06-489City of St. Paul RESOLUTION RATIFYING �n/e�0� �— COUNCIL FILE NO.� �� By--�s��-- File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for I k JO505E1 (8188) Summary abatement for excessive consumption of inspection service for property code violations during the months of Oct and Nov 2005. JO505E2 (8189) Summary abatement for excessive consumption of inspection service for property code violations during the months of Oct and Nov 2005. LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-19-06 TO 5-17-06 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above impxovement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment'be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Bostrom �/ xaxris � Helgen ,/ Lantry � Montgomery ,i Thune f � � Adopted by Council: Date ��j�� / a d Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � // //�/Jis / //.%ll d/t� Approved by M o:� Date ��`�Z By: /J/(, �� - ��9 O�-��� May 17, 2006 City Council Action Minutes Page 12 49. Resolurion Raxifying Assessment — 06-489 — In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for excessive consumption of inspection service and summary abatement for property code violations during October and November, 2005. (File Nos. JOSOSEl & JOSOSE2) (Laid over from April 19) (GS 3030595) (Legislative Hearing Officer recommends the following: 769 Van Buren Avenue — delefion of the assessment (JOSOSE) 783 Maryland Avenue East — deletion of the assessment (JOSOSE) Adopted as amended (per the recommendation of the Legislative Hearing Officer) Yeas — 6 Nays — 0 ♦ pW — ra,v�worxs ContactPerson ,Aran� 2ffr8864 Must Be on Cou CoMradType: OT-0'fHER (DOESNTFRANY G4TEGORY) ��-��� ♦ Sheet Gree Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet ,b.�� �h - 5 17- aCo � !- � , :0: Datelnitiafed: �' � o,-�Y� Green Sheet NO: 3030595 Total / of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) At Council's request on 419-06 these items were laid over to 5-17-06 S�m abate for excessive consump during Oct and Nov 2005 and Summ abate for excessive consump during Oct and Nov 2005. File JOSOSEI & JOSOSE2. Recanmendations: Plannirg Commission CIB Committee Cnil Senice Commissian Questions: 1. Has this persoNfi`m e�er worked un�kr a contracl fiur ttils department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm e�er been a aty employce7 Yes No 3. Does tNs persoNfirtn possess a skill not rw�mally possessed by any wfrent city emqqee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separote sheet and aHach to grecn sheet InitiaHng Problem, issues, Opportunily (Who, Wha; YVhen, Where, Why): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times tluoughout the City of Saint Paul when their properry is not kept up. The City is required by City code to clean up the property and chacge the property owner for the cost of the clean up. Advanpges IfApproved: Cost recovery programs to recover elcpenses for summary abatements, grass cutting, towing of abandoned velricles, demolitions, gazbage hauling and boazdings-up. Disadvanfages MApproved: None Diudvanta�es IF Nof Approved: If Council does not approve these chazges, general fund would be rquired W pay the assessment � oia� wnoun[ or $,�� Transaetion: Fundinp Source: CosHRevenue Budgeted: Activ'firNumber. FinanciallnfortnaUoo: (explain) 2 PIOperty owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. � ' Assign Number For RouYu�g Order �_e�. � �. � :.:<� '�,. . � � F .. . ._. ,....�'E 4 ILfay 1, 2006 2:20 PM Page 1 ��}�� �` �f � City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. of Technology & Management Serv.COUNCIL FILE N0. ��o' ��� REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of bene£its, cost and expenses for J0505E1 (8188) Summary abatement for excessive consumption of inspection service for property code violations during the months of Oct and Nov 2005. J0505E2 (8189) Summary abatement for excessive consumption of inspection service £or property code violations during the months of Oct and Nov 2005. LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 4-19-06 TO 5-17-06 To the Council of the City o£ St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred fox and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total costs Parks Admin Fee Charge-Code Enforcement Real Estate Service Charqe TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $125.00 S $ $ 40.00 $165.00 $165.Q0 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $165.00 upon each and every lot, part or parcel o£ land deemed benefitted by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action there ay e considered proper. Dated � � � U� � ���Valuatio an �ISSessment Engineer N � a m a a a w a z 4 E W m m a H g m 4 � 0 � N O a 0 � ,o i ry Q � O H i O I a�� (T] I M P� � N O a�� a � N �� � M i CA � O O O O 11 O i H� o 0 0 o n o� z, .,� :7 � o 0 0 o n o � � � �t1V1L?N II L� i I � � II N i n i n x �� o �� H� �� U n a �� w� n [R�0000 F� o 0 0 0 H t O O O O z 1 O O O O � � .iOOrl �. � H � c� � w� W� o 0 0 0 N�0000 cC � o 0 0 0 a i ou�oo H � �nr�nN H �y I z� a � � �waw � � � � �mmm �zzz �000 � WiUUUW W � � J 5 � w I H H H [x� C4 � m U] u1 U O� ui m Ui i-i E i W W W 9 u�uuua a' � xkkw w�wwwm � � z �o I H lp z F � o � o � � ca � E Q � W �C • a� i H I [i� a�a Ha u� o> �n � z z W � O M H A�z w xm N � wa�Cm F � Ea1Wa rx�a arn w�uMa� � LL i H ry ,y i a � 2 F � � � a� r o ui i �ma o i i � i i o iE n� M � � � E t� W .i � x� ti>o� r � i i-+ m o� • i i a�� ��wo�� ��� az�wa� W £ � i C4 � r2q �r.� �C] i w�no amz� 2 � 2�m iow � O t aN r�n• a� 0 0 0 o u o 0 0 0 o n o • ii • 0 0 0 o I� o N�htRN ii C� +? Lt II Lt i aaa zzz 000 w ��,� H H H W Ul Ul U] U ���H W W W 7 XKDC W www�n 4�C�C� E+E EF 0000 FEE.E a H O E U �a h O a a m a w U 4 a E a � w W O � a W U a a ti �, � � w 4 w � � � m m � � � � � � V H .] '� a 0 N 0 N 0 N ,� � o� H � O r� � C E a� � a W�N a�N 0 a � o, a�N 0 i ry 1 !1] � 0000 II O 1 F-t � 0000 11 O � 2 � . n � � oinoo n �n � O � �/+PaTN II Ol � � i tlT UT II SR ; 11 11 I 0..' i II O i � II U � II � � II Cti � II fn � O O O O F� O O O O H I O O O O z�0000 i ] � i o,yoti a o� E U � � W i W i o 0 0 0 H� o 0 0 o i r� � o000 a� � o�;oo E� Ifl P N N H I �y z � � ; '� � ��aaa ���a� � u�mm �zzz �000 W� V U U W � � W z »> i N H H Cx] C4 � Cn Ul U1 U O I U1 Ul Ul H E�WWWb U� U U U 0.' FC � DCXX W W� W W W U] i i Cu O � a a � � z � 1 m O � io i-+ i q m F. � � a � � •� �� w � ��x� o> ��a Nzz � W � FCEri H Q i CLO�'.CWf1 I i� � W r7 rC o E� i-7 Cy W W N f1' � .a0 .7N [x] I H O p� t� W � �Nri V � a w a o �, �o�a o � � � � i � i o i iW ii r i � ?+ �n � � 0.l M W � � W G] ut f1 i a � �C Nwo � N�2 70� FC � S tC ri � W � W � O �nq0 i ��a A E 1 E NE"n� � o�a aa�z� a�az���ia�� w�x� aMz� � H �uoM ww� o��wWm�a�� 0 0 0 o u o 0 0 0 o II o •II O!fl O O II Ifl i? t� Ul N II 0� � � II � II a � � II 000 ii U U U W n w n »>� ii ., H .-i r� u a CR Ul U] V II � �n ul ui n n N WwW,'� 11 O SCXk W ii H www�nuE+ n v aaaanw FC 1�C FC ii 7 E E E H II p HE�E�Fiia m a w U � W E+ CL � W k w 0 � a w U a a ti oc� - y�g � LEGTSLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 2006 -'='�',-��•� �j oc� �� Page 3 769 Van Buren Avenue (JOSOSE) $70 Randal Zamudio, owner, appeazed and stated the former owner talked to the inspector and was going to pay the $50. He heard from the previous owner that this was not going to be chazged. Mr. Zamudio was hoping that previous owner would be here. Mr. Magner reported that on 6-14-OS, the inspector issued an order to paint the exterior of the gazage. The inspector went back on September 15 and the paint was not in compliance and issued an excessive consumption. The original compliance was September 15. Mr. Zamudio stated they did not take possession until July 27. Mr. Magner responded it does show that the owner called after receiving the excessive consumption letter and understood he would have to pay the $50 fine for noncompliance. On 11-3-05, the property was in compliance. Ms. Moermond recommends deletion of the assessment. 1243 Margazet Street (J0602A) $372 Legislative Heazing Officer recommends approval of the assessment because an appellant did not appear. 572 Smith Avenue South, (J0602A) $358 Steve Magner reported that this is a CaYegory II registered vacant building. The inspector was out 2-15-Q6 and issued a Summary Abatement Order for furniture, scrap wood metal, household items, carpet by the alley with a compliance date of 2-22-06. A work order was issued and Parks cleaned it upon 2-24-06. Gerardo Rosas, 3651 Greensboro Drive, Eagan, owner, said that he and his ex-wife are the owners. About four times people have dumped stuff in the alley. (A video was shown.) Mr. Rosas stated that a11 the items were minor. It doesn't seem fair. Ms. Moermond stated this is a Category II building, which means there is work to be done on it far it to be occupied again. Mr. Rosas responded that he and his wife decided to seli it. It is on the market now. Mr. Magner stated that there is no Code Compliance Inspection on the properry yet. Also, the Code Compliance Inspection can be used in lieu of the truth-in-housing report. There was a complaint about the house being unoccupied. An inspector issued a Sumn�ary Abatement Order to clean the yard. Mr. Rosas responded he talked to the inspector who said not to worry about it. Mr. Rosas could not recall the name of the inspector. Mr. Magner responded the inspector was Dennis Senty (NHP�. Ms. Moermond recommends reducing the assessment from a total of $358 to a total of $100 and _---- ��e,M �c �c�- �� MINUTE5 OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING ORDERS TO REMOVE/REPAIR, CONDEMNATIONS, ABATEMENT ASSESSMENTS, ABATEMENT ORDERS, RENTAL I2EVOCATION CERTIFICATES Tuesday, May 2, 2006 Room 330 Ciry Hall, 15 Kellogg Boulevazd West Mazcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer The hearing was called to order at 10:06 a.m. STAFF PRESENT: John Betz and Steve Magner, Neighborhood .k Improvement ,;,' s;, Laid over summary abatement: �tr'='?�• ��`"� JOSOSE Eacessive Consumption of J0602A Property cleanup at 1657 P J0602A Property cleanup at 1243 P � 783 Marvland Avenue East Harold Robinson stated that his one is September 27. On August 7 was a$50, The`�ri need of repair and paint with a compliance daf�� 04, 12-8-04, 7-29-05, 9-26�iQ5;g17��7-05, 12-20-0 issued. Notice were se��€to Step�ie and Peter at sing and Property i;;=ti, =i<< �nber 27. Th���;�ras a$75 issued on �d��was issuc�d on 8-31-04 for a garage in '-O�i= fi�zer�eck was completed on 10-30- �i 4sY'�� . four excessive consumpYion bills have been (phonetic). { ��:si� Michael Brown, owner, Ms. Moerm__a���ed#lLqw is �ie�acage noi�`4 �I��`.�Brown said that someone mentioned eaves on the garag ,�� FIe bougt�� 6 � board���amted them, and put them up. He put one coat on the garage. Fence rubbish was me�it�oned 'b�ts �,didn't say what to do about them things. He tried to clea� u � � � ��' � � �£ ��e,garbage. It i a'�`�s; stop, sa ie cleans it quite often. '����i„� `r"�e! _�;} Mr. Harold s ��, ���� p �Yal�e 11 the exce; S�tve consuxn tion notices went there. Mr. Brown stated �li'��'his wi�e paid the first one. She thought it was a tax bill. He asked about the $70 assessment that ke?�i�ady paid. He was happy to fix things, but he didn't know he was $ ;_ supposed to. Mr. Ma�xi�r asked when the property was purchased, to which Mr. Brown responded 5-27-05. Mr. Robinson added that the first orders were issued 8-31-04. Mr. Magner stated that the truth-in-housing inspector should have noted there were pending orders. Ms. Moermond recommends deleting both assessments. She requested that staff reissue orders to Mr. Brown. Ms. Moermond will think about the pxevious assessment of $50. 1657 Minnehaha Avenue East (J0602A) $468 1657 Minnehaha Avenue East (0601 T) $715.95 �� " ��� LEGI5LATIVE HEARING MINLJTES OF MAY 2, 2006 Page 2 (Note: there aze 2 assessments. One is a cleanup from a previous hearing (J0602A] and one is a new tree assessment [0601T].) Hank Cu, 1119 East River Parkway, Minneapolis, appeazed. Hazold Robinson reported that orders were mailed on 2-9-06 for bags of refuse, tires, 3 overfilled containers, and a pile of scrap wood with a compliance of 2-16-06. Pazks completed the work on 2-22-06. Ed Olsen gave a report for the tree: letter sent 12-14-OS for six treesi $ inch, 9 inch, 3 inch, 8 inch, 4 inch, and 4 inch. It was sent to Hung Cu at his addtess abbv�;:'�e work was done by the contractor on 2-14-06. €> �=>;-f�.. °,. ,:#,s ;;:;, ` , ;€_".�, �x ;�,a '- �f`si, Mr. Cu said that he is awaze that the City did cut down the'irees, but he woridered how many again. Mr. Olsen responded that the 8 and 9 were sta�[�ing alone. The 4 and 4 ivei� one tree that £3° �f' grew into 2 stems. The 3 and 8 had one stump tha�E��i,into 2 s�pazate trees. �9;,, ;:<'' Mr. Cu stated that he counted 3 that were cut down. He responded they count the stems off the tree. Ms. Moermond asked was he disputing removed. Ms. Moermond asked is he He went out and cleaned,� (A videotape was Mr. Cu a shock Ms. l� viewed J0602A — I3I�:;�oern $234. He dicl`�I`��anu 0601 T — Ms. Moe�iiic a:�; >; (Note: J0602A is bef 17.) 1243 Margazet Street the cleari�ip.,.;�r. Cu ae that was �eft over. a€ about the cost. 1�vls. Moermond responded the tree was that is what he is appealing. E:=��T�jclea�e8' up the refuse and overfilled containers. It was owes $400 of stuff that was not done. Order that was issued on February 9. �nd rec'�mends reducing the assessment from a total of $468 to a total of about h'� of what needed to be done. d rec ,x' ends approval of the assessment. City Council on May 3. 0601T is before the City Council on May Hazoid Robinson reported that orders were issued on 1-25-06 for bags of refuse, no containers. Work order sent to Pazks who cleaned it 2-9-06. Melissa Gulbrantson, owner, appeazed and stated the Summary Abatement Order was sent to the D����� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MIIVUTES OF MAY Z, 2006 Page 3 prior owner. He is in North Cazolina. Ms. Guibrantson closed on the house in October. Mr. Robinson responded that the orders went to Wade Poznik (phoneric), 1243 Mazgazet Street. Ms. Moermond recommends the assessment be deleted because the owner did not receive proper natice. Appeal of letter regarding Vacant Building Registration at 1155 Pavne Avenue; owner: Gerald L. Snyden (NIIPI) (Laid over from 4-25-06) Steve Magner reported that the vacant building fees aze due. Marcia Moermond explained that sbe contacted Zoning. If �e was living there— then he could qualify fQr a home occupation to get an excepfion to the zoning' i`Otherwise, he would need this converted to a commercial building..xy?'`� �����:,,, . li�i; ;� :;i . ;as, �Iiz> � . : ,. Mt. Snyder stated he planned to move out of there any�y��. The<�oning guy said that�it does not matter if it is zoned commercially. It depends on what the=b�ing was originally built to be, and it was built to be a residence. It cannot be used as a commeroj�l�properry. Ms. Moermond stated her experience with worse over time, it wi11 be defined as a nui for its eventual demolition. is that�� worse. As it gets orhood ��� the City wi11 start pushing Mr. Snyder asked can he ori�e requirements. Ms. Moermond responded the letter he got from the. 4 said tlia��e needs to tall�.to Jim Seeger, Building Inspector, who is in i>�?�ax }#pf3 ++ charge of vacant buildiii�S��specti��is He wrll go �ough with a team of trade inspectors. VJhen he has a broken �nndow, �e �11 ca�IltC�ose thmgs anc� these things have to be addressed to be code comphant�: �1us hst m`ayt��E�eo p�g is an old house and it will need some ' ,a � . ==:1,� y' � iii WOT1C. .o,S.�� �s..�.;��iit,. Ec... ' Ms. ���� asked is he pre Moermon�:x�esponded that 4t��s3 the zoning o��0€�.he can co: `xiiy':, �:}`ei. ;�ip?> Ms. Moermond d�d the Summary J0601C 0602T JOSObE J0601B it as a studio if the house met all the codes. Ms. mot u it as a studio because he is not living there. If he changes with a higher standard. and staying the enforcement of the fees for two months. Demolition'of vacant building at 896 Palace Street during March 2006; Removing diseased elm trees from private property during winter season 2005- 2006; Excessive consumption of inspection services for property code violations during October and November 2005; Boarding-up of vacant buildings during January 2�06. 1173 Hancock Avenue (J0506E), $70 o� ��5� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF MAY 2, 2006 Ms. Moermond recommends laying over to the May 16 L.egislative Hearing. 399 Strvker Avenue (J0506E), $70 Ms. Moermond recommends laying over to the May 16 Legislative Hearing. 783 Maryland Avenue East (J0506E), $170 (Note: there aze two assessments for this address. One assessment hearing. See Page 1.) , Ms. Moermond recommends laying over to the May 16 896 Palace Streei (J0601C), $12,736.56 Marcia Moermond recommends approval of the I 15 Case Avenue (J0506E), $70 Hazold Robinson reported that orders � garage vehicle door with a compliance Jerome Blossom, owner, appeared and stated lost his job. o :;==s:x , Mr. Robinson repc There were orders Mr. Blossom st� �° 9 ;�e�'pi: 3eii Ms. MosYiiiond as the kids Ms. Moef�S�n�d stated he sht����3 call if it is not done by June 1 for an extension. Ms. Moermorid`:�ed she wo�i like the owner's word that this woxk will get done. Mr. Blossom res onded es. I�e � € p y � to get�i3ie money to do the trim on the house. He has traed painting some of it. Mr. Robinson`sE��ec��iis is the second $50 assessment on this. Half of the first one was deleted at the 9-6-OS L��sslative Hearing. Given what Mr. Robinson just said, Ms. Moermond recommends deleting the assessment and the garage has to absolutely be done 3une 6. She will not delete the next one. 668 Como Avenue (J0506E), $95 Page 4 from a previous ;: ' `�, r�;,, because an appellant `d�d nof appeaz. ,��?'"° ," on 11-5-OS fa} -06. T'he work paint on the garage and ae yet. had end of September and were issuedF�n 5-5-04 with a compliance date of 9-27-04. �rd. eq= c ,�; a€'���.-:, k bailing" the garage door. �,� June 6. Mr. Blossom responded he is trying. Harold Robinson reporCed that orders were mailed on 3-21-OS to paint and scrape the gazage with a cornpliance date of 7-1-05. On 8-I S-O5, there was a noncompliant recheck and a$50 fee was V U ✓ / V / LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINLJTES OF MAY 2, 2006 Page 5 issued. A$75 excessive consumption was issued 10-18-05. There were no requested extensions. Donna Busch, owner, appeared and stated she received a notice in October, but she did not receive an August notice. Her understanding is that it was waived until June 1. She explained that she was trying to remove the garage. She tried to take it down and there were steel rods between the rods and stone azound it. It was removed by the first week in November. It needed paint. There were other issues, too. The police had kicked in a side door to find a burglar in the neighborhood. She had to board that up. A vandal has spray painted it in the winter,. and 'she painted it in the winter. Instead of repainting, she wanted to remove the garage, and it is removed now. The new gazage will be up shortly. gS� i'"'��, Ms. Moermond recommends deleting the assessment r �;� ; 'r� `'= .:, ,:.., �i., 424 Edmund Avenue (J0506E), $7Q Mazcia Moermond recommends approving the asse 658 Edmund Avenue (J0506E), $95 Marcia Moermond recommends 1788 Hubbard Avenue (J0506E), $70 Hazold Rob3nson r date of 8-15-05. It were maile�`on 6-8-OS on 10-19-OS Daniel Huseth, owner, a� years. He has �ot�'ed ab� replaced �I;���s�€�oi�e�a1 concerns', His focus has _= dowr�i'��ey take project ton of wo3��4�, �=Fi��f 3, ?-� Mr. Robinson's�t��d that house and the insi��cEor i s��'an appellant didriot appear. '�'li�. se;:an�appellant did not appear. :;�{,,. _ garage paint with a compliance he bousY�ti�fhe house. It sat vacant for about three zt $�4�;p�0 iY�o�tlii�'1i�ixs�: All the heating, mechanicals have been Yhe wdr'��iimself ;i 1"'h'e garage is 170 feet off the street. It is his last �� on t�i���use and the interior. If he had the money, he would tear it °'oi��as they'��1e money. He is trying to save the garage and it needs a goal is to get compliance. If the owner is working on the getting additional time to comply is not a problem. Ms. Moermond asked {li�`current deadline. Mr. Robinson responded 9-1-06. Mr. Huseth responded that it will b'`e done by then. Ms. Moermond recommends deleting this assessment, 1149 Sherburne Avenue (0602T), $635.01 Ed Qlsen reported that a letter was sent on 7-19-�5 to Andrew Emst for 14 inch, 3 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch by the west fence, and a 4 inch txee near the east fence. It was reinspected on 9-19-05, I 1-19- ti(���ig LEGISLATIVE HEARING MIIVUTES OP MAY 2, 2Q06 O5, 12-19-05, and the work was done by the contractor in February 2006. Page 6 Andrew Emst stated that he agrees with the 14 inch, 4 inch, and 3 inch. The other two trees aze on the other properry. There is a fence in between the two properties. It �ew into his yard, but the actual stump is in their yazd. Also, there is srill a pile of brush that was not picked up. Mr. Olsen responded that the inspector was there and he will have that double checked. Ms. Moermond asked did he contact Forestry to say that a few trees are- Mr. Ernst responded it did not dawn on him until afterwards. Ms. Moermond recommends reducing the assessment from a t'o�al �of $6'� The lion's chaze of the expense is the 14 inch tree. Mr. Ernst,res}�onded recommendation. Mr. Olsen added that he will have sonie `orie check the from the tree removal, the brush will be removed. (Note: 61 St. Albans and 694 Grand were discussed 61 St. Albans Street South (0602T), $1,382.08 (See minutes below.) Ms. Moermond recommends reducing the $328.29. 694 Grand Avenue(0 4 (See minutes above:�' Ed 01sen reporte� � : :,>, ;;: , the assessm���'�orf��, Grand A�venue be red propertz��me with the Gzeg Pavli� was that he Ms. Moermond Box 161: na billed 1. $386 ori �ie neighbor's land. to a total of $400. ie is fine with that ��. If it is left over t�f3 ��.. :` :/r_ �'S�ii.�. Pim efa'E{ �r t � s �k��jl2. ' �':}_ „ � E ���e:�. .vtiii�.�,i a total o��'sl',382.08 to a total of ��:. �a' ii��is�x�?as'investigated. Mr. Olsen is recommending that outh be'reduced from $1,382.08 to $328.29, and 694 to $328.29. It was discovered that the tree does share the cost of remova] for both. 55116, appeared and stated that the last thing he got the assessment from $611.58 to $328.29. Ms. Moermond recommends approval of the assessment as an appellant did not appear. 552 Chazles Avenue (J0506E), $70 Harold Robinson reported that orders were mailed on 11-9-OS for garbage all over the yard. This is an excessive consumption charge for multiple verified violations in one yeaz. There were four: b�e��$� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINLJTES OF MAY 2, 2006 914 Laruenteur Avenue West (J0506E), $70 ��..- • Hazold Robinson reported orders were mailed on 9-30-05 for an abandoned vehicle on the properiy with a compliance date of 10-Li-OS. It was noncompliant on the 10-14-OS recheck, and $50 with excessive consumption bill with $20 fees was issued. The original Correction Order was mailed and then it went to a Vehicle Abatement Order on 10-26-05. Roxanne Chute, owner, 996 Blair Avenue, appeazed and stated 1996 Mazshall Avenue (J0506E), $170 Ms. Moermond recommends approval of the assessment as:an a 105 Jessamine Avenue West (J0601B), $799 , Steve Magner reported that on 1-17-06 there was a fire`•�t;t�is a ,,r� contacted the Saint Paul building contractor who came out;an ; < �' cost of $729 to the Cit}� and the $70 administrarive charge. 'I�hc from the taxpayer who suffers the loss. ° I�; operty owner at occupant was Mark, the son. Since then, t�� ��dpe,r,ty has been �nt aia not appeaz. ;=.t "�£':s,, � j+:: ' ;. Fite put out �Iie fire and ed up the site resulting in a is trying to recover the cost me was Irving Levin and the �ud,bhe son has moved out. Dan McNellis, owner, appeazed and stated tha�; ,tq:'aaiz�er inve'stor and they will be closing shortly. They bought the hguseton March 20. �',� :=�bere nati�`c�`�e that this was not taken care of. Usually, insurance will �¢�ei��o like this.'=,�It did not �iow up. The previous owner was on his death bed in Ch�Y��otte anc�`��� McNellis ne�,er met him. The son was good about getting all the stuff out. Mr'11y1o`It7ellis sai��hey indicated t'�iat they did the boazding to keep burglars out. =a;::F � . ��,F B�X g�t� �t ��� �� p :� Mr. Magner stat�c� th�t the C�t� ���oaz�s'��a��d dated. The building is placarded with the vacant bui�rcii�°n��c��Qn Th��L�, they seiit a letter on January 6 to the owner of record at his mailin ,� indica the�b��cling was boarded and the City will be issuing an t $ki, L�9sa�2 9 E' assess � to recover thetr?�:�anev forkhat'�ction. Mr. the previq� owner seemed to be an outstanding person. Ms. Moermond r`€� of the assessment. The responsibility morally lies with Mr. Levin because it wa�r to the property. Mr. McNellis should go to the previous �i$ owner and ask why it �as'not taken caze o£ Almost all City's board building following fires to secure them. Mr. McNellis responded that they buy a lot of properties in the azea. He understands that gray is the City's color far boarding. He asked for clarification on the letter sent. Mr. Magner responded it was sent to the previous owner's address on record: 2564 Vernon Avenue South, St. Louis Park, and also 105 Jessamine Avenue West. He is getting the mail because he has contacted Mr. Magner. He sent Mr. Magner a letter dated 3-29-06 that "your letter dated 3-24-06 was forwarded to me in Phoenix." 610 St. Albans Street North (677 Thomas Avenuel (J0506E), $70 D� - Lf�� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINiJTES OF MAY 2, 2006 Page 9 Hazold Robinson reported an order was mailed on 6-20-5 for a housd in need of paint. Tt was noncompliant on 11-4-OS and an excessive consumption biil was issued. There is another recheck on 5-1-06 which has not been conducted yet because of these hearings. William Robert Jansen and Wendy K. Iansen, ownez, appeazed. Mrs. Jansen stated that 2�05 was a rough yeaz because Mr. Jansen's mother passed away. They had hoped to have everything done at ihat tnne. Mr. Jansen was in the hospital in May and Mrs. Jansen was ��the hospital in August. They had left a message saying that they needed to have a little mare?time. They were hoping to have it completed by the winter. They had never heard anything s�iice S�en. They had '/41eft to paint. ' ;� __ Ms. Moermond asked was an extension requested. Mr.ltobiiisan responded iimYhing is noted. Mrs. Jansen responded that she called for an e�tensionr`and that was the le8 time�she had called. - si �: ` ° ��°;e,i ( � S ,` .s;' �j;; �''':;�� Ms. Moermond stated there is a lapsed compliance date;�3d thereois';not a new one oit� there. Mr. Magner stated they can set a compliance date. "; ;:� ' Ms. Moermond asked can they have it do��� July 1. Mrs. Ms. Moermond recommends deleting the , brought into compliance by July 1. If it is and the excessive consumntianrassessmen Resolution orde owner fails to a Tmprovement is Ms. owner, An electrical;ii�sp ,�3=� . did not have to �€ lot better now. S� there the other nig asked her to caulk better. owner fih the yes. f `�`ord that the gazage will be get another taJC assessment or re�`air the building(s) at 1104 Rice Street. If the Neighk�ci��ood Housing and Property ilding(s��' (Laid over from 4-25-06) were out Tuesday morning. app�'a`�'ed and §ta; inspector came out. There are dryer vents that aze Nortkv�st Shee��letal, is going to come out. He said that it is not a big job. >r point���out some small issues. He said there is nothing dangerous and she They �� painting. They have put vertical blinds in the front, so it looks a as ther��all night and she feels safer with the windows blocked. She was in f� c�f�ieone pounded on the glass, and she called the police. Mr. Seeger =t ;,�<< e�e.the plumbers had taken out the ceiling and replaced it. It looks a lot Steve Magner reported that he had a conversation with Mr. Seeger (License, Inspections, Environmental Protection) last week. Permits are needed for the plumbing and electrical items. Once those permits aze pulled and the work completed, they can close those items out and refer the matter to the Fire Departsnent for the Certificate of Occupancy to be issued. Ms. Hilyar has the list of the items. Ms. Hilyar responded she wrote them down manually. Her contractor said that they fixed things and he didn't know why they needed a pernut because they just fixed things. ��e��18� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF MAY 2, 2006 Page 7 1-6-05, 8-19-05, 8-25-05, and 11-9-05. A$50 excessive consumption was issued. Compliance dates aze 'vrelevant. Orders were mailed to the Mouas in California. Mary Veu Vang appeared and stated she is the new owner effective November 1, 2005. She did not know anything about this issue until she received the letter. She called Paula Seeley (NHPI Inspector) who said to come here. In answer to questions, Ms. V ang responded that this is rental properry and she filled out a rental registration form. Ms. Moermond stated the fourth violations did occur during Ms. Vang ownership. Ms. 20 I; Ed( The; and 200i Joku they doni redu tree: Ms. reas whc wha Del and in tc Mr. do t sect as tk tas� coni �RLT. Avenue. 8 inch, n January e notice, ones ta e smaller 1 some �wner to figure riod. Mr. op dollaz is a build •ectly to tunity to ❑uary to quickly ther ment i be given Ms. Moermond asked did he call for an extension. Mr. Del Vecchio responded they did not. The City beat him to the punch. Ms. Moemrond recommends approval of the assessment. It seems the things he is saying go to core practice and policy that would be better addressed at the City Council level. b���8� LEGISLATIVE HEARING NIINI3TES OF MAY 2, 2006 10 missed a The plumbing is all new. With the electrical, they just went azound and fixed things. Jim said that they need to pull the permits. Her contractor should explain to Mr. Seeger why he thinks he doesn't need one. Ms. Moermond responded Ms. Hilyaz will be heid accountable for work without a permit. Ms. Moermond asked is this building all Laundromat and no residential. Ms. Hilyaz responded it is a Laundromat with no basement or upstairs. Ms. Moermond asked is she planning to keep this business and � responded she is planning to keep it. : Ms. Moermond asked about the behaviar that resulted in ber ha� animals being there. Ms. Hilyar responded there are no ai�iirials animals. Her daughter has a farm and took all the cats:;;�`� � Ms. Moermond asked is this her only means of liveliHo here and perhaps she should look at other options. Ms. by herself, but she is going to try. The inspectors are w be a nice business. ��_,,. Her daughter stated that she has seen a help. Ms. Moermond stated concurred and reiterab Ms. Moermond recomm�i Ms. Hilyaz responded that Steve M��ei sugge§ Mr. Seeper stated that a fs�z t. respoiid'e`-��that he found 31 permits azei�a�en out and s . that decision aud? it is up to Ms. Hilyaz asked responded if Non effect. The contr :ctors aze Her Page �ther license. Ms. Hilyaz "Ei:'. i:;�3 t ense'problems, such as iz., Shelias.no plans for ';,;', ,s� has done a Tot�f investing ponded she lias nevex run it :. She believes it is going to �is always available to with inspectors. Ms. Hilyaz Council g��ilt 4> days to complete the rehab on this. �ys be extended by on the condition that permits are pulled. �"k�ang; and electric permits need to be pulled. Ms. Hilyaz ;, x��pertnits. Mr. Magner responded he will verify that the ;imits need to be signed off by Mr. Seeger. He will make to obtain those by close of business Friday, April 5. nsibility to make sure Northwest pulls the permit. Ms. Moermond pulled the permit, then the order to remove or repair will be in be taking care ofthis. Ms. Moermond stated that she is concerned that work was done without permit, especially since this is a commercial building. (Ms. Moermond recommends granting an extension to 45 days to complete the rehabilitation on the property on condition permits aze pulled by Friday, May 5, 2006. V`T� /'✓� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINtJTES OF MAY 2, 2006 Page 11 Appeal of Deficiency List, which includes condemnation, at 670 Sims Avenue; owner: Linda Carreno. (Fire Prevention) Hazold Robinson reported that on 4-13-Q6, his office was calted by Saint Paul Police to assist in a warrant seazch on 670 Sims. Sergeant Ken Jensen and officers were allowed access into the house and Pat Fish, Fire Prevention; Paula Seeley, NHPI; and Mr. Robinson did an interior inspection. They found hazazdous conditions due to excessive interior storage of household items, boxes, clothes, dogs, cats. Animal Control took about 6 to 8 cats out of there: 'There were some left that they could not find. The front porch was packed with things. T'he was not on site when they got there, and they notified the male present that the placa vt�s goz�i� So be condamned and they were taking cats and dogs. They posted the condemnationt�lacards �'niLmailed orders to Ms. Carreno. Mr. Robinson had been there previously on 4-1,Qf�6:�id issued a�iiinmary Abatement 3 x� 35:z: on vehicles and refuse in the yazd, and those haue beerLrorrected. k:;;;��, ��i'�, � '`; =;5: ..` Linda Carreno, owner, appeazed and stated that sh`e`�agra`,e�s with th�;inspectar. He ca�iie to her house after the police were there. She was not there. S`fi��alkad��`o"�rgeant JenseM° over the phone, but he could not tell her anything that the City had ��ris�., She did get the extension for 2 weeks. The worked on the yard the first �week. 'I'he second �v���,she has not done much on the upper level. They did what was needed on'� level to c] staying there is not a rentet, but Ms. Carreni��a�vet�n,a home ' ��?i3' one. •,a �=.�taa��:F Ms. Moermond asked did s$ I�(f�,,;;�Ga Ms. Carreno respondedafJiat shei; She has two storage,uni�=at $800 daughter let Ms. Carreno� e the stuff away where it belo�ig ,�� , t ! talked about;sea��lhesses sliea ; The person wbo was � and his daughter needed i undezstaiic�'t'�at the building was to be vacant right now. ing she cair�have a few extra weeks. She has no place to go. $500. She c�oes not have money to keep doing this. Her ;e None of tli��7othes are diriy, but she needs time to put fa;�e with her mother during the winter. (Ms. Carreno Ms. Nl�er�nond asked wl�Qats�living i�a��ae �ouse. Ms. Carreno responded the person who the poli�e'c�� to visit and his �ghter cY��t��is 14. He was not able to take care of her, so the 5 :g E#� i S ' daughter w. �;to live with a t�l�tive. `°'=�?`° `�� _ �'6q3�.E??, is�$ Ms. Moermond'as�d who el�lives in the house. Ms. Carreno responded she, Ray, and the little ones are her grand��tl�en Wl�"o do not live with her, but she babysits them. They are with her during the day, They����and 5 years of age. Plus, she has a 7 yeaz o1d that she has on the weekends, but she goes,#o school during the week. Ms. Moermond asked where she came from this morning. Ms. Cazreno responded home because she has an extension. Ms. Moemrond corrected her and said it was a stay. Ms. Moermond asked how many times this home has been condemned. Mr. Robinson responded this is the third time: 12-22-03, 8-23-04, and 4-13-06. Kay wouldn't have seen notice of this until after an appeal. Everything is stayed during an appeal. It does not just need cleaning. It needs D(e���� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF MAY 2, 2006 12 about 3 trucks. Page Ms. Moermond asked about the annnals. Ms. Carreno responded she would like to bring the dogs back. Her daughter will take one. She has two rotties and she is not over the limit. She has two birds that aze the same sex. If she can bring the animals back home. (Ms. Carreno talked about the money she has spent on the animals.) Animal Control said they weze well talcen care o£ She will get licenses for them or do whatever she has to do. David, person livwg in the basement, has some of ihe cats. There is now a combination lock on the door. If he needs "to come back in, they are monitoring the door. Ms. Moermond asked why the police were interested in David^: {Ms. issue regazding David.) ;.;;��<„ �`� } ��k #o' Ms. Moermond stated this is the third condemnation. and people. These collections have gotten her into tr� accommodate her stuf£ The police are comi Control is in possession of her collection'�r��! 4: =: problems. Ms. Moermond is not convincec�i problems on her own. She has two kids con the weekends. Ms. Moermond is concerned responded there were no do��es. The rab� Ms. Moermond ae spoke about some services. she h���ia social A recess because of h nals. She is # t3;jf,ats: ,•. talked about the to collect stuff, animals, ti� is now renting space to ;�,c��llection of people. Animal sa:;,= >strig,�er housing because ofthese is cap��le�af conecting these �ekday��nd another kid coming on �g�s��a fhe building. Ms. Carreno �hey have been maintained well. (Ms. Carreno answered the question and �ted she would like to do a referral to social Ms. Nfp��ai�ond stated she':i"s�,',�villing t�ca`E32yal�%'v Ms. Carreno to stay in the house and she has a bunch of conditi,�'ri�; 1) lay this oL'�gin hearis}� and not send it back to the City Council for a month. The order woii�d be heid off a� no decision would be made if she met some conditions. 2) She will make a cai�i�tb Cal���`which deals with people who have been displaced from their housing. They aT��`amiliar w�i}h peopie who find themselves in her situation. If they do not bave a spot right now, she regular Adult Protective Services. 3) No children or animals in the house until the con`� = ation is lifted. 4) She has 15 or more rabbits out there. Ms. Moermond stated that.s �e cannot bring any animals back into the house unless they are spayed or neutered, have a11 their shots, and they are licensed. Those are the only ones that can go back in. In the case of the cats or rabbits, she can pick three now and sign the balance over to the City. She has a couple of dozes between the cats and the rabbits. They will not be allowed to go back to the house again. It is over the legal number and the neighbors aze probably not going to sign a petition for her to take in more animals than are allowed. There is an organization called Rabbit Rescue. Legally, Ms. Carreno can have 3 dogs, 3 cats, and Ms. Moermond is not sure of the birds ��"��� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF MAY 2, 2006 13 and rabbits. Ms. Carreno responded two of the dogs aze spayed and neutered. Page Mr. Robinson asked should he do an inspection in the middle of the 30 day period or at the end. Ms. Moermond responded she would like that. Ms. Moermond continued: �) reduce the volume of materials inside the house by hal£ She can live with % in a month and look for another'/4 the following month. The solution is not a storage locker someplace. This is about getting rid of stuff. Having,cori3itions like this will get her house condemned every time. Ms .Moermond will call Social,Services and make a referral. � She wouid refer that this case be sent to the House Calls prograpi' �_ ,:;.- ':' ,; Ms. Moermond said that they should talk about the animals�nocv:: Animal �G�ntrol sent her forms ,,:,-, �,t.:. to talk Yo Ms. Cazeno about. Ms. Moermond asked is s�ta�willing to sign over flie,ones she does not want and how many Ms. Carreno wants back. NI�: Cazeno responded that s'�e tiyould like some of them back. Dave has three cats of his own. Ms.'Tvlo�rmond res,ponded she is respoHsible for them because they were on her property. She will have�� G�ll .�ii�riial Control that t3�ose are the cats she wants back again or he has to deal with Animal �ian�ol separately. By Thursday of this week, Ms. Carreno will select the legal l'�nit of rabbits. Anil'�? is not the best way place for animals. E;� ��; , 'ti =,�, ° j�2� 'atE��,��. < „ 9' � Ms. Carreno asked can the oldest one be rel'' ed�ti���laughter. ST��is a female rottie. Vixen �� 3� E- , has a thyroid problem, and it is hazd for hex Yo<,e in � daughter is willing to �i ig8' "i take herhome. ,,,a:>,,._ °.<: ��s� ,.,z``s`� Ms. Moermond stated maximum number of' before returned to the They also said,the3;�bF Ms. Car��Yio asked cari?� comm�i��m to do that. 3 "°' is wri sup a draft so at Ms. Carreno can select 3 cats and the legal i�s. The� �`ts must be spa'��d neutered, current on shots, and licensed €,� ���a'�'he ,a��not be returne �ixntil the condetnnation has been lifted. . �i`�?gtiav�e'� ' � ,�' ?est �. `�e�,�4�, � boarding. Ms. Moeraiond responded she cannot If they cani�oX���, that, Ms. C`�eno asked if they can be released to her daughter. Ms. Moermond responded she�"`ca�not make a�ecision on that right now. 5;p t a i f S�4?YSt �€_s Ms. Carreno stated�Kegbirds;;vvere given to her by her fiancee who has passed away. The dogs are her family. They are �il;�'lie has beside her grandchildren. , Ms. Moermond stated he will adjourn and have Ms. Carreno sia a release form. Appeal of Notice from NHPI at 1228 Minnehaha Avenue West; owner: Jacob D. Kulzer. (NHPn (Withdrawn.) ��-�g� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF MAY 2, 2006 14 The hearing was adjoumed at 12:47 p.m. rrn Page