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lk Al -fl I ORDER r COUNCIL FILE NO. 221-150 By File No. 166W5 G In the Matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material HOYT AVEMM from Virginia Street to Western Avenues .4 under Preliminary Order 23M9 . approved September 12, 1964 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that t�lelti; a VA V Vll V C411R�1'IZR' -pJ -1111 rovement to be made by the sai City is to sn_ d_ space t�3t�i bit materia �a f . All orders in tl;a al,ove matter be and the same t ; t,,!'ix lled, annulled and revIn,2cd and ,ll rcc,�edings in said matter be discontinued, �d-theXxwncil. hereby orders said improvement to be ade. RESOLVED FURT the Commissioner of lic Works be and is hereby i ucted and directed to prepare plans and spec' tions for said improveme d submit same to the o cil for approval; that upon said approval, the roper city officials are hereby a horized and directed to - ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. DEC 2 21964 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays • Dalglish ]Holland' 1:oss Meredith Peterson Rosen Vavoulis 6-68 2M 8. R -1 Adopted by the Coune DEC 2 21964 Approve In Favor Mayor Against PUBLISHED p JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner THOMAS J. KELLEY, Deputy Commissioner DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 113 Court House, 55102 December 11, 1964 To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: 2 (1�JL L Phone: 224 -4612 Ext. 343 -344 I have examined the attached petition of remonstrance, filed in the matter of grading and surfacing Hoyt Avenue between Western and Virginia Avenues, and wish to report as follows: Amount of frontage involved in said improvement - 477.14 ft. Amount signed for on said petition - 477.14 ft. or 100% (Amount required by Charter - 507.) Number of resident owners involved - 4 Number who signed on said petition - 4 or 100% (Amount required by Charter.-,60%), From the above facts you will note that the petition of remonstrance is sufficient. ours very y ames J. D Commissioner of Finance Re: ' 16645 X22 i,EI✓I� _ ,PETITION OF REMONSTANCE' ; ." Whereas ;;ha Oicy of St. Paul, acting by and through its City Council, did approve Preliminary Order #2iyy58, 21V959, 21j960 and 219961 all dated Septemuer li, 1964, and Whereas said orders proposed to grade and surface the alley in block #3, Edwin M. Ware! Cumuerland addition Piai #2 uezween Hoyc and Idaho Avenue, and also grade and sumacs Hoyt Avenue Wetween Western and Virginia, and Whereas access is now provided from the existing alley to*the properties requiring such access and the remaining properties have an access from the existing streets, F 1 I. Fit r Now therefore, we the undersigned arrected property owners do hereby respectfully request the City Council to rescind said orders. ' WE W yvr VI-LT ANY IMPROVEMENTS IN OUR ALLEY. 96q DEC s PH 3 42 Taxpayer's Signiture A!jdreQg_- Lots owned Front_fo_tageDate CITY V is t,�v',e ,co • '�',./ :i /J fi /L t. .YI -J -F. KN r/. 1 CL �. ii U /%... • �i�• �, i(,o3 (/•IBC -rn rr �.� /. U 6 v -• / _ �i ' 2L, y • 77-1_,, ... / 0. V'11;1 ' t rya `Oiru - 1- c / i�res 1 Lo - - s' -! 4, — f' I D /�� X51 • �% vl- o ~I ED if iV 0 G C- 14'- ,%' 0 A 0 PL ,4T li v.l L 1 I GV /� NV:' -y r �%' � Y ! �J 7 � � i (• ' f ,.�� �� -JtJ Z� .I � % � [ •.v.L �i � � •7 ' � �� J' - Dear Hon. aLh s` J. D ignish .. - Comr. `of Fina�Ce Building Dear ' The City Council referred• to you_ f. ck as sufficiency the attached ' petition of remonstrance against ord for and surfacing the alley in Biock 3o Edwin M. -Were • s - Cupberlaud Plat 2 between Hoyt and _ Idaho Aves., `and for'graiiltag a as ayt Ave. between Western and Virginia. '- Hearing on-these matters scheduled December 22nd. Very trU4 yam's.. City Clerk _ _ - •N lik- 2211. 0 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS 220807 1 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE October 19., 19 64 To the Commissioner' of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary. order of the Council known as Council File No. 219960 approved_ September 11, 19 64 relative to gradimq and surfacing with bituminous material HOYT AVENUE from Western Avenue to Virginia Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, her reports: , 1. The estimated cost thereof is $, 6044. 0 d , _ 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is N Q act f1TN and made a part hereof, 1�U1b�l -�' OP 3. Initiated b the Commissioner of Public Works ks X �7N 4, Improvement is asked for upon petition 0,01 Commissioner of Public Works -v I _ I _ GOGas'� r i 6°d i 3 ix- 1 211 ALSErAAR' E % c� rI •� i 97. n a m w O FED d's L R 1 0 .1j SEORGE M. RD ° EUGENE AVERY E& AND HIGHWAY CITY O F "SAINT 'PAUL CH EENGINEER L ' ` f ENGINEERING COORDINATOR Capital of Minnesota J. M. COTTER, `• DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS s�RINTWDENT OF SANITATION 234 -City -Hall & Court House (2) `MILTON ROSEN ' . _ Commissioner - _ WILLIAM P. BEHRENS _ :R Deputy Commissioner } - � � - •'� �'' - ,/y�i 1. - **- - . 5 • �' - '' _a • °• •' f' r .� I ' ..;.J '; - il�ltober t'�'• .I,96-T L • .r ' .'�'f ' ` `T ±!' _ �- ' _ v rte. +v .'} / -� � k - '" , ,` -', •;� Novi,° .46 10, _ Gb.mi �sf•onbr, of P4 6anre , - it of, Saki Rt- Paul r. � t`�} �.pear~..S1rY f '.- ' -t ," •� : ", `�-y - ,� "� _ - ...' :;i=_ i'.R� y'' ,�_. �' _ - ��` •' :y. �• 1 J 4. �' _•• •I - 3�' -.�` ' 1•IL i ", �� '•Jt �1��'``•j� ' Y• ._ • 1- J, • the °rt'li�i nary/ Eartiinat of 'cost 'for radn° an - sur�atc ijgµ�vi h bltumiriou.s' -materfiai HWft" AVE from West rR Avenu€i to` uirgni:treet,, under pre9�i1nr ili-.d�r'C:,1'2�99�iQ, appr'ovetd Setber.' - 1 ,9 ; • _ _ - '!'atal. E,stim'g�ed Cast r' �• -' _ ;$'- � ©44,�!�- � - -� V. 0`§20,76I4Ci.t�/T�a 6br�tribiitior� � , ��` °�� a�41�t� � } .�5' 029.99 - .. �.• I+n- ji:��rer�$ng' _: :, ".,' " ` .. _ { _ f,, - ..` , 'S3g *�. � . � . ` _ ��i:.�: ` - ' '�. i T Iris eCtioil . _ : y - I' b .. s, yr, t � � . • ' ,z..; � _ - . 07, 7� r •. !r . finance' Ch�rge _.' 10. - 00 N Y - ' Cost - er front 'foot+., ' . ' • A. .- f•rOi�i -age •400 feot co "G�'ege Becice Approved - .1.wlrov�anet i:ng f n+a �'i f / 6hi.ef engineer ikon Ro� @� a `+ : Co, asai:ssion �' oi` �Publ,i for