06-494Council File # 0(0 � � /� Green Sheet #3030468 RESOLUTION CITY PAUL, MINNESOTA r Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WFIEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul ("City"), and the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul (`Boazd") desire to partner in a project to improve the sparial accuracy of the Ramsey County Pazcel Base Map; and WHEREAS, City and Board staff have prepared an agreement between the City and the Boazd wlvch specifies cost and management responsibilifies for each par[y in the project; and WFIEREAS, the City Attorney has reviewed and approved said agreement as to form; and WHEREAS, the Board, by its Resolution No. 5092, Dated April l l'", 2006; adopted a resolution approving the agreement; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners pertaining to a project to improve the spatial accuracy of the Ramsey County Pazcel Base Map is herby approved and that the proper City officials aze hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Requested by Depaztment of. , ' � �� �71�1�" „ ,, .. Adopted by Council: Date �, l/ Adoption Certified by Council Secre BY� �.9il�lse.�-� Approved : Date �� '3�J —�o By: ! yc—�� Form Approv City AttQmey� B : 7yi v� i ��� � , Form 4� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � d�—�9� DepaAmenNotRce/rouncil: Dale loi&ated: Pw -�li�w� 24APR-06 Green Sheet NO. 3030468 ContaM Person 8 Phone: �, sanr,ouo 2G6-6243 on Council Agenda by (Date): Contract Type; AR RESOLUTION W/$ "fRANSACiION -' Deoar6neM Sent7o Person jj; ��id 0 - wr +I� /lssign 1 bli W rks De ar(m nt➢i r �0 �� � Number Z e' e NSnancial e' For 11/f Routing 3 ' Attom ' A me —_yJ J!— Order 4 a o' ce a r/A tant 5 ncil ' Co nl 6 1 rk I rk Topl # of Signalure Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: � Approve an agreearent beriveen the City of St. Paul and Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) to iniriate a project to spatially adjust the Ramsey County pazcel base map. itlaBOns: Appro�e (A) or R Planning Canmission CIB Committee CiHI Sen.ice Commission L Has this person/firtn e�er wrorked under a contract for this departmeM? Yes Na 2. Has this persorJfirtn e�er been a city emp(oyee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and altach to green sheet initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): SPRW S is coordinating a project with Ramsey County to upgrade the accnracy of the County's parcel base map withiu the city limits of St. Paul. This agreement defines the terms under wluch the City, in the form of Public Works, will participate in the project. This projec will result in a more sparially accurate base map which will be available to all City departments. Public Works is agreeiag to provide data, limited technical assistwce, and up to $15,000 for this pmject. SPRWS is executing a agreement with Ramsey County to perForm the work. Advaniages HApproved: All City departments will have a better quality Ramsey County base map based on informa6on developed by Public Works. Disativantages If Approved: None MAY 1 7 Z006 �aAY �. � e��� �A� 16 2006 MAYO�'S QFFICE Disadvantages IF Not Approved: Users of the Ramsey Counry base map will conrinue to use a version with sparial locarion probletns. This resulYS in mismatches with other more accurate mapping information such as aeriai photos. TotalAmountof $15,000 Transaction: Funding Source: CostlRevenue Budgefed: y nctivitv Number: 2p5-12115-0299 Financial Informatioa: Transaction atnount is the portion of the total cost which Public Works will be responsible for. Tbis (Expiain} represents 1/2 the total cost for adjusting the pazcel base map. Apri120, 200612.•12PM Page1 o� -�q� AGREEMENT between BOARD OF WATER COMIVIISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL and CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA This agreement ("Agreement") dated this i lth day of April, 2006, by and between the BOARD OF WATER COMNIISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the "Board"), and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a home rule charter city under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the "City"). In consideration of the mutual terms and conditions, promises, covenants and payments hereinafter set forth, Boazd and City agree as follows: 1.0 Intent. Spatial Adjustment to the Ramsey Geographic Database. As part of its geographic database adjustment project (the "ProjecY'), the Board intends to contract with Ramsey County ("County") far spatial adjustment of the Ramsey County geographic database. The City desires to contribute staff time, data from its geographic database and funding needed to achieve said spatial adjustment. 2.0 Board Resnonsibilities. Enter into an agreement with Ramsey County for spatial adjustment of the County's geographic database within the City of Saint Paul where the difference between the existing County geographic database and the existing City geographic database is greater than one-half foot (0.5'). Said agreement shall require that the County perform the following tasks (collectively called the "Adjustment Work"): a. Adjust block corners and street centerlines b. Adjust the Boazd's water facilities, including water mains, service connections, fire hydrant leads, fire hydrants and other appurtenances. c. Purchase of equipment required to perform the spatial adjustments. 2. Manage the Adjustment Wark. 3. Perform all communication to Ramsey County on behalf of the Boazd. 4. Keep the City informed on progress of the Adjustment Work. 5. Participate in a core team to be known as the Spatial Adjustment Core Team (SACT) to advise the Boazd in the execution of the Project. SACT to be comprised of representatives from the staff of the Board, the City and the County. Page 1 of 3 6. Make payment to the County for all work addressed in the a�eement referenced in Board Responsibility 1. above. 3.0 CitY Responsibilities. 1. Promptly respond to Board requests For technical assistance. 2. Provide available geographic database data and information needed by the County to perform the Adjustment Work, including but not limited to, City Surveyor coordinate ]ocations and surveys, parce] informaUOn and STAMP project data. 3. Upon completion and publication via the Ramsey County geographic database of the spatial adjustment of block comers and street centerlines, City shall pay the Boazd 50%o of the payments due the County for those adjustments, up to a macimum of $15,000. 4. Participate in a core team to be known as the Spatial Adjustment Core Team (SACT) to advise the Boazd in the execution of the Project. SACT to be comprised of representatives from the staff of the Boazd, the City and the County. 4.0 Data Ownershin. $oard and City shall retain ownership and control of their respective data. 5.0 Term. This Agreement shall expire upon whichever of the following occurs first: l. Satisfactory completion of all responsibilities of the parties stated herein, as deternuned by the Board. 2. December 31, 2006. [Remainder of this page left intentionally blank.] Page2of3 o� —�tqy IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their behalf respectively as of the day and year first above written. Approved: � Stephen P. Schneider, General Manager Saint Paul Regional Water Services Approved as to form: : Assistant City Attorney Approved: By Bruce E. Beese, Director Public Works Department Approved as to form: � Assistant City Attorney BOARD OF WATER COMNIISSIONER5 OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Patrick Harris, President � Janet Lindgren, Secretary CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Mayor City Clerk : Director, Office of Financial Services Page 3 of 3 �� -��� BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 5092 Pertaining to an Agreement with the City of Saint Paui whereby the City will contribute staff time and funding towards the Board's geob aphic database adjustment project. Staff is seeking approval of this Agreement whereby the City of Saint Paul will contribute staff time, data from its geographic database and funding towards the Board's contract with Ramsey County for the spatial adjustment of the Ramsey County geographic database. This database is needed by both the City and Boazd to geographically represent their sewer and water infrastructures. The adjustment work is addressed in a sepazate agreement between the Board and Ramsey County, which is Action Item No. 11 on this meeting agenda. Water facilities have been geographically represented relative to the County's geodatabase. However, the County's geodatabase is not accurately aligned with the City's geodatabase, with the City's being the correct alignment. To correct this problem, the right-of-way lines, block comers, street centerlines and sewer and water facilities must be spatially adjusted within the County's geodatabase. As proposed in the agreement with the County, the Board will be responsible to pay the County for its work, at an amount not to exceed $45,000. This agreement with the City requires that the City pay the Board at the completion of the County's work in the amount shown below: City - not to exceed $15,000 > Fifty percent (50%) of the cost to spatially adjust right-of- way lines, block corners and street centerlines. Board - > Fifty percent (50%) of the cost to spatially adjust right-of- way lines, block corners and street centerlines. > Cost to spatially adjust water facilities. > Up to $8,000 for purchase of required hardware. See attached proposed Agreement. Approval of resolution is recommended. \\Atlantic\RTP-PWI7crrc\TerhServirrc\danha\Mv l�nrnmrnrc\Hmmr\danha\R(' RacrManAdincrmrnr\CPRWC Rnard Recnl 50Q9 dnr WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners (`Board") intends to contract with Ramsey County for spatial adjustment of the Ramsey County geographic database, which the Board requires to make its geographic database compatible with that of the Ciry of Saint Paul ("City"); and WHEREAS, the City desires to contribute staff time, data from its geographic database and funding needed to achieve said special adjustment; and WHEREAS, staff has drafted an agreement which specifies the City's contribution for said adjustment, including the requirement that total City funding not exceed $15, OOQ and does recommend approval of said agreement; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Agreement between the Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul whereby the City shall contribute towards the Boazd's aeob aphic database adjustment project is hereby approved in substantially the fornt submitted, and that the proper officers aze hereby authorized to execute said Agreement on behalf of the Boazd, following approval by the assistant city attomey. \\AHsnric\STP-PWiicerc\TrrhCervirPC\danha\MVilrcnmrnrc\Hnmr\danFa\kf RacrMaoAdinehnrnt\CPRWSRnardRrco15097dnr