220555 , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEWK � �• /Y f►l�"l� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa '� "' e° H , w' rd��..v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO_ : ; COUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , ►RESENTED RY ��/J COMMISSIONE °' DATF � � I i � WAEREAS, the Ba.ttle Creek Development (lompany, a corporation, ; is the owner of certain properties described as B1ock 16, Ba.ttle ; Creek Heights Plat 2; Block 20, and Lots 9 through 13, Block 21, Ba.ttle Creek Heights Plat 3; and � 1 , WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is the record owner of � certain property desaribed as Blocks 9, 15, 17 and 18, Battle � Creek HeigYits Plat 2; and Lot 1, Bloek 21, Battle Creek HeigY�ta � Plat 3; and ; WHEREAS, pursuant to the pro�iisions of Ordinance No. 58�F0, � as amended, of the City of Saint Paul, �he said Battle Creek , Development Com any desires to file a petition to a.mend said � Ordinance No. 5��+0, as a.mended, of the City of Saint Paul so as ' to effect reclassifica�ion of said Battle Creek Development Company�s ' properties from Height Diatrict I classification to Height District I� ; alassification, under and pursuant to the provisions of the afore- ; mentioned ordinanae of tY�e City of Saint Paul, and in order to confer ' � �urisdiction upon the City of Saint Paul to herein consider such I '�--'� � petition, it is neeessary, becatzse of �3.ty ownership, to have a proper � City officer �oi�-• in the execution of said petition.with the Battle � Creek Development Company; now, therefore, be it :� j RESOLVED, That the Mayor of the City of Saint Paul is hereby � authorized, on behalf of said City, to execute a pe�ition by said � Ba.ttle Creek Development Company, seeking a reclassification of tY�e � aforesaid properties from Height District I to Heigh� Dist�ict II� i elassification. ' ' , , , ' I . � F NPROVE / � � � � , Asst. Corporat�on Counse( � � N0� 3 19� ; , „ COLTNCILivIEN Adopted by the Council 19_ � Yeas� Nays � Dalglish �OV 3 �� ' ; Holland Appr ved 19— ' / Loss . � ' / � Tn Favor R j ' Metedith � Peterson '( �yOr ; A gainst ! Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis .�UBLISHED- NOV 7 �9��; i , � ion� e-es , . � ; ; � r _ ' ' DUFLIWT[TO rRINT[R ��a5�5 � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,01�UHCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED �Y COMMISSIONE� DATF WHEREAS, the Battle Creek Development Company, a aorporation, is the owner of �ertain propert�.es desaribed as B1oQk 16, Battle Creek Heighta Plat 2; B1ock 20, and Lot� 9 through 13, Block 21, Ba.ttle Creek Height� Plat 3; and WI�REAS, the City of Saint Pau.7. i� the record owner of certain property deecsribed as Blocke 9, 1�, 17 and l8, Ba,ttle Creek Heights Plat 2; and T,ot 1, Bloek 21, Battle Creek Heighta P1at 33 and WI�REAS, pureuant to. the provieiona of Ordinance No. 58�+0, as a.mended, of the City of Saint Paul, the aaid Ba.ttle Creek Developmen� Com any desirea to file a petition to amend said Ordinanae No. 5��0, as amended, of the City of Saint Paul so aa to e�fecst realaasification of said Battle Creek Development Company�g propertie� from Height District I cla��ifi4ation to Height Distriat I�� classification, under and pursuant to the provie�ions of the afore- mentioned ordinance of the City of Sa.3nt Paul, and in order to Qonfer �uri$dietion upon the City of Saint Paul �o herein aonsider suQh petition, 3.t 1s necessary, bee�use of City otivnerahip�, to have a proper City offiaer �oi�. in the exeeution oP said petition with the Ba.�tle Creek Development Company; now, therefore, be it RE30LVED, That the Mayor of the City of Sa�.nt Paul 1.s hereby authorized, on behalf of said City, to execute a petition by sa�.d Bat�le Creek Development Company, aeeking a reclassification of the aforesaid properties from Helght Dietrict I to Height District II* elaasifiaa.tion. V 3 196A � �0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �QV 3 �9� Dalglish Holland Approv� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson MAyOr �gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 1oD[ 6-69