221264`original tp City Clark PRESENTED BY G ORDINAPiCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO..Z The .maximum base salary of patrolmen (or position .of equivalent title) in such communities, taking the salaries.of the five of these communities, paying the highest patrolments salaries, excluding fringe benefits, taking the unweighted average thereof, shall then be compared with existent maximum base salaries of the police and fire groups of the City of Saint Paul, and in the event the average maximum base salary in such communities is higher or lower than the maximum base salary in the City of Saint Paul (Step G in Standard Range 50) the Council shall, by resolution, on public hearing after published notice thereof given not less than five days prior to such public hearing,change the maximum base salary in the City of Saint Paul so as to conform to the aforesaid area salary average effective July 1 of each year aforesaid. D Commencing in 1967 and every third year thereafter, the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul shall conduct a survey of the companies listed in subsection B above of actual salaries paid to key classes in the Manual and Maintenance, Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, and Subprofessional groups, as determined by the Civil Service Bureau. The third quartile salaries of -the positions surveyed shall then be com- pared with existent maximum base salaries of the City positions, except that in the case of beginning level positions the third quartile salaries of the hiring rates of the positions surveyed shall be compared to the Cityts existent hiring rates for such key positions. In the event the third quartile salaries of the positions surveyed for any separate group listed above are lower than the existent maximum base salaries of the City positions or the third quartile salaries of the hiring, rates of the beginning level positions of the positions surveyed are lower than the Cityts existent hiring rates for such positions as the case may be, salaries shall not be reduced, but adjustment shall be .made for each separate group mentioned above by granting only 5076 of the increase due in any future annual survey until such time as the City rates no longer exceed the survey rates. The annual gain in the survey rates shall each year be added to the survey rates. In the event the survey rates for any separate group ar-e higher than the City rates as set forth above, the Council shall, by resolution, on public hearing after published notice thereof given not less than five days prior to such public hearing before the Council,change the maximum base salary for each separate group, by resolution, so as to conform to the survey rates, effective July 1 of each year aforesaid. E Commencing in 1967,and every third year thereafter, the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul shall make a survey of the hiring rates for key positions in the professional group as determined by the Civil Service Bureau, in the companies listed in subdivision B hereof. The Civil Service Bureau shall also make a survey of the hiring rates for such key positions as shown in th'e Midwest College Placement Survey which is published in October of each year and shows the hiring rates for college graduates for the previous June. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: 1. -5- City Clerk 1M "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Atiainst r 'Orisinal to city Clerk Y. ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employments,'( approved January 23, 1925, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby - further amended by adding as Section VI thereof the following: "Section VI SALARY FORMULA - A The following words or phrases shall, -for the purpose of this section, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them herein: "Wage rate" or "Salary rate ". These terms shall be used inter- changeably throughout this section and shall mean the fixed com- pensation paid regularly for services to City employees, and shall exclude fringe benefits. "Fringe benefits." Fringe benefits shall mean moneys paid by the City on behalf of its employees, compensatory time granted by the City to its employees in lieu of monetary compensation or paid leaves of absence granted to the City ;s employees. The term "fringe benefits" shall include vacation, sick leave, holidays, amounts paid by the City for health and welfare insurance coverages for its employees, and amounts expended by the City for pension, workmen!s compensation benefits afforded to City employees. "Police group." The term "police group" shall mean all the classes of positions set forth under the heading "Police Group" in Section 6 of Ordinance No. 3250. "Fire group." The term "fire group" shall mean all the classes of positions set forth under the heading "Fire Group" in Section 6 of Ordinance No. 3250. '(Attendance and Inspectional group." The term "attendance and inspectional group" shall mean all the classes of positions set forth under the heading "Attendance and Inspectional Group" in Section 6 of Ordinance No. 3250. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk -I- Passed by the Council Approved: IM "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By I Mayor Tn Favor A— inat ___1 -. �orlalnai to City Clerk r PRESENTED BY ORDINAPiCE COUNCIL FILE NO, ORDINANCE NO. "Clerical groups". The term ' Clerical group" shall mean all the classes of positions set forth under the heading "Clerical Group" in Section 6 of Ordinance No. 3250. "Manual and maintenance group. 11 The term "manual and maintenance groups" shall mean all the classes of positions set forth under the heading "Manual and Maintenance Group" in Section 6 of Ordinance No. 3250. "Professional group." The term "professional group" shall mean all the classes of positions set forth under the heading "Professional Group" in Section 6 of Ordinance No. 3250. "Subprofessional group." The term 11subprofessional groups" shall mean all the classes of positions set forth under the heading "Subprofessional Group" in Section 6 of Ordinance No. 3250. "Standard Range. For the purpose of this section, the term "standard range" shall mean the salary rates from Step A through Step G, inclusive, in any line shown in thed Schedule of Standard Ranges in Section IA of this ordinance. "Maximum base rate maximum base salary." The maximum base rate shall be the rate in Standard Range 50 undek the heading "Step Gt1 as shown in Section IA of this ordinance. "Rate differential. 11 The term "rate differential" shall mean the percentage of differential between any two consecutive rates shown in any .standard range in the Schedule of Standard Ranges in Section IA of this ordinance, and also the percentage of differential between any two consecutive rates in any column under the headings Step A, Step B, Step C, Step D, Step E, Step F, or Step G. When implementing the' provisions of this section the rate differentials shall in all cases be three per cent (376). B Each year, commencing with the year 1965, and annually thereafter, the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul shall make a survey and shall compute, as soon after the first day of July of each year as possible, the average cents -per -hour change, if any, occurring from June 15 of the then current year to June 15 of the preceding year, in the annual weighted (by taking the average number of employees between June 15 of the current year to June 15 `of the year next prior thereto, using non - exempt employees defined as hereinafter provided) average earnings granted by Saint Paul industry for all non - exempt employees as the term non - exempt employees is defined and described in the annual bulletin published by the Federal Wage and Hour Division of the United States Depart- ment of Labor. In determining the aforesaid wage rate change as applicable to industry within the City of Saint Paul, the Council hereby determines and designates the following named, 33 companies as repre- sentatives of wage rates in industry within the 'City of Saint Paul. As -2- Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk Passed by the Council Approved: IM "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By _ Mayor Tn Favor Against Orisinal to-,00 Piet,\, '� ORDINANCE V'12bk COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Page 6. base salary of police and fire groups in the City of Saint Paul effective as of the fl �or t day of January, 1965 if the Council by resolution passed p to said date provides therein that wage changes indicated By such survey shall be effective from said date, it being recog ized herein that such survey cannot be concluded and reported n by the Civil Service Bureau of the City to the City Council un•il a date in 1965. Sec. 7. It is the inten`� of Saint Paul that this ordina. shall be considered separable; section, clause, provision or or provision of this ordinance portion of this ordinance. ion of the Council of the City ce and every provision thereof d the invalidity of any p t or portion of any clause s all'not affect any other Sec. 8. This is hereby decl ordinance rendered necessary for peace, health and safety. Sec. 9. This ordinance shalltak upon its passage, approval and public Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: to be an emergency preservation of the public effect and be in force ion. Passed by the Coun I Approved: City Clerk or 1M "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By In Favor Agmnat 'original to city Cleric 4 � v. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, ORDINANCE NO. '0 the 33d of such companies,T the seven basic trade agreements negotiated with the following labor organizations, namely: 1. Bricklayers and Stonemasons Union No. 1 of Saint Paul, Minnesota, 2. Twin City Carpenters District Council, 3. Saint Paul Cement Masons Local No. 560, 4. International Hod Carriers, Building and Common Laborers Union of America, Local No. 132, AFL -CIO, Saint Paul, 5. Local No. 512, International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers, 6. International Union of Operating Engineers, Twin Cities Local No. 49, and 7. General Drivers Union No... 120, Saint Paul, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers, shall be surveyed and the resulting wage under the seven agreements, on an unweighted average thereof, shall be considered as the change in wage rates for said 33d company. The 33 Saint Paul companies representative of wage rates in inklustry in the City shall be: 1. American Can Company Z. American Hoist & Derrick Company 3. Brown & Bigelow.,, 4. Curtis 1000, Inc.; „.5. Donaldson Company,, Inc. 6. Economics Laboratory, Inc. ` 7. Ellerbe and Company 8. Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 9. Ford Motor Company' 10. First National Bank of Saint Paul 11. Gould - National Batteries, Inc. 12. Great Northern Railway Company 13. Theo. Hamm Brewing Company 14. Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing 15. Minnesota Plastics Corporation 16. Montgomery Ward & Company 17. Mutual Service Insurance Companies 18. Northern States Power Company 19. Northwest Publications, Inc. 20. Northwestern Bell Telephone Company 21. Rayette, Inc. 22. Saint Paul Insurance Companies 23. Saint Paul Foundry & Manufacturing 24. Telex, Inc. 25. The Emporium Department Store 26. Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson & Associates 27. United States Bedding Company 28. Univac Corporation -3- Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 'M "2 Form- approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against 16risinal to City Clerk lb PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. �a /fir ORDINANCE NO. 0 29. Waldorf Paper Products Company 30. Webb Publishing Company 31. West Publishing Company 32. Whirlpool Corporation 33. Associated General Contractors labor agreements as set forth above. The Council may, by resolution, from time to time as it deems necessary, substitute companies fr�those above designated as those being representative of prevailing wage conditions in the City of Saint Paul. The survey shall be on forms prepared and developed by the Civil Service Bureau, and shall encompass only employees of representative companies serving in plants of such companies located within the County of R..msey. In the event less than 80% of the 33 designated companies return the completed forms to the Civil Service Bureau within 45 days after said Civil Service Bureau mails the report forms to the companies designated by the Council and reports said date of mailing to the Council, the survey shall be considered invalid and may be disregarded by the Council. When such survey and cents -per -hour change computation has been completed, or in the event less than 80% of the designated companies return the com- pleted forms to the Civil Service Bureau within the allotted time as herein provided, the Civil Service Bureau shall submit a report of its findings to the Council and shall also cause to be filed for public record a copy thereof with the City Clerk. Thereafter the Council shall set a public hearing for the purpose of considering revision of salaries of all the groups hereinbefore listed and defined, which hearing shall be not less than ten days after such public notice thereof as the Council may deem necessary. After such hearing the Counci], shall by resolution change or revise the salaries of all such groups to reflect such changes in salaries as the Council determines to be appropriate. Such salary changes shall become effective on the first day of January next following completion of such survey and passage of the aforesaid resolution by the Council. Such salary change shall be made by adjusting Step G of Standard Range 50 as it appears in the Schedule of Standard Ranges in Section Imo. of this ordinance. All other rates in the Schedule of Standard Ranges shall then be adjusted so that the rate differentials shall continue to be as provided in sub- section B above, namely 3 %. C Commencing on the 10th day of June, 1967 and the 10th day of June of every third year thereafter, the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul shall conduct a survey of the maximum base salary of police groups in the ten communities with the largest populations in the area included in Ramsey, Hennepin, Washington, Dakota and Anoka Counties, which ten largest municipalities shall be specified by resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul. Adoption of the aforesaid resolution of the Council shall be between the first and the tenth days of June in the year in which such survey is conducted. -4- Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council Approved:. Mayor In Favor A- - A �'' @rlsinatto Cits Clark P1 � . . PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE ORDINANCE NO. NO. The College Placement hiring rates for the positions surveyed shall be compared with the Cityts existent hiring rates for such positions, and the company survey hiring rates for such positions shall also be considered when ,making such comparisons. In the event the third quartile hiring rates of the positions surveyed are lower than the existent hiring rates for such positions in the City of Saint Paul, salaries shall not be reduced, but adjustment shall be made for each separate group mentioned above by granting only 50% of the increase due in any future annual survey until such time as the City rates no longer exceed the survey rates. The annual gain in the survey rates shall each year be added to the survey rates. In,the event the survey rates are higher than the City rates as set forth above, the Council shall, by resolution, on public hearing after published notice thereof given not less than five days prior to such public hearing before the Council, change the maximum base salary, by resolution, so as to conform to the survey!mates, effective July 1 of each year aforesaid. F In the event the maximum base salary for Grade 50 is adjusted in accordance with the provisions of subdivisions C, D or E, all other rates in the Schedule of Standard Ranges shall also be adjusted so that the rate differential shall continue to be as provided in sub- section B above; provided, that if the amount of adjustment is not the same for all occupational groups, new schedules of standard ranges shall b_ a established, as necessary, but any such new schedules shall provide for the same rate differential as is provided and defined in subsection B above, namely 3%. G Immediately upon the passage of this Ordinance, the Civil Service Bureau shall conduct surveys based upon the procedures set forth in subsection B hereof, using as its basis of comparison the period of June 15, 1963 to June 15, 1964. The salary or wage change on a cents - per -hour basis for non - exempt employee for representative industry in the City of Saint Paul as provided sNV Section B shall be determined by such survey. Appropriate wage or salary changes as demonstrated by such survey shall, by resolution of the Council after public hearing on published notice thereof, be applied to Step G of Standard Range 50 as it is listed in Section 1 of Ordinance No. 6446.11 Section Z. It is the intention of the Council of the City of Saint Paul that this ordinance and every provision thereof shall be considered separable; and the invalidity of any section, clause, provision or part or portion of any clause or provision of this ordinance shall not affect any other portion of this Ordinance. Section 3. This is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. -6- AL 16 1965 Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss 7 Meredith a Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vav is) Attest: 7 1 t iM "2 City�Clerk Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council Tn Favor Against AIL � Approved j d Mayor PUBLISHED JUL 24 1965 Original to City Cleric ORDINANCE Ri 11 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTI\gY ORDINANCE NO. \ An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 641+6, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rats of certain city positions and employments." approved January 23, 1925, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendeed necessary for the preservation of the public peace, healt \-and safety. THE COUNCIL 6F THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The following words or phrases, when used in this ordinance, hall, -for the purpose of this ordinance, have the meanings res\ ctively ascribed to them herein: "Wage or sal: . ", These terms shall be used interchangeably throughout this ord nance and shall mean the fixed compensation paid regularly for s rvices to City employees and shall exclude fringe benefits. "Fringe benefits.' Fringe benefits shall be defined as moneys paid byy the Cit on behalf of its employees, compensatory time granted by the Cit \eets its-employees in lieu of monetary compensation or paid lef absence granted to the City's empl oyees. The term "'fbenefits" shall include vacation, sick leave, hobdays, ampaid by the City for health and welfare insurance coveror its employees, and amounts expended by the City foion, workmen's compensation and unemployment compensatiefits afforded to City employees. "Police group." The ter "police group " shall include all positions or titles of positio s hereinafter set forth in the table captioned, "Police Group' "Fire group." The term Ofi a group" shall include all positions or titles of positions ereinafter det forth in the table captioned, "Fire Group "'. " Waximum base rate - maximum b se salary.'" The maximum base rate or maximum base salary for poli a and fire groups shall be the salary payable-to those indiv duals holding the title of Firefighter in.the fire groupend P trolman in the police group who are at step "GO of police an fire standard range 50. "Step G." Step "G" is defined as a highest wage payable to individuals holding positions in eith r the police or fire group and is the highest wage figure sho opposite the position titles shown in the tables hereinafter set forth captioned "Fire Group" and 'Police Group." "Standard range." For the purpose of th� ordinance, the term "standard range" shall mean variation in alaries from step "A" through step "Gil inclusive applicable to each position Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson s p S .�lN Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) • Attest: Passed by the Approved: Favor t Ayainat City Clerk Mayor IM "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By nn -1 2 2� Page 2. in the fire and police groups, and the standard range applicable to each position in each of the classes established in the fire and police groups in Section 6 of Ordinance No. 3250 shall be the standard range having the same number as the grade in which the class of position appears. "Salary differential." Salary differential shall be defined to mean the percentag' of differential between classes of positions at step "G" in the fir, and police groups,and upon change in salary pursuant to the pr ovisionsof this ordinance, the salary differential between po- itions shall be maintained. Sec. 2. The maximum b groups as hereinbefore de Ti police and fire standard p police and fire standard r classes of positions in th computed so that step EQB " -i 103 of step "B", step "D" i 103,, of step "D" , step "F" i is 103% of step . "F1_P-' Police consecutively shall, in like above police and fire:,stand step "A", for each range is range next below. ase rate or salary for fire and police ned shall be known as step "G" of ange 50. Steps "�A" through "F" of ran 50 and for each of the other fire and police groups shall be 103% of step "All, step "C" is 103% of step "C", step "E" is 103% of step "E" , and step "G" nd fire standard ranges numbered anner, be established below and and range 50 so that the minimum rate, 10.% of the minimum rare for the Sec. 3. That the provisio of No. 6446 of the City of Saint Pa n 1, notwithstanding, upon the effects e Section 1 of Ordinance as amended, to the contrary date of this ordinance, the paid for each position the fire group and in Civil Service Rules Ordinance, nt Paul, as amended, shall and police groups hereinbefore fter set forth showing um salary for such position: salaries which shall attach to an. be of each of the classes establishe in the police group in Section 6 of t e Ordinance No. 3250 of the City of i be the current salaries for the fir defined as shown on the table here i a title of position and bi- weekly maxi Minimum salary Maximum Salary $211.13 $252.52 224.01 267.70 237.80 283.80 237.80 283.80 237.80 283.00 252.52 252.52 252,52 275-52 301.28 301.28 301.28 301.28 301.28 329.34 359.69 359.69 Fire Group *Fireman-Sho Fire Fighte Fire Enginee Fire Prevent Fire Prevent Title Helper Inspector Inspector (Ellectrical) Arson Investigato *Fire Alarm Dispatc Fire Captain Assistant Fire Mars District Fire Chief Fire Marshal *(This title is hereby abolished except as to present incumbents.) Grade * * * *Grade designations are not part of this ordinance but merely rdf�er to present position grade designations in Ordinance No. 3250, th6 Civil Service Rules Ordinance. 40 52 52 52 54 57 60 60 Page 3. Minimum salary Maximum salary Title Grade * ** 4193-19 $230.90 Matr n-- Health Bureau 45 217.57 259.88 Poli e Property Custodian 49 224.01 267.70 Park Policeman. 50 224.01 267.70 Patr lman 50 237.80 283.80 Radi Technician 52 245.16 292.54 Park Police Sergeant 53 245.16 292.54 Poli emoman 245.16 292.54 Serg grit 53 252.52 301.28 *Iden ifeation Technician 54 252.52 301.28 * *Park Police Sergeant 51+ 252.52 301.28 *Poli e Sergeant 54 252.52 301.28 Seni r Radio Technician 54 259.88 310.48 *bete tive 55 259.88 310.48 *Poli e Lieutenant 55 275.52 329.3+ Ambu ante Surgeon 57 275-52 329.34 Dete tive Lieutenant 57 275-52 329.34 Poli e Captain 57 275.52 329.34 Supt. of Police Radio Division 57 3319.68 381.31 Depu y Chief of Police 62 *(This title is hereby Ea_b3olished cept as to present incumbents.) * *(This title in this grade is hereb abolished except as to present incumbents.) Sec. 4. Each year, commencingkwith the year 1965, and annually thereafter, the Civil Servi�e Bureau of the City of Saint Paul shall compute, as soon aft r the first day of July of each year as possible, the average cents - per -hour change, if any, occurring from June 15 of the then current year to June 15 of the preceding year, in the annual w6ighted (by taking the average number of employees betwee_ June 156f the current year to June 15 of the year next prior thereto, using non -: exempt employees defined as hereinafter provided) average earnings granted by Saint Paul industry for all non - exempt employees as the term non - exempt employees is defiled and described in the annual bullet�ublished by the Federa Wage and Hour Division cf the United States Department of Labor. kin determining the aforesaid wage rate change as applicable t industry within the City of S int Paul the Council hereby determines and desig- nates the of owing naied 33 companies as representative of wage rates in industry within the City of Saint Paul. As the 33d of such companies, the seven basic trade agreements negotiated with the following labor organizations, name y: 1. Bricklayers and Stonemasons Union No' 1 of Saint Paul, Minnesota, 2. Twin City Carpenters District Council 3. Saint Paul Cement Masons Local No. 56 , 4. International Hod Carriers, Building a d Common Laborers Union of America, Local No. 1 21 AFL -CIO, Saint Paul, 5. Local No. 512, International Associatio of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers, 6. International AUnion of Operating Engine rs, Twin Cities Local No. 49, and 7. General Drivers Union No. 120, Saint Paul International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, War housemen and Helpers, ** *Grade designations are not part of this ordinance bait merely refer to present position grade designations in Ordinance`No. 3250, the Civil SPrvicP Ru7Ps Or.dinanny Page 4. shall be surveyed and the resulting iage under the seven agreements, on an unweighted average thereof, shall be considered as the change in wage rate for said 33d company. The 33 Saint Paul companies representative of wage rates in industry in the City shall be: 1. American Can Company 2. American Hoist & Derrick Company 3. Brown & Bigelow 4. 5. Curtis 1000, Inc. Donaldson Company, Inc. 6. Economics Laboratory, Inc. 7. Ellerbe and Company 8. Farwell, Gomun, Kirk & Company 9. Ford Motor Company 10. First National Bank of Saint Pa l 11. Gould - National Batteries, Inc. 12. Great Northern Railway Conpiny 1 Theo. Hamm Brewing Company 14. Minnesota Mining & Manufacturi g 15. Minnesota Plastics Corporation 16. Montgomery Ward & Company 17. Mutual Service Insurance Companies 18. Northern States Power Company 19. Northwest Publications, Inc. 20. Northwestern Bell Telephone o p any 21. Rayette, Inc. 22. Saint Paul Insurance Companies 23. Saint Paul Foundry & Manufactu ing 24. Telex, Inc. 25. The Emporium Department Store 26. Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson Associates 27. Unitkbd States Bedding Company 28. Univac Corporation 29. Waldorf Paper Products Company 30. Webb Publishing Company 31. West Publishing Company 32. Whirlpool Corporation 33• Associated General Contractors labor agreements as set forth above.. An average of the 33 companies with respect to the cents -per- hour change in wages occurring in the preceding tS.b.&P shall then be computed by the Civil Service Bureau and the results of the survey then submitted to the Council of the City of Saint Paul. The Council may, by resolution, from time to time, as it deems necessary, substitute companies for those° above,. designated as being representative of prevailing wage ca"jditions in the City of Saint Paul. The survey conducted by the Civil Sery ce Bureau shall be on forms prepared and developed by said Civi Service Bureau. When such survey has been completed by the C vil Service Bureau, it shall submit a report thereof to the Counc 1 and shall also -cause to be filed for public record a copy th reof with the City Clerk. Thereafter, the Council shall se a public hearing v C)FA Page 5. for the purpose of considering revision of salaries of fire and police groups, which hearing shall be not less than ten days after published notice thereof. t the time of such hearing, the Council shall by resolution change or revise the salaries of the fire and police groups to reflect such changes in salary as the Council determines to be appropriate. Such salary changes shall become effective as of the first day of January next following completion of such survey and passage of the aforesaid resolution b the Council. Such survey shall encompass only employees lof representative companies serving in plants of such companies located within the County of Ramseyq In the event less than 80 per cent. of the 33 designated companies return t e completed forms to the Civil Service Bureau within 45 days fter said Civil Service Bureau mails the report forms to the companies designated by the Council and reports said date of mailing to the Council, the survey shallbe considered invali and may be disregarded by the Council with reference to wag and salary adjustments, and the Council thereafter may by r solution, after a public hearing thereon before the Council pon such published notice as the Council may deem necessary, stablish salaries of fire and police groups on the basis of ormation which the Council then has available to it. Sec. 5. Commencing on the 10t day of June, 1967 and the 10th day of June of every third ye thereafter, the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul shall conduct a survey of the maximum base salary of polic groups in the ten communities with the largest populations in the area included in Ramsey, Hennepin, Washington, Dakota and An ka Counties, which ten largest municipalities shall be specified by resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Saint IPaul. Adoption of the aforesdd resolution of'the Council shall be between the first and the tenth days of June in the year in which such survey is conducted. The maximum base salary of patrolmenl(or position of equivalent title) in such communities, taking the salaries of the five of those communities paying the highest patrolmen=ssalaries, excluding fringe benefits, taking the,,unweighted average thereof, shall then be compared with existent maximum base salaries of the police and fire groups of the City\of Saint Paul, and in the event the average maximum base salary in such communities is higher or lower than in the City of Saint Paul, the Council shall, by resolution, on public hearing after published notice thereof given not less than five days prior to such public hearing before the Council, change them imum base salary of fire and police group in the City of Sai t Paul so as to conform to the aforesaid area salary average,jeff ctive July 1 of each year aforesaid. Sec. 6. Immediately upon the passage of this ordinance, the Civil Service Bureau shall conduct a survey based upla the procedures set forth in Section 4 hereof, using as its basis of comparison the period of June 15, 1963xi o June 15, 1964. The salary or wage change on a cents;= •per -h ur basis for non- exempt employees for representative indust y in the City of Saint Paul as in Section 4 provided shall a determined by such survey. Appropriate wage or salary c anges as demonstrated by such survey shall, by resolution of the Council after public hearing on published notice thereof, be app ied to the maximum CITY CLERK f3ojv -✓ An ordiamoo, amenfto Ordirameo Va. 6446s, eWtleik ,-� Au admitdottatty.0, *r4lu&4to Aging the "Woeussition tates 01,00rtaitx 'Olty, "OM WO t Ows OwployZerjou'O Appo"d Jww4ry P43,6 19Z,% as ataea4ed. TWs is an iamers.040y bratuaAce riiAoved nec6seavy for or vV040watioa at the FUMIC, Peuel, hialth And sooty, TXM COUNCAP Or THZ MY OV SAWT PAW* O"S OWAINs Sectito t. TbO, Ora u*AC* M. 6w, approved 46044vir 23. as 4wendodo be At 00 #AMO to her4by Awthor awau4ad by AdAing 40 Section V1 thereat tho fallowug� V1 A The 1*011owlug word% ar pbxoses MAU. for 4ho PuW00 0 Wo, actotton# hve tho meafts'n". ativaly wv Mow ein 1b *dip tares IVAJO rata Thoso tokwo SWI bass uved later- ,Oh=S*sb1V, thtudabout WO segUou aud shall xo= tho coo -: . Peusat#olt Pfd vesoutly for O*Vvloed to city employees# and shot imaudolsonsw u-noutso 14U tneau =Oneya pad by 00, City on UbW of Its eu;puyaoss Compensatory Omp granted by the COY to Its &MVIO"Os In uOtt of MmetAry -cognponsation or PA4 at to boadfitsO AaU ihrluda vuatlw*, oick leave# Wldayao =0=14 the e -City for health 4nd _W*lUro lusara#qo gager es for It* OMPIOYMOOS *Aa.omauo "P11464, by this City, f0,04MMiant bowfits worded to'city Omployess.. "Volicagroup. 41 TUO to 00WOO. group" Obau,064a i0l tho cuss*s *f 9*01flana 06t fortb uwur, *0 seg"On 6 of OrOmco uo. 32SO-6 pOOMWO ices $ or U440V *Obeadfag "Firb Q;tQUVf 4flan 6 ,of OVOMOO N*. 3260. Th6 term OaWm 44,d U-spoictionol srouV1 oha4vaem aU *ho clasedo of POAUUMA "t forth "40r, the h i, tfAitandauge *ad Wpeettuwa do.ftupil ft ftotlou 6 -of 0*01nwt 00. 3260. 01- 001wrlost $, taupx-% Thotorm -001orldil gircoVf AUU racap Uu C3 o v thb zl"fto of 0-*Wcas not forth undat thoUsding 00 losical *tQlAv* 1A.e0ofth 6 of ovdlum�* Roo, -3004 MwWw'"Co avano, sban Alooku *U thit d0#600 0,P001tions act forth Undery the hislons "000441 *4404- Intevanim alrour to SOCU04 4.4 ft co No. 32500, T'votaftla"I groups": Mwa Au. lb* Posloqu . a. Sot tox th Adir tho h Up CvoopP V30n an tb* clap*0 Of 04tions -tot jfonhuadoo *0 toUlto llau*"fosclonsl Gvw, in oeottatl 6 of Qvdlagnce no. $259. Rose-, 41; vor theputposle of this soe"00s, tho Urm 00tau"V4 '"o sh*U Me m lho tauxr std tram 0,0PA, tht ouch- mop -of foe"C1,011* twoorlwo �h6wu iawthO'. lkhetWO t 4 Of , At VuMaXIMUM. bass V00 041 ft tho *a* ln-6tMd*Td 440 -, 00 84"401, fto heOlns " . , Afstop 'WIts *", $jiahcie, "IftAto 'Thotom VtO* 4wibn-otlatl shat *40= -140 =041*86 of diff0onna -b-otvmon $my tvio t,0=tiMd4r4- rugs in tho UbOW6 ot ftau4vd, Asugoo la IA Of Wo an4 also tho rest s-0 Of, 410090041 trraoa#s sots im. avy,colur" alliftr tho he"Unso ROO;- 6tepAt $tip a st 6P P., isov Z6 stop V* or stop G's Whou s of tba v sicus at'-this *ddloa- the vatiod -,a wovt W rontlalo AMU in suvar-00 00 �btft PaT tent (3%). oath Y*4*,# commolicing with the ymio, 196% *44 *M404ay tbareaAers: tht 0- Wit setylea cure" of ih* city of sunt fte, o Z400 i Auslvby, And $hlll vowpatai '42 0004 oftor tho first lby of MY of o y0ar, as Possible-, tho 46varap ram Awe ".aid the then to rvot ye;%r to J=e tho y tsklag tha, aftrage I$ lot tho our "At r, ar t4 MZ0 of tho sr zoo iorkor fhokota# v,10148 too,daftnea Pt, WMPIOYI 40 ber-altafter Providto avenve &a' =b- , canted t1k sido.fta ludwry, for ou at t*rm Uft*fPA*wvt ampity60.0 ft dl*t4 Ad deectitwl to * UnAA twos usUd, by the Feia*74 Wag# *W Rour Ohdsi�nl of *0 Alsistod $Weo Impart* +log -of 14WaF- ld doter- wwot th* Atorenald --:0 40, "to thabso *I) 4VAL104W to Wastsy, wf*lb the -guy of Saint P,1c10 tho council h6foly ,dettminso =4 doelp0oo Uke 'following namoo 31 -capapamos 44 vap""W w -ago *ate$ $4 to of 13 bi the olty Of 64W PAUL At " 13d, at #otb tomponte-a* " *vven I�awst trado agreopento tiosouaftd W-Wtho i4towtis fob*v, OrsantgatIMMO OAMOtyl arleklayors A44 stanowmaont Ot awbo Pauli MIMMA.0tas :9. T'WI-4 -city icato"tago vbMtt ooarocn* $0 ftftt fta 404 W-int M""O $044 NO., S60# 4. UteftatIOVAI 'god Catstervo. Ouuolng OACA 00 CO UtprOrS Valft OfAnwrIta- UZU No, Wo, Art.-OO W IZ Wnt pool. UCAX 0�. . WeVOWOug ASSOW*tIca ot UfteturA AZA Omm"Ut Iran wovkOrst Twin Cittet dal No. 49* v0d I. atmet,4 Ovivorf,vt4on 116. IZOO saw , 'VA AVI UtOVISOMM Svdhov�opd *11 Team'st's-t-st W&IV*1kM#CV*8A# 444 *WAROM- I'll ofte.10 ShOU to saryayea and the ra#IuU.WS. &r tb* Leven agnpmea�s# .aa Uwatgbt d - sm a. 4VO- tho'9164 obaU beconsideved as tho OwnS4 in vaso rato . 4 for .,. Cd ..,.y. The, 0 Solat v0prosentolve, of Viso x4too U $oft" in tbo,cuy stmu boo AmericaA ton to=puy, 40116 -& to A - COMP.!MY t Oick 46 4CUv"$ 10000 Incl. non"OnCOMPMYO t000 stames Lift bor-Upry# lhao Iparwou OXMI Vat - k & COMPMy. 10. Fivat MUOUA S*Au a S-Ant Paul M O*Wd-WatIOW4 411ttod6to $ftbt. to. Oveal xotths= Ranway COMP"y 13. "", _94MM O"Vftg COMPOny, 14. M"Osoft mums & MUOWMA4,09 150 MIM600ta, foo 16, U_ Ontsamory Ward& 06MPM-T M uutual r4me-0 Tabomto CO*v awo 101i WO r4 Sot*# ftwor. COMPOY, 19, UOLOW61st U00. 20. W"thwottovn Von volliooi* COMP=y ZL, ftyaft# Jac. savt,piU0hmaw=* ';om� s ftw Vautro"drf 6 wiUoLeturbis 24. TIOIO*t thito 25. 7be- . SM rimn v4pa'"Wimt to" 26, TOUCIP - v& OUv*Ui Aft4etson & Aissoolates 27t UVA W.'' V. , BedOng Oompmy 20. AravAC Oavpafttlon *SW ,afaWt �3a 2,1 >/,- 39. W460 Pimpor Produets ICOMPMY S% Webb $Vblightne COMP"Y Wellt Publisbilag 'Company 3L 33* A Cottatots Isibor agreoments *a set $O-nh above.. lbe OOWVAI ways by resoluuou* 40, �Pze to time ** It -d"zoo 4006,00"Y, *Utritltuto r.,owpausto those above dealpated as those l**# ;4preseitative. a4 provmunw Vap tondMans An the Ctty by the Civil servft6 zumu► and ObAu vacoMpato M, ly armloyeas Of to rumts of gu6, Casa 100 located h6OOizAtYOfft=$OY* the overt Itoo th=80,loafthe 33 4041$0604 *tv -domplett d- forms to the WVU Sewks, 404au Vldft,45 ftYs ester saki 4MI Setyke; Aureact, nwols ibe 4346 of VaMnS 0 *0 ClOWMA, the OuWarthaU UCatwlftred lmalfa "d, tfty be &areprded by Ow 4;*' - 8 'Uch suinmy 44ca VbM t bu beeis t=pletedm or in tho event 1e60 than Onwo-tiho disIV,#W compazlev return the; ram- jplato4 f6rms to the .fit O&Mewe Surtau vithla the *Uottod -dwo as herein pr OV140.4 the zweau OUM submit a V at At* andla - lopeft $0. to the Co"Cil and SbAll aluo tAUSO to be t4ed for pat w tvtor4 atopy thoraofw%h the: OUy Olevk. Obau set jp"c heaving tor then tar poso Of,cmSWO"S WOVIfica, Ot SOUVIes 411 the SVOUPS Awed ind 4i ed, Vuoh beadog shoAt be not l000 th" ten &YO after auk V notice wereot ishMl by rasolutlwi erg Or rovtoo thooalavles *f groups Mg- 6 *d&%UO 40 tho'cotwen detorRAU40 to be **z b*aomo, immective on the arst Benue n 7 ' k*vw 4Y 0* 0=6 or"Y and pasage, Joe U400- so as, St 41PPOArs $A th* lba 40d this OVOMCM., - AU other �rates 6 &he' VA Ow sbaA then'be ad so$ quoted as that tho "to dMageaftlo OUUo tectim Saboves tamely ,10o 04tinue to W A* Provtdod in OUU- Comme=ibs oa tbo- 10th day, actim6. 1967 vA tbo 101h day, of 4wo to SO V,044. of *0 04ty bas* War - of y arge - P�Op4w* os " An, stdtout Oauot4 and fte4 Wbytho 0 1040 of Sant ftUL Ad- ►ptift, of the -arbred4ld vanowfou of Oft comet &IL1311,06 Ww"A the at tho tenth. day& of $una $a a 0 jro3rju Haigh such OUVV*y to CoAdoeted. *4w The MAXIMUM us" siouty *f Vaudwou too position of equivaont two) 131 tho oalat`teo of the ft" of theao o*WWU314160# Fad they gheot pav et►6e $610404,s (mau WO WASO ha mp uttt eft m t om to o .os * �O 06 gVoups of the .01tir of .fit Pa�* d e o o Avor�►ge =&VAmutm two oa ty ou& +�oit�e t,1dV r ov lower .tom the �txeum: a ttr of t � (601* la 6 0). a �� h g attr ipubUshocl opft* thereof vtl* not 100a V440 Ove days to sac p0114 otug�ehez tho disarm haso sala y In tho Sty -at wit e0 Ae wiform t* the a ruaat4 e4 saury rrtu in. 1967 and avoy Wr4 year thor r, tha CW1 $CrAca lloreo tho of ftlut ftio ShOU vmdut a *Uwey, a the ell =tee listed to subsec D abw*'O# acts awteo V414, to a 018" Im 044 UVAOftancoro AttoodAuft ape tt+a c#evtca, d ZUbprdo t r xp$$, ,os �ra4o loy tho +diva SeVOCo Irclu. a tht q tt3lo a;�leo *1'66, VeeWoue ea ayod AA -tbtu ho oc�v►� pared w1 �dStott =gym b"O artea of f the city POOMOAot except, the 14 00, V*xe of bagteaUg level P0010000 the third 44at ai satar o of ft tolbg rues 6f tho ottleh# *=VOYcd ohu he Caw recd to The 1WO ftluouf hirbs . mtoo for Outh Uy pooltums, In the Ovant g� noted �o a fo r ti *e si t, mum bass �rteo l poattio or tho thira ��a �rlas of the hta► rates of tbo ve a� r as 'tha pa.+�tt e e ea I I'lle .the to a ws at hu US Ut" " ouoh ' OW MA as, tuo case vaay tom* oala e A not ba .re ed; `tom a�stment 044 be nade for oaf g ate attoued a a`a by gT t g �a Y 5g %. Of th* int o any f0tua =w" t►urvoy, ,� oth tie* as the Ott ,rato as longer o oed tho aqvoy Vo "ot The uat Saw *o Gov rates thou Yea* he a �. tb _ ou ctoa. in the at t env" tes far a -0y . eO wata V-4 meJ ak xh� e -City g tse as set Owth o0 r iho 000Z Ott r4e01Q1 0 rya pt btto bur for �teh w ea ttzaraet gt�uct . lose the avo o rte aocta pu heart biro the Tessa ,ct� $a th* mw =m bast wad tax Oxch, oeparatb smug, b roe o4 o10 as ao. a er to tie out ateo �� of eArb y"r orb$A& axe aaCt 1967* "d 14voty thw, yeat, thloroaftwo tho ", r ,,too Oulu d tho cit1w of Wet paua Sha t vat* .a a4 oy of to ht.O ra a. o e oat p ossl oap .s dote ed by the iv r es ftrauj in the otm�#os listed eu f elm S. hor The fo oe Ouveatt del also � 0, rV of 1ho hia� tutee toi eueh kay, pass us �, tcl"At :Coupga l *Mont ,�a� h to pubueud Im to * av�o th r ht ►tee ► cQUOgo gtaoAtea for the provtouo Vie. Tho Oafte, PUcament biring r4fts for the VaIjItIone saWy6yed AhM x4too for such poswona# 1"81"009 SUU *Is* i0obt. In ike ev"t 00 third of 1p rs�ts n[t ayed ave lower *h aa tho My of sAint VAUI to s 104 aka aot ha veducod* but 44jastment ObOt be =Ado .for eub SOP- Vaft S" Up -awn 0oned, bwtby Mtn Coy SOI;� of the tacgeove 4A 44 41uy sotO6 W%nuvl =OY -4aw such at;i as the City 'Tatoo to I*Mgor =.t* tho tho sot- Vey Oan Oub .eat ha soryor Vatefs. b the mat rat*# 4vt h%� tho the tWes rata* 60 got to rth,ab*46� thb counca by" tescluti 04 - hearlox Olvem not less than AV6. P r to ;44,- -he,%VIZS bofoa the COUA001, obavle tho � uta,bsoe 43WYO w WeP01400", .00 as to. IoM to tho sutvoy *Ate #0, 'Oket I tlim I '341Y I at oxth,ycar wfor6saidw F Ih tho #.vent tho wa*tmum twoo taUty for Otads $0 to adlusted ta acr,ardmew wUh tbo provisions ot s"WiftAo Op, 0 ov St *U **or 'bo 414" oo Vates Owtho ectedwe'Of SuAdva that tho rate dMOVOWO oh%u 4ontlnuo to. to 4o, orwided to aubw otwon 0 a6*w,#r4*14A *a it tho amount of as Pstmea is not tho s 4 ab, tar in'tteopa.00*4 8, of now #thedtiles of st4444vd O=0 AMU tw 0.4taiwightd# but, any" sucu ftow Othedaleb. " MOV06 Or iho 04MO r4o dwetutw, "to PVOViOAd -And 44404 in 0 twmedww upon" two Otaultacco *e 101VA votvks Out AU cftiflut. scum 0 blood s ["a the ProcedurOA sot 10th to Oubstouvit a hor"to, us *0 tf,* b 4141'Of 09MV3tison, 00 -Vottod of la" -450 1961 to jo"' Is„ ' 9640 4, soUty -or- Vast thow on a 4LIA" ot-b*r h%alo for 4oa*",- Mlot *MAI for ropre4entanvo Ikous".7 U� th, is 1C.1trod ftw Vol 4$ ProvidevaWS4.00an a auto.' a* 4161MCM004*4 by such sumy shigo * vasoluftu of th* C4�mcO der pAbUo hearing Onvautabod tmfto tumor,, I* oppUod to Stop 0 et, siodua PAO$* .0 , a ", ft to Alit-04 $A soca"', I I of Oiahmto It6* ;6►,-tf S*00a 2. U ft tho $nVmtja;t o the Cou4cA of Oc City of Saint Owl that this 1"41404co atd evaim Provialba thonof *bA U-ctmolderod sepr4ble.; and tho tu"Afaw 0 "Y a clauoos to ' A i 'Or Vxrt or pordab a sag vendutd uftesebry fot " Pr4semtica a tho VOW VOCOO heaubl, End eafoty# I Sectio,ut, to prdtmaeo shin take 6ftcctzz4b.4Iafq*6uqcuOtt P"03060 opproval 4"d Pwic-al". JUL 161965 JUL 161965 P -:� z I -z � I July 16, 1965 SAINT PAUL AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SIXTH AT SAINT PETER • SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 66102 • 222 -6661 TO THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: Since November, 1960, the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce has made a sincere effort to recommend a fair and equitable wage and salary program for City employees. Through its Wage and Salary Study Committee, the Chamber has maintained a, continuous program in that direction throughout this almost 5 -year period. On May 11, 1964, the Chamber established a special committee of top private industry personnel administrators to meet with officials of the Civil Service Bureau to develop.an orderly approach to wage and salary administration for City employees. For almost three months these private industry personnel administrators and Civil Service officials met two and three times a week in a serious effort to achieve sound methods of determining wage and salary adjustments. At the outset of these meetings it was mutually agreed that all groups of City employees could not be treated as one unit if methods were to be developed that would treat each group fairly and equitably as compared to private industry. The methods suggested for determining wage and salary increases for City employees, therefore, were developed through four sub- committees -- Mechanical Trades, General Salaried, Professional, and Police and Fire. The recommendations for methods of determining future wage and salary adjust- ments for these four groups of City employment were adopted by the City Council on August 11, 1964. The recommendations for the Mechanical Trades were imple- mented at that August 11 meeting, and the Civil Service Bureau was directed to prepare ordinances effectuating the recommendations for the other groups. Subsequently, the recommendations for the Police and Fire were prepared in ordinance form through the mutual efforts of the Police and Fire Study Committee, officials of the Civil Service Bureau, and the City Attorney's office; however, up to July 9, 1965, no action had been taken to implement the recommendations for the General Salaried and Professional groups. Last Friday, July 9, the Police and Fire ordinance was amended to include the General Salaried and Professional groups under this formula. Combining these three groups is not consistent with the recommendations as adopted by the City TO MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL - 2 - July 16, 1965 Council on August 11, 1964, and it is the opinion of the Wage and Salary Study Committee of the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce that the present ordinance which ties these three distinct groups under one method, wi�l'not result in a fair and equitable program. In conclusion, we endorse only those portions of the ordinance before you today which implement the recommendations for the Police and .Fire group;&v`G that the amendments adopted last Friday, July 9, 1 , which incorporated the General Salaried and Professional groups into the Police and Fire ordinance, be withdrawn; that the Police and Fire ordinance in the form which it took prior to the amendments of July 9, 1965, be given its final passage immediately; and, that the recommendations for the General Salaried and Professional employees, as adopted by the Council on August 11, 1964, be implemented in separate ordinances. Sincerely, WILLIAM L. WEST, Chairman Wage and Salary Study Committee eo cc: Civil Service Commissioner Joseph•J. Mitchell I St- 2nd Laid over to 7 3rd and app Adop +ed � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays '-�,,Dalglish §�� Dalglish Holland `Holland p9i -� Loss ,q/ Loss 22 x_264 Meredith `Meredith 71, � Peterson /0 `Peterson \ Rosen \Rosen President Vavoulis \Mr. President Vavoulis