FlIINT[R ������ , CITY OF ST. PAUL F,O�UNCIL NO OFFICE OF TI-IE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM fRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DAT� WHEEEAS� the Office of the Corporation Counsel has certified in writing that it is in doubt as to who is entitled to �he award of demages, in the amount of' �12,000.00, for the taking of property described as Folioxss Lot 3, Bloak 1, Wild.er and Dodge's Subdivision of Bk �8 of Lyman Dayton'a Addition, 3.n the City of Saint Paul, County of Aamsey, State of Minne�ote, according to the plat thereof o� file and of record in the o�'fice of the 8egister of Deeds in and for said County and StatE; said award having been confirmed by the Council File No. 219691, approved August 19, �g6�; now, therefore� be it �?ESOLVED, That a warrant be d�awn for said sum of �12,000.00 payable to E. J. Fitzgerald, Clerk of Diatrict Court, Second Judicial District, Et�maey County, Minnesota, for the party or parties entitled thereto. �v � � COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� e� ��� Dalglish Holland Approv� 19_ Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson p MAqOr . A gBiIlst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� e-es . . i :;p � � �� " �,����� `�ttY �1 d h� � A y 0 j `• a~ ,..7'• �e �::.�Sr.s� ti� ... OFRICE OF THE CORPORATION COUNSEL CITY OF SAINT PAUL LE(iAL DEPARTMENT 316 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 66102 STEPHEN L. MAXWELL Corporatlon Counse/ November 2� 1964 � The Honorable George J. Vavoulis and Members of the Common Council of the City of Saint: Paul This is to certify that this office is in doubt as to who is entitled to the awards of damages in the sum of �12,000.00, for the taking of property described as follows: Lot 3, Block l, Wilder and Dodge's Subdivision ' of Bk 48 of Lyman Dayton's Addition, in the City of Saint Paul, County of Aamsey, State of Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in •the office of the Aegister of Deeds in and for said County and State; said ativard having been confirmed by Council File No. 219691, approved on the Nineteenth day of August, 1g6�. . Ver,y y urs, _._--- . Thomas J tearns Assistan Corporation Counsel TJS:paw �O