WHEREAS� The City Architect� has requested the Ci�y
Council to hold a public hearing to consider«any complaints about
the expense inc�.rred by �he City of Saint Paul in removing a
da.ngerous structure at 160-168 Zast Congress Street, more
particulaLly described as �zeept South 3 feet of Lot 8 a.nd
Except �Test 40 feet of Lots 9 and 10� Block 68� Town of West
Saint Paul; and
� W�REAS� it appears �hat the last known re�ord owner
of the property is �ir�hur K. Wnrdemann� 838 Laurel Avenue� Saint
Paul� Minnesota �.nd Detroit Zakes� Minnesota eopies of the
� pro�eedings being sent to Co-Trustees David �. Marsden� 1711
I,incoln Avenue� Saint Raul� Minnesota and Joseph L. Abrahamson�
1032 Midland Bank Buildi�g� Minneapolis� Minnesota arid to the
Contract Purchaser Mrs. E. J. Anderso�� 1895 Manton Street�
Saint Paul� Mirinesota; therefore be it
RESOLVED T�at the City Cour�cil of the City of Sa�nt Paul
� �old a public hear�.ng in the Couneil Chamber at 10 otclock a.m.
on the 13th day of November� 1964, to con�ider any complaints
about the expense incurred by the �ity of Saint Paul and to
eor�firm the a.mount tY�ereof; be it
- ,
� FUR�H�x RESOL9ED� That the City Architect notify by
_ mail the record owner of the proper-�y 3n question at the last
knowr� address as well as other interesed persons of reeord.
�',, / VED.
sst. orporation ounsel
O GT 2 71�
COLJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish �
��T 2 7 1964
Holland pproved 19—
s s Tn Favor � ' '
` � Peterson
� ' Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBLISHED QC 1 J � �7U4
1oM 6�64
DUrLI�TC TO rRINT[; �/��o�
W�RF�iS� �h� City �►rchitec�ts h�a requ�sted th� �ity
Coune3.1 to hold �. p'�.b7.�.c he�rj.ng to cona3der.:�i.ny compl�,int� �bnu.t
the expen$• �n.eurred by �h� City o�' gaint paul in r�moving a
d�ng�r�us structur� at 160-168 Ea.�t Congr�as Str��t mor�
particulaTT� d��cribed a� Eacept South 3 g�et of' Lo� 8 �nd
� Except West �0 feet of Lots 9 �.nd 14� Block 68� Town oY W�st
3a�.nt Aaul; �nci
WHERE�iB� it app��r� th�t th• la�st kno�tn. r�co,rd owner ,
ot' the proper�y is �►rthur K. Wurdemr�nn� 838 Laur�l Avenue, 3aist �
Paul� Minneaota a�nd Detroit Lake�� Minn��ota copies ot' th�
ti proc��ding� b�ing sen� to Co-Trust�es David �.. Mar�den� 1.�11
yincoln Av�nu�� ssint Paul� Minn�sot.a and 3'os�ph L.. Abraha.mson�
1032 Midlan.d Bank Building� Minne�polis� Minn�sota �,n.d tb th�
Contr$ct Purehag�r Mrs. E. �'. �ind�r$on� 1895 Manton S�r����
Saint Paul� M�.nne�ots; �h�r��'ore b� 3.t �
RESOI��IEA �hnt the C3.ty Counail of �he City of Sai.nt Pau1 '
hold �. publia k���,r�.ng 3n the �ouncil Chatnber �t 14 0'clock e,.m. '
on the 13th day of �ovemb�r, 1964� �o cons3d�r e�ny complsints
about the exp�ns• ineurr�d by th� City of 3aint Pgul �.nd to
confirm th� �mount ther�ot'; be �.t
�'iJR�R RESOLV'BD� That the C3ty Architeat notify by
msil the recorcl oxner of th� property 3.n. qu���3.on +�t the last �
known addre�� a�� �e11 a� oth�r interesed pe�r�on� of' r�cord. i
OCT 2 7196�4
COUNCILA�N � Adopted by the Council 19— i
Yeas Nays . OCT 2 7 »� .
Dalglish �
Holland �� Approl►� 19— ;
°�— Tn Favor �
Meredith `
Peterson � �BYOr
Rosen A ga�t
Mr. President, Vavoulis 1
iost e•ai i
V�J �
,. -� _ ��� � . CITY OF SAINT PAU C�_ ��� � -
•'`'"�' � ' -' Capital of Minnesota
�,, ;�- f - � ' �,� �� � _�� 2�a��� ,_ ��
r� - .' �� ��; �� - DINU� r
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' ' ;`_ ,�F-� )i' �_„y 4.. � 'fj�s N�� ��h+•� •g}s
�ai ,�
BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 2244612, bct. 361
October 22, 1964
- Hon. Council ' '
City of Saint Paul
Dear Council Members : `
A statement of expense has been filed with the City Clerk' on
this date for the purpose of creating a lien on the property
k.nown as 160-168 East Congress Street, described as Except
South 3 feet of Lot 8 and Except West 40 feet of Lots 9 and 10,
Block 68, Town of West Saint Paul. r
This property is owned by: -
Arthur K. Wurdemann, 838 Laurel Avenue, Saint Paul
't _ - Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Co-Trustees : David E. Marsden, 1711 Lincoln Ave. , Saint Paul
_ ' � Joseph L. Abrahamson, 1032 Midland Bank Bldg. ,
� Minneapolis, Minnesota ,
' Contract P�urchaser: Mrs. E. J. Anderson, 1895 Manton St. ,
Saint Paul, Minnesota
In this matter, the following resolutions were adopted by the
City Council :
' C.F . 216240, ado ted by the Council January 16, 1964 (published
January 18, 1964� set a public hearing at 10 A�. M. on February
11, 1964. �
a;C.F. 216609, adopted by the Council February 13, 1964 (published
�� February 15, 1964) ,, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate
cost and expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in con-
trol thereof.
,��C.F. 217014, adopted by the Council March 11, 1964 (published
March 14, 1964, )directed the Commissioner of Parks And Recrea-
tion And Public Buildings to enter the premises and wreck and re-
move the two story fr-ame and masonry building thereon, and do
any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life,
limb, and adjoining property.
C.F. 217458, adopted by the Council April 9, 1964 (published
April 11, 1964) approved the specifications for the wrecking of
this building and autho�ized the Purchasing Agent to advertise
for bids.
Pg. 2 '
C.F. 2�7975, adopted by the Council May 7, 1964 (published May
9, 1964) approved the award of the contract for wrecking to
Minnesota Lumber & Wrecking Co. for the sum of $1,700.00 in
accordance with specifications and Formal B�d No, 9751.
C.F. 220163, adopted by the Council September 29, 1964 (publish-
ed October 3, 1964) provided that the wrecking expense of $1,700
and expense of the Department of Parks And Recreation And
Public Buildings in connection with the condemnation in the
amount of $91.62, making a total of $1,791.62, be paid out of
Wrecking Buildings-Demolition Account 0976-256, and, in the
event said sum proves collectible from the owner, same is to be
credited to this account.
The buildng has been wrecked and a Registered Bill mailed to
the owners.
We are requesting that you hold a puBlic hearing with ten days'
notice to consider any complaints about the expenses incurred
and to confirm the amount. The Council resolution confirming the
expense should end with a directive to the City Clerk to file
a statement of expense for the purpose of securing a lien on the
Y �� s . ru ;
R'o L. s � �
City Archite t