221985 , ORIOINAL TO CITY GLHRK �� g �8� 1 , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ''��A+ : � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIG'�ENSE OQMMITTEF OUNCIL RES UTION—GENERAL FORM rk�reo eY Feb. 1$, 1965 ' COMMISSIONE DATF R�OLTTFD: Tha.t licenses applied for bv the follo�ng persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. A.C. Eggert & Vernon Aanenson 520 Flonr E�change Bldg.�'oods MPT?FT App,13504Renew n " 9v�213-221 n n r� Mancel H. Halryerson 5617 �. Logan Mpls. Tree Trii►nner & ZV�z33 �� � n 2p�23L�,_5 App��3510" i G}�own Meat & Provision Co.� Inc. �3 Hoover St. NE Mp1s. Foods MPI7W " 13511a n �� 9v#236-244 u n n - American Frn�t & Prodtzce Co. S,� Nicollet Mpls. Foods MPDW " 1.3513" _ n " 14V�245-z58 " " " Schweigert Meat Co., Inc. 2603 Emerson N. Mpls. Foods MPI]W " 13521" A n g��2E9-z77 " n n Ed Phillips & Sons Cc�. 2345 NE Kennedy MpZs. Bev.Al.&N1�1. � 13�2J�n n � annnannuttnnnnttnu 5��2�-285 a n u Indenendent Packin� Co. 209-11 N. 5th St. Mp1s. Foods Nff'DW " 13535�� n n ZFV�301-304 n n n R. g. Re�ners Co. 602 N. lst Mpls. Foods MPDW " 1353�z n " 3v#3o7-309 " a u I�raft Foods Di.vn. of Nat�.onal Da�r� Products Cbrp. Foods MPDW " 13578�� " 252.1 E. He*�nep�.n Mpls. 12V�421-432 n n o , Schumacher TrTholesale Meatis, Inc. S08 Second Ave.N. Mpls. Foods MP�JfnT " 13582" u n ��4,38-9-�,� n n n . B�nder Beverage Gb. 560 Olson Hwy. Bev..�l.&N�1, " 13�04" " Mpls. ►�v�34z-345 " �� �� Nationa.l Bi.scu�t Co. 749 St�neon B1vd. Foods MPDW " z3612� a � " 20V��0-3'�''9 n n n ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLBRK ��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO LIC�SE a.,�r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ . �RESENTED RY COMMISSIONEQ DATF FAt]� 1�� l q�� Contd. Page 2 I�ay Bros., Inc. 3501 N.tarshall NE Mpls. Foods MPUHT �pp.13616Renew n n �r�3��2 n n n Wfll�am F. I,ehman 8 W. Channel Foods MPDW " 13703'� n n 1TT�LF65 n n n ]�,andy Packi.ng Co. �19 2nd.�ve.PT. Mp1s. Foods MP�iJ " 137�" " 4V�456-469 n n n Happyt s Potatoe G'h�bp Co. 1114 U�ysses NE Mpls. Foods �PTJW " 13707" - ° n 1�,V�tE.15_,4,j$ n n n Florence E. Schurn�fer 130 Ba�es C�tering ° 13732" " " 3g#.rj11-513 n n n Gamble Robinson Co. 661 Fifth Ave.N.Mp1s. Foo�s MPDW " 1373$" n n � 8�#525-53� �� �� �� Fairmont Foods Co. 3836 N. Wash�ngtoa Ave. Milk Pa�t P].t. �� 13750" " I�! ls. n Qp ]_stv#565 n n n 2riC1V�5(�6 n u n " ". 3v#567-5f� n n n Super�.or Dairi.es, Inc. 2112 NE Broadway Mp1s. M�1k Past. P]_t." 13811" n " 1stV�(27 n n u n n � 2ndV#628 �� n tt i� " ��629-634 n �� n Ed Martin & Son 218 Di.vision St. " Foods N.CPDW " 13892" " " White Bear 1V�701 " " �� Russell Miller-Kfng M�das �i�ls, I�l.tfng Div. of Foods MPDHT " 13893" F. H. Peavey & Co, 860 Mpls. Grain Exchange 5V�702-706 " " " Frankli.n �reamexy, Inc. 2108 N. Washington Mpls. M�].lc P1ant " 1389H" n n 1.stV�77-0 n ° ° n ° 2nd.V,'�'jll n n u " p 2V� 2_ n n n - —�---3 � - � Adopted by the Counci�FEB 181965 COUNCILMEN 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish F�61$ ���� �d- . ` Approved 19— �- � Tn FsVOr ` Meredith Peterson � �- _ Against ,�k1BUSHED ��� ���� Mr.`President, Vavoulis lons e-as