221178Council He No.2 1- l 8 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby_ pro�osesthemakingof the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: " - and replace with integral curb - sidewalk ... reconstruct the sidewalk /on_ the north side of University Ave. from Rice —&t. to Park Street together with all areaways, coal-holes,trap- doors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description and provided that all permits heretofore granted by said City of St. Paul for the installation and /or maintenance of such areaways, coal - holes, trapdoors,'tunnels and -other underground facilities of every description will be and the same are hereby revoked unless said area- ways, coal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description are reconstructed by said permittee on or before .a date which is one year after the date of final approval of this order; and that, further, the Department of Public Works, through its Chief Engineer, is hereby authorized =and directed to fill in and remove such areaways, coal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description, the permittees of which areaways, coal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facil- ities of every description fail to reconstruct the same to the sat- isfaction of the City Engineer on or before the above mentioned date. reconstruct the side t rals /on the' north side of University Ave from Rice U. i:" to Park Street together with all areaways, coal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every de- scription, and provided that all permits heretofore granted by said City- of St. Paul for the installation and /or maintenance of such areaways, coal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description, will be and the same ,are-hereby re- voked unless said areaways,, coal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground' facilities of every 'description-are reconstructed by said , permittee- on or before a date-which is o'ne "year' after the date of final - approval of this order; and that, further, the De- partment of Public llbrks,' through its Chief Engineer, is hereby authorized and directed to fill in and remove such areaways, coal - holes,;. ,_. trapdoors, tunnels ands other underground -facilities of every_detscription, the permittees of which areaways, coal - holes, .trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every de- scription fail to reconstruct the same to the satisfaction of the City Engineer on or before the above mentioned date, Councilman Dalglish HollandApproved --- - - - - =- . ........... ........... ........... ................. . .. .. - -- • L&ss--- '� Meredith Peterson Reath---....... - -- ---------- -- - - - -- - - --- •Mayor._ ..... Afro Vice President s DEC �C 1[1�{ a000 7-54 (Rosen) PUBLISHED EC U 7