221108221108 Council File No ...... . ...... ... __ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby proppsesthemakingof thefonowingpublic improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: —"Opei;"",widen,;--�nd--e:ktiend----JACKSON,-ErT.R,EF-r�-t-.t�,&--&-,wi,dth-.c-of,- .100-f.-�'et-,from.-.Ni.nth.,,S-t-reet--.to % 1 *1 street Tenth'Stredt by condemning and- taking 'fo'r purposes, the following described `p arcel of landMin the "0ity `of Sty `Paul: "` tle` westerly G`/+ feet `of"i,ot' 13`;" Au"iiitor''s `Sulidivs'iori' No. ... line and 1.33 feet on the Northeasterly line of said Lot 13. . ... . . ... . . ..... . . ...... .................. .. ........... .................. Ass ,c o r. ,IA!aaipg_anddt kj�ng a temporary easement for the purpose of enabling the City -es located or its agents to enteiF_Efiereon e 61byi g he - emi, yt , pr s at 486-494 Jackson Stteet, on the following ,d land., in.:fOe 6 ... - I.N.A_01 _Pt Paul: Lot 13 except the Southwesterly 44 feet and except the NorthwesterlyC,!jp-airt�tt-he-reof measuring 1.5 ' 6 feet on the Southwesterly line and 1.33 feet on the Northeasterly line of said__L_o_t_U;__and _the..S_outhwest_erly_.3_f eet _pf-Lpt.-1.2L exq pii-,tkq,—NqKt_b-vz!�s-tg-rly—I .13_feet of said Lot 12, all in Auditor's Subdivision No. 24, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --,.Opqn,..widen,-..Lnd;,.extand.,!Aci�,O${ STRkET.X Ninth ,Street ... t *".Tenth Street, by cond6mning,.,and. taking- for.streot es tt e, purpolp, h 'fbl�lowing.describe,d'pgtreel, of U it "iri ""tlie "Ci'tj�`bi 1St. &.wesflM5F­4:4et: o "E .... f �16V_13­ r. e 116. 2A _ xce pt , t. h..e .. North westerly,Ot� -hof, measuring . �:f i *t_dn _ q u _-t eTjy e ar-tere and 1.33 feet on the Northdasltdkly .... ........ .. ...... -'Aiso cotidesihinp , i and taking 'ix,-tempdrary .!Osement, for the pu bee of enabling the' _a 0 y"'P CZ"AWW 11, wreck the �' 'J�qj _� L - I TP 1 enabling City; or its-Agents a"enter thereon, o, wre. tWei entire -biiildTfig­o"'c'­­ "`i­"-­W,'­ premises" lsi�Aelld pupy ng tm premi at 46,�,"49oji&spn stteet, on t I ho.1ollowing described 'par'ciAg' `6:t land in the., 'C City of St Pault, j3Ve&qeotetho Ar r ..,Southwest L t -on 6*04pt,. eof measuring l...56 e juthi an& li.31,­�t e Northeasterly line'df f k festerly, lane said �Lq.t­ 131 and So2A46storiy 3 feet of -1ot except the o'rthwestetly,,' 1.33 feet iof 's -said -improve - uuu - U U_U 4. 1 4, r menv, luuu - 4,90 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. I .Er 1964 .. . Adopted by the Council. ............................... ......... ......................... YEAS w4 NAYS t' 1 199 .,�-Uncilman Dalglish DEC 6 Holland Approved----------- -- - -- --. Loss Peterson Rosen .................. . '4 MA. PRESIDENT Vavoulis MW 7-5i� 0 NBUSHED Mayor. DEC 191964.