221216ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK { CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM ton Rosen -- Public Wp�ks DAB December, 1964 PRESENTED 221.23-6 WHEREAS, By authority of the haws of Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, the City of Saint Paul, may pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction, when such costs exceed the benefits to the property owner, WHEREAS, It has been determined that the following described parcels of prop- erty be relieved of the following amounts: Description r Lot 26, Block 110, Schiffmannts Subd. of Block 109 and 110, Lyman Daytonts Addition Lot 22, Block 110, Schiffmann's Subd. of Blocks 109 and 110, Lyman Dayton's Addition Lot 1, Block 3, A. Gotzians Re. of Sigels Addition Lot 30, Block 3, A. Gotzi.ans Re. of Sigels Addition Lot 15, Block 2, A. Gotzian's.Re. of Sigels Addition Lot 16, Block 21 A. Gotzian's Re. of Sigels Addition Lot 15, Block 9, Terry's Addition Lot 21, Block 12, Terry's Addition Lot 19, Block 12, Terry's Addition Lot 17, Block 12, Terry's Addition Lot 1, Block 11, Terryts Addition Lot 2, Block 11, Terry's Addition Lot 3; Block 11, Terry's Addition %�� COUNCILMEN 1 Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions a2 Tn Favor Against Amount 40.42 28.87 171.22 171.22 159.32 190.51 115.50 53.13 46.20 28.87 10.40 21.66 64..96 Adopted by the Council 19- Approved 19- Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 221-216 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY Milton Rosen -- Public Works DAB December, 1964 COMMISSIONER (2 ) Lot 7, Block 511, Terry's Addition 37.53 Lot 12, Block 11, Terry's Addition 1$.29 E. 80t of Lot 20, Block 2, Robert L. Ware's Eastern Heights Acre Lots 46.20 Block "N11, Registered Land Survey No. 82 5.50 E. 47.61 of W. 95.2' of North 1311 of Lot 6, Block 3, Registered Land Survey No. 82 24.00 Except W. 12.51; the East 'j of Lot 16, Block 1, Robert L. Ware's Eastern Heights Acre Lots 29.47 So. 172.441 of West I except W'ly 251 thereof and the So. 172.441 of the West 12.51 of the East J- of Lot 16, Block 1, Robert L; Ware's Eastern Heights Acre Lots 30.01 ,TOTAL $1,293.28 WHEREAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is $1;293.28, now therefore be it, _ E RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby author- ized to pay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000, the amount of $1,293.28, a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1962 Sidewalk Contract 62 -M- -254, Levy No. 6, District No. 3, 1,6433, said Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from the City's Share of Local Improve- ment Aid Find, 0920 -701, (1964). COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis loot efts Tn Favor J Against DEC 24 1964 Adopted by the Council 19— DEC DEC 2 4 19fi4 FU131SHED DEC 26 1964 DUMLICATt TO rRINT[R 221.4116 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COMMMMISS ONES WIIZIE ' DATE_ Deoe 'j l9a WHUWj By authority a3uthority of the Lars of Minnesota for the 19590 ChaptAr 3W, H.l1. 217 and ratified by G.F. No. 1922].6,,x, approved Hey 2, 3959* the City* of Saint Pha s zra q pay a. portion of the adsed i a.'ble costs of Wewalk Construotiw4 when such ooats emosed the brae ats to the property owner; WHEREAS] It-has been dotmmlwd that the following described parcels of prop- erty be relied of the following aaueo=ta t Dori ption Amou vO lot 26,, Bloo1k 1'1.00 Sahiffmnnlap %bd. of Block 109 and 110; Xgwn Daaytont s Addition 40.42 Lilt 22# Mock 1100 ScWf=mnis Subd. of Blooks 109 and 1100, Lymm Dayton's Addition 2$687 L9t 1; Biook 30 A. Gotsians Re. of Sigels Addition 171.22 74t 300', Block 30 A. gots5ianas Re. of Sigels Addition 171,22 lot 150 Block 2# A, Gotsfenas Re, of Sige & Addition 159.32 Tot 16i Block 2# A0 Gotsim! o ate. of, Sigels Addition 190-651 Lot 15p. B1oak' 9, Terryto Addition 115.50 Lot 21t Bloch 12a Terryls Addition 53.3,3 ?rot 19: Block 12, Terryf o Addition 46.20 Lot 179 Block 12,, Terryl s Additiou 2847 I at 10 Block 11jj terry's Addition 10.40 lot 21 Blom, 11, Terror# a# Additim 21.66 lot 30 Block ll* Terry's Addit$= COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ><oaaaa aar.es Tn Favor Against 6..96 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19_ Mayor r J r DU7LICATE TO MINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL F �NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM RESENT I t�on Rosen,-- a Works D aiiewb o 1 NEE DATE - (2) Lot 7r Blo* 11,,. Tests Addition lot 12* Block 11, Terry4 ® Addition B. 80' of Lot 200 Block 2.9, Robert L. Ware's Eastern Heights Acre Lots Block 094t Registered land ftr"y *. 82 E, 47.6''- of W, 95, 21 of North 1311 of lot 6, Block 3 j, RegioUretd Iand Our"7 go. 82 apt W. 12.5 t j the ga.st j of Lot 162 Block 10, Robert L. Ware's Eastern, Heights Aore jots So. 172,441 of West * except W117 25e thereof and the 8o, 172.41.' of the West 12.5' of the East * of lot l6, Block 7.i* Robert L. Wares Fastern Heights Acre Iota # X7.53 3.8.29 5.50 24,.00 29.4.7 30,01 �y293.28 221.216 W$> } �°ftei total. mwant of assessable casts the City wW pay is $1,293.28.4 nov tbarefore 1* it #, RE30L'Ei3. That the Come issioner of Pablic Works be and he is bsreby'author- izea to pay from the Famnent, Tmprovment Revolving Fend, Code, 6000,. the t of $1, 293,.28, a port$.cn of the aaeessa`ble costa of Sid;;'& Conotraotion under the 1962 Sidwalic Contract 62 -&254 Lsvy No. 61 District No. 31, I,-W3, avid Permanent ►t Tprovement Rev+olying Fund to be relxbaresed from the City' a Sh we of loos. Improve. *ant Aid Fund-1 0920 -701; (1964) . 0 DEC 2 41944 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas 8 Nays Dal lish DEC 2 4 i Holland Approval 19— Loss Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M etes