2211527 COUNCIL FILE NO. By File No. 16'3 0 In the Matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 3, Edwin M. Ware's Cumbered Wition Plat 2, from Hoyt Avenut to Idaho Avenue. under Preliminary Order 23.995 approved September 11,1 19611' Intermediary Order _approved_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that �ecise- natua� ea�tent and l�iad of im 'provement to be made by the said City is cue and surface with bituminous al the. `1 Cumber]and Addition Plst 2, Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue All orders in the above matter be and the same are horaby eaneelladi 40aulled and rescinded and all proceedings in said matter be discontinued, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to a made. �BESOT,V_ED -T� hat the Commissioner Public Works be and is he by instructed and directed to prepare plans and spec tions for said impro nt, and submit same the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the p , er city officials are here thorized and ' ected to pro- ceed with the making of said improveme in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN Yeas Dalglish Nays Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Vavoulis; 5-68 zM a $-1 - DEC 1964 Adopted by the Counc' Approved DEC 22164 r. ____TM Favor Mayor A . gainst _ PUBL SHED DC 26 196 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 113 Court House, 55102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner THOMAS J. KELLEY, Deputy Commissioner December 11, 1964 A �R / / y- "'- To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen. I have examined the attached petition of remonstrance, filed the the matter,of,grading and surfacing.the alley in Block 3, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition Plat #2, and wish to report as follows :. Phone: 224 -4612 Ext. 343 -344 Amount of frontage involved in said improvement - 1198.43 ft. Amount signed for on said petition - 899.00 ft. or 75 % .(Amount required by;Charter - 50%) Number of residence owners involved - 28 Number who signed said petition -22 or 78.6% (Amount required by Charter - 60%) From the above facts you will note that the petition of remonstrance is sufficient. Y rs ery tru , Y J. Da lish Commissioner of Finance Re: 16643 za • `1v I� Poo •`ry PETITION OF REMONSTANCE Whereas the City of St. Paul, acting by and through its City Council, did approve Preliminary Order #219953, 219959, 219960 and 219961 all dated Septemoer 11, 1964, and - Whereas said orders proposed to grade and surface the alley in block #3, Edwin M. Warets Cumuerland addition Plat #2 oetween Hoyt and Idaho Avenue, and also grade and surface Hoyt Avenue Uetween Western and Virginia, and Whereas access is now provided from the existing alley to the properties requiring such access and the remaining properties have an access from the existing streets, F11. Fn Now therefore; we the undersigned affected property owners do hereby respectfully request the City Council to rescind said orders. Wi W NoT UhT ANY IMPROVEMENTS 'IN OUR 1CT.T i i. 969 DEC 9 PH 3 '41 Taxpayer's Signzture A r� �__ Lots owned Front_footageDate CITY CLERK'S Oil # �MvMEM O O • 0 0 fS ?7 ykc�ivi / j %(� / d-.l $b SAID• 7 G W ES^'6R o,- 2-c;, S-76 W/"MRN i9 4.20 sou `y�sfisRK " ,CZ Z2 a 17.0 /.') _- ;`- e 5 ` b - i .;� -1- (.0 -- 'err 1 -:z � a go wxik J �- 6 0 '- G1_ 1 Zd rY65 b - O 11-0 O • 0 0 fS ?7 ykc�ivi / j %(� / d-.l $b SAID• 7 G W ES^'6R o,- 2-c;, S-76 W/"MRN i9 4.20 sou `y�sfisRK " ,CZ Z2 a 17.0 /.') _- ;`- e 5 ` b - s TtrAr Al- JTk 5) .;� -1- (.0 -- 'err 1 -:z � a go wxik J �- 6 0 '- G1_ 1 Zd rY65 b - O 11-0 pil t ���►l/ �� . �!! �1lJ i��l�!/ '�.��lr��711i1.�,�i7I��!c�����7 �' c • '`�' � •'�'�' 111 U I . Robert B. Gerber, Jr. City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 886 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dec. 11, 1964. Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: Albert B. Olson Council Recorder The City Council this morning directed that the attached letter of Mr. and Mrs. Tschure be referred to your department. MS-/hp as Very truly yours, City Clerk v. r � I i. is I __• �_�! � I _0 619 0 (0--P Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 December 4, 1964 John F. and Drusilla V. Tschurl 350 West Idaho Avenue St. Paull Minnesota 55117 File 16643, Page T You are hereby notified that the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on December 22, 1964, on the advisability of proceeding with Preliminary Order 219958, approved September 11, 1964, and Preliminary Order 219959, approved September 11, 1964, which propose to: Grade and surface with bituminous material the alley in Block 3, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition Plat 2, from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue; also condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in connection with said grading. The estimated assessment is $2.57 per assessable foot, based on an estimated cost of $3,059.71. If you wish detailed information regarding this proposed improvement, you are invited to meet with the technical advisors in Room 286, City Hall, at 9:00 to 9:30 a.m., the same day as the hearing. You may also telephone 223 -5151, for construction information; or telephone 223 -5241 for assessment information. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 22 9152 22080 - October 19, 1964 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 219958 approved_ September 11, 1964 relative to Grading and surfacing with Pj Ar- z bituminous material the alley in Block 3, EDWIN M. WARE'S CUMBERLAND ADDITION from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $• 3009.71 A ?.k RX A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement her�t�at CO and made a part hereof. c �rr/N-. N% 0 CD �v Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works V7, _44;_ Improvement is asked for upon petition hed s' '0// Commissioner of Public Works GEORGE 'M. SHEPARD EUGENE V. AVERY S3'RE6T AND 'HIGHWAY •''` -•' _ - ,'CITY ' O F SAINT ,_ PA U L _ 'CHIEF ENGINEER y ENGINEERING COORDINATOR - _ - Capital of Minnesota = J. M. COTTER t - SUPERINTENDENT OF SANITATION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS :r r' 234 City'Hall & Court House (2)- , MILTON ROSEN 1. ' Commissioner WILLIAM -P. BEHRENS Do- puty Commissioner _ !- t -OW22 ' •• •, - k ' - / - -` � (3• _• 17• y _ ', r ' 1.. ry'� ••J � • , 1 ate S• T; ' ,+ sit `. Nirriw Mames .3. iTaIgA i $h ,- E046i'ts:i t?ha Hof E3 null ty,af, U fil t - Pau l. ± � ', ! _ ' . n t + i; ' ra � ��i't• heraM th'-prWi ml� nary ,e ,tf ����ta' cif �osx o`r' cgrad1ni. and � # `,5tir�' ,00t g. with '1 4001ifi6pt, iaCal�i 2.;'th4 -a tey',Iri `'BLDCX► „3; toWiN- M, WAitg'S WA!3$ 000 AW' 1Tz1Zf1 i fiAi hor ; Otldor • C '' E..: 2't9 Y Total .Estiftl C s #` .� _ •_ + } •'� 'r •- '��' ,1'Sf -�i; Y• • r -. ` .. '%. , ',1,1,1. - _ } .� neari'rig a;. �' r ,64,2 .. '•� stir -� -[.!c :- ,� r' •�f, '� _�, ,. "- ;' _ -�, ' Pit f r�ance `Barge ' i`r �• ' -- i_ - °.�. -.'t ai_i f ;' .:�= ' Y.. r r ti ,•a `:r •,,:J,, +r. . - =.q • «,� • - r.!• -r 1 7 . 31 1V`�'{i 6u r yo t Sackett :y ci4at, imp I near d / Approvetdt._ 26 �f I'0 1{ Eugene ,V+► AYefy,` Ghf, of ren�g itt30r j4, • r ` w� ti - a ; R Hi t, ort :Rosen zrix>Am1i31 flnar o` .Piibt,i c 'Worrk's C6 q, ,.- - R i 0 t� 0 a 0 Q J I q 1� g D LIP d. :19 ®P�P�SgJ •ter '+r1 I^ I i� F`i.I c.� as tJ c. r M1 ^ i -- �•. -•__ __ _. .