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1000 City Hall Annex Green Sheet # ( D3
,, �
Presented Bp
Referred To
Committee: Date
1 WI�REAS, the property owner of 616 Wheelock Parkway West is in need of sidewalk and
2 driveway access over and across an azea of city-owned park land known as Wheelock Parkway,
3 shown on the attached map (Attachment "A"), a copy of which is on file in the Department of
4 Public W orks, Technical Services-Real Estate Office, in the file number 04-2006; and
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation ("Parks") has given
pennission to the said property owner to construct and maintain sidewalk and driveway access
over and across said city-owned pazk land, as stated in the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation
Commission's Resoluuon Numbered 06-12, adopted May 10, 2006, a copy of which is attached
hereto; and
WHEREAS, said properry owner must enter anto an agreement with the City of Saint Paul for the
construction and continued use of and access to Wheelock Parkway, and pay just compensation to
Parks as determined by an independent appraisal pursuant to Secuon 13.011 of the Saint Paul
City Charter; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the proper City officiats are hereby authorized and directed to enier into an
agreement with the property owner of 616 Wheelock Farkway West for access to Wheelock
Parkway; and be it further
RESOLVED, that just compensation for said access be paid by the owner of 616 Wheelock
Parkway West and deposited into the Parkland Replacement Fund and held in reserve for future
purchase of park property as required in Chapter 13.01.1 of the City Charter and that any other
costs incurred by the City of Saint Paul to complete any agreement, shall be fully compensated by
the property owner.
Council File # i��° "y�
Green Sheet #_ �U �PO .�
Page 2
Requested by Deparlment of:
and Recreation
Adopted by Council: Date �
Adoption Certified by Council Se etary
BY= ��lL�
Approve Y y ay �: D zv l�
By: _ �/'��
G.�Iteal AstareNacstions�Bcuce�2006�022006N22006.Ruolunon.doc
BY: �� �<.X�--�.I'
Form Ap ved by City Attorn y
By� " „"""`
Approv,ed a or for Submission to Council
By: '
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
DeDaAmen9nffir_o/%nvncl• Oa}n Inifiafad•
PW - Pub&cworks
ContactPerson & Phone:
B�uce Engei6rekt
Must Be on Council Agend
Tofal # of Signature Pages
� '
(Ciip NI Lo�ations for Sgnature)
Green Sheet NO: 3030603
0 bli Wo &roce�S elbrekt
4 unol
5 " C7erlc (S Clerk
Approve resolu6on to divert ciry park land abutting 616 W. Wheelock Pazkway for private sidewalk and driveway access across
Wheelock Pazkway, and authoxize city officials to enter into an agreement witl� the propezty owner for construcdon and use of the
sidewalk and driveway.
idations: Approee (A) or Reject (R):
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Citil Senice Commission
Personal Serviee Contracts Must
1. Has this persoNfirtn e�.er worked under a contract for this depaRment?
Yes No
2. Has this persoNSrtn eaer been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not rrortnally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Probiem, Issues, Oppor[unity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The abutfing property owner wishes to construct a sidewalk, driveway and garage on tlie east side of his property to allow for easier
access onto his property. The esisting tuck-ander gazage is on the west side of the house and opens to Dale Sffeet, making ingress,
egress and pazking very difficalt. The Pazks and Recreation Commission and Pazks staff recommend diversion of the pazkway f
sidewalk and driveway use.
Advantages IfAporoved:
The property owner will have sidewa]k and ckiveway access to his property. The City's Pazkland Replacement Fund will recei�
compensation foT the divecsion of city park land ' ,,'",���� �+ ` �°°""
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The pazkway will have a sidewaik and driveway across it that dces not presenUy e�st.
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Disadvantages lf Not ApProved:
The property owner will not have desirable sidewalk and driveway access to his property. The City will not receive addifional funds to
help acquire pazk property in the future. �C^C�,lCD
iotal Amount of
Trensaction: ��000 CosURevenueBUdgeted: N
Funding Source: prp��{y Oyy�g� Activily Num6er. �AS Qdl OFFICE
Ftnancia� �nfocmation: City awaidng results of independent appraisal of pazk land to be diverted. Amouot paid by property owner for
(F�cp�ain) �version may be more or less than $4,000. , f , ^_„
� �, �;�a^r^ �.
May 1, 2006 636 PM Pa e 1 �� ���� 1� ��
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PaCkS and
300 Ciry Ha11 Annex, 25 W. 4th Sffeet, Saint Paul, MN 55102 -(651)266-640p
WF3EREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission is an appointed body
established to advise the Mayor and City Council on long-range and city-wide matters related to
Parks and Recreation; and
WFiEREAS, Section 13.01.1 of the City Charter requires that the Commission review
any diversion or disposal of park property and present a recommendation to the Saint Paul Ciry
Council; and
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation, owns city parkway
property known as Wheelock Parkway spanning the cit}�s North End and Payne-Phalen
neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, Thomas Arndt owns land adjacent to the parkway at 616 Wheelock
Parkway West and has requested the diversion of a 39-foot section of the abutting parkway for
driveway access and a 25-foot section of the abutting parkway far sidewalk access (as shown on
Attachment "A"); and
WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation has determined that the parkway
property may be diverted for this purpose and recommends Commission support for the request;
now, there£ore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission concurs with
the request to divert city park land along Wheelock Parkway West through a license to the
abutting property owner at 616 Wheelock Paxkway West, and in accordance with City Charter
Section 13.01.1 recommends approval by the Saint Paui City Council.
Adopted by the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission on May 10, 2046:
Resolution 06-12
Yeas �
Nays �
Absent: ,�
Attested to by:
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Staff to the P rl and ecreation Commission
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Interdepartmental Memorandum
To: All Council Members
From: Bruce Engelbrekt
Real Estate Manager
1000 City Hal] Annex
Date: May 1, 200b
Subject: Public Works/Technical Services Division - Real Estate
Vacation File No. 04-2006
I recommend that a public hearing before the City Council be held on May 17, 2006.
The puipose of this hearing is to consider a resolution to divert ciry park ]and abutting 616 West
Wheelock Pazkway for a private sidewalk and driveway access across Wheelock Pazkway, and to
authorize city officials to enter into an agreement with the property owner for construction and
use of the driveway.
This property is located in City Council District 5, Planning District 6.
cc: Shari Moore
Office of the City Clerk
290 City Hall