220537r` Original to City Clerk i -- ORDINANCE 22053' COUNCIL FILE NO. ,Q / PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City," s - approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. • 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the titles and specifications for "Storekeeper- -Board of Education" and "Storekeeper- -Parks and Recreation "; and by substituting in lieu thereof the following specification for the title Storekeeper II ,5 .� Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE 0537 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO t Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the specifications for Chief Refrigeration and Operating Engineer Instrumentman*-- Market Clerk and, by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following specifications: -3-- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Dalglish Holland Tn Favor f Loss ! Mortinsan Peterson ' Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Iyla inz 6-62 22 Form approved Corporation Counsel 'BRy r original tp. city Clerk ,. ORDINANCE 220P37 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title and specifications for 1 Yeas Councilmen Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: IAA 6-02 22 Asphalt Plant Engineer -?- Nays Passed by the Council Tn Favor A Ain- st Approved: City Clerk Form approved Corporation Original to City Cleric 4 1 ORDINANCE 220537 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. t - - a.A's Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss � Peterson .Resen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: , City Clerk IM 6-62 22 Form approved Corporation Counsel 1 Passed by the Council NOV 13 19H % Tn Favor /i Against _ Nov 13 ]�UBLISHEU OV 21196 J'CITY CLERK An GtNft*400 *Mtn tg: 01* '40 M, 7607 *. 4400441 #� +� the 4utl All of TM COMM. O'J' MS CM Off"' *t VAIV6 Z3 +h is out Wo, ti oo d *V* Ica6tI* for =' rokooper -4 . �x t' the foltovApo �, �� u:s for IU 046, Title of class: STOREKEEPER 11 Duties and responsibilities: �2053"7 Under direction, to be responsible for the receipt, storage, and issuance of materials, supplies, furniture, tools and equipment. at the School Shop, the Parks Department Garage, or the Paving Plant; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To receive, store, and issue materials, supplies, tools and equipment. To inspect receipts to see .that they are in accordance with specifications and invoices. To make requisitions for the ordering of stock. To keep stock records. To contact suppliers and make such purchases as are authorized by_ the Purchasing Department, To take physical inventories. To keep time records. To allocate costs of labor and materials to jobs. To supervise assistants in the above work. Minimum qualificatioas: High school graduation and one year's experience as a Storekeeper •1 or four years' e. >perience as a Stores Clerk ov Clerk 1f1 in a storehouse, or equivalent. (Male only.) -2- sots L. Tko oid Ow4hMeop 440 a Mon mod„ bo 446 0 OSMO ue attrisentloo o T Z" ftoov WOO clovit *3,1� Title of class: CiIIEF REFRIGERATION ANl) O�ERATING ENGINEER Duties and responsibilities: Under direction, 'to be in charge of the operation, maintenance, and repair of all power units, machiriery, accessoriesk and equipment in a refrigeration plant, heating plant and air corij ditioning plant; and to perform relaied work ;:s assigned. Examples of work Performed: i To supervise and direct engineers and other personnel. To operate, maantz;in, adjust and regulate steam and electrical refrigeration equipment. , To operate, maintain, adjust and reg4late ammonia compressors, synchronous motors, sfarti4g panels, acid excitors. To operate, maintain, adjust and regulate high - pressure steam brine heaters, brine and valuum pumps, temperature control; and air conditioning equipment. To supervise the operation and maintenance of the equipment described above and other mechanical equipment. Minimum qualifications: Eight years' erperiu-,- cG-- a :ref- igerati.on, ste ain, and power (electric) engineer, -bf which th.: --�e yez_rs rnust Iiave beeli in the making of ice for indoor skating, -4- r)2d0537 Title of class: INSTRUMENTMAN Duties and responsibilities: Q,2d0531 Under supervision, with a few assistants to make routine surveys for engineering projects; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: With a few assistants, to make surveys with various precision instruments. , To record field notes. To make field sketches which serve as a basis for plotting maps or profiles. To take cross sections. To adjust and care for surveying instruments. In absence of chief of party$: to take charge bf field parties. To keep .records and to make reports. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and at least 15 credit hours in courses acceptable toward the basic engineering. certificate as given by the University of Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for those required for the basic engineering certificate; a list of such substitute courses is maintained in the Civil Service Bureauti;and two years' experience as an Engineering Aide II, or equivalent. (No substitution for education.) -5- I r 22,053'7 Title of class: MARKET CLERK Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform the clerical and manual work at the City Market; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To assist in collecting daily fees. To assist in the collection of fees and rentals, to receipt for and properly record and report the same. To keep an accurate record,' on system provided, of all stalls rented. To assist in maintaining proper occupancy of stalls and proper flow of traffic at the market. To assist in the enforcingi of the rules and regulations governing the operations at 'the City Market. To act when necwssary as weigher at the City scales. To ast3ist in the clearing and cleaning of the market. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and three years, office clerical experience or three years as a Parking Lot Attendant. 22053' is UnW, fur* *,r .mud *d by losooftg ft - Ift v ""r AID wA OvOr *o, followwrotle -*ad for .sue Title of class: ASPIiA.LT PLANT ENGINEER j Duties and responsibilities: Linder supervision, to operate and maintain natural gas and oil fireO, dryer burners, asphalt pumps, belts, conveyors, 'bucket elevators; to maintain all auxili4ry equipment; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To regulate and maintain natural gas and oil fired dryer burners. To operate and repair asphalt pumps, belt conveyors,' bucket elevators, air compressors, gearbox drives and other related asphalt plant equipment. To inspect, lubricate and adjust related plant components. Minimum qualifications: Two years' experience in maintaining an asphalt plant and firing burners. Must possess 4th class- license. I I 22,0537 l0���1/ Seem - WO 0$ 41-MMO 0 ObAU t4ko t0act �*44 bo to fordo, -ou tho Olon 4* T fivot Aar of thi Arot py-rolt 0 -OTjO4 taufjwt gippro"14 Alad publiclitift, - *s tbirtv;d4yo afteir Itis poinso" � D q�pV 13 1964 1091% Title of class: ASPHALT PLANT ENGINEER 2,0537 Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to operate and maintain natural gas and oil fired dryer burners, asphalt pumps, belts, conveyors, bucket elevators; to maintain all auxiliary equipment; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To regulate and maintain natural gas and oil fired dryer burners. To operate and repair asphalt pumps, belt conveyors, bucket elevators, air compressors, gearbox drives and other related asphalt plant equipment. To inspect, lubricate and adjust related plant components. Minimum qualifications: Two years' experience in maintaining an asphalt plant and firing burners. Must possess 4th class license. r ..8- Title of class: 220,537 CHIEF REFRIGERATION AND OPERATING ENGINEER Duties and responsibilities: Under direction, to be in charge of the operation, maintenance, and repair of all power units, machinery, accessories, and .equipment in a refrigeration plant, heating plant and air con- i ditioning plant; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To supervise and direct engineers and other personnel. To operate, maintain, adjust and regulate steam and electrical refrigeration equipment. ' To operate, maintain, adjust and regulate ammonia compressors, synchronous motors, starting panels, and excitors. To operate, maintain, adjust and regulate high- pressure steam brine heaters, brine and vacuum pumps, temperature control, and air conditioning equipment. To supervise the operation and maintenance of the equipment described above and other mechanical equipment. Minimum qualifications: Eight yearsl experience as re'fFigeraticcnr, steatr1., aad po%veZ' {electric), angineer, of which thr- - years rust have been in the making of ice for indoor skating, -4- f Title of class: INSTRUMENTMAN Dutids and responsibilities: 2205 37 Under supervision, with a few assistants to make routine surveys for engineering projects; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: With a few assistants, to make surveys with various precision instruments. To record field notes. To make field sketches which serve as a basis for plotting maps or profiles. To take cross - sections. To adjust and care for surveying instruments. In absence of chief of party, to take charge of field parties. To keep records and to make reports. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and at least 15 credit hours in courses acceptable toward the basic engineering certificate as given by the University of Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for those required for the basic engineering certificate; a list 01 such substitute courses,'is maintained in the Civil Service Bureau!;and two years' ex- perience as',an Engineering Aide II, or equivalent. (No substitution for education. } -5- f Title of class: 22053'7 MARKET CLERK Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform the clerical and manual work at the City Market; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To assist in collecting daily fees. To assist in the collection of fees and rentals, to receipt for and properly record and report the same. To keep an accurate record, on system provided, of all stalls rented. To assist in maintaining proper occupancy of stalls and proper .flow of traffic at the market. To assist in the enforcing of the rules and regulations governing the operations at the City Market. To act when necessary as weigher at the City scales. To assist in the clearing and cleaning of the market. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and three years' office clerical experience or three years as a Parking Lot Attendant. f 4 f' f +f• Title of class: STOREKEEPER Il 220537 Duties and responsibilities:. Under direction, to be responsible for the receipt, storage, and issuance of materials, supplies, furniture, tools and equipment . at the School Shop, • the.' Parks Department Garage, or the Pawing Plant; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work perfgr:med; To receive, store, and issue materials, supplies, tools and equipment. To inspect receipts to see that they are in accordance with specifications and invoices. t To make requisitions for the ordering of stock. To keep stock records. To contact suppliers and make such purchases as are authorized by the Purchasing Department, To take physical inventories. To keep time records. To allocate costs of labor and materials to jobs. To supervise assistants in the above work. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and one year's experience as a Storekeeper I or four years- experience as a Stores Clerk or Clerk M in a storehouse, or equivalent. (dale only.) �2�• :z. /r t' / I st 2 _ 2nd_ ff Laid over to e 3rd and app I — Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays —� Dalglish Dalglish Holland 22,053 Holland Loss Loss Meredith �� Meredith Peterson Peterson 6 Rosen A"e"- �--� Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis