06-48Council File # Presented By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # ��� 3029170 13 Referred To: Committee: Date i W HEREAS, the Department of Fire and Safety Services applied for the 2003 Federai Homeland Security z Equipment and Exercise Grant of $148,481.00 to puschase equ+pment and provide training to improve the a interoperability between the members of the Fire DepartmenYs Hazard Materials (HazMat) team and Chemical a Assessment Team (CAT) and the members of the Police DepartmenYs Ordinance Disposal Unit (ODU) and s Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT), and s � s s 10 11 �z 13 14 15 16 t7 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 WHEREAS, the original contract was approved on Council Resolution 03-1017, and WHEREAS, a timeline extension was approved on Council Resolution 05-591, and RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a grant contract amendment for a timeline extension with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety as provided by Saint Paul's Department of Fire & Safety Services; a copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financiaf Services. Requested by Department of: Fire & Safet Seroices By. Approval Recommended by Director of Financial Services: � by City Attorney: :� to Council: � Adopted by Council: Date // �� Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary: � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � o �-� DepartmenHoffice/council: Date initiated: FR — Fire 7L Green Sheet NO: 3029170 ConWct Person & Phone: Department Sent To Person InitiaVDate Tim BuBer � 0 ire �� 228-62'17 pujyn 1 're De artmentDirec[or Must Be on Council /\qenda by (Date): Number� z ;p• pttorn � For Routing 3 a or•s Otfice MavodAssistant Order 4 ouocil 5 iri Clerk Ci Clerk ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Si9nature) Action Requested: Approval of the attached Council Resolurion authorizing the Depattrnent of Fire and SafeTy Services to enter into a gant conUact amendment for a timeline extension with the State of Minnesota for the 2003 Federal Homeland Security Equipment/Exercise Grant. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person�rm ever worked under a conVact for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a aty employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity �YVho, What, When, Where, Why): The State of Minnesota has awarded the City of Saint Paul $148,481.00 to purchase equipment and provide training to improve the interoperabIlity between the members of the Fire-Department's Hazard Materials (Haz Mat) team and Chemical Assessment Team (CAT) and the members of the Police Department's Ordinance Disposal Unit (ODLn and Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT). This will enhance the Critical Incident Response Team's ability to respond to a weapons of mass deshucrion incident. Advanta5les If Approved: The Ciry of Saint Paul Police DepartmenPs Crirical Incident Response Team will have the ability to purchase equipment and receive 4aining to eul�ance theu ability to respond to a weapons of mass deshucrion incident. Disadvanta4es If Approved: ry�C��vED None. �t S ,q� � 4 20�5 r Disadvantages If Not Approved: MA Lost oppor4mity to obtain funds to purchase equipment and provide training to enhance the Police DepartmenPs ability to respond to a weapons of mass deshvcrion incident. Total Amount of Trensaction: ' 145481 CosURevenue Budgeted: y � �� � � e / � � Fundinp Source: Grant Activiry Number. 510-35201 " 4 � Financial lnformation: ��� `� � '�005 (Explain) ��c'� ��?�s�'C� rCi� °Y �9�� �������� AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO GRANT CONTRACT # 2000-9202 O�- l.` g Original Confract Effective date: November 10. 2003 Total Contract Amount: � 148 481.00 Original Contract Expiration date: November 30, 2004 Original Contract Amount: $148 481.00 Amended Contract Expirarion date: Mazch 31, 2006 Previous Amendment(s) Total: $0.00 Current Amendment Amount: $ 6.00 This amendment is between the State of Minuesota, acting through its Commissioner of Public Safetv, Division of Homeland Securitv and Emergencv Management (formerlv Division of Emeraencv Management) 444 Cedaz Street Suite 223, St. Paul Minnesota 55101-6223 ("State") and City of St. Paul, 15 W KeilogQ Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55102 ("Grantee"). Recitals 1 The State has a grant contract with the Grantee idenfified as Grant Contract 2000-9202 for the purchase of specialized response equipment and exercise related costs. 2 The State and the Grantee have agreed that additional time is necessary for the sarisfactory completion of this project. 3 The State and the Grantee aze willing to amend the Original Grant Contract and previous amendments as stated below. Grant Contract Amendment In this Amendment deleted contract terms will be struck out and the added contract teYrrzs will be underlined. REVI5ION 1. Clause 1, "Term of Grant Contract", Section 1.2, of the Original Grant Contract and Amendment No. 1 is amended as follows: 1.2 Expiration date: �°Y,�. ���, ��� ]yIarch 31, 2006, or until all obligations have been sarisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first. ° REVISION 2. Clause 4, "Consideration and PaymenY', Section 4.2, Paragraph (1) b of the Original Grant Contract and Amendment No. 1 is amended as follows: b. Expenditures for each state fiscal yeaz (July through June) of this grant contract must be for equipment purchased and received and exercise services provided within applicable state fiscal year. Final invoice for equipment purchased and received and exercise services provided throu�i June 30, 2004 must be received by the State no later than 7uly 31, 2004. Final invoice for equipment purchased and received and exereise services provided between July 1, 2004 and June 30, 2005 must be received by the State no later than July 31, 2005. Final invoice for equipment purchased and received and exercise services provided from 7uly 1, 2005 and ��.° :;�� �� ���� March 31, 2006 must be received by the State no later than �r:�a�`T, r ., r�o>zova �� Apri130, 2006. REST OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Grant Amendment 02/04 A14IENDMENT NO. 2 TO GRANT CONT'I2ACT # 2009-9202 ��D' �D The Original Grant Contract and any previous amendments are incorporated into this amendment by reference. 1. ENC'L7MBRANCE VERIF'ICATI011T Individual cenifies thae funds have been encumbered as reguired by Minn. Stat. ,¢�' 76A.15 and 16C.05. Signed: 3. STA1'E AGENCY By: (with delegated authority) Title: Date: Grant Contract No. 2000-9202 2. GRANTEE The Grantee certefeu that the appropriate person(s) have erecuted the grant contract on behaljof the Grantee as required by app[icable articles, bylaws, resolutions, or ordinances. By: Title: Date: � TiUe: Date: Date: Dishibution: DPS/FAS Granffie State's Authorized RepresrnEative Grant Amendment 02/04 Z